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1、<p><b>  中文3040字</b></p><p>  附件1:外文資料翻譯譯文</p><p>  中西之間的文化交流:漢代的絲綢貿(mào)易</p><p>  3 .中西絲綢貿(mào)易的發(fā)展</p><p>  張騫和他的副特使并沒有直接與羅馬的建立絲綢貿(mào)易。在適當(dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)候張騫出使西域后,羅馬帝國變得強(qiáng)大而有力。

2、他們對中國絲綢的需求日益增加。中國絲綢是怎樣到達(dá)羅馬市場的?普林尼在他《自然史》一書中指出,中國絲綢首先被從陸運(yùn)或船運(yùn)至印度。隨后,印度商人把他們帶到了西部。</p><p><b>  3.1路線</b></p><p>  在張騫出使西域之前,古印度孔雀王朝的大臣寫了一本書叫政治評(píng)論,這本書描述了一個(gè)事實(shí),在公元前4世紀(jì),中國絲綢出口到印度,然后由印度商人運(yùn)到希臘

3、和羅馬。中國絲綢傳入印度通過了西北地區(qū)的絲綢之路,即西部絲綢之路的南部部分地區(qū),后分為兩條路徑傳遞皮沙縣和莎車。然后,他們被運(yùn)往往西到月氏族和巴克特里亞,然后朝西南至玄都 (現(xiàn)在麗爾在巴基斯坦)和罽賓(現(xiàn)在在阿富汗喀布爾) ,向南到印度河口河(現(xiàn)在在巴基斯坦的卡拉奇) ,最后到波斯和羅馬乘船。然而,這條路線是漫長而艱難的。這條航線上的中印貿(mào)易是不頻繁的。 “雖然路線上的城市有很好的的市場,商家團(tuán)隊(duì)卻要花費(fèi)數(shù)年的時(shí)間。 ”直到大約公元3?

4、4世紀(jì),印度商人團(tuán)隊(duì)選擇了另一個(gè)艱難的,但更短的路線,這條路線跨越印度河和喀喇昆侖山脈的山谷,通往喀什,莎車,和和田。一位印度學(xué)者巴什指出:“與中國的貿(mào)易最早出現(xiàn)在張騫的時(shí)代。張騫提到了布魯馬路,并注意到印度商人從中國西南部運(yùn)往印度的商品。 “事實(shí)是,張騫看到了來自中國的兩件商品,在西昌(今四川)制造的竹簽和在四川制造的亞麻織物,當(dāng)?shù)厝嗣褡鞒霰硎?,這些商品被運(yùn)往印度商人。</p><p>  有人說,這些貨物是通

5、過西南永昌路運(yùn)往印度。整個(gè)永昌路線包括兩個(gè)部分:第一是從陜西至四川段從長安到成都,第二是成都至印度部分從成都到印度。第一部分從長安開始, 經(jīng)過秦嶺,陳倉古道,褒斜道,金牛路,劍閣到成都。第二部分從成都開始, 路經(jīng)牦牛路, 邛都(現(xiàn)在四川西昌) ,金沙江,永昌縣(今天在云南省保山的東北) ,怒江,越城(現(xiàn)在的云南省瀘西) ,國彪(在今緬甸) ,并達(dá)印度卡在。竹簽和布可以通過這些路徑被運(yùn)往印度。我不認(rèn)為中國的絲綢已通過這種方式到達(dá)印度。永昌

6、路并非是一條“絲綢之路” 。當(dāng)時(shí),大多數(shù)的絲綢生產(chǎn)是在河北和山東省,然后匯聚在首都長安。張騫在巴克特里亞所看到的竹簽和布是在四川生產(chǎn)的,不需要通過永昌路線的第一部分。在長安的絲綢是不可能通過永昌路的第一部分運(yùn)輸?shù)摹T跂|漢時(shí)期,直到永平12年(公元69年),皇帝設(shè)立了永昌縣,陜西-四川段可以與成都-印度段部分被連接。但是,正如我們所知,永昌路的第一部分是世界上最艱難的道路。唐代的大詩人,李白(公元701年-762年) ,在他的詩中描述道:

7、“噫吁嚱, 危乎高哉! 蜀道之難, 難于上青天! ”因此,在張騫的時(shí)代,中國的絲綢不可能從中國的西南</p><p>  我們說在張騫出使西域之前和之后很久,中國絲綢并不是通過陸運(yùn)運(yùn)到印度的。我們從漢族歷史書中發(fā)現(xiàn)了一些證據(jù),漢皇家特使將黃金和絲綢帶到了南海附近的海岸。當(dāng)時(shí),在印度南部的港口收集和分發(fā)來自中國的絲綢和其他商品。到達(dá)這些港口后,絲綢將由印度商人通過紅海被運(yùn)到羅

8、馬。因此,海上航線是為中國絲綢通過印度,然后運(yùn)到羅馬的主要方法。</p><p><b>  3.2中間人</b></p><p>  印度是海上絲綢貿(mào)易過境國中的一個(gè)。那么在貿(mào)易中誰是土地中間人?肯定是匈奴統(tǒng)治期間天山北部地區(qū)的西部王朝,沒有辦法讓交易者通過義烏(哈密,現(xiàn)在的新疆維吾爾族自治區(qū)) 。南西北土地絲綢之路的路線是??貿(mào)易商從西漢至西域的唯一途徑。樓蘭(樓

9、蘭)成為絲綢貿(mào)易的主要中轉(zhuǎn)站。中國絲綢從樓蘭運(yùn)到波斯,然后到羅馬。當(dāng)張騫帶著特使們經(jīng)由大園,康居,月氏族,巴克特里亞,安溪,天竺,于闐,和五逆回到長安時(shí),這些地區(qū)開始與漢朝直接交易產(chǎn)品。隨后,他們將中國絲綢賣給羅馬。在絲綢貿(mào)易最中間的商人來自安溪。在“中后漢書·藝文志” “西域史”中記載: “國王常常希望派遣特使到漢朝,但安溪的商人想要壟斷中國絲綢。 ”甘英,東漢的特使,在公元97年授命前往羅馬,當(dāng)他趕到里海海岸時(shí),他聽到 :

10、“大海是巨大的。幸運(yùn)的話,人們可以在三個(gè)月內(nèi)通過它。如果遇到強(qiáng)風(fēng),可能花費(fèi)兩年。于是人們就準(zhǔn)備了三年的食物。有時(shí)候人們只是由于長時(shí)間的海上旅行而死于思鄉(xiāng)?!币恍┭芯咳藛T認(rèn)為,當(dāng)?shù)厝烁嬖V甘英的外交使團(tuán)大海如此難以跨越是為了絲綢中產(chǎn)與羅馬的貿(mào)易。甘應(yīng)考慮了時(shí)間和風(fēng)險(xiǎn),并最終放棄了去羅馬的計(jì)劃。他回到了洛陽。因此,延遲了中國與羅馬之間的絲綢</p><p><b>  3.3利潤</b></

11、p><p>  經(jīng)過長途運(yùn)輸,并通過幾個(gè)交易員,中國絲綢是貴如金。有人說,一匹中國絲綢值12梁(中國古代貨幣單位,16梁相當(dāng)于半公斤)黃金。據(jù)普林尼在他的《自然史》中的估計(jì),羅馬每年由于貿(mào)易損失至少一億金幣到印度,中國和阿拉伯半島。據(jù)羅馬歷史文件,絲綢的進(jìn)口價(jià)值1億羅馬金幣。在漢代,漢武帝鼓勵(lì)貿(mào)易,并提出政策,以高價(jià)進(jìn)口和低價(jià)出口,使用高利潤刺激西域,中亞和西亞的商人參與到中西貿(mào)易。羅馬的黃金完全沒有來中國。安溪和羅

12、馬的交易員賺很多。在羅馬,當(dāng)?shù)氐纳倘送ㄟ^與安溪和印度的海上貿(mào)易賺取了十倍的利潤。</p><p>  豐厚的利潤,像一塊磁鐵,吸引了來自中亞和西亞的商人。他們中間的特使來到了中原。由于張騫的特使團(tuán)從西域回來,許多來自不同地區(qū)的商人以進(jìn)貢的名義加入到絲綢貿(mào)易。 “該交易商在絲綢貢獻(xiàn)的名稱。 ”在東漢曹國偉訪問了西域后,來自五十多個(gè)國家的商人參加了絲綢貿(mào)易。他們?nèi)找岳^夜的來來往往。根據(jù)一系列的西部地區(qū)的探索,奧萊爾斯

13、坦因考古學(xué)家發(fā)現(xiàn)了竹簡外語(粟特文,佉盧文,梵文) ,裝飾面料,并從考古遺址中發(fā)現(xiàn)了來自新疆和甘肅西部的地毯圖案拖鞋。顯然,沿著從中原到西域的道路,中亞商人留下了很多東西。</p><p>  3.4面料和技術(shù)的交換</p><p>  除了賺取黃金,漢代商人還用絲綢交換各種羊毛制品。在一封曹國偉他弟弟給他的信中寫道, “我們計(jì)劃用三百匹白色絲綢與西域進(jìn)行交易 ”一首名為“旅游隴西”的古詩

14、中說: “邀請客人進(jìn)北房間,并要求他們坐在地毯上“ 。隴西地處中部平原西北部,這首詩告訴人們使用的地毯可能是從西域交換來的。奧萊爾斯坦因測驗(yàn)了從塔里木盆地漢墓中出土的精致的地毯碎片,并得出結(jié)論認(rèn)為地毯上的無疑是羅馬的字符。無論他們是本地生產(chǎn)或從中亞進(jìn)口,它證明了文化的力量。因此,它證明不僅羊毛制品來自古希臘和古羅馬,而且在塔里木盆地的人們學(xué)會(huì)了制造生產(chǎn)羊毛制品的技術(shù)和模式。</p><p><b>  

15、4 .結(jié)論</b></p><p>  首先,關(guān)于絲綢貿(mào)易存在的時(shí)間,作為學(xué)者的共識(shí),中西方的絲綢貿(mào)易存在于張騫出使西域前,在他的兩個(gè)任務(wù)之后,絲綢之路更加的順暢和繁榮。從漢代到唐代,中國和西方的絲綢貿(mào)易前11世紀(jì)主要依靠陸路交通。其次,在古時(shí)候,西域,作為必要的陸路運(yùn)輸絲綢貿(mào)易的通道,總是被強(qiáng)大的北方游牧部落或中原王朝所占據(jù)。在漢代,匈奴人和漢族競爭著絲綢之路。第三,中國和西方的絲綢貿(mào)易不是一站式運(yùn)


17、人與人之間的關(guān)系在人類歷史已經(jīng)呈現(xiàn)了顯著的意義。在漢代的絲綢貿(mào)易,社會(huì)關(guān)系使長途絲綢貿(mào)易成為可能。不同的人會(huì)創(chuàng)造不同的文化。但是,跨文化交換需要社會(huì)關(guān)系。社會(huì)性始終是人類的天性,文化是讓人們知道如</p><p><b>  附件2:外文原文</b></p><p>  The Cultural Exchange between Sino-Western: Silk

18、Trade in Han Dynasty</p><p>  Xiaoyan Wang and Jinsuo Zhao</p><p><b>  Abstract</b></p><p>  As we all know, the Silk Road, as a famous ancient transportation route, was

19、 a trade line cross-Eurasian continent in history. Its name was from the delivery of silk. However, no Chinese ancient documents mentioned the name of “Silk Road”. German F. V. Richthofen (1933-1905) firstly used the ter

20、m “Silk Road” in his book China, published in 1877. Afterwards, the name of “Silk Road” has been accepted universally and used by the world widely. The Silk Road was an ancient business channel, acrossing</p><

21、p>  Keywords: Han Dynasty, Silk, China, Rome, Trade</p><p>  1. China’s Silk production and the Western demand for Chinese Silk</p><p>  China is the first country starting sericulture and si

22、lk weaving in the world. It was said that as early as the time of Fu Xi, Chinese knew sericulture. No later than the time of Emperor Yellow, people began to make closes by silk. Archaeologists unearthed more than 6900 ye

23、ars old textile tools and silkworm pictures of the Neolithic Age in Yuyao, Zhejiang province, and more than 4700 years old plain silk sheets of the Neolithic Age in Qianshanyang, Wuxing County, Zhejiang province, which p

24、roved </p><p>  Chinese silk exported to the West. It was a solid fact with archaeological proofs. Amounts of Chinese silk hasbeen found in clusters of tombs in Cartoon River (the area of Katanjin), Bolaili

25、River (the area of Bolaili), Wuer Suer River (the area of Xibin, Basha Daer, etc.), Wulagan River (the area of Baze Leike) of Altai Region of Gorno in the former Soviet Union. These silk was produced in the 6th century B

26、.C. to the 5th century B.C. In Village Stuttgart, Hawk Davidoff, Germany, archaeologist u</p><p>  Because of the export of Chinese silk to the West, the Greek has named China as “Seres” around the 5th centu

27、ry B.C. “Seres” is Greek, meaning the place producing silk or people selling silk. These facts confirm that Chinese silk has exported to the West far before the mission of Qian Zhang to Western Regions.</p><p&

28、gt;  However, for a very long period, the West only imported silk but did not know how to weave silk. Untill the 1st century AD the naturalist Gais Pliny did not know where silk came from. He believed Chinese silk grew i

29、n trees in his “Natural History”. Because silk was from faraway China, long distance resulted in expensive silk. The price even reached 600g gold per pound silk. The Rome nobility was crazy for Chinese silk, which caused

30、 a huge loss of golden coins. Therefore, the Rome senate forbad p</p><p>  Chinese silk is world-famous with its soft, gentle, colorful, and dazzling nature. People from all countries in the world love to we

31、ar silk. The Rome named Chinese silk as “Dayeboer”, meaning “vivid” and “realistic” in Greek. Lucette Boulnois said in his The Silk Road: “After the Rome knew silk, they not only spoke highly of it, but also sought for i

32、t.” Gais Pliny in his Natural History recorded: Chinese silk “woven beautiful cloth and shipped into Rome. The rich and noble women wore silk clothe</p><p>  2. Qian Zhang’s Mission to Western Regions (Xiyu)

33、</p><p>  Before I reach the Qina Zhang’s Mission, let me say a little bit of silk productions that made in the Central Plains. In Han Dynasty (202 BC-AD184), techniques of silk-made, texitile, dyeing, and e

34、mroidery have improved significantly. Various silk appeared, including Jin, Qi, Luo, Sha, Gao, Su, Lian, Jian, Juan, Ling, Chou, Wan, Man, Qing, Fu, etc. Patterns were richer, such as clouds pattern, geometric pattern, b

35、ird and animal pattern, auspicious words pattern, and hunting patterns. The most fa</p><p>  The Emperor Wu of Han, Che Liu was a kind of crave for greatness and success. As the Hun threaten the Empire for m

36、any years, he decided to defeat it. The aim of Qian Zhang’s Mission to Western Regions for an alliance with the Darouzhi, nomadic people who migrated from north areas of the Central Plains to west for escape from the Hun

37、’s hitting decades ago, to strike the Hun together. With the national mission, Qian Zhang started with over 100 people for Western Regions in 139 BC. when Qian Zhang </p><p>  The two missions of Qian Zhang

38、to Western Regions formed the basic route of Silk Road, namely the Silk Road in a narrow meaning. According to the political and geographical distribution at that time, people divided the entire Silk Road into three sect

39、ions from the east to the west: the eastern section, the middle section, and the western section. The eastern section started from the Capital Chang’an (Xi’an , Shaanxi province now) in the Western Han Dynasty or the Cap

40、ital Luoyang (Henan province </p><p>  Encouraging by Qian Zhang’s missions to Western Regions, a group of ministers and merchants requested to visit Western Regions. According to the record in the book Hist

41、ory of Han Dynasty, envoys and merchants were so many that they could see eath other on the road. The large group of envoys included several hundreds of people, and the small group included more than one hundred people.

42、In one year, five to six, or even ten groups of envoys started or accomplished their missions. They followed dif</p><p>  3. The Development of Sino-Western Silk Trade</p><p>  Qian Zhang and hi

43、s vice envoy did not establish the silk trade with Rome directly. At the right time after Qian Zhang’s mission to Western Regions, the Rome Empire grew strongly and powerfully. They had an increasing need for Chinese sil

44、k. How did Chinese silk reach Rome market? Pliny pointed out in his book Natural History that Chinese silk was transported from land or shipped to India firstly. Then, the Indian merchants took them to the west.</p>

45、;<p><b>  3.1 Route</b></p><p>  Before Qian Zhang’s mission to Western Regions, a minister of the ancient India Dynasty of Peacock wrote a book named Political Comments , which described

46、the fact in 4th century B.C. that Chinese silk was exported to India and then shipped to Greece and Rome by Indian merchants. Chinese silk to India passed the north-west land Silk Road, namely the southern section of Sil

47、k Road in Western Regions, which was divided into two paths after passing Pishan and Shache. Then they were transported towar</p><p>  It was said that these goods were shipped via the southwest Yongchang ro

48、ute to India. The Whole Yongchang Route included two sections: the first was the Shaanxi-Sichuan section from Chang’an to Chengdu, and the second was the Chengdu-India section from Chengdu to India. The first section sta

49、rted from Chang’an, acrossing Qinling, old road of Chencang, Baoxie road, Jinniu road, and Jiange to Chengdu. The second section started from Chengdu, acrossing Maoniu road, Qiongdu (Xichang, Sichuan province</p>

50、<p>  We say that before and long after Qian Zhang’s mission to Western Regions, Chinese silk was not transported via land roads to India. As some evidences we found from the documents of the Han history books that

51、the Han royal envoys had taken gold and silk to countries near the south sea by the coast. At that time, harbors in the south of India were places for gathering and distributing silk and other commodities from China. Aft

52、er arriving at these harbors, silk would be shipped to Rome by Indian m</p><p>  3.2 Middleman</p><p>  India was one of the transit countries in sea silk trade. Then who was the land middle man

53、 in the trade? It was sure that the Huns dominated the north regions of Tianshan Mountains during the period of Western Dynasty, there was no way for traders passing Yiwu (Hami, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region now). The

54、 south route of north-west land Silk Road was the only way for traders from Western Han Dynasty to Western Regions. Kroraina (Loulan) became the main transfer station for silk trade. Chinese</p><p>  3.3 Pro

55、fits</p><p>  After long-distance transportation and passing several traders, Chinese silk was as expensive as gold. It was said that one Pi of Chinese silk worthed 12 liang (ancient Chinese monetary unit, 1

56、6 liang amount half a kilo)gold. According to the estimation of Pliny in his Natural History, Rome lost at least 100 million golden coins to India, China, and Arabian Peninsula annully due to trade. According to Rome his

57、tory documents, the import of silk valued 100 million Rome golden coins. In Han Dynasty</p><p>  Rich profits, like a magnet, acctracted merchants from Central Asia and Western Asia. They were in the middle

58、of envoys came to the Central Plains. As the vice envoy of Qian Zhang returned from Western Regions, many merchants from different regions followed, in the name of contribution, engaging in silk trade. “The merchants tra

59、ded silk in the name of contribution.” After Chao Ban in Eastern Han Dynasty visited Western Regions, merchants from more than fifty countries joined the silk trade. They</p><p>  3.4 The exchange of fabrics

60、 and techniques</p><p>  In addition to earning gold, the merchants in Han Dynasty exchanged all kinds of wool products with silk. In a letter to Chao Ban from his brother Gu Ban, “We planed to use three hun

61、dred Pi white silk to trade with Western Regions.” An ancient poem named “Travel in Longxi” said: “Invitated guests into the north room, and asked them sat on a carpet”. Longxi located in Northwest of Central Plains, the

62、 poem told that people used carpets which probably were exchanged from Western Regions. Aurel Stei</p><p>  4. Conclusion</p><p>  Firstly, about the time of the silk trade existence, as the con

63、sensus of scholars, the Sino-Western silk trade existed before the Qian Zhang’s mission to Western Regions, after the two his missions, the Silk Road was more smooth and prosperous. From the Han Dynasty to Tang Dynasty,

64、the Sino-Western silk trade mainly depended on the land transportation before 11 Century. Secondly, At ancient time, Western Regions, as the necessary channel for land transportation of silk trade, was always grabbed <


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