

1、International Law,主講教師: wulanfang,Chapter One: Introduction to International Law,This chapter introduces to the basic principles of modern public international law. It provides an overview of the historical and the- ore
2、tical context within which that law has developed and discusses the functions international law performs.,1.The Conception of International Law 2.Historical Development of Modern International Law 3.The Source of Inte
3、rnational Law 4.The relationship between international law and municipal law,1. The Conception of International Law,1.1 The definition:,國際法 英文稱為International Law,是近代用以指國家之間的法律的名稱,現(xiàn)已成為國際通用的名稱。國際法一詞的詞源,可以追溯至羅馬法。它在西方文獻
4、中最初是以拉丁文jus gentium(萬民法)的名稱出現(xiàn),后來又擴展為law of nations(萬國法)。,近代國際法的奠基人,“For God has given conscience a judicial power to be the sovereign guide of human actions, by despising whose admonitions the mind is stupefied into brut
5、al hardness.",Hugo Grotius (1583-1645),英國哲學家和法學家,"Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do as well as to
6、determine what we shall do. On the one hand, the standard of right and wrong, on the other the chain of causes and effects, are fastened to their throne.",Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832),最早使用“萬國公法”名稱的美國傳教士,崇實中學創(chuàng)立者丁
7、韙良博士,崇實學校鳥瞰圖,According to Oppenheim’s international law: International law is the body of rules which are legally binding on states in their intercourse with each other.,Gerhard von Glahn :International Law, may be defin
8、ed as the body of rules and principles of action which are binding upon civilized states in their relations with one another.,Traditional definition:International law used to be defined as the law that governs relations
9、between states. Under the traditional definition, only states were subjects of international law; that is, only states were deemed to have rights and obligations that international law recognized.,Modern definition: Co
10、ntemporary international law, although still considered to be principally the law governing relations between states, is no longer deemed to be exclusively limited to those relations. It has a wide reach and is more prop
11、erly defined as law that deals "with the conduct of states and of international organizations and with their relations inter se, as well as with some of their relations with persons, whether' natural or juridica
12、l.",1.2 The character,1.2.1 The subjects are different rules of international law are primarily those which govern the relations of states, but states are not the only subjects of international law. Internat
13、ional organizations and, to some extent, also individuals may be subjects of rights conferred and duties imposed by international law.,This definition goes beyond the traditional definition of international law as a syst
14、em composed solely of rules governing the relations between states only.,1.2.2 The way of creating are different 1.2.3 The scopes of enforcement are different 1.2.4 The source of enforcement/The methods of carr
15、ying out are different,1.3 The basis of enforcement of international law,Questions about enforcement arise the moment international law is mentioned. In addressing these questions, it is important to ask whether we are t
16、alking about enforcement on the national or on the international plane. On the national plane, international law tends to be enforced by courts and administrative agencies in much the same manner as any other national la
17、w. The answer is more complex when we turn to the international plane,,Traditional ideas:Naturralists and PositivistsModern ideas:Theory of power politics and policy-oriented theory,國際法的效力根據(jù)的問題是指國際法何以具有法律約束力的問題。對于這個問題,國
19、”和“政策定向?qū)W說”兩種。,自然法學派(Naturalists): 當今世界范圍內(nèi)居主流地位的法學學派。代表人物為如格勞秀斯、洛克、孟德斯鴻、盧梭、潘思、杰斐遜等。 主要論點:法律本身就是自然法,或者說在制定法、習慣法的上面或后面是自然法,實在法是從自然法獲得效力的。自然就是本性、理性、正義,是人的本性或者事物的本性,而法律是從這些本性中產(chǎn)生或推論出來的。,a、國際法上最早的自然法學家要算西班牙的維多利亞和蘇亞利茲 。維多利亞
20、給國際法下的定義是:“自然理性在所有國家之間建立的法?!眀、17世紀,主要代表人物是德國自然法和國際法教授普芬道夫 。他認為“只有自然法在支配國家間的關(guān)系;條約是從自然法取得其合法性和約束力;國際法是自然法的一部分,此外再也沒有什么基于普遍同意的實在國際法?!?c、第一次世界大戰(zhàn)后,出現(xiàn)了新自然法學派,這一學派的主要特點是把某種價值觀或法律觀奉為國際法的效力根據(jù)。主要有: 社會連帶法學派(Sol
21、idarists) ,代表人物有法國的狄驥和美國的龐德 。他們認為法律的根據(jù)在于社會連帶關(guān)系。國際法效力的根據(jù)是“各民族的法律良知”。 規(guī)范法學派(Normativists) ,代表人物有美籍奧地利法學家凱爾遜 。他們認為整個法律體系的最上級是國際法規(guī)范,它的效力來源于一個“最高規(guī)范”或稱“原始規(guī)范”。,實在法學派(Positivists) 該學派把國際法主要建立在習慣和條約基礎之上,即強調(diào)
22、人定法,而不是自然立法。 a、這一學派的發(fā)起人是英國的邊沁 , 奧斯汀繼承和發(fā)展了邊沁的思想。 b、最先使用實在法學派觀點看待國際法的是荷蘭的賓刻舒克 。 c、實在法學派認為,國際法效力的根據(jù)不是抽象的“人類理性”,而是現(xiàn)實國家的同意或共同意志。英國國際法教授奧本海就屬這一派。他認為“各國的共同同意(common con
23、sent)是國際法效力的根據(jù)?!?格老秀斯學派,即折衷法學派(Grotians)。 代表人物有德國的沃爾夫和瑞士的瓦特爾 。這一學派一方面認為自然法是國際法效力的根據(jù),另一方面又承認國家的同意也是國際法效力的根據(jù)。,新自然法學派興起的同時,出現(xiàn)了新現(xiàn)實主義學派 。這個學派現(xiàn)今有兩種比較流行的學說: 權(quán)力政治學說 (the Theory of Power Politics),認為國際
24、法存在的基礎和效力根據(jù)是“勢力均衡”。 政策定向?qū)W說 (the Policy-oriented Approach),認為國際法的效力取決于國家的對外政策 。,我國國際法在國際法效力根據(jù)問題上通行的提法是國際法效力的根據(jù)是各國統(tǒng)治階級的意志,但這種意志不可能是各國的共同意志而是體現(xiàn)在國際習慣和條約中的“各國的協(xié)調(diào)意志”(周鯁生)。,1.4 The effect of the internationa
25、l law,1.4.1 International law provides a legal standard to judge right or wrong 1.4.2 International law is norm of action of states 1.4.3 International law is a legal form to establish a relation of rights and
26、duties,2.Historical Development of Modern International Law,When we trace back to history, we find the international law has gone through four times.But the modern system of international law is usually traced back to t
27、he peace of Westphalia 1648.,2.1 The changes of international relationship after world war two.2.2 New development of modern international law 2.2.1 Creat some new principles 2.2.2 The object and scope are broade
28、ned 2.2.3 The contents renew much 2.2.4 Becomes systematic statute book 2.2.5 Becomes more and more specialized,3. The Source of International Law,How do we know whether a given rule is international law? This q
29、uestion can be answered only by reference to the sources of international law and by analyzing the manners in which international law is made or how it becomes law binding on the international plane.,3.1 The conception o
30、f source of International Law,The source of a rule of law is to be found in the process by which it first becomes a rule of conduct with legal force and from which it derives its legal validity.,3.2 According to article
31、38 of Statute the International Court of Justice,it reads as follows:,1. The Court, whose function is to decide in accordance with international law such disputes as are submitted to it, shall apply:(a) international con
32、ventions, whether general or particular, establishing rules expressly recognized by the contesting states; (b) international custom, as evidence of a general practice accepted as law; (c) the general principles of law re
33、cognized by civilized nations;,(d) subject to the provisions of Article 59, judicial decisions and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations, as subsidiary means for the determination o
34、f rules of law. 2. This provision shall not prejudice the power of the Court to decide a case ex aequo et bono(公允及善良), if the parties agree thereto.],4. The relationship between international law and municipal law,The re
35、lationship between international law and municipal law has been the subject of much doctrinal dispute.,4.1 The theories,4.1.1 Monism according to the monistic doctrine, the two systems of law are part of one single
36、 legal structure, the various national systems of law being derived by way of delegation from the international legal system. Since international law can be seen as essentially part of the same legal order as municipal l
37、aw, it can be regarded as incorporated in municipal law, giving rise to no difficulty of principle in its application as international law within states.,About monism,there are also two views:internal law is superior to
38、 international law; international law is superior to internal law,4.1.2 Dualism According to dualism, international law and the internal law of states are totally separate legal systems. there were th
39、ree fundamental differences between the two systems:,a. The subjects of state law are individuals, while the subjects of international law are states solely and exclusively. b. Their juridical origins are different;
40、the source of state law is the will of the state itself, the source of international law is the common will (Gemeinwille) of states.,c. international law consists of the most part of customary and treaty rules, whereas m
41、unicipal law, on the other hand, consists mainly of judge-made law and of statutes passed by municipal legislatures.,Such a view avoids any question of the supremacy of the one system of law over the other since they sha
42、re no common field of application: each is supreme in its own sphere.,4.2 The relationship,They are two relative legal systems:difference interact,4.3 In practice:,4.3.1 How to carry out?transform
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