1、Liner Category Overview,Liner Sales & Price Trend, NationalMarket Growth Rate Slow Down,%Sales Growth( MAT ON03 vs ON02 )+10% - in volume0% - in value,Liner Segment Importance & Growth, NationalUltra Thin/Bre
2、athable More Welcome With Importance Increasing,Volume base,MAT %Growth,7%,46%,2%,2%,-8%,Value base,-2%,31%,-8%,-9%,-15%,,,Liner Prod. Segment Importance, Nat.,Volume base,,Liner Prod. Segment Importance, Nat.,Value base
3、,,Volume Share,Value Share,Liner, National Top Brands ShareCarefree Leading Share Maintain; Small Locals Gained Share Yearly,MAT,ON02,MAT,ON03,Share,Difference,,Share,Difference,,,MAT,ON02,MAT,ON03,CAREFREE,16.9,17.1,0.
4、2,SOFY,17,15.8,-1.2,ANERLE,9.6,9.6,0,C&B,7.2,5.4,-1.8,WHISPER,3.9,4.5,0.7,YIMUCAO,1.3,2.9,1.6,SOFT,1.2,2.2,1,LADY CARE,2.7,1.9,-0.8,BEST,1.6,1.8,0.2,HAO S.S.,1.7,1.7,0,O.BRAND,36.9,37.1,0.2,CAREFREE,18.6,18.6,-0.1,SO
5、FY,16.9,16,-0.8,ANERLE,11.4,11.8,0.4,WHISPER,5.5,5.7,0.3,C&B,7.3,5,-2.4,YIMUCAO,1.3,3.1,1.7,LADY CARE,3.7,2.8,-0.9,ABC,2,2.6,0.6,SOFT,1.1,2,0.9,HAO S.S.,1.5,1.5,0,O.BRAND,30.7,30.9,0.2,,Liner Top Brand Vol. Share Tre
6、nd, Nat.Carefree Maintain Leading Share Position And Share Stagnant In Latest Half Year,Top 5 All,(Liner Base),,Liner Top Brand Val.Share Trend, Nat.Same As Value,Top 5 All,(Liner Base),Liner Top Brand Distribution Tre
7、nd, Nat.Distribution Compete Head With Key Competitors,Weighted Distribution,,Liner, Top Brand Price Trend-NationalKey Competitors Price Maintain Stable During Latest Year,Rmb/Pcs,ON01,ON02,DJ03,FM03,AM03,JJ03,AS03,ON0
9、.22,0.22,0.21,0.21,YIMUCAO,0.21,0.19,0.19,0.18,0.18,0.18,0.19,0.19,SOFT,0.23,0.16,0.16,0.16,0.16,0.17,0.17,0.15,LADY CARE,0.27,0.27,0.26,0.27,0.26,0.26,0.27,0.26,BEST,0.19,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.12,0.13,HAO S. S.,0.1
10、7,0.16,0.15,0.14,0.16,0.16,0.15,0.15,O.brand,0.17,0.16,0.15,0.14,0.16,0.16,0.15,0.15,,,,Carefree Variant Sales&Growth, Nat.,Volume Sales,Value Sales,Liner, Carefree Variant Share, NationalVariant Share Stable In Lat
11、est Half Year,Volume Share,(Liner Base),Value Share,Carefree Variant Distribution & Price,Nat.Drapable High Price Could Be An Issue to Prevent Our Share Further Improvement,Weighted Distribution,Rmb/Pcs,,Liner, Whis
12、per Variant Share, National,Volume Share,(Liner Base),Value Share,Whisper Variant Distribution & Price,Nat.,Weighted Distribution,Rmb/Pcs,Sofy Variant Share, NationalShare Decline On Reg. Which Stands For 70% Of Its
13、 Sales; Fresh Failed To Improve Share Yearly,Volume Share,(Liner Base),Value Share,Sofy Variant Share, NationalGreen Tea Price Position In Medium Range,Weighted Distribution,Rmb/Pcs,Liner Share By Price Tier, NationalM
14、edium and Low Price Dominate the Market; While Premium Gained Importance Yearly,Volume Base,Value Base,Note, price is judged down to sub brand level.,,Liner 0.20~0.25Rmb/pcs Share By Brand, Nat.Share Driven By MNB,MAT O
15、N02,MAT ON03,MAT ON02,MAT ON03,0.20~0.25rmb/pcs,18.4,21.8,21.7,27,ANERLE,9.6,9.6,11.4,11.8,WHISPER,2.8,4.1,3.2,4.8,SOFY,3.7,4.2,4.1,5.2,TOU QI,2.1,1.6,2.4,1.8,FRESH,0.1,1.6,0.2,2.1,ROU MIAN,1.4,1,1.6,1.3,Carefree Drap.,2
16、.4,3.3,Volume Share,Value Share,,Liner Sales Growth By City,10%,0%,6%,7%,7%,13%,-7%,13%,-1%,4%,Volume base,Value base,MAT %Growth,Liner Key Brand Volume Share By CityCarefree Share Stagnant Across City,4 City,A City,BCD
17、 City,Town,Vol.%,+/- % YA,Vol.%,+/- % YA,Vol.%,+/- % YA,Vol.%,+/- % YA,CAREFREE,29.6,0,16.7,-0.2,10.1,-0.3,11.5,4.3,SOFY,26.9,-0.3,15,-5.3,10.5,0.5,7.1,4.8,ANERLE,3.5,-0.2,9.8,-0.9,13.4,0.2,10.6,3.3,WHISPER,5.4,0.4,5.9,0
18、.4,3.4,1,1.7,1.2,C&B,6.1,-2.2,6.3,-0.5,4.9,-2.7,0.7,-1.4,YIMUCAO,1.7,0.9,2.5,1.5,4.4,2.3,0.3,-0.6,SOFT,0.7,0.4,3,1.7,2.6,1.1,1.3,-0.6,LADY CARE,1.5,0,3.2,-1.2,1.3,-0.7,0.5,-2.1,BEST,1.3,0.6,2.1,0.6,2.1,-0.4,0.2,0.1,H
19、AO S. S.,0.1,0,2.3,0.9,2.3,-0.1,1.6,-3.2,O.BRAND,23.2,0.4,33.2,3,45,-0.9,65.2,-5.8,,,,Liner, Key Brand Vol. Share by City TierCarefree Share Stagnant All City Tier,(Liner Base),4 City,A City,BCD City,Town,Carefree,Sofy,
20、Whisper,Anerle,C&B,,Liner Sales Growth By RegionSize Grew Fast In West/South,10%,0%,25%,12%,-14%,-3%,1%,23%,11%,8%,Volume base,Value base,MAT %Growth,Liner, Key Brand Vol. Share by Region,(Liner Base),South,East,Nor
21、th,West,Carefree,Sofy,Whisper,Anerle,C&B,Liner Key Brand Volume Share By Region,South,East,North,West,Vol.%,+/- % YA,Vol.%,+/- % YA,Vol.%,+/- % YA,Vol.%,+/- % YA,CAREFREE,22.4,0.1,15.6,0.3,18.7,-0.4,10.9,0.8,SOFY,15.
23、4.2,2.2,0.7,0,LADY CARE,2.3,-1.7,1.4,-0.3,2.1,-0.8,2.1,-1,BEST,0.9,0.4,2,-0.4,2.5,1.1,1.2,0.1,HAO S. S.,2.5,-0.6,1.8,0,1,0.1,1.6,0.4,OTHERS,29.7,3.7,40.4,-0.1,39.1,0.4,35.9,-1.1,,,,Market Share by Pack Share, National,Vo
24、lume Base,Value Base,Category Overview, Liner,Total category size came to stable in the past one year (Threat)Ultrathin Breathable product become more popular(Opportunity), size increased rapidly and gaining share conti
25、nuously from others.(accounted 27%in volume and 30% in value)Low and Medium(0.20rmb/pcs below ) segment dominated market(Threat); while premium (0.2~0.25rmb/pcs) importance increasing, which was driven by MNB premium li
26、nes,Category Overview, Liner,Carefree leading position and share stable in year trend(Strength)Drapable launch cannibalize share on super esp Non Breathable suggesting upgrade Carefree user while not expand Carefree con
27、sumer group(challenge), price could be issueShare stagnant in all city tier(challenge)Sofy lose share to small local brands and struggled in No.2 in last yearFresh launch not help it share gain, while Regular share in
28、 declining trend(Opportunity)Green Tea new launch and was firstly captured in ON03 scored small share, and priced medium,Issues,How Carefree Can Further Improve In Developed City By Gaining On Sofy?Opportunity explora
29、tion in BCD marketSofy Green Tea Launch Review,How Carefree Can Further Improve In Key City,Liner, Key Brand Volume Share In 4+ASofy Is Our Key Competitor In Developed City,ANERLE,6.7,6.8,6.5,7.1,7.2,7.1,7.1,C&B,6
30、.5,6.2,6.9,6.6,6.2,5.7,5.8,YIMUCAO,1.3,1.5,1.9,2.1,2.3,2.3,2.6,LADY CARE,2.6,2.6,2.3,2.4,2.3,2.6,2.4,ABC,1.2,1,1.3,1.1,1.8,1.8,2.1,Liner Carefree vs Sofy Variant Share, Key CityOpportunity To Grab Share From Sofy Reg.;
31、Drapable Litter Further Improvement,Carefree,Sofy,,Volume Share(Liner Base),Carefree vs Sofy UT Price Comparison, 4+ACarefree Super NB Price Down Trend and Competitive vs Sofy Reg,,,Carefree,Sofy,Rmb/Pcs,Carefree Super
32、NB vs Sofy Reg. SKU Share & Price4+A CitiesCarefree Share Behind Sofy On SKU Level, While Price Competitive,Volume Share,0.16,0.16,0.15,0.15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Rmb/Pcs,(Rmb/Pck),,In4+A, 2*40pcs pack importance is abou
33、t 10% in volume and maintain yearly,Carefree Super NB vs Sofy Reg. SKU Distribution4+A Cities-ON03Carefree Super NB In-store Performance Behind, Any Consumer Study Input on Why?,Weighted Distribution,SIH (Vol% per Dist
34、.),Carefree Drapable SKU Sales & Share, 4+A2X30pcs Significant Cannibalization On 30pcs, Suggesting Little Expansion On User,Volume Sales(000pcs),Volume Share,Antibacterial Importance by Brand GroupAnti.Bacterial L
35、arge Contributed By Regional Brand, Which Anti.prod. Highest Importance,All,National Volume Importance,Regional Brand,National Brand,MNB +Anerle,,In Anti.bacterial, about 87% volume sales contributed by RB, and its impor
36、tance increasing continuously(e.g. Yimucao/Anerle),How Carefree Can Further Improve In Key City Food for Thinking,By comparing With SofySofy is our key competitor in developed cities, Regular is of its best sellerCare
37、free Super NB share behind Sofy Reg., due to our less competitiveness of in-store performanceCarefree Drapable 2X30pcs contributed little sales and share improvement for this line,How Carefree Can Further Improve In Key
38、 CityFood for Thinking,Should understanding, why Sofy-Regular can achieve higher consumer acceptance?Any trade issue, e.g. Display /Facing …..Differentiation on product quality?…Anti-bacteria could be consider for
39、further product improvement,Explore Opportunity In BCD City,Explore Opportunity In BCD CitySummary,Opportunity exploration in BCD marketHow is market trend and brand competition in BCD market?Do we offer right produc
40、t(packsize/variant) and at competitive priceHow is distribution gap versus Anerle and Sofy,Explore Opportunity In BCD CityFindings,BCD market stands for about 38% for total China liner market, and yearly sales and impo
41、rtance growing(Opportunity)Small pack(1~25pcs) stands for 60% market volume importance in BCD market, and popular both modern and traditional channel; while bigger pack(>=40pcs) importance grew slightlySmall pack cr
42、owded with a lot of small locals with lower price dominated(Challenge)In Bigger pack group, Sofy and Carefree strong and leading among(Strength)In North, small pack higher importance than in other regionsSlim market
43、relative small and importance slightly decline(Threat)East BCD market the most important among followed with South BCD for linerModern Channel importance increasing in BCD as well, while traditional store stands for o
44、ne third of that market still,Explore Opportunity In BCD CityFindings,Anerle leading in BCD market and leading share maintain stableNoticeable distribution advantage comparing Carefree, which traced to traditional stor
45、esAnerle leading share in traditional stores while no advantage in modern channel20pcs contributed most its share and out-stand among all players, distribution should be one of the key facts20pcs pack also captured hi
46、gh in-store performance, ???Carefree and Sofy close share competition in BCDBoth Carefree and Sofy focus in modern channel while few performance in traditional storesBoth Carefree and Sofy strong play on 40pcs and 2X4
47、0pcs, which indicating high brand loyaltySofy big pack (esp. 2X40pcs) outperformed same story as in 4+A(Threat),Explore Opportunity In BCD CityThinking,To compete with Anerle 20pcs, we should understand the following p
48、oints by further explorationHow is its SOSWhy consumer prefer AnerleAny trade issue……As China market, Carefree no share advantage with Sofy in BCDUltra thin relative less performed than Sofy, same story as in 4&am
49、p;AAgain, improving Ultra thin performance will be critical for us to strengthen our brand shareFor SlimOther than Anerle and Sofy, we are facing a number of small local brands priced relative low and in small pack fo
50、rm. Do we any plan to compete with in this sizeable market,,Key Brand Share&Price In Nat-BCDAnerle Leading In BCD Market And Share Maintain Stable,Vol %,+/- % YA,Rmb/Pcs,MAT ON03,JJ03,AS03,ON03,MAT ON03,ANERLE,13.
52、,HAO S. S.,2.3,-0.1,2.8,2.1,1.9,0.15,BEST,2.1,-0.4,1.8,1.4,1.8,0.12,ANLE,2,1.9,2.3,2.7,2.8,0.14,O.BRAND,13.9,2.2,15.9,16.8,15.7,0.13,Vol %,,,,,,,,,,,BCD Channel And Region Vol. Mix, BCDModern Channel Importance Increase
53、d; East BCD Most Important Followed With South,,Key Brand Volume Share By Channel, BCDAnerle Leading In G/K, Which Protect Its Share In BCD Where We Are Weak,Vol %,+/- % YA,Vol %,+/- % YA,Vol %,+/- % YA,ANERLE,13.4,0.2
54、,10.8,0.6,18.6,1.6,SOFY,10.5,0.5,14.8,-2,2.1,0.6,CAREFREE,10.1,-0.3,13.7,-0.7,3.2,-1.7,YIMUCAO,4.4,2.3,5.8,2.8,1.8,1,C&B,4.9,-2.7,5.5,-2.7,4,-3.5,WHISPER,3.4,1,4.5,0.7,0.9,0.5,SOFT,2.6,1.1,3.3,1.6,1.1,-0.2,HAO S.S.,2
55、.3,-0.1,2.8,0.1,1.2,-0.9,BEST,2.1,-0.4,2.4,-1.5,1.6,0.8,ANLE,2,1.9,1.7,1.6,2.4,2.2,O.BRAND,13.9,2.2,8.8,2,23.9,5.7,BCD G/K,BCD H/S/D,BCD City,,,,Key Brand Distribution By ChannelDistribution Gap Captured In G/K,(Weighte
56、d Distribution),National Grocery/Kiosk,National Hyper/Super/Depart.,,,,Key Brand Volume Share by Region, BCDCarefree Relative Strong In South While Behind In Others,,,Vol %,+/- % YA,Vol %,+/- % YA,Vol %,+/- % YA,Vol %,+
57、/- % YA,ANERLE,17.8,-5.8,8.3,2.8,11.6,-5.8,31.7,-1.1,SOFY,14.1,3.8,11.7,-2,3.2,1.7,6.3,3.7,CAREFREE,18.5,0.5,9,-1.3,5.7,-1.3,5.3,-0.4,YIMUCAO,1.6,1.5,6.4,4,2.4,0.4,2,-1.1,C&B,0.5,0.3,7.2,-5.2,0.4,-0.6,WHISPER,6.7,1.2
58、,3,0.8,1.3,0.5,1.9,0.8,SOFT,3.7,1.6,1.8,0.9,5.8,2.5,1.3,-0.3,HAO S.S.,3,-3.1,2.1,0.5,3.2,0.1,1,-0.1,BEST,0.1,0,3,-0.9,2.9,2,0.4,-0.4,ANLE,1.9,1.8,1.4,1.4,3,2.6,4.1,4,O.BRAND,10.1,0.7,13.2,2.9,26.3,5.6,10.9,1.5,E BCD City
59、,N BCD City,W BCD City,S BCD City,,,,In West, traditional channel importance relative higher than other regions which stands for 50% of that market.,6.2,3.8,Carefree vs Sofy Weighted Distribution by RegionDistribution C
60、ompetitive Vs Sofy,Market Importance(Volume Base),20.5,5.1,6.3,9.1,39.9,22.5,6.8,24.7,8.2,7.6,14.9,7.4,5,,,,,,Carefree vs Anerle Weighted Distribution by RegionWhile Behind Anerle In South&West,20.5,5.1,6.3,9.1,39.
61、9,22.5,6.8,24.7,8.2,7.6,14.9,7.4,5,,,,Market Importance(Volume Base),Key Brand Share By Packsize, BCD-H/S/D20pcs Pack Dominated Anerle’s Sales, Vise Versa On Sofy and Carefree,(Volume Share),Anerle,Carefree,Sofy,,,,Ane
62、rle Key SKU Share by Channel, BCDSmall Pack Dominated its Line In All Channel,,,,,(Volume Share),Liner Packsize Importance by Channel<25pcs Most Popular In BCD and In Modern Channel As Well,BCD,BCD-H/S/D,BCD-G/K,(Vo
63、lume Share),,,,Top Brand Share By Big&Small Pack, BCD-H/S/DBrand Competition Environment Different: Lots of Locals Crowded In Small Pack, and Carefree Behind Anerle; While Carefree Compete Head With Sofy In Bigpack
64、,(Volume Share),,MAT ON02,MAT ON03,1~25pcs Pack,53.5,48.3,O.BRAND,6.5,7.3,ANERLE,8.2,7.8,YIMUCAO,2.5,3.3,KOTEX C & B,3.5,2.9,YA JIE SHU,0.7,2.3,CAREFREE,2.9,2.2,YINFONG,0.6,1.1,HAO S. S.,2,1.7,WHISPER,1,1.4,AIVFEEL,0
65、.1,0.7,,MAT ON02,MAT ON03,>=40pcs Pack,39.4,40.1,SOFY,15.8,11.2,CAREFREE,11.3,10,YIMUCAO,0.5,2.3,WHISPER,2.2,2.9,ANERLE,0.8,1.9,SOFT,1.2,2.8,KOTEX C & B,0.7,1.7,CARNATION,1.4,1.5,O.BRAND,0.1,0.3,ANLE,0.1,0.8,Liner
66、 20pcs Pack Key Brand Share&Price, BCD-H/S/DCarefree Price Competitive Than Anerle On 20pcs; While the Majority Of Small Pack Dominated By Locals Which Price Low,20pcs Rmb/Pck,Accumulative volume Share,,,,In 1~25pcs
67、 pack, 20pcs account 39% volume share out of 48.3% in BCD-H/S/D,Anerle vs Carefree 20pcs Share By Market20pcs Share Gap With Anerle’s,,,,,Anerle,Carefree,Anerle,Carefree,South,10.1,3.2,0.24,0.25,S1,12.9,4.5,0.23,0.26,S2
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