1、泌尿系統(tǒng)疾病,蘇州大學兒科學系 腎內科,World Kidney Day,March 9th 2019 was the first WKD and then the second Thursday on march will be anniversary for kidney diseases.About 10% population involved Chronic Kidney disease (CKD) in
2、 USAAbout 100 million CKD in china ¼ of the total medical cost,Introduction :background,Effective management of the patient with renal disease is dependent upon establishing an accurate diagnosis.The clinician mu
3、st be aware of the possible presentations of renal diseases and gather these symptoms and signs which form recognized diseases and syndrome What is the possible presentations suggesting renal problem ?,Clinical presenta
4、tion of renal disease,The patient is asymptomatic, but an abnormality has been detected on clinical or laboratory examination which indicates an underlying renal disorder.The patient complains of a symptom or has a phys
5、ical sign which directly or indirectly indicates underlying renal diseasesThe patient has a systemic disease which is known to be associated with renal involvementThe patient has a family history of an inherited renal
6、disorder.,Symptoms of urinary tract disease,A fever; dysuria; frequency; loinpain/abdominal pain; urinary inconsistency;offensive smelling;cloudy urine; Frothy urine :Proteinuria;Smokey urine : Haematuria,Signs of u
7、rinary tract disease,Dysmorphic syndromes; Anaemia; Oedema; High blood pressure; Renal masses; Distended bladder.,Acute glomerulonephritis(AGN),急性腎小球腎炎,Acute glomerulonephritis(AGN),概述病因發(fā)病機制 病
8、理生理病理臨床表現(xiàn)實驗室檢查診斷 鑒別診斷治療 預后,急性腎小球腎炎,目的要求,了解急性腎炎的病因及發(fā)病機理。掌握一般病例與嚴重病例的臨床表現(xiàn)及治療原則。掌握急性腎炎的實驗室檢查。了解急性腎炎與其他病原體引起急性腎炎、慢性腎炎急性發(fā)作、特發(fā)性腎病綜合癥、IgA腎病綜合癥、急進性腎炎等疾病的鑒別診斷。,重點和難點,重點:本病的一般病例及嚴重病例的臨床表現(xiàn)及其產生機理。該病的尿液及血生化檢查。小兒單純性血尿的診斷要點
9、和處理原則。難點:本癥重癥病例的治療,高血壓腦病急性腎功能不全,嚴重循環(huán)充血治療及處理原則。,Acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis 急性鏈球菌感染后腎炎Hematuria 血尿Oliguria 尿少 Edema 浮腫
10、,關鍵詞:Key words,概 述,定義:急性起病,雙側性,彌漫性,前趨感染(非化膿性炎癥),臨床上以血尿為主,可有水腫、少尿、高血壓,或腎功能不全等特點發(fā)病情況:年齡5-14歲、性別男女2:1、發(fā)生率下降,病 因,細菌:A組β溶血性鏈球菌的某些致 腎炎菌株;其他細菌有。。。。。病毒:巨細胞、乙肝病毒等其他:支原體、霉菌、原蟲等,發(fā)病機制 病理生理,鏈球菌致腎炎菌株的抗原成分 循環(huán)免疫復合
11、物 原位免疫復合物 自身免疫激活補體系統(tǒng) 釋放生物活性因子 腎素—血管緊張素—醛固酮 腎小球基底膜斷裂 GRF
12、 水鈉儲留 血尿、蛋白尿、管型尿 水腫、少尿、高血壓 腎衰,,,,,,,,,,,,,,病 理,毛細血管內增生性腎小球腎炎光鏡:內皮細胞、系膜細胞
13、增生、腫脹,系膜基質增多,中性粒細胞浸潤,嚴重時可有“新月體”形成電鏡:上皮細胞下“駝峰樣”電子致密物沉積免疫熒光:IgG、C3沉積,AA:入球小動脈EA:出球小動脈EGM:腎小球外系膜PE:壁層上皮細胞PO:足突細胞GBM:腎小球基底膜F:足突US:尿液腔M:系膜PT:近曲小管MD:致密斑G:顆粒細胞N:交感神經E:內皮細胞,,PO: 足突細胞 podocyte GBM:腎
14、小球基底膜 glomerular basement membrane M:系膜 mesangial cell MM:系膜基質 mesangial matrix E:內皮細胞 fenestrated endothelium,新月體腎炎,臨床表現(xiàn)(一),前驅感染 ( Precede infection)秋冬季呼吸道
15、感染為主夏秋季皮膚感染多見,臨床表現(xiàn)(二),典型表現(xiàn) ( typical manifestation )水腫 (部位, 性質, 時間)尿少 (少尿,無尿)血尿 (腎小球性)高血壓 (頭暈, 頭痛),電鏡掃描 尿紅細胞形態(tài),臨床表現(xiàn)(三),嚴重表現(xiàn)(Serious manifestation)循環(huán)充血 “心衰”征象 高血壓腦病劇烈頭痛 惡心嘔吐 驚厥昏迷 急性腎功能不全
16、 少尿 氮質血癥 電解質紊亂,,呼吸困難, 肺底濕羅音心臟擴大, 心率增快肝腫大,臨床表現(xiàn)(四),不典型表現(xiàn) (Atypical manifestation)無癥狀病例無臨床癥狀,有尿改變,補體C3下降腎外癥狀型水腫,高血壓等表現(xiàn)明顯尿改變輕微腎病綜合征型大量蛋白尿腎活檢病理改變類似典型病例,實 驗 室 檢 查,尿常規(guī)血常規(guī) 腎功能血沉ASO血補體(C3下降),診 斷,前驅鏈球菌感
17、染史臨床癥狀:血尿、水腫、高血壓等實驗室檢查:尿檢、ASO 、C3等,鑒 別 診 斷,非典型病例(大量蛋白尿型) 非鏈球菌感染腎炎(病毒性) IgA腎炎 全身性疾病(SLE,APN,乙肝腎) 慢腎急發(fā) 急進性腎炎 尿路感染 腎病綜合癥,治 療(一),一般治療臥床休息(約2周):水腫退,血壓降,肉眼血尿消失;血沉正常上學;12小時尿沉渣正?;謴腕w力活動飲食:低鹽:60mg/kg。d;低蛋白0。5m
18、g/kg。d抗感染: 青霉素對癥治療利尿(速尿,雙氫克尿噻)降壓 (心痛定, ACEI:SQ14225),治 療(二),嚴重病例 高血壓腦?。褐贵@,降壓,脫水 (硝普鈉,二氮嗪) 嚴重循環(huán)充血:利尿為主(速尿)、擴血管、透析 急性腎衰: 液體 ,電解質,酸堿,感染關,預后和預防,95%完全恢復《5%尿異?!?%死亡預防:,總結,定義病理、生理臨床表現(xiàn)診斷治
19、療,腎病綜合征,(nephrotic syndrome),【目的要求】了解該病發(fā)病機理及病理生理。掌握原發(fā)性腎病綜合征的分型(臨床,激素治療效應,病理分型)。掌握該病臨床表現(xiàn),并發(fā)癥,診斷及治療?!局攸c和難點】重點:本病的病理生理,臨床表現(xiàn),診斷治療,并發(fā)癥。難點:該病的臨床與病理分型。,Nephrotic syndrome 腎病綜合征Proteinuria
20、 蛋白尿 Hypoalbuminemia 低蛋白血癥,關鍵詞:Key words,(一)定義 是由于腎小球濾過膜對血漿蛋白的通透性增高,導致大量血漿白蛋白自尿中丟失而引起的一種臨床癥侯群。,(二)病因和發(fā)病機制,病因不明發(fā)病機制: 微小病變與T細胞功能紊亂有關,非微小病變與體液免疫與細胞免疫均相關細胞因子(IL-2,6,8)有遺傳基礎與HLA相關:SSNS:D
21、R7 FRNS:DR9裂隙膜分子的變化,(三)病理生理,致病因素 分子屏障 腎小球濾過膜通透性↑
22、 靜電屏障 大量蛋白尿 高脂血癥
23、 脂代謝紊亂 心血管、小球硬化 低蛋白血癥 IgG↓—感染
24、 血漿膠體滲透壓↓ 抗凝血酶Ⅲ↓, Ⅳ、Ⅴ↑→高凝,血栓 鐵結合蛋白↓VitD3結合蛋白↓水 血容量↓ 甲狀腺素結合蛋白→T3、T4
25、 ↓分 入 (ADH↑,醛固酮↑、利鈉因子↓、腎小球濾過率↓)間 質
26、 水 鈉儲留 水腫,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,腎小球濾過膜通透性與分子大小的關 系,不同的電荷其通透性不同,陽電荷,陰電荷,中性電荷,正常與腎病綜合征情況下白蛋白代謝,(四) 病 理,腎病綜合征常見病理改變,足突細胞,足突細胞的超微機構,MCD
27、 微小病變,FSGS(局灶性節(jié)段性腎小球硬化),MN 膜性腎病,MPGN(膜增生性腎小球腎炎),(五)臨床表現(xiàn),病前常有感染水腫為主要表現(xiàn),(六)并 發(fā) 癥,感染:呼吸道感染,皮膚感染,腹膜炎,尿路感染低血容量休克:煩躁,四肢濕冷,皮膚花紋,心 音低,血壓下降電解質紊亂:低鈉,低鉀,低鈣血栓形成:腎靜脈血栓(腰痛,肉眼血尿)腎功
28、能衰竭:休克所致的腎前性衰竭多見腎小管功能障礙,(七)實驗室檢查,尿常規(guī):蛋白定性 +++ ~ ++++24H尿蛋白定量:大于0.05 /kg肝腎功能:血清白蛋白 6.7mmol/L免疫學檢測:ANA,抗-dsDNA抗體腎活檢,(八)診 斷,四大特征:三高一低(一高一低為主)大量蛋白尿:定性 +++ ~ ++++ 定量 24H尿蛋白 大于0.05g/k
29、g低蛋白血癥:血漿白蛋白小于30g/L(兒童) 高脂血癥: 膽固醇大于5.7mmol/L(兒童) 不同程度的水腫,(九)分 型,臨床分型 病理分型 激素分型,臨 床 分 型,原發(fā)性 90%單純性腎病
30、:三高一低腎炎性腎?。喝咭坏屯猓€有至少以下之一血尿:RBC大于10/HP高血壓氮質血癥:BUN大于10.7mmol/L血補體CH50,C3反復下降繼發(fā)性:SLE,APN,乙肝腎先天性:較少見,病 理 分 型,微小病變(MCD)局灶性節(jié)段性腎小球硬化(FsGs)膜增殖性腎炎(MPGN)系膜增生性腎炎(MsPGN)膜性腎?。∕GN),激 素 分 型,激素敏感:8周內尿蛋白轉陰激素部分敏感:8周內水腫退,尿蛋白+~
31、++激素耐藥:8周尿蛋白>++(激素依賴,反復與復發(fā),頻復發(fā)),(十) 治 療,一般治療:休息和飲食利尿:當水腫嚴重時,尤其有腹水時雙克,速尿,氨苯喋啶低分子右旋糖酐激素治療抗凝治療免疫調節(jié)治療中藥,激素治療(一),激素使用階段誘導緩解:強的松1.5-2mg/kg/d 4-8w鞏固階段:間歇用藥或清晨頓服激素使用方法短程:強的松2mg/kg/d 4w
32、 強的松1.5mg/kg/d qod 4w 共8周,激素治療(二),激素使用方法中長程:強的松1.5-2mg/kg/d 4w 4w后蛋白轉陰,改強的松2mg/kg,隔日早餐后頓服,繼用4周,以后每2-4周減量一次,直致停藥,總療程6-9個月,激素治療(三),復發(fā)和反復的治療延長強的松使用時間加用免疫抑制劑:CTX,VCR激素耐藥的治療延長強的松誘導期甲
33、基強的松龍沖擊加用免疫抑制劑:CTX,環(huán)孢霉素A,酶芬酸酯,激素副作用,激素應用前注意事項:感染 、胃腸道炎癥、水腫、高血壓代謝紊亂消化潰瘍和精神欣快感白白內障,股骨頭壞死高凝狀態(tài)生長停止易發(fā)感染急性腎上腺功能不全,免 疫 抑 制 劑,化學制劑 烷化劑(CTX)、 抗代謝藥(VCR、MMF)真菌代謝產物:環(huán)孢素A、FK-506中藥及其有效成分: 雷
34、公藤掌握劑量、療程 注意副作用:骨髓抑制、胃腸道反應、性腺抑制,其 它,抗凝:低分子肝素,潘生丁溶栓:尿激酶免疫調節(jié):左旋咪唑控制病情發(fā)展:ACEI and ARB中藥,預后,微小病變好常常死于感染和激素嚴重副作用非微小病變腎病綜合癥:,總結,概念:三高一低病因及發(fā)病機制:了解 病理生理:重要臨床表現(xiàn) :重要診斷:分型治療:激素的應用,謝謝,泌 尿 道 感 染,Anaphylactoid Purpura (
35、AP) & AP Nephritis (APN) OR Henoch-Schonlein Purpura (HSP),Xiao zhong Li,Main content,Introduce definition, the etiology, Pathophysiology of HSPEmphasis pathologic changes and clinical ma
36、nifestations of HSPIntroduce the treatment of HSP,Description,Definition : Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Syndrome, HSP: Clinical features characterized by skin rash, joint pain , abdomen symptoms, renal damage, et al.
37、Pathologic change: Systemic vasculitis Common seen in 2-8 ys of child in spring and autumn , boys more than girls about ratio of 2:1.,Etiology:antigen,Infection related: A recent history of an intercurrent infection
38、, particularly streptococcal respiratory infectionsFoodDrugVaccine & plasma productOthers: insect bite, cool, trauma , sex hormones during special phase,Environmental agents which have been implicated in the cau
39、sation of Henoch-schonlein purpura,Micro-organismsb-Haemolytic streptococcus Mycobacterium tuberculosis Varicella zoster VacciniaJim閚ez and Darrington Haemophilus parainfluenzae Streptococcus pneumoniae
40、Rubella Measles Mycoplasma pneumoniae Yersinia enterocolitica Human parvovirus )Human immunodeficiency virusStaphylococcus sp. Legionella sp. Influenzae vaccine Salmonella hirschfeldii Campyloba
41、cter jejuni,Drugs Aspirin Erthromycin Griseofulvin Penicillin Phenacetin Phenothiazines Quinidine Sulphonamide Tetracycline Thiazide diuretics Chlorpromazine Paracetamol-dihydrocodeine Thiram Carb
42、amazepine Streptokinase Enalapril Lisinopril Fluoroquinolones,FoodsCrabshrampeNuts Blackberries Egg Milk Potato Wheat Meat (various) Fish Chocolate Chicken Tomato Alcohol,Mechanism,Immunol
43、ogic basis: antigen, antibody, IgA-CiCT cells: Impaired ability of T cells to suppress B-cell functionB cells: In vitro production of both IgA and IgG by B cells is increased in patients compared with controls IgA I
44、C deposit on the vascular wall of skin and glomeruli cause Vasculitis.Proinflammatory and inflammatory factors HLA related: HLA DRB1 or HLA DR DW35,Pathology--skin,Leucocytoclastic vasculitis : inflammatory cell
45、s, mostly polymorphonuclear leucocytes and mononuclear cells with occasional eosinophils, surrounding the capillaries,光鏡,免疫熒光,Crescent GN,免疫病理分型根據(jù)腎小球內沉積的免疫復合物不同,分為四型:1、單純IgA沉積型(IgA)2、IgA+IgG沉積型(IgA+G)3、IgA+IgM沉積型(I
46、gA+M)4、IgA+IgG+IgM沉積型(IgA+G+M)其中IgAGM沉積型其病理為為IV~VI者占41.7%。,Clinic features,Purpura rashAbdomen symptoms: Arthralgia : Renal diseases:,Skin rash,Distinctive in both its distribution and the nature of the lesions.P
47、alpable purpuraAppearing on the extensor surfaces of the arms and legsParticularly round the ankles and over the buttocks and elbows.,Other manifestation of skin rash,May infusion Dermal necrosis and scarringH
48、aemorrhagic bullaeOther area:,A severe but fairly typical purpuric rash of HSP affecting the buttocks of an 11-year-old boy. Some of the larger lesions are bullous, which is unusual in children but may be seen more comm
49、only in adults.,This is uncommon in older children, but may be seen in infants, young children, and adults.,The rash of severe Henoch-Scholein purpura affecting the face.,Skin lesion duration,Average: 3 days to 2 yrsOn
50、e third : within 2 weeksOne third : 2-4 weeksOther third : more than 4 weeks,Joint manifestations,Joint pain: 2 thirds of all cases, one quarter as presenting symptom Always affect large joint such as ankle and knee
51、Joint swelling usually , but not commonX-ray shows periarticular edema without effusion or enlargement of joint spaceNo response to salicylateRecovery earlier than rash, no permanently damage,Abdominal and gastrointe
52、stinal symptoms(1),Abdominal symptoms occur in the majority of patientsThe abdominal pain is colicky, frequently severe, and may mimic an abdominal emergency Intestinal bleeding: melaena, haematemesis,Abdomin
53、al and gastrointestinal symptoms(2),Intussusception: Serial ultrasonography of the abdomen reliably distinguishes intussusception from other causes of abdominal painIleus Other rare abdominal manifestations of the dise
54、ase include pancreatitis, intestinal perforation and massive gastric haemorrhage,Must pay attention to,Abdominal and gastrointestinal symptoms may proceed other signs and symptoms (particular skin rash) !!!!,Renal invol
55、vement (1),haematuria, proteinuria, oliguriawith fluid retention, oedema and hypertension, impaired glomerular filtration rate.,Renal involvement (2),Mostly mild , less severity the nephritis either appears later com
56、monly within 6 months or is present at onset only in the form of urinary abnormalities.severity of renal involvement cannot be predicted from the severity of the non-renal symptoms and signs. different incidence from d
57、ifferent criteria,紫癜性腎炎的臨床分型,1. 孤立性血尿或蛋白尿2. 血尿和蛋白尿3. 急性腎炎型4. 腎病綜合征型5. 急進性腎炎型6. 慢性腎炎型,Pathology—kidney,I Minimal changes IIPure mesangial proliferation without crescents(a) Focal(b) DiffuseIIIMesangial pr
58、oliferative glomerulonephritis with less than 50% crescents(a) Focal(b) DiffuseIVMesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis with 50-75% crescents(a) Focal(b) DiffuseVMesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis
59、 with more than 75% crescents(a) Focal(b) DiffuseVIMembranoproliferative (mesangiocapillary) glomerulonephritis,Investigations,Full blood count: normal platelet Urine test: hematuria and proteinuria Stool test: p
60、ositive occult blood test Hematology: hyper coagulation Biochemistry: BUN and Scr, liver function and myocardial enzyme Immunology: ESR , Ig, complement Pathology: skin and renal biopsy Image : ultrasound,診斷,根據(jù)本病特
61、征的臨床表現(xiàn)典型的皮膚紫癜,又 同時合并消化道、關節(jié)或腎臟癥狀以及反復發(fā)作史,即可診斷。同時應與ITP、急腹癥、風濕性關節(jié)炎、流腦等鑒別。,American College of Rheumatology(1990),,1. ? 20 years at onset, 2. Palpable purpura, 3. Acute abdominal pain, The presence of granulocytes
62、 in the walls of small arterioles or venules in biopsy ,5. The presence of two or more of these criteria identified Henoch-scholein purpura,Treatment- no-special,Supportive treatment RestDiet: Avoid some fo
63、od and drugsAntibiotics if needFluid and electrolyte balance when diet restricted,Treatment- Other drugs,Steroid : abdomen symptoms and renal disease Immunosuppressive drugs: CTX AZA 雷公藤Anti-allergic dru
64、gs:Anticoagulation \fibrolytic and anti-platelet drugs,,Others,Operation: sever intestinal bleeding \ intussusception and perforation,紫癜性腎炎的治療孤立性血尿或病理Ⅰ級予潘生丁和(或)清熱活血中藥血尿和蛋白尿或病理Ⅱa級:雷公藤1mg/kg/d(每日最大量<45mg,療程3月急性腎炎型(尿蛋尿>
65、1g/d)或 病理Ⅱ b、Ⅲa級:雷公藤,療程3~6月腎病綜合征型病理Ⅲ b、Ⅳ級:強的松+雷公藤或環(huán)磷酰胺+強的松沖擊療法急進性腎炎型或病理Ⅳ 、Ⅴ級:甲強龍沖擊(15~30mg/kg)+CTX+肝素+潘生丁四聯(lián)療法,The great majority of patients , recover completely from Henoch-schonlein purpura with no measurable impairm
66、ent of renal functionIn large studies of unselected children: death or endstage renal disease ensued in seven of 245 patients and persisting urinary abnormalities were present in 5 to 15 per cent after follow-up
67、 for several years.,Prediction of renal outcome,Classification of clinical status at follow-up of patients with Henoch-schonlein purpura nephritis --Outcome group,ANormalNormal physical examination, no urinary abnorm
68、ality,normal renal functionBMinor urinary abnormalityNormal physical examination, haematuria(microscopic-intermittent macroscopic) and/orproteinuria 1 g/24 h and/or hypertension, normal renalfunctionDRenal
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