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1、Ⅰ.詞匯1.________(n.) 信任;信心;信念→________ (adj.) 忠誠的;忠實的→________(adv.)2.________ (n.) 目標;瞄準→________ (adj.)無目的的→________ (adv.) 無目的地3.________ (adj.) 常規(guī)的;傳統(tǒng)的→________ (n.) 常規(guī);慣例4.________ (adj.) 明顯的;明白的→________ (n.)證據(jù);證

2、明;證詞,5.________ (vt.) 采用;采納;收養(yǎng)→________(n.) 采用;采納;收養(yǎng)6.________ (vt.) 擁有;具有;支配→________ (n.) 所有;財產(chǎn)7.________(adj.) 荒謬的;可笑的→________(adv.) 荒謬地;荒唐地8.________ (v.) 預(yù)言;預(yù)告→________ (n.) 預(yù)言;預(yù)報,答案:1.faith; faithful; faithfull

3、y 2.aim; aimless; aimlessly3.conventional; convention 4.evident; evidence 5.adopt; adoption 6.possess; possession 7.ridiculous; ridiculously8.predict; prediction,Ⅱ.短語1.concentrate...________ 集中……于……2.________ coincid

4、ence 巧合地3.a(chǎn) great ________ 大量4.break away ________ 掙脫;脫離;背離5.scores ________許多;大量6.________ the other hand 另一方面答案:1.on 2.by 3.deal 4.from 5.of 6.on,Ⅲ.課文導讀1)根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容完成下列時間流程圖。,答案:1.religious 2.humanistic 3.perspective

5、 4.oil paints 5.Impressionism 6.light 7.shadow 8.abstract 9.realistic,2)Read the text carefully and then do the following exercises.1.What themes did the main aim of painters represent during the Middle Ages?A.Nature. 

6、B.People. C.Religious. D.Perspective.答案:C,2.It can be inferred from the text that classical Roman and Greek ideas were ________.A.imaginary       B.perspectiveC.impressionistic D.realistic答案:D,3.Which of the

7、following statements about the Impressionism is TRUE?A.Painting became an easy task because it was less detailed.B.Painters focused more on light and color than detail.C.Painters moved from the countryside to Paris an

8、d worked outdoors.D.Painters had to paint quickly because of the high pace of the industrial society.答案:B,4.Which of the following are the styles of paintings about Modern Art?A.Abstract and realistic. B.Abstract an

9、d natural.C.Religious and natural. D.People and objects.答案:A,1.faith (n.)1)[U]~(in sb/sth) 信任;相信;信心①He has great talent, but he has lost his faith.他很有天賦,但是他已經(jīng)喪失了信心。②I haven't much faith in this medicine.我對這種

10、藥沒有多大信心。,2)[U & sing.] 宗教信仰①People of every faith attended the mayor's funeral.信仰不同宗教的人士出席了市長的葬禮。②My religious faith has seen me through my grief.我的宗教信仰已幫助我克服了極度的悲痛。,【知識拓展】1)have faith in相信, 信任We have faith

11、 in ourselves, and faith in our principles.我們對自己有信心,對我們的政策有信心。2)break keep/faith with sb 對某人(不)守信用;(不)忠誠于某人I kept faith with him.我信守了對他的諾言。,3)lose faith in失去對……的信念; 不再信任……He told us not to lose faith in ourselves.他

12、讓我們不要對自己失去信心。4)put faith in相信, 信任He always puts his faith in the future.他對未來總是抱有信心。,5)shake one's faith動搖某人的信心Her faith has been shaken by this new evidence.這一新證據(jù)動搖了她的信心。6)in good faith 真誠;誠心誠意When I recommend

13、ed Simon for the job, I did it in good faith. I didn't realize that he had been in trouble with the police.當初推薦西蒙做這份工作的時候,我是出于好心。我不知道他曾犯過案。,【詞語辨析】faith, belief, confidence, trust這些名詞都有“相信,信任”之意。1)faith語氣較強,指“認為有確

14、鑿證據(jù)或道理而完全相信”。通常指充滿感情的信任。I have faith in his ability to succeed.我相信他有成功的能力。2)belief普通用詞,指主觀上的相信,不著重這種相信是否有根據(jù)。He has great belief in his doctor.他對那位醫(yī)生無比信賴。,3)confidence淡化了感情,指“在有證據(jù)的基礎(chǔ)上,對某人某事有充分信心,斷定不會使人失望,因而給予信任”。也常指“

15、自信”、“有把握”。She has great confidence in her success.她對自己的成功充滿信心。4)trust指“信賴”、“信任”,含有“堅定的信念”的意思。強調(diào)相信、信任的完全可靠。The new President said he would try to justify the trust the electorate had placed in him.新總統(tǒng)說他將盡力證明選民們所給予他的信

16、任。,【知識運用】采用faith, belief, confidence或trust的適當形式填空:①My father hadn't much________in doctors of traditional Chinese medicine.②A good marriage is based on________.③He ought not to break________with her.④He lacks___

17、_____in himself.,答案:①belief本題題意:我父親不太相信中醫(yī)。②trust本題題意:美滿的婚姻是建立在互相信任的基礎(chǔ)上的。③faith本題題意:他不應(yīng)對她失信。④confidence本題題意:他缺少自信。,2.a(chǎn)im1)n.(1)[C] 目的;目標What's your aim in life? 你的人生目的是什么?(2)[U] 瞄準Take careful aim(at the tar

18、get)before firing.開火之前仔細瞄準(目標)。,2)v.(1)~(at doing sth)|~(at/for sth)|~ to do sth 力求達到;力爭做到They are aiming to reduce unemployment by 50%.他們正力求使失業(yè)人數(shù)下降50%。(2)(be aimed at) 目的是;旨在These measures are aimed at preventing

19、violent crime.這些措施旨在防止暴力犯罪。,(3)~(sth)(at sb/sth)|~(for sb/sth) 瞄準;對準He aimed(his gun)at the target, fired and missed it.他(用槍)瞄準目標開火, 卻未打中。(4)~sth at sb 針對;對象是My remarks were not aimed at you.我的話不是針對你的。,【知識拓展】1)tak

20、e aim(at)瞄準The hunter aimed at the lion and fired.獵人瞄準了獅子開火。2)with the aim/purpose of 為了……She went to London with the aim of finding a job.她去倫敦是為了找工作。3)aim high 胸懷大志; 力爭上游He has always aimed high.他總是心氣很高。,【詞語辨析】

21、aim, goal, purpose, target, object這些名詞均有“目標;目的”之意。1)aim本義從“靶子”引申而來,側(cè)重比較具體而明確的目標,但常指短期目標。It is now our aim to set up a factory.我們現(xiàn)在的目的是創(chuàng)辦一座工廠。,2)goal指經(jīng)過考慮和選擇,需經(jīng)堅持不懈的努力奮斗才能達到的最終目標。The company has set itself some high

22、production goals for this year.公司今年定下很高的生產(chǎn)指標。3)purpose普通用詞,既指以堅決、審慎的行動去達到的目的,又指心中渴望要實現(xiàn)的目標。Getting rich seems to be her only purpose in life.她生活的唯一目的似乎是發(fā)財。,4)target指射擊的靶,軍事攻擊目標。引申義指被攻擊、批評或嘲笑的目標。His proposal became th

23、e target of criticism.他的建議成了批評的目標。5)object強調(diào)個人或需求而決定的目標、目的。His one object/purpose in life is to earn as much money as possible.他生活的目標就是盡可能多掙錢。,【知識運用】(1)This anti­smoking campaign is mainly aimed________young te

24、enagers.A.a(chǎn)t       B.inC.on D.for答案:A 本題題意:這場反吸煙運動主要是針對青少年的。be aimed at 表示“以……為目標;旨在……;針對……”。,(2)When the smart hunter found________aim in the distance, he took________aim at it immediately.A.a(chǎn); a B.a(chǎn); /C.a(chǎn)n

25、; / D.a(chǎn)n; an答案:C 本題題意:發(fā)現(xiàn)遠處的目標后,那位聰明的獵人立即瞄準了目標。aim表示“目標”,為可數(shù)名詞,在第一次提到而非特指某人或某物的單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞前面必須采用不定冠詞a/an。動詞短語take aim at表示“瞄準”。,3.typical (adj.)1)~(of sb/sth) 典型的;有代表性的This painting is typical of his early work.這幅畫是他早期的代

26、表作。2)一貫的;平常的A typical working day for me begins at 730.我的工作日一般在730開始。3)~(of sb/sth) 不出所料;特有的It was typical of her to forget.她這個人就是愛忘事。,【知識運用】(1)(2008江西-33) Jack is late again. It is________of him to keep others

27、waiting.A.normal B.ordinaryC.common D.typical 答案:D 本題題意:杰克又遲到了。他這個人就是愛讓別人等他。typical表示“不出所料;特有的”。,(2)It is typical________him to forget to bring a present.A.of B.forC.on D.with答案:A 本題題意:忘記帶禮物來正是他

28、的特點。typical 表示“不出所料;特有的”,與介詞of連用。,4.a(chǎn)dopt(v.)1)收養(yǎng);領(lǐng)養(yǎng)There are many people eager to adopt a baby.許多人想要收養(yǎng)嬰兒。2)采用(某方法);采取(某態(tài)度)All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem.三個隊處理這個問題的方式各不相同。3)正式通過;表決采納(建

29、議、政策等)After much deliberation, the president decided to adopt her suggestion.總經(jīng)理再三考慮之后,決定采納她的建議。,【知識拓展】1)adopted (adj.) 收養(yǎng)的;領(lǐng)養(yǎng)的He's not our natural son; we adopted him when he was three.他不是我們的親兒子——他三歲時我們領(lǐng)養(yǎng)的。2)a

30、doptive (adj.) 收養(yǎng)的;有收養(yǎng)關(guān)系的He was brought up by adoptive parents in London.他由家住倫敦的養(yǎng)父母撫養(yǎng)大。,【知識運用】(1)Paul's mother had him________because she couldn't look after him herself.A.a(chǎn)dopted B.a(chǎn)doptiveC.a(chǎn)djusted D.a(chǎn)

31、dapted答案:A 本題題意:保羅的母親因為自己無力撫養(yǎng)他, 便將他送給別人收養(yǎng)了。have sb adopted 表示“將某人交與……收養(yǎng)”。,(2)(2008上海春-41) The story of the homeless orphan has________sympathy from the public.A.a(chǎn)roused B.a(chǎn)ttracted C.defended D.a(chǎn)dopted

32、答案:A 本題題意:這個無家可歸的孤兒的故事引起了公眾的同情。arouse表示“激起、引起(感情、態(tài)度)”。,5.possess (v.)1)有;擁有He never possessed much money, but he always possessed good friends.他從來就沒有多少錢,但他一直有一些好朋友。2)具有(特質(zhì))Does he possess the necessary patience and

33、 tact to do the job well?他有做好這項工作必備的耐性和應(yīng)變能力嗎?,3)(感覺、情緒等)攫??;支配;控制She seemed to be possessed by the devil.她好像著了魔似的。4)(用于否定句或疑問句)使言語失常What possessed him to say such a thing?他著了什么魔,竟說出這種話來?,【知識知展】1)be possessed by /wi

34、th 被(鬼怪、思想等)纏住;迷住She was possessed by the desire to be rich.她被致富的欲望所支配。2)be possessed of 擁有;占有;具有;享有She is possessed of a wonderfully calm temperament.她性情非常文靜。3)possess sb of sth使某人有/擁有某物; 使某人熟悉某事He is said to po

35、ssess a fortune of more than two thousand million dollars.據(jù)說他的財產(chǎn)價值超過20億美元。,4)possess oneself of 取得;獲得;把……占為已有She possessed herself of the unclaimed goods.她把那些沒人認領(lǐng)的貨物占為己有。,【詞語辨析】possess, hold, own, keep, enjoy這些動詞均有

36、“有,具有,持有”之意。1)possess較正式,指擁有或占有并能加以控制與支配,強調(diào)其歸屬;也指具有某種品質(zhì)、才能、特點或性能等。I'm afraid that he doesn't possess a sense of humor.恐怕他沒有什么幽默感。,2)hold指擁有并保持財產(chǎn)及持有見解等,暗示不讓別人拿走或占有。Mr. Jones holds an important position at work

37、.瓊斯先生在工作上據(jù)有重要職位。3)own不及possess正式,多指所屬關(guān)系,強調(diào)所有權(quán),不管所屬物是否在物主手中。Who owns this house?誰擁有這座房子?,4)keep指長時間地保有,保存某物,防止別人占去,強調(diào)安全和感情上的依附。We received a tempting offer for the house but decided to keep it.我們得到一個很有誘惑力的開價,但還是決定不賣

38、這座房子。5)enjoy指享有某種權(quán)利或長處,帶有欣賞或喜愛的情感。Men and women should enjoy equal rights.男女應(yīng)當享有平等權(quán)利。,【知識運用】(1)He is possessed________the idea that he is being followed.A.with B.ofC.for D.on答案:A 本題題意:他老是覺得有人跟蹤他。be possesse

39、d by/with表示“被(鬼怪、思想等)纏??;迷住”。,(2)What________you to do that?A.demanded B.keptC.possessed D.made答案:C 本題題意:是什么驅(qū)使你做出那種事的? possess表示“(用于否定句或疑問句)使言語失?!薄?(3)采用possess, hold, keep或enjoy的適當形式填空:①They are entitled to___

40、_____many advantages and privileges.②She was a blue­eyed blonde, ________ of graceful manners.③She________the world record for the long jump.④Please________the watch for me while I go swimming.⑤She has now______

41、__the post of Prime Minister longer than anyone else this century.⑥The country________rich mineral deposits.,答案:①enjoy 譯文:他們有資格享有許多優(yōu)惠和特權(quán)。②possessed 譯文:她是一位藍眼睛的金發(fā)女郎,舉止很優(yōu)雅。③holds/keeps 譯文:她保持著跳遠世界紀錄。④keep 譯文:我去游泳,請代我保

42、管這表。⑤held 譯文:她現(xiàn)在當首相任期之長在本世紀是前所未有的。⑥possesses 譯文:這個國家擁有豐富礦藏。,6.coincidence (n.)1)[C &U](令人吃驚的)巧合,巧事①That's the most incredible coincidence I've ever heard of!那是我聽說過的最難以置信的巧合?、贗t was a coincidence that he

43、 was born on his mother's birthday.他在他母親生日那天出生,真是巧事。2)[U](意見等的)相同,相符,一致,①Is there any coincidence between his opinions and your own?他的意見與你自己的意見有沒有一致之處?②There remains the question of the coincidence of social and

44、economic interests.社會利益與經(jīng)濟利益是否一致的問題仍存在。,【知識拓展】by coincidence碰巧,由于巧合①By coincidence, we arrived here at the same time.我們湊巧一同到達這兒。②She and I both arrived at the same time by pure coincidence.我和她同時到達純屬巧合。,【知識運用】(1)It

45、 can't a(n)________that four jewelry stores were robbed in one night.A.coincidence B.a(chǎn)ccident C.incident D.chance 答案:A 本題題意:四家珠寶店在同一天晚上遭到搶竊,這并非偶然。coincidence表示“(令人吃驚的)巧合,巧事”。,(2)________a strange coincidenc

46、e we happened to be travelling on the same train.A.On B.InC.By D.For答案:C 本題題意:巧得出奇, 我們正好坐同一列火車。coincidence表示“(令人吃驚的)巧合,巧事”,常常和介詞by連用。,7.shadow (n.)1)[C] 陰影;影子①The shadows of the trees grew longer as the aftern

47、oon went on.隨著下午時光的延續(xù),樹影會越來越長。②The shadow of a greater economic crisis loom large in most of the developed countries in the world.一場更大的經(jīng)濟危機的陰影籠罩著世界上大多數(shù)發(fā)達國家。,2)[U& pl.] 昏暗處;背光處;陰暗處①Her face was in deep shadow.她的臉

48、部在一片很暗的陰影中。 ②I thought I saw a figure standing in the shadows.我好像看見陰暗處站著一個人。3)[sing.]~(of sth)(壞)影響①The new leader wants to escape from the shadow of his predecessor.新任領(lǐng)導想要擺脫前任的影響。②These people have been living for

49、 years under the shadow of fear.這些人多年來一直生活在恐怖的陰影中。,【知識拓展】1)in the shadow/shadows 在陰暗處I could just make out a figure in the shadows.我只能隱約辨認出暗處有一個人影。2)in/under the shadow of(1)在……的附近;與……很接近The new market is in the s

50、hadow of the City Hall.新市場緊挨著市政廳。,(2)被﹙某人的光彩﹚所掩蓋;在……的盛名之下Most of her childhood had been spent in the shadow of her elder sister.她童年的大部分時間都生活在姐姐的光環(huán)之下。3)cast/make/produce/throw shadows on/upon投下影子;形成影子The tree casts a

51、 shadow on the ground.樹的影子映在地上。,【詞語辨析】shadow, shade這兩個名詞均有“蔭,蔭涼處”之意。1)shadow常指光線被物體擋住所產(chǎn)生的陰影,影子,有明顯的輪廓。The candles on the table threw huge flickering shadows against the wall.桌子上的蠟燭在墻上投下巨大的跳動的影子。,2)shade指陽光被遮擋后出現(xiàn)的蔭涼

52、處,如樹蔭等,無一定的輪廓或邊界。Keep in the shade; it's cooler.你就在陰涼處呆著吧,那兒比較涼快。圖解shadow, shade:在本質(zhì)上,shadow指一個平面,shade指一個立體空間。,【知識運用】采用shadow或shade的適當形式填空:①Store the bottle of medicine in the________. ②He walked along in

53、 the________hoping no one would recognize him.③So dark are the________that a man standing there could not be seen.④The new player really puts the rest of the team in the________.,答案:①shade 譯文:把這瓶藥放在陰涼處。②shadow/shadow

54、s 譯文:他走在暗處, 希望沒有人認出他來。③shadows 譯文:陰影很暗, 人站在里面不會被看見。④shade 譯文:這位新選手確實令其他隊員黯然失色。(put sb/sth in the shade 使某人/某事物相形失色),8.a(chǎn)ttempt1)(v.)~sth|~to do sth 努力;嘗試;試圖①He attempted the exam but failed.他試圖通過考試, 但失敗了。②He attempt

55、ed to get in touch with them but without success.他試圖和他們聯(lián)系, 但未成功。,2)n.(1)[C & U]~(to do sth)|~(at sth/at doing sth) 企圖;試圖;嘗試①She has made no attempt to contact her mother.她沒有嘗試和母親取得聯(lián)系。②He made an attempt at a jok

56、e/at joking.他試圖說笑話。,(2)[C]~(on sth)(為超越某事物的)嘗試,努力①After repeated attempts they finally succeeded.經(jīng)過反復(fù)嘗試, 他們終于成功了。②He made an attempt on the world record.他試圖打破世界紀錄。,【知識拓展】attempted (adj.) (犯罪等)未遂的①The attempted ban

57、k robbery took place at 9 this morning.這個未遂的銀行搶案發(fā)生在今天上午9點。②He was charged with attempted robbery.他被控以意圖搶劫罪。,【詞語辨析】attempt, try這兩個動詞均含有“試圖,努力,力圖”之意。1)attempt較正式用詞,側(cè)重已經(jīng)開始,且希望完成,但常隱含著不一定有預(yù)期的結(jié)果。They are attempting(to

58、climb)the steepest part of the mountain.他們努力攀登這座山的最陡的部分。2)try普通用詞,可與attempt換用,但強調(diào)努力或嘗試,后跟不定式表示努力或爭取;后跟動名詞表示嘗試。If you can't do it the first time, try again.要是你第一次做不成, 就再試一下。,【知識運用】(1)A man is being questioned in

59、relation to the________murder last night.A.a(chǎn)dvised B.a(chǎn)ttended C.a(chǎn)ttempted D.a(chǎn)dmitted答案:C 本題題意:與昨晚未遂謀殺案有關(guān)的一位男子正在接受訊問。attempted表示 “未遂的”。,(2)The boys________to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents.

60、A.a(chǎn)ttended B.a(chǎn)ttemptedC.managed D.endured答案:B 本題題意:男孩子們想去野營但被他們的父母們攔住了。attempt表示“努力;嘗試;試圖”,后接名詞或不定式(短語)擔任賓語,側(cè)重已經(jīng)開始,且希望完成,但常隱含著不一定有預(yù)期的結(jié)果。,9.predict (v.) 預(yù)言;預(yù)告;預(yù)報①The weather forecast predicts sunshine for tomorro

61、w.天氣預(yù)報預(yù)測明天天晴。②I predicted their getting into trouble.我料到他們會倒霉。 ③They predicted/It was predicted that there would be an earthquake.他們預(yù)言會有地震。,④We can predict from this information what is likely to happen next.我們可以從

62、這一信息中預(yù)言接下來可能發(fā)生什么事。⑤It is impossible to predict who will win.要預(yù)測出誰將獲勝是不可能的。⑥I cannot predict when to meet her again.我無法預(yù)測什么時候會再見到她。,【詞語辨析】predict, foresee, forecast, foretell這些動詞均含“預(yù)言;預(yù)示;預(yù)告”之意。1)predict正式用詞,通常用于人。指

63、根據(jù)事實或自然規(guī)律進行推斷后作出預(yù)告,隱含有科學的準確性。She predicted that the improvement would continue.她預(yù)測情況將繼續(xù)好轉(zhuǎn)。,2)foresee指提前、預(yù)先料到將要發(fā)生的事或指對未發(fā)生的事情形成一種概念或判斷。He foresaw that his journey would be delayed by bad weather.他預(yù)知自己的旅程會被惡劣天氣耽擱。3)for

64、ecast指對未來事件的預(yù)報、推測或設(shè)想,側(cè)重最終可能出現(xiàn)的結(jié)果。Such events may forecast war.這類事件可能是戰(zhàn)爭的預(yù)兆。,4)foretell一般的通俗用語,往往指根據(jù)客觀因素做出的預(yù)告,強調(diào)預(yù)先要發(fā)生的事。She could foretell what his reaction would be.她能預(yù)先說出他會有什么反應(yīng)。,【知識運用】(1)According to the weather__

65、______it will rain tomorrow.A.forecast B.foretell C.predict D.foresee答案:A 本題題意:天氣預(yù)報說明天有雨。the weather forecast表示“天氣預(yù)報”,為固定表達。,(2)It is not possible to________with any certainty what effect this wil

66、l have.A.prohibit B.postponeC.predict D.preserve答案:C 本題題意:要準確地預(yù)言這會有什么影響是不可能的。predict表示“預(yù)言;預(yù)告;預(yù)報”。,1.a(chǎn) great/good deal 大量①I have learned a great deal from you.我向你學到了許多東西。②It has rained a great deal recently.

67、最近雨水很多。,【知識拓展】1)a great deal of+(不可數(shù)名詞)許多;大量We've put a great deal of time and effort into this project.我們?yōu)檫@一項目付出了大量的時間和精力。2)a large amount of +(不可數(shù)名詞)大量A large amount of money is spent on advertisements every

68、year.每年都要花費大量金錢在廣告上。,3)a large number of+(可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù))許多,若干A large number of books have been stolen from the library.圖書館遺失了很多書。4)a large quantity of/quantities of+(可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞)大量,許多Police found a large quantity of illeg


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