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1、Unit 1,Return to Menu,Passage AThink About ItRead About ItTalk About ItWrite About It,1.What do you expect to learn as a freshman?,The most important thing a freshman can learn is to learn how to learn.,Reference:,2

2、.How do you guess the author of the passage would feel about her first week at Harvard, a world famous university?,The student thought that her first week at Harvard was very impressive, because the new college life wou

3、ld be a once-in-a-life journey for her, at a world-famous university in particular.,Reference:,Read About ItLanguage PointsContent AwarenessLanguage Focus,My First Week at Harvard,We arrived at my dorm — it’s called C

4、anaday. I’m sharing a suite with four other girls that has four single bedrooms and a large common room. We live on the top floor, which has really high ceilings and skylights. Canaday is only a two-minute walk from the

5、dining hall and most of my classes. I adore my roommates. We’re all completely different in terms of background, ethnicity, religion, and interests — we reflect the diversity that Harvard is so proud of. During this firs

6、t week, it’s a relief to have four girls I can call friends and that can help me through this adjustment process which is quite difficult at times. There are a lot of important decisions I have to make, and I’m finding i

7、t tough without the aid of my parents or best friends.,Deciding what classes to take is the first step. At Harvard, the only mandatory class for freshmen is an expository writing class — I’m actually able to take any cla

8、sses I desire this year and the class variety is amazing! How do I decide? Thankfully, Harvard allows freshmen to sample classes during “Shopping Week”. Classes meet at their regular times, and we’re able to attend as ma

9、ny (or as few) as we want. If I ultimately decide to take a course, I’ll be held responsible for any work done during the Shopping Week. On the other hand, if I visit a class that sounds great in the catalog only to find

10、 that the class doesn’t suit me or the professor is boring, I can decide not to take it! Equally challenging is choosing from amongst the incredible number of sports teams, publications, musical groups, theater productio

11、ns and clubs. Which to get involved in?,move into— to start living in,ExamplesShe decided not to move into the new apartment until she had finished decorating.We’re excited to move into a new home.,gorgeous a.— extr

12、emely pleasant or enjoyable,ExamplesJohn said that he met a gorgeous girl at the party last night.Do you want to sample some of the jam? It is gorgeous.,historic a.— famous or important in history,ExamplesToday is a

13、 historic occasion for our country.It was difficult for the enterprise to expand during a time of historic change.,cf. historical: connected with the past, or connected with the study of the past,ExamplesCan you tell m

14、e something about the historical background to the Civil War?They went to Yuelu Academy to do some historical research.,NoteHistoric is usually used to describe something so important that is likely to be remembered, w

15、hile historical usually describes something that is connected with the past or with the study of history, or something that really happened in the past.,think (sth) to oneself— to have a thought in one’s mind, but not t

16、ell it to anyone,ExamplesAfter listening to the professor’s suggestion, Jane thought to herself, “I’m sure I will make it.”He gazed out the window at this boundless grassland and thought to himself, “What a beautiful s

17、cenery it is!”,share with— to use, participate in, enjoy, receive, etc., jointly,ExamplesI have very happy news to share with you.The two chemists shared the Nobel prize.,in terms of — with regard to the particular a

18、spect or subject specified,ExamplesHe’s quite rich in terms of money, but not in terms of happiness.It is difficult to express it in terms of science.,diversity n.—a range of different people or things; variety,Exa

19、mplesDiversity is conducive to the learning environment.We should get a thorough understanding about the cultural diversity of the United States.,it is a relief to (do sth),Paraphrase?,Keyto have a feeling of comfo

20、rt when something frightening, worrying or painful has ended or has not happened,sample v.— to try an activity, go to a place etc. to see what it is like,ExamplesWe sampled the stuff and found it satisfactory.I samp

21、led several classes and decided to choose four of them this semester.,get involved in— to take part in an activity or event,ExamplesI got involved in a quarrel about the price.He regretted that he got involved in that

22、 matter.,remarkable a.— unusual or surprising and therefore deserving attention or praise,ExamplesShe is remarkable for her sweet temper.When we went swimming last summer, we saw the most remarkable sunset at the be

23、ach.,Our dining hall is more like a church or a museum than a cafeteria.,Paraphrase?,KeyThe dining hall is like a church or a museum rather than a cafeteria.,be filled with — to become completely full,ExamplesAfte

24、r reading his poems, I was filled with admiration.I didn’t go last time because my hands were filled with the paper work.,All of these first-week experiences will make great life-time memories but the best assets Harvar

25、d has offered me thus far have been the other students I’ve met.,Paraphrase?,KeyThe first week experiences will make a life-time impression on me, but the most valuable thing Harvard University has offered me so far

26、has been the students I have met on campus.,be blown away— to be extremely impressed,ExamplesStudents were blown away by his inspiring speech.Everyone I told that story to, I mean everyone, is just blown away.,Paraphr

27、ase?,One week down, four more years to go — I can’t wait.,KeyOne week had passed, and the author was looking forward to the coming four years.,Read and think Exercise 2Read and completeExercise 3,Ex. 2Discuss wit

28、h your partner and try to figure out the answers to the following questions. Share your thoughts and responses with the class.,1.What did the author think of being a freshman at Harvard?,She thought it was very pleasant

29、 and lucky to be a freshman at Harvard.,Reference:,2.How did the author get along with her roommates?,She got along with them very well and they had helped her a lot.,Reference:,Ex. 2Discuss with your partner and try t

30、o figure out the answers to the following questions. Share your thoughts and responses with the class.,3.What difficult decisions did the girl have to make in the “Shopping Week”?,She had to decide what classes to take.

31、,Reference:,Ex. 2Discuss with your partner and try to figure out the answers to the following questions. Share your thoughts and responses with the class.,4.What did the author think of eating on campus for a freshman

32、at Harvard?,Eating is one of the highlights for freshmen at Harvard.,Reference:,Ex. 2Discuss with your partner and try to figure out the answers to the following questions. Share your thoughts and responses with the cla

33、ss.,5.How did the author appreciate meeting the other students at Harvard?,Appreciating and being surrounded by so many gifted people was what had made her first week at Harvard a truly priceless experience.,Reference:,

34、Ex. 2Discuss with your partner and try to figure out the answers to the following questions. Share your thoughts and responses with the class.,Ex. 3Work in pairs and complete the chart by filling with information from

35、the passage.,Check up,Ex. 3Work in pairs and complete the chart by filling with information from the passage.,gorgeous,with,adjustment process,sample classes,Eating,highlights,gifted,Read and complete:? Exercise 4

36、? Exercise 5? Exercise 6Read and translate:? Exercise 7Read and simulate:? Exercise 8,1.They should be __________ for planning and carrying out the financial policies of the company.,responsible,stain

37、responsiblesparkle involve highlightsample remarkable historic ultimate surround,2.No final decision has been ___________ taken, but it seems likely that the two companies could merge in the near f

38、uture.,ultimately,Ex. 4Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,3.The girl was very upset because she could not get these coffee ___________ out of the new carpet.,stains,4.They sai

39、d that they would innovate with persistence to ___________ the product in the coming year.,highlight,Ex. 4Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,stain responsiblesparkle in

40、volve highlightsample remarkable historic ultimate surround,5.April sunlight ___________ over the water, dancing across snow-covered fields.,sparkled,6.I got a free ___________ of eye shadow. Could you s

41、how me how to use it?,sample,Ex. 4Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,stain responsiblesparkle involve highlightsample remarkable historic ultimate surrou

42、nd,7. It is generally accepted that giving advice at the right time has to ___________ a great deal of intelligence.,involve,8.Have you found the small symbols on this map which denote ___________ places and museums?,hi

43、storic,Ex. 4Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,stain responsiblesparkle involve highlightsample remarkable historic ultimate surround,9.The freshmen wer

44、e recommended to read the book which was filled with ___________ insights.,remarkable,10.It was the old lady’s eightieth birthday, and she was sitting in a chair ___________ by her children and grandchildren.,surrounded

45、,Ex. 4Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,stain responsiblesparkle involve highlightsample remarkable historic ultimate surround,Ex. 5Complete the follow

46、ing sentences with words or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary.,1.Under the influence of the drug his mind _____________ various strange images.,was filled with,2.Some freshmen said that they

47、 _____________ by that concert.,were blown away,3._____________ finance, the old company has a great advantage.,In terms of,Ex. 5Complete the following sentences with words or expressions from the passage. Change the f

48、orm where necessary.,4.He _____________ that he would never talk with that guy any more.,thought to himself,5.If you _____________ the controversy (爭論), you may burn your fingers.,get involved in,1.There are some ____

49、_________ places in this area, which attract tourists every day.(historic // history // historian),historic,Ex. 6Choose the right word from the brackets to fill the blanks.,2.They trusted Stephen to behave __________

50、___ while they were abroad.(responsible // responsibly // responsibility),3.That’s the most _____________ coincidence (巧合) I’ve ever heard of!(incredible // credible // credit ),responsibly,incredible,4.We should g

51、et a thorough understanding of the cultural _____________ of the United States.(diversity // diverse // diversify),5.To give a _____________ of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration (例證) of its use.(

52、definite // definitely // definition),Ex. 6Choose the right word from the brackets to fill the blanks.,diversity,definition,Ex. 7Translate the following sentences into English.,1.你愿意把你的經(jīng)驗(yàn)和組里的其他人分享嗎?(share sth with s

53、b),Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group?,,Ex. 7Translate the following sentences into English.,2.你父親如果還健在的話,他會(huì)為你驕傲的。(be proud of),If your father were still alive, he would be very proud

54、of you.,,,be still alive,Ex. 7Translate the following sentences into English.,3.她開車轉(zhuǎn)彎上了自家的車道(driveway),不料發(fā)現(xiàn)路已被堵塞 (block)。(only to),She turned up the driveway, only to find her way blocked.,,,turned up the driveway,Ex.

55、7Translate the following sentences into English.,4.他沒有告訴任何人就走了,因?yàn)樗幌刖砣肽羌隆?get involved in),He went away without telling anyone, because he didn’t want to get involved in that matter.,,Ex. 7Translate the following s

56、entences into English.,5.最終,產(chǎn)品的成功還是取決于高明的銷售手段 (marketing)。(ultimately),Ultimately, the success of the product depends on good marketing.,,,depend on good marketing,Ex. 8Read and compare the English sentences, paying at

57、tention to the italicized parts and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.,1.I gazed out the window at this captivating scene and thought to myself “No freshman should be

58、so lucky”!,他凝視著窗外無邊無際的大海,自忖“這里景色真美?。 ?Simulated reproduction:,Simulated translation:,He gazed out the window at this boundless sea and thought to himself “What a beautiful scenery it is!”,Reference:,She gazed out the win

59、dow at this attractive country scene and thought to herself “How I wish I could live here!”,2.During this first week, it’s a relief to have four girls I can call friends and that can help me through this adjustment pro

60、cess which is quite difficult at times.,第一年到工廠,幸虧有這些可稱為朋友的同事相伴,幫助我順利度過了最初艱難的適應(yīng)期。,Simulated reproduction:,Simulated translation:,During this first year in the factory, it’s a relief to have these colleagues I could call f

61、riends and that could help me through this adjustment process which was quite difficult at times.,Reference:,During the first month, it’s a relief to have these classmates I could call friends and that helped me through

62、this military training which was quite hard at times.,3.Classes meet at their regular times, and we’re able to attend as many as we want.,Lectures met at their regular times, the students were allowed to attend as many

63、as they were willing to.,會(huì)議在通常固定的時(shí)間召開,教師們可以出席他們想?yún)⒓拥乃袝?huì)議。,Simulated reproduction:,Simulated translation:,Meetings met at their regular times, teachers were allowed to attend as many as they were willing to.,Reference:,4.

64、Our dining hall is more like a church or a museum than a cafeteria.,The tall building on the side of the pond is more like a classroom building than a school library.,與其說這棟高層建筑是一個(gè)劇院,不如說它更像一個(gè)購物中心。,Simulated reproduction:,

65、Simulated translation:,4. The tall building is more like a shopping mall than a theater.,Reference:,5.All of these first-week experiences will make great life-time memories but the best assets Harvard has offered me thu

66、s far have been the other students I’ve met.,The first-month experiences at college will make great life-time memories but the best thing the college has offered her thus far has been the club she has got involved.,大學(xué)四年將

67、成為我畢生的珍貴記憶。然而,到目前為止學(xué)校給予我的最寶貴資源是在大學(xué)遇到的那些杰出的教授。,Simulated reproduction:,Simulated translation:,The college experiences will make great life-time memories but the best assets the college has offered me thus far have been th

68、e outstanding professors I’ve met.,Reference:,1.How to balance study and extracurricular activities at college?,Ex. 9.Work in pairs and discuss the following topics.,Other useful words for reference:great, amazing, in


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