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1、6400 英文單詞, 英文單詞,3.4 萬英文字符,中文 萬英文字符,中文 11800 字文獻出處: 文獻出處:Kendall M. Fuel cell development for New Energy Vehicles (NEVs) and clean air in China[J]. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2018.Fuel cell deve

2、lopment for New Energy Vehicles (NEVs) and clean air in ChinaMichaela KendallAbstractThis paper reviews the background to New Energy Vehicles (NEV) policies in China, and the key scientific and market challenges that nee

3、d to be addressed to accelerate fuel cells (FCs) in the rapidly developing NEV market. The global significance of the Chinese market, key players, core FC technologies and future research priorities are discussed.Keyword

4、s: New energy vehicle (NEV),Electric vehicle (EV),Hybrid vehicle (HV),Battery electric vehicle (BEV),F(xiàn)uel cell vehicle (FCV),F(xiàn)uel cell bus,Range extender,Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEM FC),Solid oxide fuel c

5、ell (SOFC) ,Hydrogen,Clean air in China1. IntroductionChina became the largest car producer a decade ago, set to overtake the USA as the world's biggest oil importer in 2017. New passenger vehicle sales in China will

6、 exceed 25 million per annum in 2017 [1]; in September 2017 alone, sales of vehicles in China reached 2,709,000 units, up 5.7% year on September 2016. Increased vehicle production and sales meet exponential growth expect

7、ations within the car industry, but the increased emissions from road transport will also have well- quantified impacts on urban air quality and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in China [2]. Traffic emissions have become

8、incompatible with Chinese policies on climate change and the protection of human health. This unsustainable model results in real world emissions higher than the regulated emission factors [3], high energy usage and low

9、utilization [4], exacerbating air quality problems in cities like Beijing. Urban air pollution has significant consequence for human health today; in 2013 premature deaths due to air pollution cost the global economy an

10、estimated $225 billion in lost labour income, and $5.11 trillion in welfare losses worldwide, equivalent to the gross domestic product of India, Canada, and Mexico combined [5]. China alone lost ~ 10% of its GDP in 2013

11、as a result of air pollution according to this World Bank study. If car ownership follows the Western model, there will be 10 billion cars in China by 2100 [6].Environmental protection and economic growth ambitions have

12、promoted the electrification of urban transport in China, attempting to de-couple transport from urban emissions. Since the 2000s, the Chinese Government championed a national strategy for clean vehicles that is distinct

13、 from the Western model, primarily to address urban pollution [7]. At the same time, around the world, fossil fuels are increasingly seen as an investment liability, prompting significant investment shifts into decarboni

14、sed clean energy. Several national and local policies in China encouraged the development of New Energy Vehicles (NEVs) which are based on battery technologies, and other non-combustion technologies such as fuel cells (F

15、Cs), which can improve battery performance and lifetimes [8]. NEVs are essential for China to meet international climate change obligations GHG emission reduction targets, which are reviewed every 5 years under the Unite

16、d Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change [9]. As a result, Chinese incentives for FC vehicles (FCVs) currently extend beyond those offered for battery NEVs.This paper reviews the background to NEV policies, and t

17、he key scientific and market challenges that need to be addressed to accelerate FCs in the rapidly developing NEV market. The The UN Conference of Parties (COP21) Paris agreement in December 2015 provided the regulatory

18、basis for global economic movement away from fossil fuels towards low carbon technologies [9]. Governments including China agreed to achieve GHG emission reductions limiting modelled global average temperature rises to l

19、ess than 2 °C, and prevent dangerous climate change scenarios [10]. However, while studies have shown that EVs reduced local air pollution by replacing conventional cars, GHG emissions could only be reduced by ~ 30%

20、 in China where coal is used for electricity production [14]. Accelerating cleaner NEV deployment is therefore critical to decarbonise transport in China, by promoting low-carbon fuels, electrification and clean technolo

21、gy development. Since the trend in aggregate emissions remains upwards, drastic cuts in emissions are now required. COP21 led to recent announcements in the UK and other developed countries to ban fossil fuel powered veh

22、icles in cities by 2040, and China is set to follow in 2018. Global investors increasingly see fossil fuels as an in- vestment portfolio risk, which shunts investment capital from fossil fuels towards clean energy. This

23、influx of so-called patient capital towards clean tech will create massive research and business opportunities in the transport sector, with the NEV programme set to deliver these to the Chinese and global market.3. Uniq

24、ue conditions for clean vehicle development in ChinaElectrification of energy is increasing across the globe [10,15] and offers nations an opportunity to cut their GHG emissions; 23% of energy-related GHG emissions world

25、wide are attributable to transport [16]. Due to scaled infrastructure investments, the internal market in China is rapidly moving energy generation away from fossil fuels to clean technologies, e.g. solar photovoltaics (

26、PV). NEV uptake in China signals battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are displacing fossil fuel vehicles now, but regulators remain encouraging to other technologies such as fuel cells (FCs), which can decarbonise emissions

27、 further. China has been the largest producer of NEVs since 2015 and has determined that 8% of cars sold in 2019 are powered by “new energy”, 12% by 2020 [7]. China already leads the world in solar PV and battery produc

28、tion [10,17], and is rapidly internationalising NEV production capacity and sales reach, engaging and buying assets in the sector. FC technology enables batteries and vehicle electrification, by extending range and delay

29、ing the need for prolonged re-charge times; one typical FC model is depicted in Fig. 2 as an example. As a result, these economic, social and environmental factors are propelling China to leapfrog countries like Germany

30、and the UK where early electric and hydrogen vehicle fleets were introduced, but not fully commercialised due to failure to prioritise zero emission vehicles [18]. Other national policies align, with NEVs hailed as benef

31、iting citizens and communities and a logical fit for the socio-politico-economic goal for Chinese citizens. Air quality security achieved through reduced air pollution from NEVs – along with other socio-economic, environ

32、mental and food securities – is the goal. The technical outcomes of the NEV strategy are also aligned with other policies with industry seen as the foundation of economic development. In particular, NEV policies are stra

33、tegically aligned with Made in China 2025 which aims to elevate Chinese enterprises from system integrators of components from the West (normally by imitation) who then develop solutions that achieve reasonable performan

34、ce at the lowest prices, to global innovation leaders that shape industry. The latest Communist Party Conference (CPC) 5 year plan emerging from the 19th CPC meeting in Beijing (October 2017) directed Chinese businesses


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