1、<p><b> 中文4080字</b></p><p> 外 文 翻 譯</p><p><b> 原文:</b></p><p> land value tax:worth the transition</p><p> land tax:a better way<
2、;/p><p> Land Value Taxation is an annual tax on the market rental value of land.It would be levied as a fixed rate,Muellbauer suggests 0.5% in chaper three.It taxes the given value of the land,not the develop
3、ment that has occurred on it,and does so whether or not the land has been sold.It has,therefore,a number of advantages over other forms of taxation and addresses a number of the concerns raised obove,especially incentive
4、s,equity and economic efficiency.</p><p> As an annual charge on the rental value of the land,LVT would not be a tax on transaction and therefore development.As outlined above,not only would this conflict l
5、ess with government policy to deliver an increase in the rate of housebuilding,it could actively promote it by providing incentives for local anthorities to encourage development.An annual tax on the market rental value
6、of the land-levied regardless of the land use or development on it-would further promote the re-use of brownfield la</p><p> LVT also has the benefit of capturing the increase in private wealth that accure
7、through public investment.As an annual fixed rate,revenues would rise as the land’s market value(and therefore tax base)increase.In theory,therefore,there it could provide an automatic revenue stream to help fund infrast
8、ructure projects.</p><p> There is the need for some caution,however.Forms of land taxation have been tried before.As Table 1 outlines,there have been four attempts since World War Two.These previous taxes
9、have aimed to capture windfall gains from both the granting of planning permission and also in the case of the Development Land Tax,from development itself.Many reasons have been advanced for their failure.Some complain
10、of their complexity and the fact that none of them were given time to bed-in (Connellan and Lichfiel</p><p> Table 1:Past UK Examples of forms of Land Taxation in the UK</p><p> Source:adapted
11、 from Connellan and Lichfield(2000)</p><p> Indeed,advocates often point to Denmark and New Zealand as examples where LVT has worked,with both introuducing quite radical schemes in 19th Century.However,bot
12、h countries have removed their major forms of LVT and retain less radical property taxation(Andelson,2000).Despite these and the UK’s setbacks LVT should not necessarily be dismissed.A number of other countries use forms
13、 of LVT as part of their fiscal framework-South Afica,some Caribbean states and Western Canada,for example.Slightly di</p><p> Radical reform,not sudden reform</p><p> All of these arguments p
14、oint to the need for reform of how property is taxed in Britain. Simply revaluing homes and introducing a Planning-gain supplement will not prevent these problems from recurning.But radical reform does not mean sudden re
15、form,and the political and logistical barriers to LVT make it a distant goal at best.To make LVT achievable,we must plan how to get there.</p><p> Firstly, the current tinkering should be publicly acknowled
16、ged as a stepping stone,not a destination.Simply by announcing in which direction it wishes to travel,the government has the power to focus debate and engage the thoughts and experiences of academics and professionals.It
17、 is clear from the previous attempts at land taxation that buliding a cross-party political consensus is also important.Ippr’s recent cross-party Commission on Sustainable Development did exactly this,arguing: a land val
18、u</p><p> Secondly,the details of upcoming reform should be designed with a more ambitious goal in mind.Returning to the problems described at the start of this introduction tells us what changes are needed
19、.</p><p> To create an automatic stabiliser for the housing market,property taxes must respond better to differences over time,between regions,and between properties.Making revaluation an annual process and
20、 creating more bands would go some way to achieving this.</p><p> To capture some of the private profit from public infrastructure investment,the relationship between central and local government will have
21、to be addressed.As already stated above,this perennial issue is unlikely to be resolved with the publication of the Lyons Inquiry.This may actually be a good thing.It seems far more sensible to start from a question of w
22、hat local government is for,and then how should it be financed,rather than the political fire-fighting that Lyons is engaged with.At a time </p><p> The Plannnig-gain Supplement,proposed by Barker(2004)and
23、likely to be adopted by the government,establishes the principle that some increases in value arise from public action,rather than private,and that it is therefore legitimate for it to be used for the public good.This pr
24、inciple must be articulated.PGS should be used as a “wedge issue”,expanding the space in which the idea is accepted(see,for example Akerlof 2005),and making it easier to apply it more widely.The government must therefore
25、 ba</p><p> Finally,in the longer term,a change in the tax system presents an opportunity to iron out the arbitrary jumps in stamp duty.Simply changing “slad”structure,so that higher rates would apply only
26、to the additional pound over a threshold,would impose a considerable cost to the exchequer.Every house over $120000 would pay $1200 less tax,every house over $250000 would pay $6200 less,and over $500000,$11200 less.Atte
27、mpting to recover this revenue through a new top-rate would prove politically difficul</p><p> There does not seem to be the political appetite for significant reform of property taxation.Yet it is clear th
28、at property taxation does not currently efficiently or equitably promote government objectives.2005 is an important year in the on-going Lyons Inquiry should not serve to close off debate on more profound reform of prope
29、rty taxation.This is not a call for a revolution in taxation.We are not what Andelson(2000:xix)has termed“whole-hoggers”,we do not believe that LVT is“the sovereign path</p><p> Could land tax work</p>
30、;<p> Since Lloyd George,there have been several abortive attempts to tax the windfall gains from planning permission.The standard text on the UK tax system,one of whose authors is now the Governor of the Bank of
31、 England,insists that “the underlying intellectual argument for seeking to tax economic rent retains its force”(Kay and King 1990,P.179).Since 1947 ,land value in the UK has depended on its planning status.If a field is
32、zoned for agriculture,it is worth a few thousand pounds per hectare.If it </p><p> There are two main objections:the expectation that the would not be permanent,and the costs of assessment.Property interest
33、s have always seen off past attempts at land taxation.This happened not only in 1909 and 1914,but also,as Barker(2003,Box 7.3)notes,in 1947,1967,1974,and 1985.On each occasion,they did succeed.The inference to draw is no
34、t Barker’s inference that land taxation is unfeasible.It is that any tax should be a tax on capital value,not a tax on transactions.</p><p> The second objection to land value taxation is the difficulty of
35、assessment.This is less of a problem than it seems.The same difficulty faces both business rates and council tax,the two taxes that land value tax would replace (in whole or in part).Both of these taxes are linked to val
36、uations that rapidly go out of date.Council tax bands are determined by houses’value in 1991.The next Council Tax revaluation in England is due in 2007 and the political flak has already started to fly.A 2005 revalu</
37、p><p> The base for Uniform Business Rate is revalued only every five years.The more time that elapses between valuations,the more those whose assets have risen in relative value have an incentive to block rev
38、aluation.It was just such a revolt against rating revaluation in the 1980s that led to the poll tax disaster.</p><p> Enough houses change hands every year that the capital value of every house in the land
39、could be calculated annually.Estate agents do it all the time,in their ordinary business.Therefore there is no reason why a public sector valuer (the existing Valuation service or a successor) could not do the same.Comme
40、rcial and industrial property changes hands less often,so that annual valuation of every parcel of land may not be feasible.But this is not an insuperable objection.At worst a government could</p><p> A thi
41、rd objection,currently politically salient,is that any property tax including land tax penalises the “asset-rich but cash-poor”-who in current debate are characterised as “Devon pensioners”.The first,robust,answer,is tha
42、t Devon pensioners should face the real opportuninty cost of continuing to live in large houses,and they have options of taking in lodgers or trading down to smaller houses.A softer answer is that the tax liability on a
43、freehold house could be deferred if the householder can</p><p> Source: Dominic Maxwell and Anthony Vigor,2006.“l(fā)and value tax:worth the transition”.university of oxford.april,pp.5-7,18-20.</p><p
44、><b> 譯文:</b></p><p> 土地增值稅:值得轉(zhuǎn)變嗎</p><p> 土地增值稅:一個更好的方式</p><p> 土地增值稅是在土地市場租賃價格基礎上的一種每年必須繳納的稅收,它將按固定比率進行征收,米爾鮑爾在本文第三章中提出該固定比率為0.5%。它根據(jù)土地的給定值征稅,與它是否已經(jīng)得到增值無關,與土地是不是已
45、經(jīng)出售無關。因此,有別于其他稅種,許多優(yōu)勢主要體現(xiàn)在它的地理位是否得到許多關注,尤其是否有獎勵措施、公平競爭環(huán)境與較高的經(jīng)濟效率。</p><p> 作為一種在土地出租價值基礎上的每年必須繳納的稅種,土地增值稅不會因為它是否轉(zhuǎn)換而得到發(fā)展。綜上所述,這種是否轉(zhuǎn)換的方式不僅與政府政策沒有沖突,而且也不會減慢住宅建筑物的增長比率,它可以通過當?shù)卣峁┑莫剟顏矸e極地促進它的發(fā)展。在市場土地租賃價格基礎上的每年必須繳
46、納的稅種,在征收過程中不管土地是否使用或者得到了增值,進而會進一步提高布朗菲爾德土地的再利用價值。因為一個空置的地盤最終仍會帶來每年的收入。確實,關于這方面的爭論有很多,可能每種爭論都會促使形成更多可持續(xù)發(fā)展的模式,例如通過鼓勵經(jīng)濟不是很繁榮地區(qū)商業(yè)的發(fā)展,因為當?shù)氐耐恋厥袌鰞r格比經(jīng)濟相對較繁榮地區(qū)要低。(土地增值稅變革,2002)。</p><p> 當個人財富越來越多投資于公共事業(yè)時,土地增值稅有利于獲取其
47、中的投資盈利。土地增值稅每年的征收比率是固定的,稅收將隨著土地市場價格(即征稅的基礎)的增加而增加。理論上,有關部門可以提供一種自動計算的模式,幫助計算收入中有多少比例的資金流入了國家的基礎建設項目。</p><p> 下面有一些值得重視的注意事項,土地增值稅形式的改變在很早以前就已經(jīng)被嘗試過,根據(jù)表一的大概描述,自第二次世界大戰(zhàn)以來共有四次較大的嘗試。先前制定的這些稅收政策主要是為了取得在納稅籌劃允許范圍之內(nèi)
49、的。</p><p> 表格一:過去關于英國土地增值稅不同形式的例子</p><p> 來源:改編自康奈利奧、利奇菲爾德(2000)</p><p> 確實,反對者總是喜歡拿丹麥和新西蘭作為例子,因為那里的土地增值稅曾經(jīng)在19世紀已經(jīng)得到實施并且形成了較徹底的征稅方案。但是,目前兩個國家卻都逐步消除了他們國家土地增值稅的主要形式,保留了較少部分的財產(chǎn)稅(亨利喬
50、治,2000)。盡管如此,這對英國在土地增值稅改革上面臨的挫折的影響不會很大,許多其他國家將土地增值稅的形式作為他們財政體系的一部分,就像南非、加勒比海的一些州和加拿大西部的大部分地區(qū),香港和新加坡的絕大部分地區(qū)在經(jīng)營體系的建設上與上面幾個國家稍微存在一些不同,特別是因為這些國家的土地是公家所有的,所以租金流入就直接進入了國家財政。</p><p> 激進的改革而不是突然的改革</p><p
51、> 所有這些爭論都直指是否有必要對英國的財產(chǎn)稅進行改革,對房子的重新估價和對收益增加部分的補充說明不會阻止這些問題的再次產(chǎn)生。但是激進的改革并不等同于突然的改革,政策和后勤的保障使土地增值稅改革變成了一個遙遠的目標,為了達到土地增值稅的改革目標,我們必須事先計劃好實施的方案。</p><p> 首先,目前的小修小補必須被公開地承認是一個跳板,而不是終極目標。只要把握好它期望達到的大方向,政府部門有能力應
52、對那些來自于學者和專業(yè)人士的爭辯。從以前在土地增值稅上的嘗試中可以清楚地看到,建立一個跨黨派的政治共識也很重要。公共政策研究所最近的跨黨派可持續(xù)發(fā)展委員會也正是這樣認為:土地增值稅很可能成為實現(xiàn)可持續(xù)發(fā)展的有用工具,只要未來的任何改革都承認這兩個基本因素:第一,新的改革必須是激勵人的;第二,能夠滿足東南地區(qū)住房需求中的額外資源供給。(東南委員會,2005:55)</p><p> 其次,在即將來臨的改革的細節(jié)設
53、計上,應考慮更加長遠的目標,回歸到本文介紹開始所述的問題告訴我們什么樣的變化才是必要的。</p><p> 要建立一個自動穩(wěn)定的住房市場,物業(yè)稅必須更好地滿足不同時間、不同的地區(qū)和不同物業(yè),制造一個每年重新估價的方法,然后選擇最好的方法實現(xiàn)這一目標。</p><p> 為了取得從公共基礎建設投資中獲得的一些私人利益,中央和地方政府的關系需得到解決。按照前面提到的規(guī)定,這個多年來的問題是
54、不可能從里昂調(diào)查局的出版物中得到解決,這實際上可能是件好事。這似乎更明智的是從當?shù)卣撠熓裁磫栴}開始,然后應該怎樣融資,而不是從里昂發(fā)生的政治滅火事件開始。當一個地方當局正在鼓勵提出要在住房增長和經(jīng)濟增長中發(fā)揮重要作用時,他們采取的財政機制是非常明智的,重新評估并確定均衡撥款的方式可以更好地反映當?shù)卣乃每此坪侠怼?lt;/p><p> 由巴克(2004)提出的收益增補計劃可能會被政府采納,,價值的增加有些來
55、自公共行為,而不是私人行為,確立的那些原則必須是清晰的。收益增補計劃應該被當作一個“楔子問題”,擴大這想法被接受的空間,并使其更容易更廣泛得被接受。因此政府應該以收益增補計劃為基礎,貫徹堅定和公正的原則,而不是以資金的實際需要量為基礎。</p><p> 最后,從長遠來看,稅收系統(tǒng)的改變提供了一個消除印花稅專制的機會,只要改變“斯拉得”結(jié)構(gòu),這樣高稅率就會只適用于超過臨界值的額外收益,將不至于給國庫強加較大的成
56、本。例如,每一超過120000美元的房子將少交稅款1200美元,每一超過250000美元的房子將少交稅款6200美元,每一超過500000美元的房子將少交稅款11200美元。試圖通過一個最高稅率來恢復稅收收入的想法在政治上被證明是難以實現(xiàn)的,特別是勞工已經(jīng)增加了三個百分點的最高稅率。一個完整的新系統(tǒng),像土地增值稅,應該提供一個消除價格時時猛漲并保持財政的中立的機會。</p><p> 財產(chǎn)稅的稅制改革似乎沒有引
57、起政治上的重視,很顯然目前財產(chǎn)稅還不能公正高效地促進政府達成目標。2005是重要的一年,持續(xù)的里昂調(diào)查不應該被用來阻止財產(chǎn)稅更深刻的改革,這不是在和稅收改革談要求,我們不是什么安德爾森稱之的“極端論者”,我們不相信土地增值稅是“極好的通往社會主義的道路”。相反,土地增值稅在財政框架中扮演的重要角色,后面的章節(jié)將提供了一些積極的看法。</p><p><b> 土地稅能起作用嗎</b><
58、;/p><p> 自勞安德·喬治以來,通過建筑規(guī)劃許可獲得意外收益已經(jīng)有一些失敗的嘗試。關于英國稅收體系標準文本,作為作者之一的現(xiàn)任英國銀行行長,強調(diào)“底層為尋求經(jīng)濟地租的稅金保留它的力量”(凱和金,1990,P179)。自1947年以來,英國的土地增值稅取決于它的規(guī)劃現(xiàn)狀,如果土地是用于農(nóng)業(yè)規(guī)劃,每公頃價值幾千英鎊;如果是用于商業(yè)規(guī)劃,每公頃價值百萬英鎊。土地增值稅稅收是有效的(因為它不會扭曲土地發(fā)展的
59、誘因),是公平的(因為它將一些經(jīng)濟租金返還給初創(chuàng)者,也就是地方當局和當?shù)鼐用瘢?。正如凱和金解釋的:假如規(guī)劃許可增加從5000美元到1百萬美元的土地價值獎,那么,即使所產(chǎn)生的收益是90%的課稅,發(fā)展仍然是比將土地用于建筑房屋而不是用于農(nóng)業(yè)發(fā)展收益100000美元要好,這一強大的動力使項目進展順利。</p><p> 有以下幾種主要的反對意見:預期不會永久和評估費用問題。財產(chǎn)收益一直被看作是土地稅過去的嘗試,這不僅
60、發(fā)生在1909年1914年,巴克(2003,專欄7.3)指出,這同樣發(fā)生在1947年、1967年、1974年和1985年,在每一個時期,都得到成功實踐。這一推論的得出不是巴克的土地增值稅是不能實踐的,任何稅收的征繳應該是基于資本價值而不是交易所得。</p><p> 第二個反對土地增值稅的意見認為土地的評估過程很困難,這看起來問題不大,營業(yè)稅和議會稅同樣面臨這一困難,土地增值稅能夠全部或部分取代這兩種稅,這些稅
61、種都與評估的時間有關。1991年議會稅由房屋的價值決定,接下來的英國議會稅改革是在2007年,開始了政黨間的相互抨擊。2005年在威爾士的重新估價使很多房屋的相對價值上漲,這激怒了威爾士的納稅人,但卻有利地擴充了稅基。在2005年的大選中,保守黨承諾推遲2007年的重估計劃,這看起來比自由民主黨對土地增值稅改革的短期承諾更不可靠。</p><p> 為統(tǒng)一的交易稅重新估價設定稅基只有每五年一次,評估的時間拖得越
62、久,被評估資產(chǎn)的相對增值越會阻礙資產(chǎn)的重新評估進程,這就是在19世紀80年代反對等級評估導致稅收民意調(diào)查的一個災難。</p><p> 每年都有足夠的房屋轉(zhuǎn)手,每年都可以對房屋的資本價值進行計算,地產(chǎn)代理將其作為他們的日常業(yè)務。因此,沒有理由一個公共部門的評估師無法做到現(xiàn)有的評估服務和后續(xù)的事務。商業(yè)和工業(yè)物業(yè)的轉(zhuǎn)手次數(shù)較少,所以對土地的每年的評估可能不可行,但這并不是不可逾越的,最壞的情況下政府同樣可以繼續(xù)每
64、關。</p><p> 第三種反對意見認為,目前政治上的突出問題是任何財產(chǎn)稅包括土地增值稅表現(xiàn)出的“資產(chǎn)豐富,現(xiàn)金不足”,這種現(xiàn)象被稱為“德文郡退休”特征。一個穩(wěn)健的回答是,德文郡的退休老人應該面對繼續(xù)住在大房子的機會成本,他們有權選擇出租或降級居住到更小的房子;一個較軟的回答是當業(yè)主一時無法支付或當房屋已經(jīng)出售款項未收到時,完全保有住宅的納稅義務可以延遲,地方當局能夠借到被拖欠的債務,現(xiàn)金流將不會受到很大影響
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