1、<p><b> 廣東工業(yè)大學</b></p><p><b> 華立學院</b></p><p> 本科畢業(yè)設計(論文)</p><p> 外文參考文獻譯文及原文</p><p> 系 部 城建學部 </p><p>
2、專 業(yè) 土木工程 </p><p> 年 級 2009級 </p><p> 班級名稱 09土木工程4班 </p><p> 學 號 </p><p> 學生姓名
3、 </p><p> 指導教師 </p><p><b> 2013 年 5月</b></p><p><b> 目 錄</b></p><p><b> 1 灌注樁1</b></p>&
4、lt;p> 2 Bored pile6</p><p> 3 全站儀在公路導線和中線測量中的應用12</p><p> 4 Total station in the highway center line conductors and Measurement16</p><p><b> 灌 注 樁</b></p
5、><p><b> 概 述</b></p><p> 鉆(沖、挖)孔灌注樁,從20世紀60年代初在河南省南陽地區(qū)研制應用以來,因其具有眾多的優(yōu)點,已廣泛應用于包括軟土、黃土、膨脹土等特殊土在內(nèi)的各類地基和工業(yè)、民用、市政、鐵路、公路、港口等各類工程實踐中。和預制樁相比,鉆孔樁施工時無噪聲、無振動,對周圍建筑及環(huán)境影響小,樁徑大,入土深,承載力大。據(jù)統(tǒng)計,我國鉆(沖)孔
6、樁最大樁徑已達到4000mm,最大樁深已達104m,兒鋼管樁最大樁徑為1200mm,最大樁深為83m,預應力混凝土管樁最大樁徑為1300mm,最大樁深為40m。</p><p> 隨著我國社會主義建設事業(yè)的迅速發(fā)展,伴隨著高層建筑,大跨度橋梁的興起,對樁基礎的承載力有了更高的要求。大直徑灌注樁因此得到快速發(fā)展,樁長和樁徑也越做越大。然而,在現(xiàn)有的各種成樁方法中,鉆孔樁雖有許多優(yōu)點而被廣泛采用,但在施工中卻難以避
7、免泥漿的影響,這不僅降低樁承載力的期望值,而且造成材料的嚴重浪費。人工挖孔樁因難以達到更大的深度,其承載力也難盡如人意。鑒于灌注樁的這種現(xiàn)狀,如何提高樁的施工工藝水平,使投入的材料得到更為合理的利用,以大幅度提高單樁承載力,就成為工程界備受關注的熱點問題。</p><p> 1、鉆孔灌注樁的簡介</p><p> 灌注樁是指在工程現(xiàn)場通過機械鉆孔、鋼管擠土或人力挖掘等手段在地基土中形成
8、樁孔,并在其內(nèi)放置鋼筋籠、灌注混凝土而做成的樁,依照成孔方法不同,灌注樁又可分為沉管灌注樁、鉆孔灌注樁和挖孔灌注樁等幾類。鉆孔灌注樁是按成樁方法分類而定義的一種樁型。</p><p> 2、鉆孔灌注樁的特點</p><p> (1)與沉入樁中的錘擊法相比,施工噪音和震動要小的多;</p><p> ?。?)能建造比預制樁的直徑大的多的樁;</p>
9、<p> ?。?)在各種地基上均可使用;</p><p> (4)施工質量的好壞對樁的承載力影響很大;</p><p> ?。?)因混凝土時在泥水中灌注的,因此混凝土質量較難控制。</p><p> 3、鉆孔灌注樁施工方法</p><p> 沖擊鉆孔,沖抓鉆孔和回轉鉆削成孔等均可采用泥漿護壁施工法。該施工法的過程是:平整場地→
10、泥漿制備→埋設護筒→鋪設工作平臺→安裝鉆機并定位→鉆進成孔→清孔并檢查成孔質量→下放鋼筋籠→灌注水下混凝土→拔出護筒→檢查質量。施工順序:</p><p><b> 施工準備</b></p><p> 施工準備包括:選擇鉆機、鉆具、場地布置等。鉆機是鉆孔灌注樁施工的主</p><p> 要設備,可根據(jù)地質情況和各種鉆孔機的應用條件來選擇。
11、</p><p> (2)鉆孔機的安裝與定位</p><p> 安裝鉆孔機的基礎如果不穩(wěn)定,施工中易產(chǎn)生鉆孔傾斜、樁傾斜和樁偏心等不良影響,因此要求安裝地基穩(wěn)固。對地層較軟和有坡度的地基,可用推土機推平,在墊上鋼板或枕木加固。</p><p> 為防止樁位不準,施工中很重要的是定好中心位置和正確的安裝鉆孔機,對有鉆塔的鉆孔機,先利用鉆機的動力與附近的地籠配合,
12、將鉆桿移動大致定位,再用千斤頂將機架頂起,準確定位,使起重滑輪、鉆頭或固定鉆桿的卡孔與護筒中心在一垂線上,以保證鉆機的垂直度。鉆機位置的偏差不大于2cm。對準樁位后,永枕木墊平鉆機橫梁,并在塔頂對稱于鉆機軸線上拉上纜風繩。</p><p><b> ?。?)埋設護筒</b></p><p> 鉆孔成敗的關鍵是防止孔壁坍塌。當鉆孔較深時,在地上水位以下的孔壁土在靜水壓
13、力下會向孔內(nèi)坍塌、甚至發(fā)生流砂現(xiàn)象。鉆孔內(nèi)若能保持壁地下水位高的水頭,增加孔內(nèi)靜水壓力,能為孔壁、防止坍孔。護筒除起到這個作用外,同時好有隔離地表水、保護孔口地面、固定樁孔位置和鉆頭導向作用等。</p><p><b> ?。?)泥漿制備</b></p><p> 鉆孔泥漿由水、粘土(膨潤土)和添加劑組成。具有浮懸鉆渣、冷卻鉆頭、潤滑鉆具,增大靜水壓力,并在孔壁形成
14、泥皮,隔斷孔內(nèi)外滲流,防止坍孔的作用。調制的鉆孔泥漿及經(jīng)過循環(huán)凈化的泥漿,應根據(jù)鉆孔方法和地層情況來確定泥漿稠度,泥漿稠度應視地層變化或操作要求機動掌握,泥漿太稀,排渣能力小、護臂效果差;泥漿太稠會削弱鉆頭沖擊功能,降低鉆進速度。</p><p><b> ?。?)鉆孔</b></p><p> 鉆孔是一道關鍵工序,在施工中必須嚴格按照操作要求進行,才能保證成孔質量
15、,首先要注意開孔質量,為此必須對好中線及垂直度,并壓好護筒。在施工中要注意不斷添加泥漿和抽渣(沖擊式用),還要隨時檢查成孔是否有偏斜現(xiàn)象。采用沖擊式或沖抓式鉆機施工時,附近土層因受到震動而影響鄰孔的穩(wěn)固。所以鉆好的孔應及時清孔,下放鋼筋籠和灌注水下混凝土。鉆孔的順序也應實事先規(guī)劃好,既要保證下一個樁孔的施工不影響上一個樁孔,又要使鉆機的移動距離不要過遠和相互干擾。</p><p><b> ?。?)清孔
16、</b></p><p> 鉆孔的深度、直徑、位置和孔形直接關系到成樁質量與樁身曲直。為此,除了鉆孔過程中密切觀測監(jiān)督外,在鉆孔達到設計要求深度后,應對孔深、孔位、孔形、孔徑等進行檢查。在終孔檢查完全符合設計要求時,應立即進行孔底清理,避免隔時過長以致泥漿沉淀,引起鉆孔坍塌。對于摩擦樁當孔壁容易坍塌時,要求在灌注水下混凝土前沉渣厚度不大于30cm;當孔壁不易坍塌時,不大于20cm。對于柱樁,要求在射
17、水或射風前,沉渣厚度不大于5cm。清空方法是使用的鉆機不同而靈活應用。通??撇捎谜h(huán)旋轉鉆機、反循環(huán)旋轉機真空吸泥機以及抽渣筒等清孔。其中用吸泥機清孔,所需設備不多,操作方便,清孔也較徹底,但在不穩(wěn)定土層中應慎重使用。其原理就是用壓縮機產(chǎn)生的高壓空氣吹入吸泥機管道內(nèi)將泥渣吹出。,</p><p> (7)灌注水下混凝土</p><p> 完孔之后,就可將預制的鋼筋籠垂直吊放到孔內(nèi),定
18、位后要加以固定,然后用導管灌注混凝土,灌注時混凝土不要中斷,否則易出現(xiàn)斷樁現(xiàn)象。</p><p> 影響鉆孔灌注樁承載性能的因素</p><p> 在施工過程中,由于地質、施工機械的影響,常造成樁底虛土(軟弱層段),其厚度一般為0.2~0.5m,厚者可達1m。特別是松軟地層中鉆孔,用泥漿護壁,孔底沉渣更不可避免;即使經(jīng)過特別仔細清孔,清孔后至灌注混凝土前,仍會沉淀一些沉渣,且在程控過程
19、中,都普遍存在對孔壁和孔底土層的擾動。所有這些都影響了鉆孔灌注樁承載力的發(fā)揮。</p><p> 樁的靜載試驗表明,鉆孔灌注樁的端承力僅占其極限荷載的15%~35%,側阻與端阻的發(fā)揮存在不同步現(xiàn)象。要充分發(fā)揮測摩阻力只需幾個毫米的樁頂位移,而要充分發(fā)揮端阻力的作用,需要達到樁徑的10%~30%的樁頂位移。這么大的位移在工程上是不允許的。樁達到破壞時,測摩阻力達到極限而破壞,而端阻力得不到充分發(fā)揮,其潛力卻很大。
20、這就是鉆孔灌注樁承載力上不去的原因。</p><p> 研究表明,樁底虛土的存在,不僅影響端阻的發(fā)揮,也是測摩阻力受到損失。樁周軟弱夾層的存在,使得樁體與土體之間的摩擦性質發(fā)生改變,對于以樁土之間通過摩擦傳遞荷載來講,是非常不利的。這正是鉆孔灌注樁承載效益不高的另一原因。</p><p> 4、提高鉆孔灌注樁承載力的對策</p><p> 根據(jù)以上鉆孔灌注樁承
21、載力上不去的原因分析,工程界出現(xiàn)的一些提高樁基承載力的方法,大體上都是圍繞消除樁底沉渣、樁周軟弱夾層而設的。</p><p> ?。?)預加載法:預先對樁底進行預壓,使樁底虛土壓密,提高樁的承載力。但費時、費錢,且不易實施。</p><p> ?。?)擴大端承面積。即擴底樁,在過去的工程中用的較多,但對樁底虛土的存在仍無能為力。</p><p> ?。?)砂襯樁技術
22、:該法用于沉管灌注樁,施工時,利用雙層套管在樁周圍灌砂,成為砂套約3~10cm,砂套的存在科提高樁側壁的摩阻力。</p><p> ?。?)灌漿技術:灌漿法可分為先灌漿法。先灌漿法是在鉆孔樁成孔后至灌注混凝土前進行灌漿,即將噴頭鐵管放入孔底插入虛土,噴射水泥漿,使樁底虛土與水泥混合,最后再灌注樁身混凝土。</p><p> 承臺指的是為承受、分布由墩身傳遞的荷載,在基樁頂部設置的聯(lián)結各樁
23、頂?shù)匿摻罨炷疗脚_。</p><p><b> 5、樁承臺</b></p><p> 承臺指的是為承受、分布由墩身傳遞的荷載,在基樁頂部設置的聯(lián)結各樁頂?shù)匿摻罨炷疗脚_。</p><p> 承臺是樁與柱或墩聯(lián)系部分。承臺把幾根,甚至十幾根柱聯(lián)系在一起形成樁基礎。承臺分為高樁承臺和低樁承臺:低樁承臺一般埋在土中或部分埋進土中,高樁承臺一般露
24、出地面或水面。高樁承臺由于具有一段自由長度,其周圍無支撐體共同承受水平外力?;鶚兜氖芰η闆r極為不利。樁身內(nèi)力和位移都比同樣水平外力作用下低樁承臺要大,其穩(wěn)定性因為比低樁承臺差。</p><p> 高樁承臺一般用于港口、碼頭、海洋工程及橋梁工程。低樁承臺一般用于工業(yè)與民用房屋建筑物。樁頭一般伸入承臺0.1米,并有鋼筋錨入承臺。承臺上再建柱或墩,形成完整的傳力體系。</p><p> 近年
25、來由于大直徑鉆孔灌注樁的采用,樁的剛度、強度都較大,因而高樁承臺在橋梁基礎工程中已得到廣泛采用。</p><p> Bored pile</p><p> Summary:Drill ( flushing, dig ) pile from the nineteen sixties, beginning in Henan province Nanyang region since the
26、 development application, because of its many advantages, has been widely used in soft soil, loess, including soil, expansive soil and other special types of foundation and industrial, civil, municipal, railway, highway,
27、 port and other types of Engineering ,practice. And precast pile, bored pile construction of no noise, no vibration, on the surrounding buildings and small environm</p><p> Along with our country socialist
28、construction is booming, with high-rise buildings, large span bridges on the rise, the bearing capacity of pile foundation with higher requirements. Large diameter bored pile therefore gets rapid development, pile length
29、 and pile diameter also do bigger more. However, in the existing various methods of pile, bored pile has many advantages and is widely used in construction, but it is hard to avoid the impact of mud, which not only reduc
30、es the bearing capacity of </p><p> 1.The introduction of bored cast-in-place pile</p><p> Perfusion pile refers to the construction site by mechanical drilling, steel pipe soil compaction or
31、human mining method in the foundation pile hole in form, and on its inner placed reinforcement cage, concrete made with different pile, drilling method, grouting pile can be divided again for cast-in-place pile, bored pi
32、le and digging several types of piles. Bored pile by pile into the definition and classification of a kind of pile.</p><p> 2.The characteristics of bored cast-in-place pile</p><p> And sinkin
33、g pile of hammering method, construction noise and vibration is smaller</p><p> To construct than the precast pile of large diameter of pile</p><p> In all kinds of ground can be used</p>
34、;<p> The construction quality of the pile bearing capacity influence</p><p> Because the concrete is in the mud perfusion is difficult to control, so the quality of concrete</p><p> 3
35、.Bored pile construction method</p><p> Percussion drilling, punching grabbing drilling and rotary drilling hole can adopt slurry wall construction method. The construction process is: site formation, slurr
36、y preparation, buried tube and laying work platform rig and positioning, drilling, hole cleaning and inspection of hole quality and lower steel cage, underwater concrete perfusion to pull out the barrel to check quality.
37、 Construction sequence:</p><p> the construction preparation</p><p> Construction preparation comprise: selecting drill, drill, layout. Construction of bored pile drilling rig is the main equi
38、pment, according to the geological conditions and various drilling machine applied to select conditions</p><p> drilling machine installation and positioning</p><p> Installation of drilling m
39、achine based if not stable, easy to produce in the drilling </p><p> machine construction, pile and pile inclined inclined eccentric and other adverse effects, therefore requires the installation of foundat
40、ion stability. On the formation of softer, sloping ground, be bulldozed, the pad plate or tie reinforcement.</p><p> In order to prevent the pile position allowed, construction is very important to the set
41、the center position and the correct installation of drilling machine, the rig drilling machine, first use of the power drill and near the cage with the drill pipe, moving roughly position, and then Jack rack jacking, acc
42、urate positioning, so that the lifting pulley, drill bit or fixed drill hole cards and casing center in a vertical line, in other to ensure the verticality of the drilling rig. Drilling posit</p><p> buried
43、 tube</p><p> Underground water level below the Kong Bitu under the hydrostatic pressure to the hole collapse, and even the phenomenon of flow of sand. If you can keep the borehole wall high underground wat
44、er head, increase the hole hydrostatic pressure, to prevent collapse hole, hole wall. Casing in addition to play this role, at the same time, good isolation of surface water, ground, protecting the orifice pile hole dril
45、l guide fixed</p><p> slurry preparation</p><p> Drilling mud is composed of water, clay ( bentonite ) and an additive composition. A floating drilling waste slag cooling the drill bit, drill,
46、 lubrication, increasing hydrostatic pressure, and in the hole wall to form a slurry, partition within the bore to prevent seepage, the hole collapse effect. Modulation of the drilling mud and circulating purifying mud,
47、should be based on the drilling method and formation conditions to determine the slurry consistency, slurry consistency should be conside</p><p><b> drilling</b></p><p> The boreho
48、le is a key working procedure, in construction must strictly according </p><p> to the operating requirements, in order to ensure drilling quality, attention must be given to the hole quality, must be oppos
49、ite for this good midline and verticality, and pressed well casing. Must pay attention in the construction are continuously added and pumping the slurry slag ( impact type ), but also at any time to check whether there i
50、s deviation phenomenon into hole. Using the impulse or clamshell type drilling machine construction, soil due to vibration and impact near the adjacent ho</p><p> the hole cleaning</p><p> The
51、 drilling depth, diameter, location and shape of hole is directly related to the quality of pile and pile body black. Therefore, in addition to drilling process close observation supervision, to meet the design requireme
52、nts in drilling hole depth, with deep, hole pore shape, pore size and other inspections. In the end hole inspection in full compliance with the design requirements, shall immediately proceed to bottom hole cleaning, avoi
53、d it too long that mud settling, caused by borehole colla</p><p> pouring underwater concrete</p><p> After finishing hole, can be prefabricated reinforcement cage banging vertically into the
54、hole, positioning to be fixed, and then using a perfusion catheter concrete, pouring concrete don’t interrupt, or prone to the phenomenon of broken pile.</p><p> Effect of bored pile bearing performance fac
55、tors</p><p> In the construction process, construction machinery, due to geological effects, often caused by pile soil ( weak layers ), the thickness of 0.2~0.5m, thick and up to 1m. Especially in soft soil
56、 with mud, drilling, hole bottom sediment is inevitable; even after careful cleaning hole, the hole cleaning after and before concrete, will precipitate some sediment, and in drilling process, widespread presence on the
57、hole wall and the hole bottom soil disturbance. All of these affect the bearing capacit</p><p> Pile static load test show that, bored pile end bearing capacity of only the ultimate load of the 15%~35%, the
58、 side resistance and tip resistance of the existing synchronization phenomenon. Give full play to the role of lateral friction resistance is only a few millimeters of the displacement of pile top, to give full play to th
59、e role of tip resistance of pile diameter, needed to reach 10%~30% of the displacement of pile top. Such a large displacement in engineering is not allowed. Pile side fri</p><p> Research shows that, at the
60、 bottom of pile soil exists, not only affects the tip resistance of the play, also make the side friction resistance loss. The existence of weak interlayer of pile, the pile body and the soil friction between the nature
61、of the change, the friction between pile and soil by load transfer, is very bad. This is the bored pile bearing not tall benefit is another reason.</p><p> 4.Improve the bearing capacity of Bored Piles <
62、/p><p> According to the bearing capacity of bored pile is not to cause analysis, engineering and some improving bearing capacity of pile foundation of the method, mostly around the elimination of pile bottom
63、sediment, a pile of weak interlayer.</p><p> pre loading method in advance of the pile bottom for preloading, the pile </p><p> soil compaction, improve the bearing capacity of piles. But time
64、-consuming, costly, and not easy to implement. </p><p> extending end bearing area. The belled pile, in the past used in engineering</p><p> is more, but on the bottom of pile soil are still i
65、ncapable of action.</p><p> sand lining pile technology : the method for cast-in-place pile, construction,</p><p> use double sleeve around the pile in sand filling, become sand set of about 3
66、~10cm, sand set can improve the lateral wall of the friction resistance of pile. </p><p> grouting technology : routing technology grouting method can be divided </p><p> into the first grouti
67、ng and grouting method. The first method of grouting is drilled in the Kong Zhuangcheng hole and before concrete grouting, the nozzle pipe into the hole bottom is inserted into the soil, spraying slurry, so that at the b
68、ottom of pile soil mixed with cement, then pile concrete.</p><p> 5.Pile cap</p><p> Cap refers to bear, distribution from pier to carry the load on pile top, set to connect all the top of the
69、 pile of reinforced concrete platform.</p><p> Cap is piles and columns or piers contact part. The root cap, even ten piles are linked with the formation of the pile foundation. Cap for high pile cap genera
70、lly above the ground or water. High rise pile cap having a free length, the surrounding supporting body to withstand horizontal load. Pile stress situation is extremely unfavorable. Pile internal force and displacement u
71、nder the action of extremely unfavorable. Pile internal force and displacement under the action of external force than th</p><p> High rise pile cap is generally used for port, wharf, marine engineering and
72、 bridge engineering. Low pile cap is generally used in industrial and civil buildings. Pile head generally into platform 0.1 meters, and a reinforced anchor into the cap. Platform to build on the columns or piers, formin
73、g a complete power transmission system.</p><p> In recent years due to the large diameter bored pile, pile rigidity, strength is big, so high pile in bridge foundation construction has been widely used.<
74、/p><p> 全站儀在公路導線和中線測量中的應用</p><p><b> 摘 要</b></p><p> 介紹全站儀在公路導線和中線測量等方面的應用技巧,提出全站儀使用中應注意的事項。</p><p> 關鍵詞:全站儀,公路,測量,技巧</p><p> 1、全站儀在導線測量中的應用
75、</p><p> ?。?)全站儀坐標法的優(yōu)點</p><p> 采用全站儀測點可直接用坐標法,而不需要極坐標法,使儀器操作員從繁重的數(shù)據(jù)計算中解脫出來現(xiàn)在外業(yè)幾乎不用記錄,只是簡單記一下點號和點與點之間的關系,以備內(nèi)業(yè)整理時參考,也不必配備記錄計算員。內(nèi)業(yè)整理的時候只要將數(shù)據(jù)從全站儀傳輸至PC2E500計算器或直接將數(shù)據(jù)輸入到計算機中,經(jīng)過坐標平差,在計算機上用Auto CAD等軟件繪
76、出點位、取舍點位,求出每一彎道的偏角值、交點間距離以及逐樁坐標等即可。</p><p> ?。?)注意應用國家控制點及其三維坐標</p><p> 在用坐標法測點前,盡量找到國家控制點和這些控制點的三維坐標,通過和這些控制點的聯(lián)測,不僅可以檢驗自己的測量精度,而且在誤差允許范圍內(nèi)可以通過這些坐標進行平差,使測量精確度更高。</p><p> ?。?)點的設置應兼顧
77、放中線的需要</p><p> 在設點時,不僅應設路線控制導線點,即轉點,也應為放中線做準備,在路線上通視條件好、地勢較高處可以布設一些架儀器的點,這樣做的好處是在放中線是有了更多的選擇機會,不必為增設架儀器點而多次讓儀器轉站。</p><p> (4)儀器操作人員配置及后視人員的作用</p><p> 一般用全站儀配合公路導線測量一共需要5~6人,其中前視位
78、置3~4人,儀器操作員1人,后視1人。后視人員可讓全站儀記錄更多的點,對后期中線測量和路線設計可以起到非常大的作用。下面通過具體的工程實例來說明后視人員的重要性。</p><p> 在省道豫23線南陽市境鄧州至孟樓二級公路改建工程的導線測量中,由于是老路改造,因此測量原則是在滿足規(guī)范要求的前提下盡可能利用老路。一般直線段容易控制,而彎道處要想盡可能地沿老路就必須讓彎道半徑選擇得非常合適。我們測量的做法是:后視的
79、人對完后視后,再到彎道處沿老路的彎道放5~6個控制彎道半徑的點,讓全站儀記錄下點的坐標,這樣在內(nèi)業(yè)處理導線時,到這些彎道處利用海地等路線設計軟件,通過調試半徑使得曲線盡可能多地通過這些點。如在一個較長且兩側房屋很多的平曲線處,后視人員在老路曲線下測得12個點來控制曲線,在業(yè)內(nèi)處理時發(fā)現(xiàn)該位置設復曲線是最佳方案,避免了設一個曲線半徑造成拆遷多而且線形不理想的失誤。</p><p> ?。?)導線測量應注意的問題&l
80、t;/p><p> 用全站儀配合打導線也有一些需要特別注意的地方,否則可能引起較大誤差甚至導致返工。</p><p> 1)對后視的時候一定要注意后視人立的后視點的點號和坐標是否與儀器中輸入的點號和坐標一致,最好用對講機互相通報一下點號,用棱鏡對完后視后,再用儀器放后視點,看位置是否一致,這樣可將出錯幾率降至最小。在省道豫48線西峽境的導線測量中,由于初次使用坐標法,儀器操作員將架站點和后
81、視點的坐標輸反了,結果在電腦上展圖時才發(fā)現(xiàn)路線在這個位置折了180°角返回了,使得全天的工作都成了無用功。</p><p> 2)在可能的情況下,后視點離架點的距離越遠越好,一般情況下,架站點與后視點之間的距離不應小于架站至測點之間的距離,這樣可以保證測量精度。</p><p> 3)在坐標法測量中不要打倒鏡,因為全站儀的坐標法核心實質還是將由偏角、距離得來的數(shù)據(jù)經(jīng)全站儀內(nèi)部
82、計算模塊處理后換算成坐標,所以打倒鏡等于講整個坐標系旋轉180°,也就是說偏角少偏了180°,結果當然是錯誤的。</p><p> 4)全站儀測高程有它的局限性,其測高程的誤差主要為豎直角觀測誤差、測距誤差、儀器高與棱鏡高量測誤差,而這3種誤差中豎直角觀測誤差的影響最大,只能采取適當?shù)拇胧﹣硖岣哂^測精度,如采用覘牌代替棱鏡作為照準目標、適當增加測回數(shù)、短距離傳遞高程、仔細量取儀器高和棱鏡高等
83、。一般情況下,導線測量中測點的高程值只作參考,而不能用作水準測量。</p><p> 2、全站儀在中線測量中的應用</p><p> ?。?)架站位置的選擇</p><p> 盡量選擇那些地勢較高、通視條件好、可以看到更多中線上點位的位置。我們在剛開始用全站儀的時候,對這一點不太重視,結果往往搬站過多,不僅影響進度,也影響精度。特別是在山區(qū),如一個山頭上的點可以
84、看到周圍幾公里的中樁位置,而沿路線兩側架站往往需要好幾站才可以敷設完這段中線。再如山區(qū)沿溪線的中線放線,由于平面線形往往不理想,多有山頭阻擋視線,總是需要多次搬站,如果我們選擇路線河對岸的山腰、平地或者居民樓的房頂?shù)葋碜鰹榧苷疚恢?,則可以達到事半功倍的效果。</p><p> ?。?)測點少時的處理</p><p> 全站儀敷設中線遇到不通視時,在點少的情況下,應采取儀器所能看到離所放點
85、位置最近的點(一般不是中線上的點)為參照物的方法處理。在山區(qū)和路線上建筑物障礙物較多時,有時搬一次儀器也就放一二個點,往往不在另外搬站,而是用移動參照點和測參照點相結合的方法,每次都取得了省時、省力、又滿足精度要求的結果。</p><p> ?。?)全站儀測高程功能的應用技巧</p><p> 全站儀雖然測水準程序比較煩瑣,而且精度不高,但有時候測高程的功能可有效發(fā)揮。如在山區(qū)沿溪線的改
87、而得到山上點高程的同時,避免了水準儀上山頭容易引起水準點之間不閉合的發(fā)生。</p><p> ?。?)全站儀與其他測量方法的結合使用</p><p> 中線測量用全站儀可提高測量速度,但由于自身的測量機理使得它的使用也有一定的局限性,如沒遇到不通視的時候往往需要搬站,特別是在平原測量,因為一起搬站要耽誤很多時間,影響測量速度。其實,中線敷設的過程中并不一定要過分依賴全站儀,要結合以往的花
89、A處立前視,A繼續(xù)往前走、這中間全站儀隨時可以通過對講機來復核中線組自己用“穿桿法”放的點位。另外非常重要的一點是:全站儀搬站的時間最好選在直線段上,這樣的好處是不讓中線組等著儀器搬站而停工。我們用這種方法在省道豫23線南陽市境鄧州至孟樓段(平原微丘區(qū))二級公路改建工程的中線測量中,創(chuàng)出了一天敷設10km的速度。</p><p><b> 3、結束語</b></p><
90、p> 全站儀在我國出現(xiàn)只是近幾年的事,大面積的普及應用才剛剛開始,但它給我們帶來的方便已經(jīng)是非常顯著了。在全站儀的使用過程中,都會有自己的心得體會、經(jīng)驗技巧,如果每一個使用者都能將自己的經(jīng)驗奉獻出來,對我們大家來說都將是一筆不小的財富。</p><p> Total station in the highway center line conductors and Measurement</p&g
91、t;<p> Abstract: The total station in the highway center line conductors and the application of measurement techniques, the Total Station use matters needing attention.</p><p> Key words: Total Stat
92、ion Road measuring techniques</p><p> 1.Total station in the wire measurement</p><p> (1)Total Station Coordinate the advantages of</p><p> Total Station can be used directly wit
93、h the measuring point coordinate method, rather than polar coordinates law required, so that heavy equipment operators form the calculation of the data out. Outside the industry are now virtually no records, only a simpl
94、e mind and the next point with the point of the relationship between the finishing industry for the reference period, but also do not have staff with a record of the calculation. Finishing in a time when the industry as
95、long as the data trans</p><p> (2)Note and the application of state-controlled three-dimensional coordinates of points</p><p> Coordinates method used before, as far as possible the country to
96、 find control</p><p> points and control points of these three-dimensional coordinates, and these control points through the joint test, not only can test their measurement accuracy, and error-yun Xu scope
97、can be carried out through the adjustment of these coordinates, so that a higher measurement accuracy.</p><p> (3)Point set should take into account the need to take the middle lane</p><p> In
98、 the set point, not only should be wire line control points, that is, to point the center line should also prepare for the release, depending on the route pass conditions, and higher terrain can be laid at a number of ai
99、rcraft equipment, the benefits of doing so is to take the middle lane when there is a greater choice and do not have equipment for an additional two points to allow devices to stop several times.</p><p> (4
100、)Apparatus after the operation and staffing, as the role of staff</p><p> Total Station with the road generally traversing a total of 5~6 people, depending</p><p> on the location of the previ
101、ous 3 to 4 people, equipment operator 1, the latter depending on a person. After the total station as the staff can record more points, the center line of the latter line of measurement and design can play a very large r
102、ole. Works through the following specific examples to illustrate the importance of after, as the staff. Henan Provincial Highway 23 in Nanyang City Line to Bangladesh floor habitats Dengzhou secondary roads traversing al
103、teration works, because it is th</p><p> (5)Wires should be noted that the issue of measurement</p><p> Total Station with the wire used to fight some of the areas in need of special attention
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