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1、ISV-集成的加工模擬仿真培訓,2,ISV介紹,選取加工環(huán)境,分析被加工幾何,創(chuàng)建或編輯父節(jié)點數(shù)據(jù),創(chuàng)建操作,產(chǎn)生刀具軌跡,刀具軌跡驗證,后置處理,NC代碼,程序組,刀具組,加工幾何組,加工方式組,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ISV,3,Complete Machining Solution with NX,,Post processor,NX NC programming,Machine tool simulation,To

2、ol path verification,,,,,,,NX,4,Integrated Simulation and Verification,NX CAM,CAM Visualize,ISV Simulation,Internal Tool Path,ISV Advanced Simulation,,,,,,,No machine kinematics visualization of cutter with tool path,

3、“Light” machine simulation-- out of the box ready to cover basic simulation needs,Complete machine simulation for the most demanding needs. Includes machine tool builder,External PTP file,,5,集成的加工模擬仿真——ISV,特點:,實時的模擬加工,減

4、少加工試切實現(xiàn)加工刀具軌跡的優(yōu)化方便、易用,完全集成的加工機床模擬器接近真實(Close to Reality)的模擬插入式控制器選項精確模擬與控制器相關(guān)的事件動作與NC編制過程集成建立在UG軟件的裝配和運動分析功能基礎之上可客戶化控制系統(tǒng),6,ISV Simulation Engines,Pre-NX5Machine Tool Driver (MTD)With virtual NX controller (VNC)

5、 created by PostBuilderTCL baseNX5Common Simulation Engine (CSE)Encapsulation of RealNC for ISVEncrypted XMLOOTB machine configurations provided by development,7,Samples (NX5),MACH\samplesYou can find 15 samplesG

6、ood for study and quick demoLoad Options – Search DirectoriesMACH\resource\library\machine\graphics\...MACH\samples\...,8,Installed Machines (NX5),9,CSE Simulation Engine,Encapsulation of RealNCIn NX5, OOTB support

7、 forFanuc – NX5Siemens 840D, Heidenhain – NX6,10,“Out of the Box” Simulation,ONT Tool ViewDouble Click Replace Machine,Milling,Turning,,,,11,“Out of the Box” Simulation Sample,MACH\samples\nc_simulation_samples\mil

8、l\5axissim_8_machine_5x_mm.prt5 Axis Dual Table,12,CSE,CSE comprises of three componentsController specific language parserDelivered with NX5 installationController Configuration file (CCF)Encrypted XML, CCF for Fa

9、nuc has shipped as OOTB configuration with NX5 installationMachine configuration file (MCF),13,OOTB Installed Machine Configurations – NX5,,In NX5, OOTB machine configurations are for Fanuc only. Siemens and Heidenhain

10、 would be available in NX6 timeframe.,Non-orthographic 45degree,,14,Machine Tool Driver (MTD),Generates NC-Program and emulates the NC controller.Post ProcessorVirtual NC ControllerKey role in machine tool simulation.

11、Motion control - accurate path based on machine configuration.Handles specific machine tool features such as macros, cycles, subroutine call.Textual, graphical and audio feedback triggered by events.Fully customizabl

12、e as TCL program.,NC code,,CL File,G01 X3.4G03 Y3.1 I3.3,Virtual NC Controller,,,Process Data,,Events,,Machine Tool Driver,S&VEngine,,S&V Events,,NC code,S&VCommands,Process Data,Events,Machine Tool Driv

13、er,S&V Events,PostEvent Handler,NC ControllerPlug-IN,15,ISV的構(gòu)成,Machine tool builder ——機床構(gòu)造器Setup configurator——環(huán)境配置器 Machine tool simulation——機床加工模擬 Machine tool driver——機床驅(qū)動器 Virtual NC Controller——NC控制器,16,

14、Machine Tool Builder——機床構(gòu)造器,構(gòu)造機床及設備的應用模塊.通過裝配來構(gòu)建幾何模型.創(chuàng)建運動模型.定義安裝模型.模擬機床坐標軸的運動.編輯模型.,17,Setup Configurator——環(huán)境配置器,具有與機床構(gòu)造器相似的功能. 只在加工環(huán)境中才起作用用來將工件和夾具等固定在機床上.,18,Machine Tool Driver (MTD)——機床驅(qū)動器,生成NC程序并模仿NC控制器.運動控制—

15、—基于機床結(jié)構(gòu),精確描述加工軌跡.處理特定的加工功能,如宏、固定循環(huán)的子程序調(diào)用.在加工模擬中起關(guān)鍵作用.可進行客戶化.通過事件觸發(fā)文本的、圖形的和聲音的反饋.,NC code,,CL File,G01 X3.4G03 Y3.1 I3.3,Virtual NC Controller,,,Process Data,,Events,,Machine Tool Driver,S&VEngine,,S&V Even

16、ts,,NC code,S&VCommands,Process Data,Events,Machine Tool Driver,S&V Events,PostEvent Handler,NC ControllerPlug-IN,19,,Machine Tool Simulation——機床加工模擬,可客戶化的用戶界面Step through events in three different modes.Co

17、ntinuos position and parameters display.Step through NC program (G codes)靈活的碰撞控制,Customizable Simulation Control Panel,20,Steps,Create machine tool model assembly in NXAdd kinematics to the assemblyAdd new machine t

18、ool to libraryCreate machine tool driverTest a part by retrieving your new machine tool from the library,21,Create Machine Tool Model Assembly,In NX, you must model each moving machine piece as a separate componentMak

19、e a NX assembly of all the components that make-up the machine tool. Start an empty part bridgeport_3_axis.prt and assemble the components into itEach component should be located as when the machine tool is in its “rest

20、” stateUse assembly mating conditions!Make a new assembly—bridgeport_sim.prt and place bridgeport_3_axis.prt inside it,1,,base,saddle,cross,table,spindle,22,Where to Place the Machine Tool Assembly?,Inside …\MACH\reso

21、urce\library\machine\graphics add your new machine directory. Make sure that the NAME of the directory is the same as the machine tool name in the library For our example, add: …\MACH\resource\library\machine\graphics\b

22、ridgeport_sim,,,23,Where to Place the Machine Tool Assembly?,bridgeport_sim.prt is where we will place the kinematics tree (it has no geometry on its own)bridgeport_3_axis.prt is the assembly part where all the componen

23、ts of the machine tool are locatedbridgeport_base.prt is a component of the machinebridgeport_saddle.prt is a component of the machinebridgeport_cross.prt is a component of the machinebridgeport_table.prt is a compon

24、ent of the machinebridgeport_spindle.prt is a component of the machine,So we have the following assembly structure:,24,Add Kinematics to the Assembly,2,Open part: bridgeport_sim.prt1. Select application? machine tool b

25、uilder2. Double click on NO_NAME and change the name to BRIDGEPORT_3_AXIS3. Highlight the name and with mb3 select Insert? Machine Base Component3.1 Keep the name MACHINE_BASE 3.2 Add? Geometry Entities3.3 Select as

26、sembly component that is the base MACHINE_BASE,25,Add Kinematics to the Assembly (cont.),4. mb3-> Junction? Add? Name= MACHINE_ZERO5. Define coordinate system (use CSYS constructor)6. Highlight MACHINE_ZERO name fro

27、m list7. mb3-> Classify? Machine zero? OK? OK,,注意: MACHINE_ZERO 定義了機床的坐標系及原點位置。請參考機床手冊,確定坐標位置及X,Y,Z的方向,26,Add Kinematics to the Assembly (cont.)How Is the K-Tree Created?,Now let’s add the different branches of the

28、tree8. Select component MACHINE_BASE9. mb3? Insert? K-Component Name= SPINDLE10. Geometry entities, select BRIDGEPORT_SPINDLE11. Do the same for Z_SLIDE, Y_SLIDE, X_SLIDE, SETUP, PART, BLANK, AND FIXTURE,,,,27,,Add K

29、inematics to the Assembly (cont.)How Do We Set the K-Movements?,Now let’s add the movement of the components: 12. Select Z-COMPONENT13. mb3? Insert? Axis? Name= Z14. Junction? MACHINE_BASE@MACHINE_ZERO15. Define typ

30、e of Axis= linear16. Set limits for your machine17. Check the movement18. Do the same for X and Y axis,,,,,,,,,,,Based on your machine manual,注意:對本實例,將所有的運動相對于一個坐標系統(tǒng)(MACHINE_BASE@MACHINE_ZERO)進行定義已經(jīng)足夠 。在其它復雜結(jié)構(gòu)中,可能需要定義

31、其它的Junctions.,28,Add Kinematics to the Assembly (cont.)How Do We Set the Direction of Movement?,Machine base coordinate system (MBCS),How do we set the direction of the linear axis?Place yourself on the spindle and loo

32、k down towards the tableIf the table moves in the + X direction in MBCS, in the coordinates of the viewer, the table moves in the –X directionThe same is true for Y and Z,,Viewer coordinatesystem (VCS),It is important

33、 to set the correct direction of the axis of junction,,,29,Add Kinematics to the Assembly (cont.)Where Do We Mount the Tool Assembly?,19. Next, set the place where the tool will be mounted. Define a WCS where the X axis

34、 is parallel to the spindle axis and located it where the tool assembly will be mounted20. Select SPINDLE from the k-tree21. mb3? Junctions? Add? NAME= TOOL_MOUNT_JCT22. Define Coordinate System, select WCS that you c

35、reated? OK? OK,Z,30,Add Kinematics to the Assembly (cont.)Where Do We Mount the Part?,23. Next, set the place where the part will be mounted. Define a WCS where the part will be mounted on the table24. Select SETUP fro

36、m the k-tree25. mb3? Junctions? Add? Name= PART_MOUNT_JCT26. Define Coordinate System, select WCS that you created? OK? OK,,,,part,,31,Add Kinematics to the Assembly (cont.),27. Select SETUP, mb3? Classify? SETUP ELEME

37、NT28. Do the same for part, blank and fixture,,為了完成機床定義,需要對某些部件進行分類。雖然這不是強制的,但最好是對其進行分類,這樣可以通過使用部件分類,比較容易地進行碰撞干涉檢查,32,,Modification of the Machine Tool Library,Add an entry for your new machine in:…\MACH\resource\libra

38、ry\machine\ascii\machine_database.dat,this is pointing to the .dat file that defines the post to be used,,,,,name to be used when running the post & simulating,post tcl file created by Post Builder,post def file crea

39、ted by Post Builder,Inside …\MACH\resource\postprocessor create bridgeport.dat with the following text:,3,,,################################################################################ Bridgeport 3-axis example conf

40、ig file - Event Handler and Definition file ###############################################################################BRIDGEPORT 3-AXIS MILL,${UGII_CAM_POST_DIR}bridgeport_sim.tcl,${UGII_CAM_POST_DIR}bridgeport_si

41、m.def,33,Create Machine Tool Driver in Post Builder,Start Post Builder Give a name to the post NAME= bridgeport_sim Configure the post as you normally do In this case we are making a post for a 3-axis milling

42、machine,4,34,Create Machine Tool Driver in Post Builder (cont.),4. Under Output Settings ? Other Options:Turn on Generate Virtual NC Controller,,,,,,35,5. Under Program & Tool Path, select Custom Command6. Select

43、PB_CMD_vnc____map_machine_tool axes,Create Machine Tool Driver in Post Builder (cont.),,,,36,,#++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # Fetch physical axes (machine tool model). # --> If Y axis is not defined fo

44、r a lathe, leave it alone. #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ set mom_sim_mt_axis(X) X set mom_sim_mt_axis(Y) Y set mom_sim_mt_axis(Z) Z switch $mom_sim_num_machine_axes { "4" {

45、 set mom_sim_mt_axis(4) A } "5" { set mom_sim_mt_axis(4) B set mom_sim_mt_axis(5) C } }#++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++# Specify a compon

46、ent as the ZCS reference base. It should be a non-rotating # component that the part is connected to directly or indirectly in the assembly tree.#++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ set mom_si

47、m_zcs_base "X_SLIDE" #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++# Define spindle component and its junction for mounting tools.#++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

48、++ set mom_sim_spindle_comp “SPINDLE" set mom_sim_spindle_jct “TOOL_MOUNT_JCT",,,7. Edit this file to match your machine tool kinematics configuration Traverse the kinematics tree from the PART to find

49、the ZCS base component When done save the post,4,,,,,section not used for this postdon’t change,,,these names need to match,,,,,,,,,37,Files Created by Post Builder,,4,,these files are part of the post,Once Post Builde

50、r is closed, it creates the following files in directory …\MACH\resource\postprocessor:bridgeport_sim.puibridgeport_sim.tclbridgeport_sim.defbridgeport_sim_vnc.tcl,this file is the machine tool driver,WARNING: Do no

51、t edit these files directly. Use ONLY Post Builder!Only a Virtual NC Controller enabled Post can be used in ISV,38,通過一簡單零件進行驗證,5,一旦將機床加入了庫中,就可準備一簡單零件對其進行測試創(chuàng)建一簡單零件,并產(chǎn)生一刀具軌跡(例如在一方塊上表面創(chuàng)建刀軌) 必須在進行機床仿真前創(chuàng)建刀具軌跡為了將加工零件自動裝載到機

52、床上,需要按照以下說明增加運動關(guān)系結(jié)構(gòu) :,,增加一 SETUP k部件在該部件上定義PART_MOUNT_JCT增加一PART k部件,并選取幾何對該部件進行分類,,JUNCTION應該位于零件將要裝載的位置 SETUP必須分類為SETUP_ELEMENT, PART 必須分類為 PART!,,39,Preparation for Hands-on CSE– Step 1,Software versionNX 5.0.2

53、.2Post Builder folder structure,40,Step 2,Copy all part files from RFM600DS\graphics folder to newly created rmf600ds\graphics folder,41,Step 3,Copy content of sim010101_007mm\cse_files to rfm600ds\cse_fi

54、lesRename MCF file,COPY TO,RENAME,42,ISV Settings,Machine ToolCreate Machine Tool Model Assembly in NXUse Machine Tool Builder to define the machine kinematics structureDetermine Simulation EngineMTDCreate Postproc

55、essor and VNCCSESelect proper Controller Configuration,43,Create a new assembly,Create a new part in graphics folder, and add the machine as assembly,44,Machine Tool Builder,Build the kinematics structureMACHINE_BASE

56、K-ComponentJunctionAxis,Junction and axis name must match the name defined in CCF/MCF configuration files.,45,K-Component,Kinematics model of a machine tool is a tree structure of K-Components that represents the physi

57、cal relationship between the machine components and how they move (sliding or rotating) with respect to each other.A K-Component is a container or a leaf node in the kinematics tree that may contain geometry and/or Junc

58、tions (CSYS).A moving K-Component (an axis) will have a geometry object associated with it and an Axis attribute defining how it moves.,46,Junction -1,A Junction is a coordinate system that is referenced to direct &

59、 constrain the movement of an axis.An Axis attribute is specified with a moving K-Component to define its movement.How to define a Junction ? Position and orient the WCS to the desire location then accept it as the

60、Junction.,,47,Junction -2,MACHINE_BASEMACHINE_ZERO* Junction It’s the foremost important junction that defines the directions, orientations and work planes for all the moving axes of a machine.,Definition LevelThe r

61、eference Junction of an Axis should be set on the parent level. Never be set on the K-Component itself that the Axis is specified with.,You’ll regret, if you don’t classify this Junction!,48,Junction -3,Tool mounting ju

62、nction,TOOL_MOUNT_JCT,X up, please!,Spindle,49,,Junction -4,How a part is mounted on a machine?,PART_MOUNT_JCT,SETUP,,PART,,,,,50,Axis,Complete the kinematics model:Properly assign & place K-Components in the treeD

63、efine all linear axes by using the MACHINE_ZERO* junction as the reference.Identify (not specify) the rotary axes then specify the needed junction for each axis on its parent component respectively.What’s up with the d

64、irection of an axis?,When a table moves… Reverse the direction!,To reverse or Not to reverse?D’oh!,51,Definition File,Create a definition file,,52,Machine Database Files,,Add an entry to the machine database file,53,Pos


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