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1、The potential role of microRNA-146 in Alzheimer’s disease: Biomarker or therapeutic target?Li-Ling Wang a, Yue Huang b, Gang Wang a,?, Sheng-Di Chen a,c,?a Department of Neurology (2) the mechanisms underlying the relat

2、ionship between miR- 146a alterations and the pathological progressive process in AD. Similar questions also arise in the investigations of miR in strokes and other neurological disorders [36,37].Conclusion and perspecti

3、veIn order to determine the physiological functions of miR-146a and b, it is necessary to recognize their potential targets. miR- 146 inhibits a group of genes including IRAK1, TRAF6, CFH, and TSPAN12. We proposed that b

4、oth miR-146a and b are involved in AD pathogenesis via suppressing the above genes and altering their downstream signaling pathways. Initially, miR-146 was identified as a negative feedback regulator in the control of To

5、ll-like recep- tors and cytokine signaling, yet, the suppression of IRAK1-NF-jB signaling mediated by miR-146a eventually caused strong activa- tion of the IRAK2-NF-jB signaling pathway, resulting in enhanced inflammator

6、y response through an unknown mechanism [31]. In addition, the target genes of miR-146, such as ROCK1, EGFR and Notch 1, all play crucial role in cancer. Whether miR-146 mediated inhibition of those genes is involved in

7、the pathogenesis of AD re- mains to be elucidated. In order to expand the knowledge on the function of miR-146 in AD, it is essential to analyze the phenotype of mice with targeted deletion of miR-146a or miR-146b. In su

8、mmary, the functions of miR-146 indicated that it would have applicable potentials on at least two aspects. The first is as a biomarker for the early clinical detection of AD, as its presence in circulating monocytes in

9、adult blood enables easy collection with minimum invasion. In this context, clinically confirmed AD cohort with sufficient case number should be used to evaluate its potential. The other is as a potential therapeutic tar

10、get due to the implications of miR-146a in AD treatment. AD and stressed brain cells associated with a significant down-regulation in miR-146a targets, encoding IRAK1, CFH and TSPAN12 [14,31]. The use of anti-miR-146a to

11、 repress the effects of up-regulated miR-146a may be a potential therapeutic approach. Applying anti-miR- 146a to AD transgenic mouse models is the immediate step towards anti-miR-146a clinical trials for AD.Conflict of

12、interestNone declared.AcknowledgementsThis study was supported by the National Basic Research Devel- opment Program of China (No.2010CB945200), Shanghai KeyDiscipline Program (No.S30202), Shanghai Key Project of Basic Sc

13、i- ence Research (No. 09DZ1950400) and the Program for Outstand- ing Medical Academic Leader (No. LJ 06003).References[1] Duyckaerts C, Delatour B, Potier M. Classification and basic pathology of Alzheimer disease. Acta

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