1、分 類 編 號(hào) : 單 位 代 碼 : 10065學(xué) 號(hào) : 1020 10 62研 究 生 學(xué)位 論文論文題 目:強(qiáng)化 中小學(xué) 閱讀教學(xué)和作 文教 學(xué)中 的文 體 意 i只 學(xué) 生 姓 名:張?jiān)?霞 中請(qǐng)學(xué)位級(jí)別 : 碩 士申請(qǐng)專業(yè)名稱 : 孝 女 育碩 士研 究 方 向: 學(xué)科 教學(xué) ( 語(yǔ) 文 ) 指 導(dǎo)教師姓名 : 熊成鋼 專) 丨 k技術(shù)職稱 :副教授提 交 論 文 日期 :R E IN F O R E
2、M E N T O F T H E S T Y L IS T IC A W A R E N E S S INR E A D IN G A N D W R IT IN G T E A C H IN GA b s tr a c tA ny textexists i n a speci fi c st yli stic form .T he st yle notonl y gov erns allt h eform s o
3、 f w ork s,cont rols ot h er form s of factors su ch as struct u re,w ords,an dp resentati on ,bu talso h as an i nfl u en ce on w ork s'contents l i ke m ateri al s,m i nd s,feeli n gs,an d so on .T he styl e gives
4、a li m i tt o aut hors't h ou ghts w h il e readi n g an dtexts'm eani ng .I tis a very i m port antaest heti c ru l e.So b efore anal yzi ng certain tex t ,t h e read ers shoul d fi rstdisti ngui sh stylist ic f
5、eat ures,t hen fol l ow styl isti c rul e an di nsistreadi ng accordi ng to correctst yle.O ne of t h e readi ng t eachi ng ' s t asks inpri m ary and m iddl e schoolis t o hel p students bui l d correctst yl isti c
6、 sch em a,m asterstyl isti c feature of di fferentst y l es,and devel op a h abi tof fi rstdi sti ngu ish i ng style an dt h en readi n g .H ow c o t h ink i n w ri ti ng m eans t h atw h i ch styl e w e choose to ho
7、ld those ex tern alm aterials.S t yli st i c schem a is li k e a m agneti c fi eld w h ich our t hinki ng m o ves aroun d .T he firststep of w ri ti ng is to confi rm li terary st yles.T he educat i on i n pri m ary a
8、n dm i ddle sch ooli s f li ndam ental;t he teach er m u sti ndeed gu i de st u dents o n t h ecom posi t i on t rai ni ng accordi ng to t he rules of dif ferent style i n order t hatt h e studentscan m aster b asi
9、c styli st i c pattern s.H ow ever,N o m at ter readi ng i nstructi on or com posi ti on t eachi ng,t hey bot hignore st yle.T h e teachers exp l ai n t ext s regardl ess of st yl e w hen t hey teach studen tshow t o
10、read,and st i ff com posi ti on struct uralp at tern i s the ki ng of com po si ti ont rai n i ng .C hinese teach er sh oul dn ' tbe com p l etel y responsi bl e for t he i ssu e.C urri cul um standards,co urse cont
11、 ents,textbook can h ardly absol ve them sel ves fr omt h e b lam e.D efi n i ti n g curricul um st an dards,ren ew i ng course contents,arrangi n gsci en t if icall y tex l bcok,i m provi ng t each ers'professi ona
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