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1、<p><b>  中文5379字</b></p><p>  資料來源:中華勵志網(wǎng)《消費者行為研究范式轉(zhuǎn)換過程》 2011-7-17 </p><p><b>  作者:托馬斯·庫恩</b></p><p>  消費者行為研究范式轉(zhuǎn)換過程</p><p>  消費


3、得到了空前的提高,消費者追求個性與自由的愿望變得越來越強烈。</p><p>  一、消費者行為研究范式轉(zhuǎn)換過程回顧</p><p>  對消費者行為的研究在亞當·斯密等的古典經(jīng)濟學理論中已初見端倪;在馬歇爾等新古典經(jīng)濟學中形成了初步的體系;20世紀50~60年代,消費者行為學以獨立學科的形式從營銷中分離出來。在其一百多年的發(fā)展歷史中,其研究范式可以歸納為實證主義與非實證主義兩種

4、。</p><p>  而且,每種范式都孕育著眾多的研究視角。實證主義包括理性、行為、認知、動機、社會、特質(zhì)、態(tài)度和情境視角;而非實證主義范式包括詮釋主義和后現(xiàn)代主義兩個基本視角。消費者行為理論由實證主義轉(zhuǎn)換為非實證主義的根本動因,就是研究者們改變了消費者理性的假設。早期古典經(jīng)濟學與新古典經(jīng)濟學為消費者行為理論提供了最初的理論支持(事實上,消費者行為學先期的母體———營銷學也是脫胎于經(jīng)濟學),“經(jīng)濟人”假設自然而


6、營養(yǎng),對消費行為進行更為細致的描述。心理學、社會心理學、社會學、人類學等學科的繁榮為消費者行為理論研究提供了新的理論素材。此時,消費者不再是單純地基于成本效益分析追求效</p><p>  二、實證主義范式下的消費者行為研究</p><p>  消費者行為研究的實證主義范式深受西方著名哲學家亞里斯多德哲學思想的影響。Kurt Lewin在《亞里斯多德與伽利略思想模式?jīng)_突與比較》一書中指出,


8、><p>  實證主義正是以亞里斯多德思想作為其科學哲學。它假定消費者是理性、可識的、心智穩(wěn)定,他們的行為動因都是可以識別控制與預測的;在現(xiàn)實的消費者實踐中存在簡單化的真理;強調(diào)科學觀察與檢驗,觀察到經(jīng)驗性的證據(jù),從而獲得普遍的規(guī)律用于預測與控制消費者的行為。因此,在實證主義范式下,消費者行為研究的假設基礎就是消費者行為被某些力量所控制,而這些力量大部分都超越了消費者的自控范圍。消費行為的變化與其說是消費者主觀意志的


10、能夠?qū)οM者的某些行為進行預測,而預測結果對企業(yè)的營銷活動具有重大借鑒意義。</p><p>  總之,在實證主義的消費者研究范式中,消費者只是一種消極、被動的客體。比如,行為觀假定消費者缺乏自我意識能力,因而認為通過環(huán)境的影響,企業(yè)的營銷戰(zhàn)略就能控制和引導消費者,這也是人們攻擊實證主義研究范式的焦點的飛躍,消費者行為學也就在20世紀五六十年代以一門獨立學科的所在。實證主義范式假定消費者是被動的客體,事實上這一假

11、定是對顧客至上的營銷哲學的嚴重背離。美國營銷協(xié)會在1988年主題會議上重申:“在產(chǎn)生營銷知識的消費者行為研究中,消費者不幸被轉(zhuǎn)化為實驗室的試驗品,他們成了被觀察、面談和實驗的對象”?! ?</p><p>  正因為實證主義假定消費者是一個能被認識的客體,因而消費者的消費和體驗過程可以被分離開來,可以被細分為不同組成部分。我們能夠采用各種客觀的分析方法對消費和體驗過程的不同組成部分進行分析。這些方法主要包括標準問

12、卷法、實驗法和人格特征測試。然而,這些方法是無法對豐富的消費者行為進行全面分析的。因為將一個過程的某個因素分離出來然后進行詳細的分析,也就忽略了系統(tǒng)的復雜性與相互作用。Braithwaite認為,標準的定量調(diào)查方法(如問卷法)只會限制消費者對消費的描述,從而導致被調(diào)查者消極地回答各種問題?! ?</p><p>  盡管批評意見不少,但我們也應該看到采用傳統(tǒng)方法抽象出來的消費規(guī)律對消費者行為的預測與控制作用:一些

13、科學調(diào)查方法所得出的結論在得出它們的觀察范圍內(nèi)是可信的。此外,實證主義研究范式“創(chuàng)造性地建構消費者行為理論”的思想精髓也推動了營銷實踐的發(fā)展。</p><p>  三、非實證主義導向的消費者行為研究 </p><p>  非實證主義范式下的消費者行為研究不再把消費者作為被動的反應者,而是具有心理前攝能力的行為者,他們具備對消費環(huán)境進行詮釋與建構的能力。比如,詮釋觀認為消費行為受消費者主觀意

14、愿內(nèi)容與結構的支配。Shaughnessy認為:“在詮釋觀看來,購買行為不能簡單地根據(jù)產(chǎn)品所能帶來的利益與成本收益來進行理性計算,而是消費過程中個人體驗感覺的匯集?!币虼耍M者行為與決策依據(jù)是內(nèi)在主觀價值系統(tǒng)。后現(xiàn)代主義消費者行為研究與詮釋視角下的消費者行為研究的焦點就是消費者的主觀價值、語言與說辭。 </p><p>  Brown認為在營銷意義上,詮釋觀不同于后現(xiàn)代主義之處就在于前者假定人是一種自治的主體,

15、有自由的思想、能夠自我認識的個體。比如,人文主義與現(xiàn)象學觀認為,消費者是內(nèi)在一致和理性的,并且能夠決定自身的消費體驗過程和價值。因此,與傳統(tǒng)觀點類似,詮釋觀也假定消費者具有一些構成其本質(zhì)的天性。此外,詮釋觀還強調(diào)消費者還有好幻想、情緒化和追求快樂體驗性消費的一面,認為消費者總是對環(huán)境進行內(nèi)在一致的陳述和主觀性描述,從而使得環(huán)境變得更有意義并更具可預測性;而且,消費者的主觀描述還被假定能為社會大多數(shù)人所理解與分享。   </p>

16、;<p>  而后現(xiàn)代主義的消費觀則認為消費者心中沒有固定或既有的本質(zhì)性東西來驅(qū)動其行為。所以,自我識別與主觀感受依賴于特定的語境與氛圍這些語境與氛圍又受消費者間社會作用的影響。因此,消費所產(chǎn)生的形象和主觀感受是經(jīng)常變化或轉(zhuǎn)化的。它們受消費者與誰一起消費、在什么樣的消費環(huán)境下消費以及為什么消費等變量的影響。后現(xiàn)代主義堅持認為消費者認同感是斷斷續(xù)續(xù)、不完整的、而且容易變化。Firat認為消費者表現(xiàn)自我形象、特征與價值觀具有多

17、維變化性,而且他們意識不到不斷變化、自相矛盾的價值觀念與生活方式之間的不協(xié)調(diào)性。因此,后現(xiàn)代主義的消費者行為觀把研究重點放在消費者通過自己不同的消費和生活方式來改變自己的生活環(huán)境所體現(xiàn)出來的創(chuàng)造力與自治能力上。</p><p>  通過對上述各種不同觀點的分析可以知道,消費者在進行購買決策時,不僅注重產(chǎn)品效用,而且還注重產(chǎn)品的符號價值。消費品滿足消費者物質(zhì)需要只是表象,而更重要的是我們必須關注產(chǎn)品的符號價值。對于


19、我。這種獲得自我新形象的自由,就是從單一、呆板和傳統(tǒng)中獲得解放的結果。</p><p>  不過,詮釋觀和后現(xiàn)代非實證主義范式也受到了以下幾方面的批評:(1)忽視消費行為中非散漫因素對消費行為的限制作用。Thompson等指出后現(xiàn)代主義消費觀基于一種理想的假設:消費者的消費行為以文化的約束、歷史的限制及現(xiàn)實物質(zhì)發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀為前提條件。因此,非實證主義范式特別強調(diào)消費者能自由選擇自我認同的形象不受任何不確定性與恐懼的威

20、脅。這種假設顯然是不現(xiàn)實的。(2)一些學者如Foxall認為非實證主義研究方法根本就是放棄了科學的本質(zhì),總是將消費脫離其所在的內(nèi)容環(huán)境,因而它們的觀點與結論不能構成便于深入研究和理解的完整理論體系。 (3)非實證主義研究方法結論如果不是建立在實證主義的研究成果基礎之上,那么解釋力就會大大減弱。非實證主義的研究方法主要依賴人際主觀外在證明,這些人際證明就需要實證主義的方法。</p><p>  總之,非實證主義范式

21、下的詮釋觀與后現(xiàn)代視角為消費者行為研究提供了不同的研究方法,它們往往從抽象的角度來討論營銷理論與實踐的重大問題,所以這些理論視角的基本假設與結論都令人費解,也難以應用于營銷者培訓與教育。</p><p>  四、消費者行為研究范式的比較與啟示 </p><p>  顯然,非實證主義也是對實證霸權主義做出的回應。二戰(zhàn)以后,實證主義導向的研究方法就成為了消費者行為研究的主流方法。實證性、客觀性


23、征不但體現(xiàn)在他們的購買過程中,而且也體現(xiàn)在消費體驗與價值認知方面,并且已經(jīng)構成了消費的基礎”。 </p><p>  1 用科學的態(tài)度看待實證主義與非實證主義范式的對立。正如庫恩對范式定義的第一個特征所反映的那樣,“它們的成就空前地吸引了一批堅定的擁護者,使他們脫離了科學活動的其他競爭模式”?,F(xiàn)在,消費者行為研究者們也為實證主義與非實證主義兩大范式展開了激烈的爭論。在自然科學中,科學理論的爭鋒、范式的崛起與式微都


25、。</p><p>  2 科學是一個求“真”的過程,人類學中的民族志法是一種研究消費者行為的比較科學的方法。無論是實證主義范式還是非實證主義范式,它們的一個共同點就是追求研究結果的真實性,科學研究本身就是一種求“真”的行為。不再單純地以消費者購買過程為主要研究對象,而應該關注價值獲得與消費的方方面面,這已成為學者們的共識。運用這種廣闊的行為視角來研究消費者行為,也意味著要求我們盡可能尋找消費者的真實消費情境,特


27、者的自我陳述,而陳述的可信度會受心理自我防衛(wèi)、謊言等干擾因素的影響。概而言之,民族志法的假設前提就是消費者是一個復雜的人,研究者想獲得關于消費者行為的信息,必須通過深度</p><p><b>  外文原文:</b></p><p>  Source: China Inspirational Network《Consumer behavior research par

28、adigm conversion process》2011 -7-17</p><p>  Author: Thomas samuel kuhn</p><p>  Consumer behavior research paradigm conversion process</p><p>  Study of consumer behavior more than

29、 a hundred years the history of the formation of the two paradigms - positivism and non-empirical study of consumer behavior represents the meaning of the basic achievements. Positivist paradigm to non-positivist paradig

30、m shift represents a shift consumer behavior research, consumer behavior research is a revolutionary change. This paradigm shift, but also makes the assumption that consumer behavior research, research methods, study, ba

31、sic knowledge of related</p><p>  The first, Paradigm shift in consumer behavior research review process</p><p>  Research on consumer behavior, such as in Adam Smith's classical economics ?

32、 theory began to take shape; Marshall and other neoclassical economics in the formation of the initial system; the 20th century, 50 to 60 years, consumer behavior to the form of an independent discipline separate from ma

33、rketing. In its hundred years of development history, its research paradigm can be summarized as positivism and non-positivism two.</p><p>  Moreover, each paradigm are pregnant with a large number of resear

34、ch perspectives. Positivism, including rational, behavior, cognition, motivation, social characteristics, attitudes and situational perspectives; rather than positivist paradigm, including the interpretation and post-mod

35、ernism are two basic perspectives. Consumer behavior theory by converting non-positivism positivism's fundamental motivation is to change consumer researchers rational assumptions. Early classical economics and neo&l

36、t;/p><p>  The second,Positivist paradigm of consumer behavior research</p><p>  Empirical studies of consumer behavior paradigm by famous Western philosopher Aristotle, philosophical ideas. Kurt L

37、ewin in "Aristotle and Galileo thought patterns of conflict and more" in his book, Aristotle's philosophy has influenced us, but also affects the habit of scientific research. People are used and the freque

38、ncy by the law to understand the law of development of things, and people like to explore the stability and the tendency of things with the law of development, except for the unu</p><p>  Positivism is the p

39、hilosophy of science as Aristotle thought. It assumes that consumers are rational, identifiable, and mental stability, their motivation is to identify behavioral control and prediction; consumer practice in the real exis

40、tence of simple truth; emphasis on scientific observation and testing, the observed empirical evidence, to gain general rule to predict and control the behavior of consumers. Thus, in the positivist paradigm, consumer be

41、havior research is the assumption that co</p><p>  In short, the positivist paradigm in consumer research, consumers are only a passive, passive object. For example, the act of self-awareness concept assumes

42、 that consumers lack the ability, so that through the environmental impact of corporate marketing strategy will be able to control and guide the consumer, such is the positivist paradigm of attack focus. Positivist parad

43、igm assumes that consumers are passive objects, in fact, this assumption is the customer first serious departure from the ph</p><p>  Because of positivism can be assumed that the consumer is an object of kn

44、owledge, and experience in consumer spending and therefore the process can be separated, can be broken down into different components. We can use a variety of objective methods of analysis and experience of the consumer

45、process to analyze the different components. These methods include the standard questionnaire, experiment and personality tests. However, these methods are unable to conduct a comprehensive wealth of consume</p>&

46、lt;p>  Although a lot of criticism, but we should also see the traditional method of consumption patterns abstract out the prediction of consumer behavior and control role: some of the methods of scientific investigat

47、ion in the conclusions they come within the scope of observation is credible . In addition, the positivist paradigm "creatively construct theory of consumer behavior," the essence of the idea also contributed t

48、o the development of marketing practice.</p><p>  The third, non-positivist-oriented consumer behavior research</p><p>  Non-positivist paradigm of consumer behavior is no longer the consumer as

49、 a passive response, but for psychological proactive with the ability of actors, they have to interpret the environment of the consumer and construction capabilities. For example, the interpretation of the view that the

50、subjective views of consumer behavior by consumers, content and structure of domination. Shaughnessy said: "In the interpretation of the watch, the purchase can not simply be based on product benefits and to</p&g

51、t;<p>  Brown said in the marketing sense, the interpretation of the concept is different from post-modernism in the fact that the former assumes that man is a self-governing body, freedom of thought, self-underst

52、anding of the individual. For example, the concept of humanism and phenomenology that consumers are internally consistent and rational, and can determine their own process of consumer experience and value. Thus, similar

53、to the traditional view, outlook also assumes that the consumer has the int</p><p>  Then modernist view of consumption is that consumers do not mind the essence of both fixed or something to drive their beh

54、avior. Therefore, the subjective feelings of self-recognition and context-specific and dependent on the atmosphere. The context and the atmosphere but also by the impact of social roles among consumers. Therefore, the co

55、nsumption of the resulting image is constantly changing and subjective feelings or transformation. Their consumption by the consumers with whom, what kind of </p><p>  Through the analysis of the various poi

56、nts of view can know that consumers making purchasing decisions, not only focus on product effectiveness, but also pay attention to the symbolic value of the product. Material goods to meet consumer needs only appearance

57、, but more important is that we must pay attention to the symbolic value of the product. For consumers, the consumer can have symbolic value in two areas: increasing consumer self-identity and symbolic value of self-iden

58、tity of the community</p><p>  However, the interpretation of the concept of non-positivist and post-modern paradigm has also been criticism of the following aspects: (1) neglect of Africa undisciplined fact

59、ors on consumer behavior consumer behavior constraint. Thompson et al pointed out that the post-modernist view of consumption is based on an ideal assumption: the consumer behavior of the constraints of culture, history

60、and reality of physical limits as a precondition for the development of the status quo. Therefore, the n</p><p>  In short, non-positivist paradigm and the interpretation of post-modern perspective view of c

61、onsumer behavior research for the different research methods, they are often discussed from the perspective of abstract marketing theory and practice of major issues, so these basic assumptions and theoretical perspectiv

62、e conclusions are puzzling, but also difficult to apply the training and education marketers.</p><p>  The fourth, comparison of consumer behavior research paradigm and inspiration</p><p>  Clea

63、rly, the non-positivist empirical hegemony is also a response to. After World War II, positivist-oriented research methods has become a mainstream consumer behavior research. Evidence, objectivity and scientific procedur

64、es constitute a positivist paradigm characteristics. Under this consumer-oriented philosophy of science is a self-centered, self-conscious entity. Non-positivist-oriented consumer behavior research (especially in post-mo

65、dernism) of positivist research philosophy, culture and </p><p>  1 with a scientific attitude towards positivism and non-positivist paradigm of the opposition. The definition of paradigm, as Kuhn's firs

66、t feature, as reflected, "their success in attracting an unprecedented number of staunch supporters, to make them out to other competing modes of scientific activity." Now, consumer behavior researchers for pos

67、itivism and non-positivist paradigm of the two engaged in a fierce debate. In the natural sciences, scientific theories and Commander, the rise and decli</p><p>  2 Science is seeking a "real" proc

68、ess, anthropology, ethnographic methods to study consumer behavior is a more scientific approach. Whether non-empirical or positivist paradigm paradigm, they have in common is the pursuit of the authenticity of the findi

69、ngs, scientific research itself is a demand "real" behavior. Not simply to the consumer buying process as the main object of study, but should be concerned about all aspects of the value obtained with the consu


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