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1、<p>  De 中文3250字</p><p>  Research On Network Marketing Of Chinese Corporation</p><p><b>  Abstract</b></p><p>  As a part of marketing, clothing company network ma

2、rketing is the combination of clothing company marketing technology, modern communication and network technology. The development of the network marketing apparel company can help expand its China clothing market demand.

3、 Especially this method can satisfy the demand of some traditional clothing sales channel is very difficult to meet, such as some three line city, town and country. Research Chinese clothing network marketing company hel

4、p clothin</p><p>  Keywords:clothing company, network marketing, website construction</p><p>  I. ADVANTAGE OF DEVELOPMENT OF NETWORK MARKETING OF CHINESE CLOTHING COMPANY</p><p>

5、;  A. Upgrade of Chinese clothing sale provides inevitable prerequisite for network marketing of clothing company</p><p>  Clothing is an indispensable everyday goods, the market demand is continuously. Ther

6、efore, it has always been known as the "non fading industry", it has a bright future. With the highly development Chinese per capita income increase and economic, China residents clothing consumption demand wil

7、l present many new characteristics, such as increment, the pursuit of personality, fashion industry appeared new characteristic. However Chinese market is huge, in the inland area, medium and small city spr</p>&l

8、t;p>  B. High development of internet in China, prevalence of network consumption</p><p>  According to the CNNIC market research, as of 2010 June Chinese Internet users reached 420000000, which increased

9、 by 18.6% compared with 2009. Internet penetration rate reached 31.8%, remained steady rising trend, the development of the sales network to provide a favorable market environment. Data show that the number of users, the

10、 network shopping user scale up to 142000000, increased 31.4% in the second half of this year, only in the third quarter of 2010, online shop and as high as 1210000000</p><p>  C. With the development of inf

11、ormation technology, the construction and maintenance of website is more and more popular, more and more clothing enterprises have the ability to create a web site for online marketing</p><p>  The website i

12、s an important way to develop the network marketing, through the website of the dissemination of information is the primary means of network marketing. In the beginning of the Internet, enterprises must buy or hire serve

13、r, network programming design Webpage, to establish their own web site. So early, it takes a lot of time in the development of a website.</p><p>  Although some websites offer website design services, these

14、services are expensive. However, many websites can build a custom web site at low cost. For example, an online shop offers the standard by Chinese network website taobao.com, provide goods business hall and specialized p

15、roviders, such as commercial users such as "Shop Ex", by a famous domestic e-commerce provider is provided by the Shanghai upper network technology Co., Ltd., can be as high as 3000000. Powerful web site of ele

16、ctronic co</p><p>  II.MAIN PROBLEMS EXISTING IN NETWORK MARKETING OF CLOTHING COMPANY</p><p>  Although many clothing companies constantly extend products, promote brand image, elevate profit o

17、f companies by means of network marketing, some problems and difficulties still inflict network marketing of clothing company in China.</p><p>  A.Network marketing talents are insufficient; network marketin

18、g talents who are familiar with clothing industry are more insufficient</p><p>  Network marketing talents who are familiar with clothing industry first must master internet industry. They should take comm

19、and of knowledge of internet, such as network marketing, behavioral psycho logics of network consumption, background and tendency of internet, search engine ranking, network advertisement, clicks ratio, besides ability o

20、f statistical analysis, experience of expanding website. Then, they have to take command model of network marketing such as B2B, B2C and C2C. Associate com</p><p>  B. Constructions of website and interactio

21、n is unsatisfactory</p><p>  Construction of corporate website is the key part of development of network marketing. Corporation website is the elementary fundament of launching network marketing for company.

22、 Only if corporation website functioned with professionalism and functionality is directed by network marketing, it can launch timing and special network marketing and gain satisfactory profit. So far construction of clo

23、thing company website does not match with thought of network marketing, many problems still emerge.</p><p>  For example, the aim of whole plan of website is indistinct, designing website title without long-

24、 term perspective lead to changeability of columns; navigation system is not perfect so that it is hard for consumers and channel sellers to visit; Scale of information is small, content of information is outmoded, impor

25、tant information is incomplete; practicality and functionality is not enough; Customers can not consult and advise with company in time</p><p>  due to lack of interaction; optimization technology of website

26、 falls behind; interface of users is unaesthetic. Above problems brings about no fundament of internet marketing of clothing company, poor effect of network marketing.</p><p>  C. Network marketing lacks com

27、pany informational support</p><p>  Network marketing should be merely a part of company informational strategy. Information of company should serve network marketing of company and support the development o

28、f network marketing. Network marketing without company information is not real network marketing and hard realizes integrality of marketing resources.</p><p>  Some websites of famous clothing companies have

29、 thousands of visitors, but these websites do not tend to explore the approaching customers, instead enlarge their own sales force. A large number of sellers are developing one- tone marketing of low efficiency. What is

30、more, sale information of many company websites has discrepancy with deposit information of corporation leads to lack of stock, which damage customers’ purchasing activity. The reason causing these problems is they fail

31、integrating n</p><p>  D. Crises between Physical channel and network channel</p><p>  In respect of the majority of clothing companies, the ability of integrating traditional channel and networ

32、k channel is weak. It mainly shows that company can not integrate two channels rationally in market. Therefore the same customer group can meet same products of company in different channels and customers may doubt the p

33、roducts and even the company owing to receiving discrepant information. They also launch price war and sales promotion in order to strive for customers in channel. The two a</p><p>  III. SUGGESTIONS ON NETW

34、ORK MARKETING OF CLOTHING COMPANY IN CHINA</p><p>  A. Cultivation talent of network marketing</p><p>  If clothing company want to develop network marketing, it should attract professional to e

35、xpand sales market so that layer of network marketing can be divided more elaborately to come into a integral network marketing system with many positions such as manager of commerce transports, internet marketing consul

36、tant, manager of network sales, manager of customer retention, channel sales manager of advertisement, engineer of business research, representative of clothing marketing. Foreign companies </p><p>  B. Prom

37、oting information of company</p><p>  Network marketing is the connection network technology with company marketing and modern information communication technology; company information is the connection of n

38、etwork technology with the whole sales activity of company and moder information communication technology. Information of company can improve accuracy and timeliness of administrating information of company, which makes

39、decision of companies more scientific and company business procedure and administrating procedure more rational</p><p>  C.Structure and function of optimization website, elevating customer’s visiting experi

40、ence</p><p>  A company website of sophisticated function can elevate customer’s visiting experience. When company designs marketing website, it should optimized structure and function of website according t

41、o following points. According to hints of navigation drop- down, information relevant to goods is provided, optimization navigation system of site search is offered; customer’s comment and sales record are showed in webs

42、ite to induce customer to consume; toll- free call and online service are offered, show</p><p>  D. Solving channel crisis properly</p><p>  Many companies has groped for many ways to solve chan

43、nel crisis that network marketing of clothing company often face. For example, some companies just modified the design slightly of physical fund that is products sold by traditional channel into network fund sold in netw

44、ork. Another one it adopts regular and unaffiliated way as an offline experienced shop and delivery center. In this case, physics and network has become a beneficial community. The second way seems more convenient in bra

45、nd prom</p><p>  REFERENCES</p><p>  [1] He Bing. Analysis of advantage of network marketing advanced by</p><p>  medium and small- sized enterprise. Journal of Huber Economics</

46、p><p>  College (social science education), vol. 1, 2009</p><p>  [2] Yang Z hi & Gao Hou li. Innovational direction of network marketing</p><p>  model of medium and small- sized

47、enterprise. East China economic</p><p>  management, vol. 5, 2004</p><p>  [3] Huangpu Yanan & Li Yunyin. Analysis of network marketing</p><p>  strategy. Technology Information

48、, vol. 14, 2009</p><p>  [4] Liu Lihua. Analysis of network marketing of medium and small sized</p><p>  enterprise . Market forum, vol. 12, 2008</p><p>  [5] Ji Jiangjun. Research

49、into developing stravage of network marketing.</p><p>  Commercial Time, vol 12, 2009</p><p>  [6] Yang Jing. Mainstream of corporation Marketing in 21 century,</p><p>  commercial

50、culture(academical edition), vol. 11, 2008</p><p>  [7] Ji Jingjun. Discussion on Strategy of Domestic Network Marketing</p><p>  Development , Commercial Times, vol. 12 2009</p><p>

51、;  [8] Feng Yingjian. Foundation and practice of network marketing,</p><p>  Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2007</p><p>  [9] Chris·Anderson.the long tail. Beijing,China CITIC Press,20

52、06</p><p>  [10] Tom · Antion .THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ELECTRONIC</p><p>  MARKETING FOR SMALL BUSINESS.NYC,John Wiley &</p><p>  Sons ,2005</p><p>  對中國服裝公司網(wǎng)絡營銷

53、的研究</p><p><b>  摘要</b></p><p>  作為市場營銷的一部分,服裝公司的網(wǎng)絡營銷是服裝公司營銷技術、現(xiàn)代信息通信及網(wǎng)絡技術的聯(lián)合產(chǎn)物。服裝公司開發(fā)網(wǎng)絡營銷可以幫助其擴大中國服裝市場的需求。特別是這種手段可以滿足傳統(tǒng)服裝銷售渠道很難以滿足的一些需求,例如一些三線城市、城鎮(zhèn)及國家。研究中國服裝公司的網(wǎng)絡營銷有助于服裝公司符合中國服裝市場的行情

54、發(fā)展,例如多層次,多種類。同時,對于在中國實施擴大國內(nèi)需求的現(xiàn)行政策,及轉變經(jīng)濟發(fā)展過多依托于外部需求的模式擔當了什么重要的角色。本論文對中國服裝公司的網(wǎng)絡營銷提出了一些建議,并分析了當前中國服裝公司網(wǎng)絡營銷中的一些利弊。</p><p>  關鍵詞:服裝公司,網(wǎng)絡營銷,網(wǎng)站建設</p><p>  中國服裝公司發(fā)展網(wǎng)絡營銷的優(yōu)勢</p><p>  中國服裝銷售的

55、升級為服裝公司的網(wǎng)絡營銷提供了必然的前提</p><p>  服裝是日常生活中不可缺少的商品,其在市場上的需求是持續(xù)不斷地。因此,它總是被人們稱為“不衰落產(chǎn)業(yè)”,它有光明的前途。隨著中國人均收入的提高和經(jīng)濟的高度發(fā)展,中國居民的服裝消費需求會出現(xiàn)許多新的特點,如增量的要求,追求個性,服裝產(chǎn)業(yè)出現(xiàn)了新的特征。然而中國的市場是十分巨大的,對于在內(nèi)陸地區(qū),中型及小型城市傳播個人產(chǎn)品,傳統(tǒng)的銷售模式是十分難以實現(xiàn)的。網(wǎng)絡

56、營銷能在廣泛的區(qū)域中滿足個性化的需求;此外,比起傳統(tǒng)方式,它還能更容易地降低調(diào)度分配的成本。</p><p>  B. 中國互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的告訴發(fā)展,使網(wǎng)絡消費更加盛行</p><p>  根據(jù)CNNIC的市場調(diào)研,截至到2010年6月中國網(wǎng)民數(shù)量達到4.2億,這與2009年相比增長18.6%?;ヂ?lián)網(wǎng)普及率達到31.8%,保持平穩(wěn)上升趨勢,這為發(fā)展網(wǎng)絡銷售的提供了有利的市場環(huán)境。數(shù)據(jù)表明,使用網(wǎng)絡

57、購物的用戶數(shù)量達到1.42億,用戶的規(guī)模在半年內(nèi)就增長了31.4%,僅在2010年第三季度,線上店鋪之和就高達1210億,全年高達5000億。在線上店鋪的客戶中,服裝及其配件的客戶數(shù)量高居榜首。在半年中,就有61.5%用戶曾購買過服裝和配件,對比去年增長了12.6%。</p><p>  網(wǎng)上消費盛行的另一個原因是由于中國交通惡化的情況。堵車往往出現(xiàn)在高峰時間,因此,越來越多的市民選擇更便捷的生活方式。便捷的生活

58、方式是指用戶以電話或互聯(lián)網(wǎng)代替外出消費。作為一種日常商品,服裝的價格不高,成為網(wǎng)上消費的主要構成。</p><p>  C. 隨著信息技術的發(fā)展,網(wǎng)站的建設和維護越來越流行,越來越多的服裝企業(yè)有能力創(chuàng)建網(wǎng)站來進行網(wǎng)絡營銷</p><p>  網(wǎng)站是開展網(wǎng)絡營銷的重要途徑,通過網(wǎng)站傳播信息是網(wǎng)絡營銷的首要手段。在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)之初,企業(yè)必須購買或租用服務器,設計網(wǎng)頁,編寫網(wǎng)絡程序來建立自己的網(wǎng)站。因

59、此初期,它在開發(fā)一個網(wǎng)站時要花費很多的時間。</p><p>  雖然有些網(wǎng)站提供網(wǎng)站設計服務,這些服務的花費高昂。然而,許多網(wǎng)站可以以低成本建立自定義網(wǎng)站。比如,一個網(wǎng)上店鋪由中國萬網(wǎng)提供標準的網(wǎng)站,淘寶網(wǎng)提供商品營業(yè)廳及專門的程序供應商,這類商業(yè)用戶如“ShopEx”,通過一個有名的國內(nèi)電子商務供應商由上海上排網(wǎng)絡技術有限公司提供,可高達300萬。網(wǎng)站強大的電子商務功能可以在幾分鐘內(nèi)由這些程序供應商來建立。&

60、lt;/p><p>  II. 服裝公司網(wǎng)絡營銷存在的主要問題</p><p>  在中國,雖然很多服裝公司通過網(wǎng)絡營銷手段不斷擴展的產(chǎn)品,提升品牌形象,提升利潤,服裝公司的網(wǎng)絡營銷仍存在一些問題和困難。</p><p>  A. 網(wǎng)絡營銷人才不足,熟悉服裝行業(yè)的網(wǎng)絡營銷人才更不足</p><p>  熟悉服裝行業(yè)網(wǎng)絡營銷人才首先必須掌握的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)

61、行業(yè)。他們應該掌握互聯(lián)網(wǎng)知識,諸如網(wǎng)絡營銷,網(wǎng)絡消費的行為心理邏輯,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的背景和趨勢,搜索引擎排名,網(wǎng)絡廣告,點擊率,此外還要有統(tǒng)計分析的能力和擴建網(wǎng)站的經(jīng)驗。然后,他們必須采取網(wǎng)絡營銷的命令模式,如商對商,商對客和客對客。聯(lián)營公司通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上的擴展技術和手段來擴大網(wǎng)絡營銷資源和渠道。</p><p>  B. 令人無法滿意的網(wǎng)站和合作構建</p><p>  企業(yè)網(wǎng)站建設是發(fā)展網(wǎng)絡營銷

62、的關鍵部分。公司網(wǎng)站是公司開展網(wǎng)絡營銷必要基礎。只有以專業(yè)、有效的方式建立公司網(wǎng)站才能引導網(wǎng)絡營銷,它可以及時、專門性地針對市場營銷運作,并帶來可觀的收益。到目前為止,服裝公司網(wǎng)站建立與網(wǎng)絡營銷思想不能完全匹配,許多問題仍然層出不窮。</p><p>  例如,網(wǎng)站的整體規(guī)劃的目標是模糊的,網(wǎng)站標題設計沒有長遠的眼光,導致網(wǎng)站的可變性列;導航系統(tǒng)還不完善以至于消費者和渠道商訪問困難,信息規(guī)模小,信息內(nèi)容過時,重要

63、的信息不完整;實用性和功能性還不足夠;客戶無法及時向公司詢問、建議,導致雙方缺乏交流互動;網(wǎng)站優(yōu)化技術落后;用戶界面不美觀。上述問題帶來服裝公司網(wǎng)絡營銷無基礎,網(wǎng)絡營銷效果不佳之類的問題。</p><p>  C. 公司網(wǎng)絡營銷缺乏公司信息支持</p><p>  網(wǎng)絡營銷應該僅僅是公司信息化戰(zhàn)略的一部分。公司信息應該為公司的網(wǎng)絡營銷服務,支持網(wǎng)絡營銷的發(fā)展。沒有公司信息的網(wǎng)絡營銷不是真正

64、的網(wǎng)絡營銷,并且難以實現(xiàn)營銷資源的完整性。</p><p>  一些著名服裝公司的網(wǎng)站有成千上萬的游客,但這些網(wǎng)站不傾向于去探索愿意接近的客戶,而不是擴大自己的銷售隊伍。大量的賣家正在開發(fā)一個一某營銷模式,但是效率并不高。更有甚者,公司網(wǎng)站的信息與公司實際存貨信息有出入,導致庫存不足,而損害客戶的采購活動。導致這些問題是原因無非是他們無法用公司信息來整合公司的網(wǎng)絡營銷。</p><p> 

65、 D. 現(xiàn)實渠道和網(wǎng)絡渠道間的危機</p><p>  對于大多數(shù)服裝企業(yè),整合傳統(tǒng)渠道與網(wǎng)絡渠道的能力較弱。它主要表明公司不能合理地在市場上集成兩個渠道。因此,相同的客戶群能夠在不同渠道發(fā)現(xiàn)公司的同一產(chǎn)品,由于接收到不相符的信息,客戶可能懷疑產(chǎn)品甚至公司。他們還發(fā)動價格戰(zhàn)和促銷,以爭取客戶。這兩個同地位頻道沒有設計相應的營銷組合,而不是統(tǒng)一的營銷策略。渠道的管理和維護是深入細致足夠;即使渠道政策和銷售手段被應用

66、到網(wǎng)絡渠道和統(tǒng)一渠道,無效的溝通和介紹造成各渠道成員的不滿;中間業(yè)務比交易在聯(lián)系傳統(tǒng)中介業(yè)務及公司間的關系中承擔更多樣及固定的責任。企業(yè)不能及時修改傳統(tǒng)的渠道方式,使兩種渠道不能合強強合作。</p><p>  II.對中國服裝公司網(wǎng)絡營銷的建議</p><p>  A. 培養(yǎng)網(wǎng)絡營銷人才</p><p>  如果服裝公司要發(fā)展網(wǎng)絡營銷,它應該吸引專業(yè)人員拓展銷售市


68、p>  B. 促進企業(yè)信息化</p><p>  網(wǎng)絡營銷連接公司市場營銷的網(wǎng)絡技術和現(xiàn)代信息通信技術;企業(yè)信息化是整體銷售活動的網(wǎng)絡技術與公司和現(xiàn)代科技的的連接。企業(yè)信息化可以提高企業(yè)信息的準確性和及時性,這使得企業(yè)決策更加科學,公司業(yè)務流程與建設過程更加合理,有助于公司更快地做出反應,使得公司組合資源更加合理。在這種情況下,目前的資源可以用來最好地促進生產(chǎn)力的能力和行政的效率。如果服裝企業(yè)要有效地開發(fā)網(wǎng)

69、絡營銷,他們應該加快信息化,使公司決策科學化,加強企業(yè)的反應。這樣,它就可以適應網(wǎng)絡營銷的發(fā)展。</p><p>  C. 優(yōu)化網(wǎng)站結構和功能,提升客戶的訪問體驗</p><p>  功能復雜的企業(yè)網(wǎng)站可以提升客戶的訪問體驗。當公司設計營銷網(wǎng)站時,應根據(jù)以下幾點優(yōu)化網(wǎng)站的結構和功能。根據(jù)導航下拉提示,提供相關商品信息,網(wǎng)站搜索需提供優(yōu)化的導航系統(tǒng);網(wǎng)站顯示客戶的意見和銷售記錄可誘導顧客消費

70、;提供免費電話和在線服務,說明退換貨方式,郵費偏好,個別城市可以達到送貨上門服務,保證售后服務來吸引客戶的信任。一般網(wǎng)絡營銷網(wǎng)站,商品的內(nèi)在聯(lián)系,產(chǎn)品名稱,商品介紹的優(yōu)化,產(chǎn)品分類的優(yōu)化,主頁的關鍵字,網(wǎng)址重建,支持外部鏈接,網(wǎng)頁細節(jié)的優(yōu)化,分析、選擇搜索引擎關鍵字及其它優(yōu)化等相關內(nèi)容。</p><p>  D. 妥善解決渠道危機</p><p>  許多公司已經(jīng)摸索了很多辦法來解決服裝公

71、司的網(wǎng)絡營銷經(jīng)常面對的渠道危機。例如,一些企業(yè)對由傳統(tǒng)渠道進入網(wǎng)絡銷售的產(chǎn)品的現(xiàn)實基礎稍做設計修改。另一種作為經(jīng)驗豐富的離線商鋪和配送中心采用定期和非關聯(lián)方式。在這種情況下,現(xiàn)實和網(wǎng)絡已經(jīng)成為一個互利的共同體。第二種方式在品牌推廣和廣告媒體似乎更方便,即服裝企業(yè)無代理及加盟商也更容易發(fā)展。</p><p><b>  參考文獻</b></p><p>  [1] He

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