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1、<p>  原文: </p><p>  Coke CEO: We will be stronger than before</p><p>  ——Energy drinks still buzzing in Europe :Mainstream appeal</p><p>  Coca-Cola Chief Executive Mu

2、htar Kent said Friday that the world's biggest beverage company would emerge from the global financial crisis stronger than it went in.</p><p>  "In a funny way, as I've said, there are many opp

3、ortunities: We will not waste this crisis," he told financial analysts at the Consumer Analyst Group of New York conference. "We feel we will emerge out of this stronger."</p><p>  Kent also s

4、aid advertising dollars are more powerful in this environment, and the company planned to keep spending to promote its brands.</p><p>  "The airwaves are cleaner, the cost of advertising is much lower,&

5、quot; Kent said. "You get much better bang for your buck, in terms of how you reach consumers."</p><p>  In addition to trademark Coke, the company sells Sprite, Fanta, VitaminWater, Dasani bottled

6、 water and Minute Maid orange juice.</p><p>  Atlanta-based Coke launched a new global marketing campaign last month that is running simultaneously with a push by PepsiCo Inc., the second biggest beverage ma

7、ker. Industry watchers say the ad blitzes are designed to lure American consumers back to soft drinks, a cheap indulgence that appeals to shoppers who want to spend less.</p><p>  "We deliver simple mom

8、ents of pleasure," Kent said.</p><p>  Coca-Cola Co. and PepsiCo, based in Purchase, N.Y., both have said their focus will be to turn around the market for soda in North America.</p><p>  S

9、oft drink sales have been in decline for years as consumers grew concerned about the high-fructose corn syrup that sweetened the drinks. The drinks makers hope innovations like stevia-based sweetener will help stem falli

10、ng sales and eventually bring revenue growth back in line with population growth.</p><p>  Both have also introduced 16-ounce drink sizes to be sold for 99 cents.</p><p>  Shares of Coke fell 35

11、 cents to $42.95 in midday trading while PepsiCo shares fell 45 cents to $51.75.</p><p>  Category fatigue that has blighted other segments of the beverage industry such as bottled water and carbonated drink

12、s, is not affecting energy drinks which continue to draw in more and more users.</p><p>  Figures on the drinks scene in Western Europe compiled by beverage market analyst, Zenith International, reveal a mar

13、ket valued at €3.76m in 2007, with growth at 11 per cent over the previous year, for a total of 487m litres. Sales would broach 700m litres in 2012.</p><p>  There are no signs of a slow-down as consumer acc

14、eptance of energy drinks builds. Zenith predicts growth of eight per cent for the next five years.</p><p>  Multi-billion selling, category pioneer, Red Bull, will continue to dominate sales in Western Europ

15、e – it continues to hold about 60 per cent of the market – and Zenith gives no indication that this will change any time soon, despite increased competition.</p><p>  Red Bull is sold in more than 140 countr

16、ies and the slimline can format it pioneered remains the package of choice across all brands although Coke’s Relentless and others come in other shapes and varieties such as a 500ml can Relentless comes in.</p>&l

17、t;p>  Coca-Cola’s Burn had overtaken Shark to take second place, with MBG International Premium Brands-owned Effect in third and Relentless the fifth highest seller.</p><p>  “Intensifying competition, ef

18、fective marketing support and increased consumer acceptance as well as loyalty have been key contributors to current growth,” said Zenith market intelligence director, Gary Roethenbaugh.</p><p>  “Manufactur

19、ers have been extending distribution and developing more mainstream appeal, targeting a wider range of consumer groups. This has resulted in a shift of emphasis towards the retail channel.”</p><p>  The top

20、10 brands accounted for 75 per cent of sales, Zenith found, with taurine and caffeine products making up 74 per cent of products.</p><p>  The UK, Germany and Spain accounted for 56 per cent of West European

21、 volume, while France, which recently permitted taurine as an ingredient after banning it for many years, was the fastest growing market.</p><p>  Ireland, Denmark and Spain also demonstrated rapid growth, a

22、lbeit from varying volume levels. Ireland had the highest consumption per person at 7.7 litres, followed by Austria and Switzerland on 5.4 litres and 2.4 litres respectively.</p><p><b>  譯文:</b>&

23、lt;/p><p>  可口可樂CEO:我們將比以前更強大</p><p>  ——能量飲料在歐洲依舊盛行:主流需求呈現(xiàn)</p><p>  周五,可口可樂CEO Muhtar Kent說這家世界最大的飲料公司將擺脫全球經(jīng)濟危機并發(fā)展得比以前更加強大。</p><p>  “這很有趣,正如我說過的一樣,有非常多的機會,但我們不會浪費這次危機(的機

24、會),”在紐約會議上他告訴消費者分析集團的財務(wù)分析員:“我們將擺脫這次危機并變得更加強大?!?lt;/p><p>  Kent同時表示目前環(huán)境下,廣告投入的現(xiàn)金更有威力,公司計劃保持品牌提升推廣方面的開支。</p><p>  “廣播電視都比以前清凈了,廣告成本也低了很多?!盞ent說:“就你如何觸及到你的消費者而言,你花出的金錢更有回報”</p><p>  除了可口

25、可樂商標以外,該公司還銷售雪碧,芬達,VitaminWater,Dasani瓶裝水和Minute Maid橙汁。</p><p>  位于亞特蘭大的可口可樂在上個月實施了新的全球市場營銷活動,這幾乎與第二大的飲料公司百事的推進保持同步。行業(yè)觀察者說廣告“大戰(zhàn)”是用來吸引消費者重新回到碳酸飲料,在購買者準備省錢的時候,這種便宜的(碳酸飲料)愛好更有吸引力。 </p><p>  “我們提

26、供簡單的快樂時光?!盞ent說道。</p><p>  可口可樂和位于紐約Puchase的百事都表示他們的重點將放在扭轉(zhuǎn)北美的碳酸飲料市場。</p><p>  這幾年碳酸飲料的銷售一直在下滑,而使用高果糖玉米糖漿的飲料的消費者在增長。飲料制造商希望類似基于甜菊糖的甜味素創(chuàng)新可以幫助遏制銷售下滑,并隨著人口的增長,最終帶來銷售額的增長。</p><p>  兩家都推

27、出了16盎司包裝的飲料,售價99美分。</p><p>  在午間的股市上,可口可樂的股票為42.95美元,下跌35美分;百事為51.75美元,下跌45美分。</p><p>  消費者對飲料品種細分的審美疲勞已經(jīng)嚴重打擊了行業(yè)內(nèi)瓶裝水和碳酸飲料的銷售,但這絲毫沒有影響到能量飲料在市場中的持續(xù)走俏。</p><p>  飲料市場研究機構(gòu)Zenith Internat

28、ional指出:2007年,西歐飲料市場的總價值已達3,760,000英鎊,比上年增長11個百分點,售出總量487,000,000升,到2012年這個數(shù)字更將高達700,000,000升。</p><p>  沒有任何跡象顯示消費者對能量飲料的熱情會有所減少。Zenith更是預測接下來五年能量飲料將可實現(xiàn)達8%的增長。</p><p>  紅牛作為一家擁有數(shù)十億銷售額的飲料細分市場的先驅(qū),

29、將繼續(xù)領(lǐng)跑西歐能量飲料市場,牢牢占據(jù)60%的市場份額。除了新競爭者的加入,Zenith并沒有暗示紅牛在短期內(nèi)可能存在的任何變數(shù)。</p><p>  雖然可口可樂的Relentless及其他競爭者也推出了多種包裝和規(guī)格(譬如已經(jīng)推出500毫升裝的Relentless)。但作為一種在超過140個國家都有銷售的飲料,紅牛的修長包裝依然在所有其他同類品牌的產(chǎn)品中延續(xù)其領(lǐng)先地位。</p><p>

30、  在MBG國際品牌評選中,可口可樂的Burn飲料已經(jīng)超過Shark飲料升至銷量榜第二名,而其Relentless飲料排名第五。</p><p>  Zenith市場資訊總監(jiān)Gary表示:“更高強度的競爭,有效的市場支持,提升消費者的接受度和忠誠度已經(jīng)成為促進銷售增長的關(guān)鍵!”</p><p>  “飲料生產(chǎn)商們正以尋求更廣泛的消費群為目標,擴大分銷范圍并不斷開發(fā)主流市場需求。同時這也造成

31、生產(chǎn)商們將關(guān)注重點轉(zhuǎn)移至零售渠道。”</p><p>  Zenith發(fā)現(xiàn),排名前十位的品牌共占據(jù)了75%的銷售份額,而在所有產(chǎn)品中有74%都含有?;撬岷涂Х纫颉?lt;/p><p>  英國、德國和西班牙占到了西歐市場56%的份額,而法國則是增長最快的市場,要知道在法國?;撬嵩唤棺鳛槭称吩隙嗄?,其直到最近才剛被解禁。</p><p>  而愛爾蘭、丹麥和西班牙市

32、場也都不同程度呈現(xiàn)出快速增長的趨勢。其中愛爾蘭的人均能量飲料消費為最高,達到人均7.7升,緊隨其后的是澳大利亞和瑞士,分別達到5.4和2.4升。</p><p><b>  原文:</b></p><p>  Coca Cola's Coup in China</p><p>  At least initially, the stoc

33、k market seemed less than impressed with Coca-Cola’s $2.4 billion acquisition of the Chinese juice maker Huiyuan. In late-morning trading Wednesday, shares of the Atlanta-based drink maker were down slightly. </p>

34、<p>  But while the price that Coca-Cola paid — three times the juice maker’s market value — seems heady, it could eventually look cheap given that Huiyuan dominates the juice market in the largest and fastest-grow

35、ing country on the planet, where foreign takeovers are rare and difficult. </p><p>  Coca-Cola bought the juice maker for about six times its 2007 revenues, whereas Coca-Cola, arguably one of the world’s pre

36、mier beverage companies, trades at only four times its 2007 revenues. If Coca-Cola had paid such a high price for a company in the United States — or, frankly, anywhere else in the world — its stock would have been punis

37、hed far more severely.</p><p>  But the $2.4 billion price tag gives Coke something extremely unusual: control of a Chinese company.</p><p>  The Chinese government resists foreigners coming in

38、and gobbling up home-grown companies — even ones like Huiyuan, which wasn’t doing so well. After all, China is a reforming communist state where private property rights were introduced just a few years ago. </p>&

39、lt;p>  Letting foreign companies in the country to market their products was also a big step, although one that has largely been accepted. </p><p>  But letting a foreigner completely take over a domestic

40、 company has been all but impossible — even for Coca-Cola, which has been in China since 1979 and is very much part of the fabric of Chinese society. (Coca-Cola was also one of the most prominent sponsors of the Beijing

41、Olympics.)</p><p>  By contrast, Coca-Cola is gaining full control of Huiyuan. That will allow Coca-Cola to bring its marketing, logistics and brand recognition to Huiyuan while retaining the company’s “guan

42、xi,” or personal network. China is still a country where it matters whom you know. By retaining the company’s powerful — and now extremely rich — chairman, Zhu Xinli, Coca-Cola has increased its own “guanxi” in the count

43、ry, which could help it secure more deals.</p><p>  Furthermore, letting Coca-Cola take control of Huiyuan could help the Chinese government reach one of its major goals: international recognition for its do

44、mestic brands. </p><p>  Coca-Cola can help Huiyuan expand rapidly throughout the world, which could open the door to other Chinese companies eager to expand outside the motherland. If Coca-Cola is successfu

45、l, the Chinese government will undoubtedly be pleased, which can only help Coca-Cola in further business dealings.</p><p>  Coca-Cola has acknowledged that the acquisition will be a drag on its earnings for

46、the next couple of years. But if the deal looks extremely expensive based on pure fundamentals and valuation metrics the other perks and strong growth prospects could make this deal look nicely priced in the end.</p&g

47、t;<p><b>  譯文:</b></p><p>  可口可樂在中國的妙舉</p><p>  可口可樂以24億美金收購了中國果汁制造商匯源,股市對此好像并不感冒,至少最初幾天是這樣。星期三上午晚些時候,這個總部在亞特蘭大的飲料制造商的股票略有下降。盡管可口可樂支付的價格——三倍于惠源的市場價——看起來有些欠思考,但是終究會物超所值,因為匯源統(tǒng)領(lǐng)了

48、地球上最大的且增長最快的果汁市場,在那里,居統(tǒng)領(lǐng)地位的外國公司很少,且外國公司要統(tǒng)領(lǐng)這個市場相當困難。</p><p>  可口可樂以匯源07年收入總額的六倍收購了該公司,而作為世界最大飲料公司之一,可口可樂只花了07年收入總額的4倍完成了交易。如果可口可樂用如此高的價格收購一家美國公司——或者坦白的說世界其它地方任何一家公司——它的股票會跌得更慘。</p><p>  可口可樂利用24億

49、美金的價格,買到了奇珍異寶:一家中國公司的控制權(quán)。</p><p>  中國政府阻止外國公司進入吞并中國本土公司——像匯源這種經(jīng)營不利的公司也不例外。畢竟,中國是一個在改革中的社會主義國家,幾年以前才引進知識產(chǎn)權(quán)。盡管可口可樂在中國已被廣泛的接受,但是允許外國公司進入中國去經(jīng)營管理他們的產(chǎn)品,這是中國邁出的很大的一步,但是讓一家外國完全掌管一家國內(nèi)公司幾乎是不可能的——盡管可口可樂在1979年就進入了中國,且已經(jīng)

50、成為中國社會的不可或缺的一部分,這一點對它來說也是一樣。(可口可樂也是北京奧運會的最突出的贊助商之一。)</p><p>  相反的,可口可樂完全控制了匯源??煽诳蓸吩诒A魠R源的“關(guān)系”——即私人關(guān)系網(wǎng)——的同時,還把可口可樂的營銷、物流以及商品標識帶進了匯源。在中國,人際關(guān)系網(wǎng)仍然非常重要。通過保留匯源神通廣大的且相當有錢的主席朱新禮,可口可樂擴張了它在中國的關(guān)系網(wǎng),這能使它贏得跟多的生意。</p>

51、<p>  不僅如此,讓可口可樂掌管匯源,中國政府也可以達到它的主要目的:為國內(nèi)品牌獲得國際認可??煽诳蓸房梢詭椭鷧R源快速地在世界范圍內(nèi)擴張,這給其他的想要走出國門的中國公司開了一扇窗。如果可口可樂成功了,毫無疑問中國政府會很滿意,這有利于可口可樂未來的商務(wù)前途。</p><p>  可口可樂也意識到,本次收購會給未來幾年的收入拖后腿。如果從單純的理論角度和價值分析來看,這次交易是太昂貴,但是從額外

52、利益和強勁增長前景來看,這樣的出價是很明智的。</p><p><b>  原文:</b></p><p>  Influences of the Intended Target Audiences on the Language Features and the Tone of the Language and Historical Evolution of Lan

53、guage Features used in Coca Cola Advertisements</p><p>  The primary target audiences of Cola advertisements may alter according to the theme of the advertising campaign of a particular ad. In order to attra

54、ct their intended group of audiences, both the written and visual features and also the tone of the language are inclined to convey the purpose of each ad more clearly and fluently. </p><p>  1. Coca Cola ON

55、E is a biased ad; it is aggressively directed at the females of the upper class. The use of the dominant visual feature of a gracious lady dressed elegantly reveals this and it consequently helps to attract the intended

56、group more. Furthermore the connotations given through the visuals are royal and superior, so that the upper class feels more convinced that Coca Cola is the drink for them. </p><p>  2. Once again, Coca Col

57、a TWO is also a biased ad, as it focuses mainly on one particular group of people, and that is the soldiers. The hot prospect would definitely be the American soldiers overseas, and the warm prospect could be the Europea

58、n soldiers who have never tried Coca Cola before. This is revealed by the dominant visual feature, in which two soldiers, fully armed, are smiling when they see the Coca Cola ad. To ensure the ad is more appropriate for

59、this group of audiences, various pros</p><p>  3. I felt that Pepsi ONE appeals to a wider demographic because I think it is aimed at a broader range of age groups. So to make sure that the ad is suitable fo

60、r a wider range, the language features are made to be acceptable for all age, gender, status, etc. groups. Even though Pepsi has always been targeting at young people, to maximize its market and consequently its profit,

61、this particular ad has broadened its language features used. Key catch phase and words in the ad, such as ‘famous’, ‘ori</p><p>  4. Another biased ad is Pepsi TWO; it is mostly directed at the younger gener

62、ation of the crowd. I found out that in order to achieve this, certain words like ‘young’ or ‘livelier’ are used to attract this particular group’s attention. The written features are also influenced in ways to appeal to

63、 these target audiences, such as sentences are made to be short, because young people may not be patient enough to read a massive paragraph; some words are deliberately written in lower case. The visual </p><p

64、>  Accordingly, the intended target audiences have a great impact on the language features and the tone of the language used. Because they have to be made appropriate and acceptable to the target market, so then more

65、audiences will be attracted to the ad and more likely to purchase their products. </p><p>  I have discovered quite a few language features, both written and visual, that have managed to remain in all three

66、chosen advertisements, with approximately 100 years in between my oldest and newest one. Therefore these features are said to ‘characterize’ this type of language. Use of adjectives, slogan and minor sentences are the re

67、presentatives of written features. There is at least one of each in all three Coca Cola ads; adjectives make the most frequent appearances, while the other two appea</p><p>  Distinctive techniques are incor

68、porated in some Coca Cola advertisements to be more successful in emphasizing on their message. For Coca Cola, the language has definitely changed over the time, but not necessarily significant. The gradual vanishing of

69、the amount in words and consequently written features is witnessed in the three Coca Cola ads. The most obvious change in visual features would be the change in colors, from firstly black and white, to colorful and lastl

70、y to very colorful. Border w</p><p><b>  譯文:</b></p><p>  目標觀眾對廣告語言的特點和基調(diào)的影響及可口可樂廣告語的歷史演變</p><p>  對于特定的廣告,會因為廣告的主題不同而針對不同的目標客戶。為了吸引預期的目標客戶,無論是廣告的文字和視覺特征以及廣告的基調(diào),都是為了保證廣告

71、更清楚和順利地傳達的目的。</p><p>  1 可口可樂公司的第一個廣告是一個具有偏向性的廣告,主要針對女性的上層階級客戶。主要的視覺形象是一個優(yōu)雅的貴婦,身著高貴表明其身份階層,因此該廣告很容易吸引更多的預期客戶。此外,通過皇室貴族的視覺效果,上層階級覺得更加堅信,可口可樂公司是為他們設(shè)計的飲料。</p><p>  2 另外,可口可樂公司的第二個廣告也是一個具有偏向性的廣告,主要側(cè)

72、重于某一特定人群——士兵。炎炎夏日下,身在海外的美國士兵和沒有嘗過可口可樂的歐洲士兵。廣告的視覺形象是兩名全副武裝的士兵,當他們看到可口可樂,面露微笑。為了確保廣告是更適合這一群觀眾,加入了各種戰(zhàn)爭背景元素,例如軍艦,武器等,而與此同時營造了暗淡,黑暗的基調(diào)(戰(zhàn)爭方),和與此相反的開朗為光明的基調(diào)(可口可樂方) 。</p><p>  3 我覺得百事可樂的第一個廣告將吸引更多的顧客,因為其目標客戶群更為廣泛。因為

73、為確保廣告適合更廣泛的客戶群,其廣告語適合各種年齡,性別,地位等團體。盡管百事可樂公司一直是針對年輕的人,盡量擴大其市場份額和利潤,語言文字的使用使這個廣告效應(yīng)得以延伸。關(guān)鍵詞語,如“著名的“, “原” , “健康”等,適用于所有年齡段,男性女性,不同地位,團體和企業(yè),所以我認為這個廣告呼吁更廣泛的人群。而具有說服力的語言基調(diào),讓所有的觀眾比較放心。</p><p>  4 另一則具有偏向性的廣告是針對年輕一代的

74、Pepsi TWO。我發(fā)現(xiàn)為了實現(xiàn)這一點,采用了諸如 “青少年”或“活潑”的字眼,用來吸引這個客戶群的注意。在文字上也做了相應(yīng)調(diào)整,如簡短的語句,一些單詞故意小寫,因為年輕的人沒什么耐心閱讀大段文字。采用更多的色彩,視覺形象也采用了兩位年輕的人,直指目標客戶。廣告的基調(diào)充滿活力,積極,主動和快節(jié)奏,使用大量的驚嘆號,強烈彰顯出充滿活力的感覺;短句則用來提高閱讀速度。</p><p>  因此,預期的目標客戶對廣告

75、語的文字和基調(diào)都有很大的影響。因為廣告需要進行調(diào)整讓客戶接受,那么,更多的觀眾將被廣告吸引,從而購買其產(chǎn)品。</p><p>  在這百年歷史中的三個廣告中,我發(fā)現(xiàn)了不少文字和視覺廣告語特點。總結(jié)為使用形容詞,口號和短語。所有三個可口可樂公司的廣告都使用了至少其中一種;形容詞使用最為頻繁,而其它兩種,出現(xiàn)一到兩次??谔枴懊牢?,神清氣爽”40年沒有變過。視覺效果方面,口號和反向的文字勝出。值得注意的是這個口號一個世

76、紀都沒有怎么變化。一直使用的原因是其在吸引客戶、傳情達意方面頗具成效,并轉(zhuǎn)達他們的訊息清楚。這些技術(shù)的應(yīng)用是可口可樂的廣告不可或缺的部分。</p><p>  可口可樂的廣告中采用的獨特的技術(shù),更加成功地強調(diào)其傳遞的訊息??煽诳蓸饭镜膹V告隨時間逐漸變化,但變化微小。三個可口可樂的廣告中,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)書面文字的逐漸消失。最明顯的變化,視覺形象上最大的變化是顏色的變化,從最早的黑與白到現(xiàn)在五彩斑斕。在最近期的可口可樂廣


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