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1、<p>  雅思學(xué)術(shù)類議論文結(jié)尾寫法新舊談</p><p>  朗閣海外考試研究中心</p><p>  最近看了很多學(xué)生的作文,也結(jié)合了一些考官的作文,筆者發(fā)現(xiàn)在傳統(tǒng)雅思議論文結(jié)尾中其實蘊含了很多變化。在接下來的文章里,我將就這些新寫法做一小結(jié),并對比它們和傳統(tǒng)寫法的區(qū)別:</p><p><b>  傳統(tǒng)結(jié)尾三要素</b><

2、/p><p>  想要了解新變化,我們必須先從傳統(tǒng)寫法說起。傳統(tǒng)的議論文結(jié)尾一般包含了以下三個寫作要素,即:回顧觀點對立面;重申自己觀點或立場;展望或建議。第一個寫作要素的概念是對于主體段中的次論段的觀點進行小結(jié),既可以是全部論點的概括,也可以是將其中幾個主要分論點進行列舉;而第二個寫作要素是整個結(jié)尾段的核心,即觀點的表達。若開頭段并沒有表明立場,則必須在最后一段里提出;若開頭段的主題句里已經(jīng)闡明了自己的主張,則結(jié)尾


4、點沒有傾向性,則第一個寫作要素“回顧對立面”就可以“缺省”,而先把中立的立場表達出來,然后再進行展望或建議,但由于觀點的中立性特點,所以一般在第三個要素的選擇</p><p>  In short, despite the fact that the process of animal testing seems cruel and bloody, I still believe that it is imper

5、ative for medical research and operation techniques and that it will continue to benefit humans in more wonderful ways.</p><p>  這是一個標準的、有傾向性結(jié)尾的例子,作者使用了一個復(fù)合句將三個寫作要素都包含在內(nèi)。值得一提的是由于他支持動物實驗,所以屬于“積極或肯定”的立場,所以在第三個

6、要素的選擇上使用了展望的寫法。</p><p>  All in all, it is sometimes true that corporal punishment can be a useful way of discipline; I feel strongly that it should become the last choice for parents. If we want to build a

7、world with less violence, we must begin at home and teach our children to be more responsible.</p><p>  在這個結(jié)尾段中,作者持反對的態(tài)度,所謂“l(fā)ast choice”, 事實上并不會選擇,而是一種反對的表達方式,這點考生可以學(xué)習(xí)下。由于觀點是屬于“消極或否定”,因此他最后采用了一個條件狀語從句的方式來給出建

8、議,并且態(tài)度是比較“堅決”的。</p><p>  In summary, it is really difficult to say whether the advantages of international tourism have outnumbered the disadvantages. What we may have to consider is how to accept this trend

9、 as positive, while at the same time, staying away from its drawbacks.</p><p>  這是一個中立的結(jié)尾,所以作者在第一句話中直接表達了沒有傾向的立場。值得一提的是中立也算是一種觀點。緊接著他就通過展望的方式表達了“興利除弊”的構(gòu)想。</p><p>  To conclude, there is no absol

10、ute answer as to whether modern universities should adopt the liberal education or implement a more specialized education. It largely depends on the teaching resource each school can possess.</p><p>  這個中立的結(jié)

11、尾采用了相似的思路,即首句就表達了中立的立場;而在展望部分,作者提出了一個建設(shè)性的條件,這樣的展望寫法也是很值得借鑒的。</p><p>  All in all, the phenomenon of crime cannot be eliminated completely. Yet, if all the measures I have suggested here were taken, I am conv

12、inced that we would see some improvements.</p><p>  這是一個分析解決型大作文的結(jié)尾,由于無法給出傾向性的立場,所以作者采用了寫其他二個要素的方式,但是在回顧的時候他先承認了現(xiàn)狀無法改變的事實,然后再提出一些建設(shè)性的意見。所以這樣的寫法也是可以普遍被此類大作文采用的。</p><p>  除了上述例子中我們學(xué)到的一些固定句式外,我們還可以

13、經(jīng)常使用以下這些句子來引導(dǎo)這些寫作思路:</p><p>  It is true that to do…but…</p><p>  But we can try our best to reduce the negative…</p><p>  What we must do is to make sure…</p><p>  The

14、refore, it is strongly suggested that…</p><p>  (methods/steps/measures) should be taken to correct…</p><p>  Both government and ordinary citizens should join hands to …</p><p>  A

15、s a result, it is projected that…</p><p>  My prediction about… is that…</p><p>  Personally, I envision a future when…</p><p>  To be sure, … will bring about profound changes in…&

16、lt;/p><p>  Indeed, … are something we cannot afford to ignore…</p><p>  新寫法中需要增加的寫作要素</p><p>  在新的寫法中,我們可以增加的寫作元素包括:原因,條件等,換言之,在給出自己的觀點后,我們可以繼續(xù)通過其他方式來深化主題,從而達到更好的表達效果,為作文增光添彩。首先我們來看一個

17、例子:</p><p>  Therefore, in spite of some opposition, I still feel that charging visitors abroad a higher fee should continue to be implemented in some developing countries, especially in those very poor nati

18、ons in Africa and Asia. Meanwhile, I wish the local governments would use the money sensibly to help the residents and protect their beautiful land and precious historical sites. Only by doing so will international touri

19、sm contribute to a win-win result.</p><p>  這個結(jié)尾前面部分都采用了傳統(tǒng)的寫法,即回顧,提出觀點和展望。但是在最后一個句子里,作者增加了一個條件,采用了倒裝句的方式,這樣做的好處在于在展望的基礎(chǔ)上繼續(xù)深化了題干的主題,當?shù)卣ㄟ^收取海外游客更高的費用來促進自身經(jīng)濟發(fā)展,這種做法作者是支持的,而最后這個條件的設(shè)定則延伸到了國際旅游的積極意義上。</p>

20、<p>  Accordingly, I am in favor of the view that women should be given the equal rights to do whatever they like just as men and they should be allowed to join army, the navy, and the air force because they are rea

21、lly suited.</p><p>  這個結(jié)尾的題目講的是女性是否應(yīng)該參軍或者加入警察隊伍。在結(jié)束部分,作者增加了一個原因,而這個原因其實并不需要在前面的主體段中提及,只是放在最后表達了作者個人的情感因素,從而增加文章的感情色彩,因此也不失為一個好的方法。</p><p>  Striking a work-life balance isn't a one-shot deal

22、. Creating balance in our life is a continuous process. But balance doesn't mean doing everything. Therefore, we need to examine our priorities and set boundaries and be firm in what we can and cannot do. Only we can

23、 restore harmony to our lifestyle.</p><p>  這是一個分析解決型的大作文的結(jié)尾,從劃線的二個句子來看,前者描述了為什么短期內(nèi)平衡工作和生活不是件容易的事情;而后者則給出了條件,即事在人為。從這個例子中,我們得到的啟發(fā)是將原因和條件這二個“新”元素和其他三個傳統(tǒng)要素相融合,不是機械式地按部就班,而是靈活地根據(jù)結(jié)尾原來設(shè)定好的意思穿插在其中。這樣使得表達效果就更好了。<

24、;/p><p>  Tobacco should be made illegal, I agree with this idea personally. I hope most drugs can be made illegal, because, as far as I know, they are bad to our health. However, currently most countries still

25、 keep it free to use tobacco, and this situation seems to be very hard to change in a short time.</p><p>  同樣的方法可以從這個結(jié)尾段中看到,作者在表達自己的立場后馬上給出了一個原因,而這個原因不是之前提到過的,而是帶有作者自己明顯的感情色彩。因此,我們一開始在結(jié)尾段中增加原因這個要素時,可先從觀點句后寫起

26、。慢慢再進行順序的變化。</p><p>  Certainly, medical care and education both play dominant roles, but building theaters and sports stadiums will benefit not only the individual both mentally and physically, but a nation

27、 and continent permanently because they lead to a healthy lifestyle both mentally and physically.</p><p>  這個結(jié)尾段將觀點和展望結(jié)合在了一個句子里面,作者通過最后一句原因的描述,很好地補充了政府投資體育設(shè)施和藝術(shù)文化設(shè)施的深遠影響,從而深化了主題。</p><p>  通過上述幾個

28、簡單的例子,我們已經(jīng)對于新寫法有了一個比較全面的認識,在實施這套寫法時,首先我們需要用傳統(tǒng)的三個寫作要素去構(gòu)思結(jié)尾的整個意思,然后將原因和條件各選一個意思插入結(jié)尾段的整個意思中去,這時候,原來的三個要素中,我們可能需要去掉一二個,比如去掉回顧觀點對立面的部分或者去掉展望或建議,也可以保留傳統(tǒng)的三個要素??傊?,在寫的時候需要多花1-2分鐘整體構(gòu)思下結(jié)尾的意思,方可動筆寫。</p><p>  In conclusi

29、on, real public museums will never be replaced by the Internet, as computer technology is just a supplementary mean to cope museums offer better services to the public.</p><p>  In most societies, people wit

30、h competitive spirit are more determined to do more and achieve more while businesses are obliged to learn to become increasingly efficient. Thus, competition is really an essential power to move society ahead, as if by

31、an invisible hand. This is because ultimately, competition is good as it sets goals for people and fills the social environment with excitement.</p><p>  After all, greed being a human instinct, consumers ha

32、ve only themselves to blame for their foolishness toward advertisements. Since outlawing commercial advertising is out of the question, people should educate themselves to be more prudent in buying and spending behaviors

33、. As for consumers, what better measures can be taken to protect themselves other than self-control?</p><p>  The point is that sending criminals to prison is effective, if only by moving them away from the

34、community. On the other hand, to regard prison education as an effective "punishment" is simply wishful-thinking, in view of relevant evidence that underlies recidivism. In all events, education provides opport

35、unities, however limited, but it depends on the way those repeat offenders see these opportunities, the rest being pure guessing.</p><p>  It becomes clear that governments should not only provide funding fo

36、r scientific research but also support experimental development for "non-scientific" research, since both kinds of research are essential to society in progress. Accordingly, it is always good to remember that

37、research for physics, chemistry and biology carries more weight and usually deserves more public money; nevertheless, it is also important not to forget research for less useful subjects.</p><p>  朗閣托福易信二維碼關(guān)


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