1、<p><b> 外文資料譯文:</b></p><p> 基于TMS320LF2407的環(huán)境溫度濕度檢測</p><p><b> 概要</b></p><p> 這個設計是以TMS320系列的DSP和新型的數字溫度傳感器DS18B20作為核心部件的溫度測量和控制系統。該系統采用TMS320系列TMS3
2、20LF2407的DSP作為控制芯片,完成溫度的接收,轉換以及顯示管理功能。 DALLAS公司生產的新的單一串行數字溫度傳感器DS18B20具有溫度測量和分析的能力。整個系統具有了高水平的集成性,可靠性和抗干擾性強,可擴展的,可識別的序列號組成的多點測量,體積小,功耗低的特點。該系統具有一個溫度傳感器,上限報警裝置,下限報警裝置,溫度控制和顯示功能,本文介紹了單線數字溫度傳感器的基本內容,結構和主要性能特點。</p>&l
3、t;p> 關鍵詞:DSP,溫度檢測,DS18B20,TMS320LF2407</p><p> 隨著工業(yè)技術的不斷進步和工業(yè)產品的質量要求的提高,一些工業(yè)產品需要在一個適當的溫度和濕度條件下進行生產加工。環(huán)境溫度,濕度的檢測成了產品生產條件的保證,作為越來越受關注的環(huán)境的重要組成部分,基于TMS320LF2407的以溫度濕度控制為主的實驗無疑是人們的追求之一,它給了企業(yè)產品正面的好處。DSP技術在工廠加
4、工環(huán)境檢測的應用,顯然有其絕對的優(yōu)勢,同時使用也使環(huán)境溫度濕度檢測具有人性化和細致化。一個數字溫度計就是一個例子,但是關于它的需求越來越高,對現代工業(yè)生產和薩科系統提供更好更方便的設施需要從檢測和數字控制加工技術朝著全智能化控制方向發(fā)展。</p><p><b> 1.系統功能說明</b></p><p> 溫濕度測量在工業(yè)生產,醫(yī)療保健,食品生產等領域,具有非常
6、科研實驗室使用。</p><p> 目前,溫度計的發(fā)展非常迅速,從原來的玻璃管溫度計發(fā)展到現在的熱電阻溫度計和熱電偶溫度計,數字溫度計,電子溫度計等,溫度計傳感器是它的一個重要組成部分,它的準確度和靈敏度基本決定溫度計的精度,測量范圍,控制范圍和用途。傳感器被廣泛使用,目前已經開發(fā)了許多新的傳感器。但是,隨著應用系統的設計人員根據需要來選擇合適的傳感器系統的要求,并與他們的設計系統相連,形成了優(yōu)良的性能監(jiān)控系統
7、。本設計采用美國DALLAS半導體公司繼的推出改進的智能溫度傳感器DS18B20作為測試組件后的DS1820,測量溫度范圍 - 55-125,攝氏度可達到最大分辨率0.0625攝氏度,可以讀出直接測量溫度值,并采用三線系統和控制器連接,減少外部硬件電路,具有成本低,容易使用的特點。</p><p><b> 2.系統的硬件設計</b></p><p> 考慮使用的
8、溫度傳感器,微控制器的電路設計,大多使用傳感器,所以它是很容易想到的,所以可以使用一個溫度傳感器DS18B20,傳感器,可以很容易地測得直接讀取溫度,轉換,并能滿足設計要求。如圖1所示的溫度計電路設計整體設計圖表,控制器采用TMS320LF2407,溫度傳感器DS18B20,通過使用三個LED數碼管有串行端口發(fā)送數據實現溫度顯示。</p><p> 圖1.整體設計的設計原理圖</p><p&
9、gt;<b> 主控制器的極致選擇</b></p><p> TMS320系列的DSP系統結構被設計用于實時信號處理和設計,這一系列的DSP控制器將實時處理能力和控制器的外圍設備的功能集于一體的,用于控制系統中的應用,以提供理想的解決方案。</p><p> 基于TMS320LF2407 DSP的TMS320系列具有以下特點:</p><p&
10、gt; ·高性能的CMOS技術使靜態(tài)電源電壓下降為3.3 V,降低芯片的功耗,30MIPS的執(zhí)行速度使得指令周期縮短到33ns,從而提高了芯片實時運算能力,也給我們的實時分析取樣暫態(tài)信息信號提供條件。</p><p> ·32K字片上閃存程序存儲器內,1.5K數據/程序RAM,544字的雙口RAM(DARAM),1.5K站RAM(SARAM)。外部擴展存儲器192K字a64k,在程序存儲器
11、中,總字a64k記憶,單詞數據a64k字I/O尋址空間。這有助于我們存儲采樣數據的分析,瞬態(tài)信息的同時,它也提供了盡可能多的穩(wěn)態(tài)信息。</p><p> ·CAN控制器模塊是一個完整的CAN控制器,它的外圍模塊,充分支持CAN2.0乙協議的16位。因此,我們可以通過CAN總線輕松集成到電力綜合自動化系統。</p><p> ·有串行通信模塊(SCI),接收器和發(fā)射器
12、是雙緩沖,每個人都有自己單獨的啟用和中斷標志位,既可以獨立工作,或者在全雙工模式。在此,我們通過串行通信接口與通信的人機接口模塊。</p><p><b> B.傳感器的選擇</b></p><p> DS18B20是美國DALLAS半導體公司溫度傳感器最新推出的改進型智能溫度傳感器,與傳統的熱敏電阻等溫度傳感器相比,它可以直接讀取操作溫度,而且根據通過簡單編程的
13、實際需求實現9?12位的數值的讀取。DS18B20性能特征如下:</p><p> 獨特的單線接口只需要一個端口引腳用于通信;</p><p> 多個DS18B20只能在三線并行,實現多點組網功能;</p><p><b> 無需外部裝置;</b></p><p> 通過電纜,電源,電壓范圍為3.0?5.5 V;
14、</p><p><b> 零待機電源;</b></p><p> 溫度9或12位數字;</p><p> 用戶可定義報警設置;</p><p> 報警搜索命令識別并標志超過程序極限溫度(溫度報警條件)設備;</p><p> 負電壓特性,當在極性的電源,溫度計不會因加熱和燒毀,但不能正
15、常工作;</p><p> DS18B20內部結構</p><p> 使用DS18B20八尺SOIC封裝3英尺PR35封裝,其內部結構如圖2所示:</p><p> 圖2:DS18B20內部結構</p><p><b> 3、溫度測量原理</b></p><p> DS18B20測溫原理
17、-55℃所對應的基數分別置入減法計數器1和溫度寄存器中,減法計數器1和溫度寄存器被預置在-55℃所對應的一個基數值。減法計數器1對低溫度系數晶振產生的脈沖信號進行減法計數,當減法計數器1的預置值減到0時溫度寄存器的值將加1,減法計數器1的預置將重新被裝入,減法計數器1重新開始對低溫度系數晶振產生的脈沖信號進行計數,如此循環(huán)直到減法計數器2計數到0時,停止溫度寄存器值的累加,此時溫度寄存器中的數值即為所測溫度。 </p>&
18、lt;p> 斜率累加器用于補償和修正測溫過程中的非線性,以此在測溫時獲得比較高的分辨力。其輸出用于修正減法計數器的預置值,只要計數門仍未關閉就重復上述過程,直至溫度寄存器值達到被測溫度值。這是通過改變計數器對溫度每增加一度所需計數的的值來實現的。因此,要想獲得所需的分辨力,必須同時知道在給定溫度下計數器的值和每一度的計數值。</p><p><b> 外文原文資料信息</b><
19、;/p><p> [1] 外文原文作者:Wang hao,Sha sha.</p><p> [2] 外文原文所在書名或論文題目:Based on TMS320LF2407 Environment Temperature Humidity Detection.</p><p> [3] 外文原文來源:</p><p> 出版社或刊物名稱、
20、出版時間或刊號、譯文部分所在頁碼:</p><p> 【刊 名】Physics Procedia </p><p> 【出版日期】2012 </p><p> 【卷 號】Vol.25 </p><p> 【頁 碼】1258-1263 </p><p> 網頁地址:http://www.sciencedirec
21、t.com/science/article/pii/S1875389212006463</p><p> www.yitiaogen8.com www.hzhxt.com www.daimengke.com</p><p> chunjie.daimengke.com www.soscw.com</p><p> www.anzhen8.com www.cha
22、yiyoudao.com www.zhuoyu8.com</p><p> www.gudianfushi.com www.24ktour.com www.xyuuu.com www.cuoleo.com www.zlnwang.com</p><p> www.hnueu.com www.xyuuu.com www.xzuuu.com www.bfueu.com www.ynueu
23、.com</p><p><b> 二、外文原文資料:</b></p><p> Based on TMS320LF2407 Environment Temperature Humidity Detection</p><p> Wanghaoa,Shashab </p><p><b> Abstra
24、ct</b></p><p> This design with TMS320 series DSP and the new digital sensor DS18B20 as the core component temperature measurement and control system. The system USES TMS320 series TMS320LF2407 DSP as
25、 control chip, complete temperature receiving, conversion, display management; DALLAS produced by the new single serial digital temperature sensor DS18B20, complete temperature measurement and analysis capabilities. The
26、whole system has the high level of integration, reliability and anti-interference is strong, ex</p><p> Keywords: DSP;Temperature detection;DS18B20; TMS320LF2407</p><p> With the industrial te
27、chnology unceasing progress and to industrial product quality request to improve the environmental requirements of industrial products processing increases, some industrial product requirements in a proper temperature an
28、d humidity production, environmental temperature humidity detection becomes guarantee product production conditions, as an important part of the more and more attention to the environment based on TMS320LF2407 based on t
29、emperature humidity control testing is</p><p> System function description</p><p> Temperature humidity measurement in industrial production, healthcare, food production and other fields, have
30、 very important significance. Today use temperature humidity test is usually accuracy of 1℃ and 0.1℃mercury, kerosene or alcohol as the medium of detection. These test methods are based on visual reading, calibration int
31、erval are usually quite close, not easy accurate resolution, reading difficulties, and reading error also relatively large. Especially when environment temperature rapid c</p><p> At present the thermometer
32、 develops very quickly, from the original glass tube thermometer</p><p> development now the thermal resistance thermometers and thermocouple thermometer, digital</p><p> thermometer, electron
33、ic thermometers, etc., thermometer in sensor is an important part of it, its accuracy and sensitivity basic determines the thermometer precision, measurement range, control scope and USES. Sensor is widely used, currentl
34、y have developed many new sensors. But, as the application system design personnel needs according to choose appropriate sensor system requirements, and with their design system connected, forming a fine performance moni
35、toring system. This design USES the Ame</p><p> The system hardware design</p><p> Considering using temperature sensor, the microcontroller circuit design, mostly using sensors, so it is very
36、 easy to think of, so can use a temperature sensor DS18B20, the sensor, can easily be measured directly read temperature, convert, and can meet the design requirements.</p><p> The thermometer circuit desig
37、n overall design charts as shown in figure 1 shows, controller USES TMS320LF2407, temperature sensor DS18B20, by using three LED digital tube with a serial port transmits data realize temperature display.</p><
38、p> A. main controller of selecting extremely performance</p><p> TMS320 series DSP system structure is designed for real-time signal processing and design, this series of DSP controller will real-time p
39、rocessing power and controller peripherals function collection in a body, for control system applied to provide an ideal solution.</p><p> In TMS320 series based on TMS320LF2407 DSP has the following charac
40、teristics:</p><p> · high-performance CMOS technology makes static power supply voltage drop is 3.3 V , reducing the chip power consumption, 30MIPS execution speed makes the instruction cycle shortens
41、to 33ns, thereby improving the chip real-time operation ability, also give us real-time analysis sampled signal of transient information provided a condition.</p><p> ·within 32K word slice up the FLAS
42、H program memory, 1.5k data/procedures RAM, 544 word double mouth RAM (DARAM), 1.5k stand-up RAM (SARAM). External extensible a 64k memory 192K word, word in total program memory, a64k memory, the word data a64k word I/O
43、</p><p> addressing space. This is helpful to our store sampled data of analysis, the transient information at the same time, it also provides as much as possible of the steady-state information.</p>
44、<p> ·CAN controller module is a complete the can controller, it is a 16-bit of peripheral modules, fully supports CAN2.0 B agreement. So, we CAN through a CAN bus easily integrated into power</p><
45、p> integrated automation system.</p><p> ·have serial communication module (SCI), receiver and transmitter is double buffering, each has its own individual enabled and interrupt logo bits, both can
46、 work independently, or in full-duplex mode. We hereby using serial communication interface with human-machine interface module for Communications.</p><p> B. sensor selection</p><p> The temp
47、erature sensor DS18B20 American DALLAS semiconductor company is the latest to release of an improved intelligent temperature sensor, and the traditional thermal resistor etc temperature sensor is compared, it can directl
48、y read operation temperature, and but according to the practical demands through simple programming realize 9 ~ 12 numerical value of reading way. DS18B20 performance characteristics as follows:</p><p> Uni
49、que single line interfaces only need a port pins for communications,</p><p> Multiple DS18B20 can parallel in only three-wire, realize multi-point network function;</p><p> Without an external
50、 device,</p><p> By cable, power, voltage range for 3.0 ~ 5.5 V,</p><p> Zero standby power;</p><p> Temperature with 9 or 12 digit;</p><p> User definable alarm Se
51、ttings,</p><p> Alarm search commands recognition and mark exceeds the program limit temperature (temperature alarm conditions) of the device;</p><p> Negative voltage characteristic, the powe
52、r supply when at the polarity, thermometers won't because of heating and burned, but can not work normally, </p><p> DS18B20 interior structure</p><p> 3 feet PR35 encapsulated using DS18B
53、20 or eight feet SOIC encapsulation, its internal structure diagram as figure2shows.</p><p> Temperature measuring principle</p><p> DS18B20, temperature measurement principle is that such low
54、 temperature coefficient, the device crystals of oscillation frequency by the influence of the temperature of small, used to produce fixed frequency pulse signal to subtraction counter 1; High temperature coefficient cry
55、stals with temperature changes its oscillation frequency obvious change, generated signal as subtration counter 2 input pulses. Device also includes a counting door when count when the door was opened, DS18B20 of low tem
56、p</p><p> Subtraction counter 1 of low temperature coefficient of the pulse signal generated crystals are subtraction count, when subtraction counter 1 preset value reduced to 0, the temperature of the regi
57、ster values will add 1, subtraction counter 1 will resume the preset loaded into, subtraction counter 1 start of low temperature coefficient of the pulse signal generated crystals, so cycle count until the subtraction co
58、unter counts to 0 to stop when the temperature of the register accumulate, when temp</p><p> In addition, because DS18B20 single line communication function is complete, it is time-sharing strict time conce
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