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1、,精實生產(chǎn)衡量指標/價值流分析,何謂精實製造(Lean Mfg),它是什麼?是一種在價值流(value stream)中藉由排除浪費以提昇流動性,使其能獲致更短的前置時間,從而提供高品質、低成本的製造哲學由產(chǎn)品開發(fā)、程序工程、營運管理及企業(yè)總管理作業(yè)等所組成的一整合性系統(tǒng),其能為顧客提供價值及帶給人們尊嚴 它不是什麼?僅是裁減員額數(shù),,價值流圖分析,課程目標 Objectives,在完成此一課程你將能 At the

2、 end of this section, you will be able to : *定義期間價值流及價值流圖分析 Define the terms Value stream and value stream Mapping *應用價值流圖分析實施步驟以模擬精實 Apply the steps for Mapping a Value Stream to the L

3、ean Simulation,價值流是什么What is Value Stream,定義 Definition 價值流是將生產(chǎn)物料改變到產(chǎn)品運交給客 戶之間全面性需求措施 A value stream is all of the actions required to change raw materials into a product delivered to the cu

4、stomer,價值流圖是什么What is Value Stream Map,定義 Definition . 一個目視化以描述整體價值流, 包含原材料產(chǎn)品及咨訊流分析圖 A visual depiction of the complete value stream, including

5、 material, product, and information flow,價值流圖分析之利益Benefits of Value Stream Mapping,*提供流動視覺的描述(以)用作零件制程程序的決策 Provides a visual depiction of flow use as part of the decision making process*在價值流中以提供鑒認七大

6、浪費緣由 Allows for identification of the sources of the seven wastes in the value stream*驗證咨詢流與材料流的關連性 Demonstrates the linkage between information flow and material flow*通過價值流以作為工廠發(fā)展改善流程基礎與消除浪費 Becomes the b

7、asis for developing a plan for improving flow throughout the value stream,現(xiàn)狀價值流圖Current state value stream map,一個現(xiàn)狀價值流圖是為完整價值流目前存在的視覺描述。包含物料,產(chǎn)品,即咨詢流 A current sate value stream map is the depiction of the complete valu

8、e stream as it presently exists. the map inclides material, product, and information flow 雖然關注在生產(chǎn)制造,也可以用在描述非生產(chǎn)活動。 Although the focus is on the manufacturing, the map could also be used to depict non-manufacturing acti

9、vities,現(xiàn)狀價值流圖Current state value stream map,評估現(xiàn)狀 Assessing the current situation價值流圖分析第一步驟是評估現(xiàn)實狀況以制作現(xiàn)狀圖 The first in value stream mapping is assessing the current situation by creating a current state map,

10、現(xiàn)狀價值流圖Current state value stream map,*選擇一產(chǎn)品或產(chǎn)品族 Choose a product or product family*描述顧客需求 Depict the customer requirements*反向跟隨產(chǎn)品從交貨,生產(chǎn)作業(yè),到原料入廠 Follow the flow of the product from shipping, working backwards to the

11、where raw materials arrive in the plant*繪制產(chǎn)品在使用的過程,移動與儲存階段程序Draw the processing steps used to process, move and store the product,現(xiàn)狀價值流圖Current state value stream map,*記入適當?shù)某绦蚺c庫存數(shù)據(jù) Input the appropriate process and

12、 inventory data*繪制咨詢流 Draw the information flow*繪制時間線描述前置時間,表示出有附加值 與無附加值時間 Draw a timeline depicting the lead time, showing value add and non-value add time,,,Current state mapping for a value stream,

13、Current state map,Value stream mapping,Futures state map,未來價值流圖future state value stream map,未來價值流圖是一目視可描述改善對策目標包含物料,產(chǎn)品,及咨詢流A future state value stream map is visual depiction of the goal of improvement actions, the m

14、ap includes material, product, and information flow,未來價值流圖析步驟future state value stream mapping,*著手以現(xiàn)狀價值流圖鑒別消除浪費機會Begin with the current state value streams map, use the map to identify opportunities to eliminate waste.

15、*確認顧客需求/takt time Identify the customer demand rate /takt time *依計劃執(zhí)行(從控制緩行最小于最大水準) follow the plan to “flow where you can, and pull (from a controlled buffer with minimum and maximum levels ) when you cannot flow”,未

16、來價值流圖析步驟future state value stream mapping,*使用工具如流程分析以協(xié)助分析及鑒別浪費降低的機會Use tools, such as process flow analysis,to help analyze and identify waste reduction opportunities.*確認在生產(chǎn)鍊單一點(制程速率點)可排生產(chǎn)計劃Identify one single point

17、in the production chain (the pacemaker process “)where you will schedule production*張貼價值流圖在作業(yè)區(qū)給全部工作人員清楚目視為持續(xù)改進的基礎Post the map in area that is clearly visible to all work group members on a continuous basis.,future stat

18、e value stream mapMeasurements :衡量指標,*前置時間天數(shù)是以庫存依據(jù)顧客需求在各作業(yè)間,計算前置時間必須從制程浪費消除改善Lead time in days is calculated by dividing inventory by customer requirements for one day for each operation, lead time should improve as wa

19、ste is eliminated from the process *附加值時間秒數(shù)是由作業(yè)時間計算,如變更外形 安裝,或產(chǎn)品修飾,附加價值時間將相同于現(xiàn)在與未來狀況除非制程被變更Value-add time in seconds is calculated by timing the operation as it changes form, fit, or finish of the product. value add t

20、ime will be the same in both the current and future sate unless process is changed,future state value stream mapMeasurements :衡量指標,*指標Dock to dock (DTD)Build to schedule

21、 (BTS)First time through (FTT)Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), total Cost*工作小組未來狀況對策績效必須由改善數(shù)據(jù)反應The effectiveness of work group future state actions should be reflected by an im

22、provement in these metrics,價值流圖析,*價值流圖析是一種完整且有系統(tǒng)性的方法*使用價值流圖析之意義是可在巨觀的大范圍下作業(yè)。亦可拘於局部性.區(qū)域性.或個別性的作業(yè).*因此他是可進行全面整體性而不僅是最佳化個別部分。,價值流圖析,*一個價值流圖析是指歸集一產(chǎn)品在其生產(chǎn)過程中所有的活動:包括哪些有增加附加價值及沒有增加價值的活動。*價值流圖析將是包含有附加值作業(yè)與無附加值作業(yè)調查檢討,用以改善制程提升

23、整體生產(chǎn)力的一項系統(tǒng)手法,價值流圖析,*價值流是為產(chǎn)品已當前通過其基本生產(chǎn)過程所進行的全部活動,可分成 .從原材料到產(chǎn)品交到顧客手中 “生產(chǎn)流” .從概念到投產(chǎn) “設計流”,價值流圖析,*從顧客到供應商跟隨產(chǎn)品的生產(chǎn)反向路徑將材料流與訊息流以代表圖形仔細繪出每個過程以便于了解掌握制程中的 (關鍵問題)*分析檢討,關鍵問題,提出改善對策后,再


25、價值流圖析可以幫助你看到的不僅僅是單一的生產(chǎn)制程而是整體的生產(chǎn)流程*價值流圖析可以幫助你發(fā)現(xiàn)生產(chǎn)制程中的浪費的根源*價值流圖可以為生產(chǎn)過程提供共同語言*價值流圖可顯示訊息流與材料流的聯(lián)系*沒有其他工具能做到此項功能,價值流圖析基本功能,*價值流圖是為實現(xiàn)精實生產(chǎn)的藍圖以作為改善實施計劃的基礎*如果要設計一個新的生產(chǎn)制程或者要改變一個現(xiàn)有的價值流就將精實生產(chǎn)理論概念與技術實務結合*進行價值流圖分析檢討繪出 精益的

26、‘價值流未來圖’,價值流圖,*進料倉庫到出貨倉時間 *DTD附加價值正味(實質)作業(yè) (value added operation)僅量少分*DTD絕大部分時間是無附加值 緩行(Buffer) 停滯 庫存 搬運 (transfer) 檢查,返工(inspection ,rework),價值流圖析應用,@價值流改善與制程改善在公司管理改進都是必要的:

27、 *價值流改善重點在于‘材料和訊息’的流 動改善 *制成改善則重點在‘人與過程’中消除 浪費,價值流圖析應用,價值流現(xiàn)狀與未來圖的關系是雙向的循環(huán),相互作 用并應努力實現(xiàn)計劃目標,,現(xiàn)狀圖,未來圖,改善執(zhí)行,改善計劃,,,,,,團隊努力,價值流圖析應用,@達成未來目標計劃 *設計一個精實的流程 *掌

28、握價值流的背后動力 *需要一個未來目標 *需要一個按步就搬的工作計劃 應有明確的時間及責任指定,價值流圖析應用,*生產(chǎn)管理有一種‘訊息流’通知制程現(xiàn)在生產(chǎn)什么,再下一次生產(chǎn)什么之計劃訊息*精實生產(chǎn)實務中‘訊息流’被視為與‘材料流’一樣重要,在價值流圖析進行中必須都要繪入並執(zhí)行分析檢討,價值流圖繪制,*使用一套符號(圖標)表示生產(chǎn)過程和流動必要時可以增加符號運用,但是必須在公司內部作程序規(guī)定,使每一個人都能繪制與理解將實施


30、力決定在于實際狀況的了解與記錄資料及時間觀測6.即使是為多人共同參與價值流圖析,仍必須是個人完成全部價值流圖析,否則無法完全了解掌握整體價值流狀況,價值流圖繪制,7.使用鉛筆先做草圖繪制:正試圖繪制時還是使用鉛筆 .是用鉛筆親手繪制可以不停的畫,進行中會想到更多 要什么咨詢 .手繪自己進行是理解“材料與訊息流”的關鍵 .手繪自己進行可以將注意力集中在價值流中 .手繪自己進行可以提高作圖析之能力

31、,Mapping Icons,Value Stream Mapping,Mapping Icons,Value Stream Mapping,Mapping Icons,Value Stream Mapping,,價值流改善,*價值流圖示意.以目視化表示物流與咨詢流.提供一價值流的藍圖供作執(zhí)行.讓每一個人都必須對范圍有所了解.始能達成精實化的流,價值流改善,*任何改進最重要的是從最終顧客需求做起,價值流圖分析要從顧客要求為起點

32、*創(chuàng)造增進價值流,您必須要有一“愿景” 價值流圖析能幫助你專注,看”愿景”的理想及改善狀態(tài),價值流管理,*一產(chǎn)品之“價值流”會跨越幾個部門或公司外界,一般的改善活動常常會局限在個別區(qū)域,而不是以整體價值流作基礎*要消除此管理的死角,需要有一位了解產(chǎn)品系列價值流并能推動改善的領導人*他必須向最高管理者在經(jīng)營管理會議匯報精實生產(chǎn)狀況,價值流管理,*精實生產(chǎn)的執(zhí)行 .管理層必須規(guī)劃及主導價值流的導入 .辨識每一個產(chǎn)品

33、族的整個價值流 這是精實生產(chǎn)思考的主要步驟,現(xiàn)狀圖析案例Current State Stream Exercise,*假如你希望的工作區(qū),你的企業(yè)在未來成為“精實”那么你就必須先學會學習有關現(xiàn)在的工作區(qū)采取價值流的觀點*完成現(xiàn)狀圖析模擬 Complete the current state map for simulation .跟隨制程制作現(xiàn)狀圖提出數(shù)據(jù)在您的區(qū)域 follow the proc

34、ess to create a current state map provide data for your area,收集數(shù)據(jù) Data Collection,*行走于生產(chǎn)線收集咨詢起點在交貨與作業(yè)逆向Walk the line-collect information beginning at shipping and working upstre

35、am .為價值流收集你擁有的咨詢了解全部原物料與咨詢流 Collect your own information for the value stream, understanding the entire material and information flow.轉換咨詢到現(xiàn)狀圖 transfer information to the current state map,學習點Learning Points - 1,*實踐

36、提升不穩(wěn)定制程 及不安全工作條件An unstable process promotes unsafe work conditions and practices*大量生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)產(chǎn)生大額浪費A mass production system generates large amounts of waste *過量產(chǎn)與高庫存隱藏生產(chǎn)問題,擴大品質問題衝擊延遲反饋 overproduction and high levels o

37、f inventory hide production problems, magnify the impact of quality problem, and delay feedback,學習點Learning Points - 2,*大多生產(chǎn)時間是無附加值 most of the production time is non-value added *不穩(wěn)定的生產(chǎn)制程造成有效解決問題的困難 an unstable pr

38、oduction process makes effective problem solving difficult, if not impossible *不穩(wěn)定生產(chǎn)制程迫使危機管理取代了策略領導 an unstable production process forces crisis management instead of strategic leadership,學習點效果 Learning RESULTS:,*作業(yè)

39、人員諒解及授權 精實愿景 operator understanding and ownership of the lean vision*改善安全 improved safety*改善顧客滿意點 品質 成本 時間 (生產(chǎn)交期時間) Improved customer satisfaction in terms of quality, cost, and time (manufacturing d

40、elivery time ),,,精實推展衡量指標,精實生產(chǎn) 衡量指標Lean manufacturing measurable’s,*進料倉庫道出貨倉庫時間------ DTD Dock to Dock*首次合格率 ------ FTT First time through*依排成生產(chǎn) ------

41、 BTS Build to schedule *總何設備效率 ------ OEE Overall equipment effectiveness,進料到出貨時間 Dock to Dock Time DTD,,Dock to Dock Time (DTD),*Definition 定義 .從原物料下貨到完成成品出貨之間的過去時間

42、 the elapsed time between the unloading of raw materials and the release of finished goods for shipment .總DTD時間為產(chǎn)品耗費時間如原物料,制程作業(yè),與 在廠完成品出貨前在品的時間 the total dock to dock time for a product includes the time

43、 that a product spends as raw material, work-in process and as a finished product in plant, prior to being relaesed.,,,,,,,,進料倉庫,成品倉庫,,,,進料倉庫到出貨倉庫時間 (DTD),,,,製造週期時間(MCT),生產(chǎn)製造過程,衡量指標(DTD),衡量指標-DTD,DTD – 從進料倉庫到出貨倉庫間時間

44、 指原料進廠製成完成品準備出貨的時間 包含製造週期時間DTD - 是衡量(時數(shù))物料通過工廠的 速度,不是程序的速度 DTD is measure (in hours) of the speed of material through the plant, not the speed of the process.,衡量指標 DTD,*Benefits 利益 .DTD時間改善以減

45、少庫存由較少的物料管理與庫存結果較少幾率 損壞部品改善FTT dock to dock time is improved by decreasing inventories which leads to less material handing and storage .this result in fewer opportunities to damage parts. There by improving first ti

46、me through..改善DTD時間可增進能力支援OTD目標 improved dock to dock time leads to improved ability to support the order to delivery (OTD) target. .減少物料管理,廢棄,及庫存搬運成本,全部可以改善總成本數(shù) lower material handing. Obsolescence. And inven

47、tory carrying costs all lead to improved total cost numbers.,衡量指標 DTD,*為什么 Why:.工廠必須消除浪費與改變到顧客拉式系統(tǒng) PLANTS MUST ELIMINATE WASTE AND MOVE TOWARDS CUSTOMER “PULL”SYSTEMS..設置巨大緩衝區(qū)生產(chǎn)過多零件(增快製程速度)但是降低了物料速度 By buildin

48、g large buffers you produce more parts (increase The speed of your process ) but slow down the speed of materials..減少庫存可以減少物料管理及儲存,結果減少損壞零件的機會. decreasing inventories leads to less material handing and storage, which re

49、sults in fewer opportunities to damage parts.,,衡量指標 DTD,*為什么 Why:.衡量生產(chǎn)庫存週轉的時間管理 .DTD日程越短則週轉越快 .有效管理庫存資金,降低生產(chǎn)成本 .快速對應顧客需求,衡量指標 DTD,*為什么 Why:.DTD附加價值(實質)作業(yè)(value added operation)僅量少分.D

50、TD 絕大部分時間是 無附加價值 .等待 (wait) .停滯(stagnation) .緩行 (buffer) .存儲 ( storage) .搬 運 (Transfer) .檢查 (Inspection) .返工(Rework),,衡量指標 DTD,*何處 where :1.原物料 - 購買的零件(管制部品)接收進入工廠開始計數(shù).運

51、委托制件.因為已經(jīng)產(chǎn)品構成. raw material-purchase part (control part) – begin counting when it is received in the plant .Even on consignment. Because it is already in its product from already in its product form..原物料變更成為產(chǎn)品構成

52、 Raw material that is changed its product form,衡量指標 DTD,*何處 where :2 .制程工作,包括物料在修理返工區(qū)域及全部緩衝區(qū)Work-in-process (WIP), including material in repair rework areas, and all buffers.完成產(chǎn)品-所有完成品包含管制部品并入DTD計算直 到被從馬頭交運F

53、inished goods end item products – all finished goods ontaining the control part are included in the DTD calculation until they physically shipped form the dock,衡量指標 DTD,*何時 when:數(shù)據(jù)收集時必須在作業(yè)型態(tài)表現(xiàn)優(yōu)良的產(chǎn)品線上進行Data shoul

54、d be collected at the same time which best represents the operating pattern of a product line,衡量指標 DTD,*如何做.降低原材料庫存.降低安全庫存量.提高進料頻度,衡量指標 --DTD,*如何做 . 降低成品庫存 .降低安全庫存 .提高交貨頻度,衡量指標 DTD,*如何做.減少在制品/制程高效率化

55、 .目視化以及 防誤措施 .一個流 小批量 .作業(yè)依排程生產(chǎn) .推展全員生產(chǎn)性保養(yǎng) .縮短轉換時間,衡量指標-DTD,*降低總 DTD 時間 . 制程工程分析改善物流效率. 消除停滯減少搬運 . 制程作業(yè)分析改善. 降低周期時間 .消除不良. 提高首次合格率 .排除稼動損失. 提高總合設備效率 .善用價值流圖析,衡量指標-DTD,*降低總

56、DTD 時間.DTD-從價值流圖析能作用明確有效展現(xiàn).應用工業(yè)工程分析改善效率 並進行時間縮短改善 ( 時間)- 是各企業(yè)公司同樣擁有之唯一 等量資源,衡量指標-DTD,單作業(yè) DTD= 復合作業(yè) DTD=,總管制數(shù),,線末速率,DTD作業(yè)1+DTD作業(yè)2+DTD作業(yè)3,,線末速率,,,,Total Dock

57、To Dock Calculation,(Single Operation ) DTD = (Multiple Operation) DTD=,Total Units of Control Part,,End of Line Rate,DTD(Operation1)+DTD(Operation2)+DTD(Operation),,End of Line Rate,,,,END-DTD,,首次合格率-FTT Fi

58、rst Time Through,衡量指標—FTT,定義Definition 1.FTT是為在一完整制程生產(chǎn)中,第一次既符合品質要求的產(chǎn)品件數(shù)的百分比率不含被報廢,返工,重試驗,線外修理,返回件數(shù) First Time Through is the percentage of units that complete a process and quality guidelines the first time without

59、being scrapped, return, retested, repaired, or returned,,衡量指標—FTT,定義Definition 2.FTT是衡量生產(chǎn)制程的品質it is a measure of the quality of the manufacturing process.可應用FPS程序工具改善FTT (防誤措施,幕式化工廠,快速轉換) we can improve our FT

60、T by applying our FPS process and tools (error proofing, visual factory & quick changeover).,衡量指標—FTT,FTT首次合格率 投入制程總件數(shù)-(報廢+返工+重試+線外修理+退回件數(shù)) Units entering process – (Scrap + returns + retests + repaired

61、off-line +returns),投入制程總件數(shù),,Units entering process,,衡量指標-FTT,利益 Benefits 1.提升制程/品質不良減少,庫存降低,改善DTD時間Increased process/out quality reduces the need for extra production inventory, improvement DTD time..改善及維護順序通過制程 以

62、改進BTS improves and maintains sequence throughout the process, improving Build to schedule (BTS).,衡量指標-FTT,利益 Benefits 2.確保接收良品提高品質水準與降低浪費產(chǎn)生並全面提升OEEIncreased quality before the constraint ensures that it o

63、nly receives “good parts” which promotes a higher quality rate and reduces wasted out at the constraint ,which all improve the OEE .以降低索賠(保證),報費,與修理成本改善總成本Total cost is improved through lower warranty, scrap and repai

64、r costs,衡量指標-FTT,為什麼 Why:1改善FTT成果將 improvements in First Through will result in: .提升產(chǎn)能 increased capacity .改善產(chǎn)品品質對內部及外部客戶 Improved product quality to internal and external customers .降低大量生產(chǎn)庫存結果

65、,改善了DTD時間 Reduced need for excess production inventory resulting in improved Dock to Dock time,衡量指標-FTT,為什么 Why:2.改善了能力以維護順序通過制程 改善了BTS improved ability to maintain sequence throughout the process resulting

66、in improved Build Schedule.提升品質 加入作業(yè)要求改善OEE increased quality input to constraint operations resulting in improved Overall Equipment Effectiveness .消除因報廢,修理,與過多庫存浪費 的結果,以改善總成本 Elimination of wastes due to scra

67、p, repair, and excess inventory resulting in improved Total Cost,衡量指標-FTT,何處 Where : .FTT數(shù)據(jù)收集必須在最終制程實施 FTT Data should be collected at the end of processes .延伸目標:100 percent (100%) FTT 能力 =

68、零制造不良與交送 Stretch Objective : One hundred percent(100%)FFT capability = Zero defects made or passed on,衡量指標-FTT,何時 When :.首次合格率數(shù)據(jù)必須收集并使用 .最少以班別(出勤) .數(shù)據(jù)必須應用帶動日常實踐行動 .First Time Through data sh


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