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1、,,Assignment 1,Please tell me the names of western philosophers as many as you can!,,,人不能兩次踏入同一條河流,因?yàn)闊o(wú)論是這條河還是這個(gè)人都已經(jīng)不同?!绽死厮枷氩皇悄阋鼇硭銇恚怯伤约簺Q定它的來去?!灞救A我思故我在?!芽柦o我物質(zhì),我就用它造出一個(gè)宇宙來?!档氯祟惖纳?,并不能以時(shí)間長(zhǎng)短來衡量,心中充滿愛時(shí),剎那即

2、永恒。——尼采,Differences In Chinese & Western Philosophy,Chinese philosophyFounded on oral tradition“Remain aloof”a. Involve more about the search of mind and spiritual processb. Contain principles to live by,Western

3、philosophyRecorded in written form“Get cornered”a. Focus on some superior of truthb. Make claims based on logical or empirical arguments,On “Philosophy”,Origin: Greek word φιλοσοφ?α(philosophia)Meani

4、ng: “l(fā)ove of wisdom”,It All Begins With Doubt…,Western philosophy and thinking all begins with doubt and uncertainty regarding the worldNothing is certain, so a certain wonder must be present to know any

5、thing for sureThe Greeks attempted to understand the principles of the world. They wondered about numbers, orders, and logic, etc. Greek rationalism: the idea that life should be based on reason and logic, not based on

6、 emotion and superstitionThis was passed down to the Romans, and beyond,“At the time when Chinese scholars (Confucians and Taoists) were concerned with social relationships and human harmony about the world, Greek philo

7、sophers were arguing about what nature itself is.”,The natural philosophy in the early Greek period,What makes the universe? water ( Thales) air (Anaximenes) fire (Heracleitue) atom (Democritu

8、s) numbers (Pythagoras)They place a special kind of matter at the beginning of the development of the world.,The Greek philosophy in the Classical age,Socrates (469-399 BC)Plato (427-347 BC)Aristotle (384-322 B

9、C)Their collective influence extended into the Renaissance, Enlightenment, and Scientific Revolution.,Life,There's not a lot that can be verified about Socrates, mostly because he never recorded anything himself. H

10、is words and teachings were recorded by students Plato and Xenophon.,蘇格拉底的悍妻,蘇格拉底本身相貌非常丑陋, 但娶了一個(gè)漂亮潑辣的女人,動(dòng)不動(dòng)就會(huì)遭她無(wú)禮謾罵。有一次,蘇格拉底正在和學(xué)生們討論學(xué)術(shù)問題,互相爭(zhēng)論的時(shí)候,他的妻子氣沖沖地跑進(jìn)來,把蘇格拉底大罵了一頓之后,又出外提來一桶水,猛地潑到蘇格拉底身上。在場(chǎng)的學(xué)生們都以為蘇格拉底會(huì)怒斥妻子一頓,哪知蘇格拉底摸了摸

11、渾身濕透的衣服,風(fēng)趣地說:“我知道,打雷以后,必定會(huì)下大雨的?!闭?yàn)樗掀趴傇诩依锇l(fā)威,他不得不被迫每天游走于雅典的大街小巷與人辯論,他辯論的方法就是著名的“蘇格拉底反詰法” (Socratic method), 成就了一個(gè)偉大哲學(xué)家!,Socratic Midwifery,蘇格拉底認(rèn)為一切知識(shí),均從疑難中產(chǎn)生,愈求進(jìn)步疑難愈多疑難愈多進(jìn)步愈大。蘇格拉底承認(rèn)他自己本來沒有知識(shí),而,他又要教授別人知識(shí)。這個(gè)矛盾,他是這樣解決的:這些知識(shí)

12、并不是由他灌輸給人的,而是人們?cè)瓉硪呀?jīng)具有的;人們已在心上懷了“胎”,不過自己還不知道,蘇格拉底像一個(gè)“助產(chǎn)婆”,幫助別人產(chǎn)生知識(shí)。,"As for me, all I know is that I know nothing.“ ---From Plato's Republic,寬容,古希臘的大哲學(xué)家家蘇格拉底,有一天,和一位老朋友在雅典城里漫步,一邊走,一邊聊天。忽然有一個(gè)莫名其妙的人,沖了出來,對(duì)蘇格

13、拉底打了一棍子,就逃去了。他的朋友立刻回頭要去找那個(gè)家伙算賬。 但是蘇格拉底拉住了他,不準(zhǔn)他去報(bào)復(fù)。 朋友說:“你怕那個(gè)人嗎?” “不,我絕不是怕他。” “人家打了你,你都不還手嗎?” 蘇格拉底笑笑說:“老朋友,你別生氣。難道一頭驢子踢你一腳,你也要還它一腳嗎?”,求知,一個(gè)青年問蘇格拉底:“怎樣才能獲得知識(shí)?” 蘇格拉底將這個(gè)青年帶到海里,海水淹沒了年輕人,

14、他奮力掙扎才將頭探出水面。 蘇格拉底問:“你在水里最大的愿望是什么?” “空氣,當(dāng)然是呼吸新鮮空氣!” “對(duì)!學(xué)習(xí)就得使上這股子勁兒?!?Perhaps his most important contribution to western thought is his dialectic method of inquiry, known as the Socratic

15、method (method of "elenchus”). To solve a problem, it would be broken down into a series of questions, the answers to which gradually distill the answer a person would seek.,“I know you won't believe me, but th

16、e highest form of Human Excellence is to question oneself and others.” ----Plato,Socrates’ philosophical ideas,心靈的轉(zhuǎn)向 “Know thyself.”---Socrates倫理學(xué)說 "The

17、unexamined life is not worth living for a human being.”---Socrates靈魂不滅說 He claims that the universe is organized and vivified by the divine spirit. And he asserts that the soul is immortal and will meet with judgmen

18、t and retribution in the hereafter.,尋求事物的普遍定義 Sometime in his forties, Socrates began to wonder about things, particularly ethics and logic. He began to ask questions, like: What is wisdom? What is piety

19、? And most importantly, Why?,The Death of Socrates by Jacques-Louis David (1787). The painting depicts the philosopher Socrates about to take poison.,Quotations from Socrates,I cannot teach anybody anything, I ca

20、n only make them think. Beauty is a short-lived tyranny. A multitude of books distracts the mind. Death may be the greatest of all human blessings. Life contains but two tragedies. One is not to get your heart

21、9;s desire; the other is to get it.,,,Plato’s important position as a philosopher,Plato helped to lay the foundations of western philosophy and science.In his Socratic dialogues; thirty-six dialogues and thirteen letter

22、s have been ascribed to him.,5 Plato's dialogues have been used to teach a range of subjects, including philosophy, logic, ethics, rhetoric, and mathematics.,On “Platonic Love”,“當(dāng)心靈摒絕肉體而向往著真理的時(shí)候,這時(shí)的思想才是最好的。而當(dāng)靈魂被肉體的罪惡

23、所感染時(shí),人們追求真理的愿望就不會(huì)得到滿足。當(dāng)人類沒有對(duì)肉欲的強(qiáng)烈需求時(shí),心境是平和的……人之所以是所謂的高等動(dòng)物,是因?yàn)槿说谋拘灾?,人性?qiáng)于獸性,精神交流是美好的、是道德的?!?Beginning with an attraction to the beauty of one’s body, one develops an appreciation of the beauty of other people which leads t

24、o a deeper attachment to the beauty of customs, laws and systems of knowledge and culmination in the discovery of the eternal and changeless idea of beauty itself.,The primary concept of Platonism is the Theory of Forms.

25、 The only true being is founded upon the forms, the eternal, unchangeable, perfect types, of which particular objects of sense are imperfect copies. The multitude of objects of sense, being involved in perpetual change,

26、 are thereby deprived of all genuine existence.,Platonism is the philosophy of Plato or the name of other philosophical systems considered closely derived from it. The belief that physical objects are impermanent repres

27、entations of unchanging Ideas, and that the Ideas alone give true knowledge as they are known by the mind.Platonism was considered authoritative in the Middle Ages, and many Platonic notions are now permanent elements o

28、f Christianity. Platonism also influenced both Eastern and Western mysticism.,For instance, the property of being red,According to the Platonist view of properties, the property of redness exists independently of any red

29、 thing. There are red balls and red houses and red shirts, and these all exist in the physical world. But Platonists about properties believe that in addition to these things, redness — the property itself — als

30、o exists, and according to Platonists, this property is an abstract object. Ordinary red objects are said to exemplify or instantiate redness.,Quotations from Plato,He who can properly define and divide is to be consider

31、ed a god. Mathematics is like draughts [checkers] in being suitable for the young, not too difficult, amusing, and without peril to the state. A wise man speaks because he has something to say; a fool because he has to

32、 say something.A society where people would be lead by “philosopher kings” who would serve their fellow citizens unselfishly because they would be the people with the most wisdom.,Aristotle,,Aristotle’s philosophy,The i

33、dea of “mind over matter”: e.g. the idea of chair eternally exists before man creates it.Lay the foundation of deductive science: General principle: All men are mortal. Connection:

34、 I am a man Deduction conclusion: I am mortal,,,,,古典時(shí)期希臘哲學(xué):蘇格拉底、柏拉圖、亞里士多德,,,晚期希臘哲學(xué):懷疑主義、新柏拉圖主義,,,教父哲學(xué):奧古斯丁“理性和信仰”,,現(xiàn)代哲學(xué):馬克思“辯證唯物主義”、非理性主義,經(jīng)院哲學(xué):證明上帝的存在,,,文藝復(fù)興時(shí)期:人的發(fā)現(xiàn)和世界的發(fā)現(xiàn),,近代英國(guó):培根、笛卡爾“經(jīng)驗(yàn)論和唯理論”,,,近代法國(guó)啟蒙哲學(xué):伏爾泰、盧梭

35、,近代德國(guó)古典哲學(xué):黑格爾“辯證法”,,,,早期希臘自然哲學(xué):自然由什么構(gòu)成的?,,,,西方哲學(xué)發(fā)展脈絡(luò),Assignment 2,Explain the following terms:The patristic philosophy (教父哲學(xué))Scholasticism(經(jīng)院哲學(xué))Rationalism (唯理主義)Empiricism (經(jīng)驗(yàn)主義)Panthelism (唯意志論)Life philosophy


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