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1、分 類編 ^密 級(jí) :單位 代 f i ' i:10065學(xué) - ' ' 」 ?:09 204 0 3 3硏 究生 學(xué)位 論文論 文 題 目:明建 文朝 文 官 集 團(tuán)研 究學(xué) 生 姓 名 :經(jīng)哲 屮請(qǐng) 學(xué)位 級(jí)別 :碩 丄屮^ 專業(yè) 名稱 : 屮^ 入代 ^ 研 究 方 向: 明清 ^1 指 導(dǎo)教師姓 名 :吳德 義 專業(yè)技 術(shù)職稱 : 教授提 交 論 文 H 期 :  20 1

2、2 年 3 月A b str a c tE m perorJi anw en (1377-1402A D )w as t he second em peror w ho had boarded thest age of hi st ory i n t he M i ng dynast y.' Ji anw en 'w as hi srei gn t i t l e i n contrastt o t herei gn

3、t i t l e ' H ong W u*of h i sgrandfat her' s.H i srei gn t i t l e dem onst rat ed t hathe w oul dchange the m i li t ary spi ri ti n hi sgrandfat her' srei gn peri od and prom ot e a reformm ovem ent.So i

4、n hi s presi dency,he changed hi s grandfather,nam ed Z hu Y uanzhang,w hose pol icy w ere t ough,and putci vi loffi ci al s i nt o i m port antposi t i ons t o carry outseri esof reform act i vel y.T he m ostdi f feren

5、tb et w een t he t w o em perors w as ci v i loffi cial s w ere reused great l y.T hatputan i m portanti nf luence to t he E m perorJi anw en ' s adm i nist rati on and t he l at er generati ons of t he M i ng dynas

6、ty.T herefore,i ti s val uab l e for us t o m ake a furt her study and research t o t he prob l em of t h e con cretecondi t i ons,posi t i on and i nfl uence of t he ci vi lof fi ci algroup under t he rul i ng ofE m p

7、 eror Ji anw en .T h i s papert hatconsi st s of fourpart s hasresearches and di scussesseparat el y f romt he d efi n i ti on and analysi s of t he ci vi loffi ci algro up,t he rel ati onsh i p bet w een t h e ci vilo

8、f fi ci algroup and t he E m peror Ji anw en,t h e effectof ci vi lof fi ci algroup i n t he reformm ovem entan d t h e ci vi loff ici algroup i n t h e b att le of Ji ngnan .I n t he fi rstpart ,aut hor di vi dest

9、he ci vi loff ici algroup i nt o t w o parts of cent ralandl ocalgroups.T h en aut horusest abl es t o sum m ari ze and st at i st i calanal ysist hei rconcrete condi ti ons t o concl ude m ostof t hem com e from Sou

10、t hern D ist rictand t heyw ere gott hei roffi ci alprom ot i on by I m perialE xam i nat i on.T hi sfeat ure w asdeterm i ned by t he pol i ti c,econom y and cul ture.I n t he second part ,by sum m ari zi ng t he l i fe

11、 and pol i t i calaccom pl i shm entofEm peror Ji anw en t o know he w asa benevol ence m an.H e gota very deep i nfl uence ofC onfuci ani sm .B y t he pol i t i caland m i l i t ary com m uni cat i on and i nt era

12、ct i on of t heem perorand hi s m ajor offi ci al s,w e can obt ai n t he i m port antreason of t hei r fail urew as t he em perorand hi sof fi ci al sw ere al ll ack of enough pol i t i calexperi ence so t h att hey


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