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1、 Procedia Engineering 150 ( 2016 ) 2113 – 2118 Available online at www.sciencedirect.com1877-7058 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

2、http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICIE 2016 doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.07.249 ScienceDirectInternational Conference on Industrial Engineer

3、ing, ICIE 2016 Organization of Interaction between the Participants in Modern Construction T.?. Shindina* South Ural State University, 76, Lenin Avenue, Chelyabinsk, 454080, The Russian Federation Abstract The construct

4、ion industry is one of the most important economic sectors of any country. Its state largely determines the level of society development and its production levels. The construction industry has to provide for the renewa

5、l of the productions assets, development and improvement of the social sphere, reconstruction, modernization, technical re-equipment of material goods production in course with modern technology development. The activ

6、ity organization of the modern construction complex is connected with project implementation and the life cycle of a project. Thus the distinguishing feature of the construction complex is a large number of participants

7、, who perform specific functions. The stability of construction industry is based on systematic repetition of activities in transit from object to object. The construction complex consists of three horizontal levels (i

8、nstitutional, commercial and project), four organizational stages (conceptual, project, construction, final), which include eleven project implementation centers of contractual relationships. © 2016 The Authors. P

9、ublished by Elsevier Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICIE 2016. Keywords: Construction complex; organization of relationships; life cycle of a construction project The construction

10、complex is characterized by a large variety of projects under construction. They include industrial, housing and civil, social, transport, agricultural and other buildings and structures. Construction has always been c

11、onsidered to be a special sector of the economy. Construction sites retain their unique features, even when they are built according to a standard project using prefabricated structures. Even if construction structures

12、 remain unchanged, one object differs from another in location, soil nature and other factors. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +7-912-894-8922; fax: +7-(351)-267-9170. E-mail address: shindina@74.ru © 2016 The Autho

13、rs. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICIE 20162

14、115T.А. Shindina / Procedia Engineering 150 ( 2016 ) 2113 – 2118 The division of the construction complex into levels allows systematizing some of the concepts that are used today. The interpretation of the term

15、s “complex“, “sector“, “sphere“ and “industry“ are interconnected in the context of the above-mentioned levels. This is approved by the developers of dictionaries [4, 6-8, 12], which interpret the above-mentioned con

16、cepts in the following way: 1. Complex (from Latin complexus ? connection, combination) – a set of objects, events or properties; a set of interconnected national economies and enterprises of different industries; com

17、bination of objects, events, actions, properties. 2. Sector – a sphere of a national economy with certain economic and social characteristics. The construction sector of a country guarantees the presence of governmen

18、t control. 3. Sphere ? space, which is located within the limits of something; sphere of physical and spiritual life, activity, social environment, environment, atmosphere; a circle of people united by a common social

19、status and occupation. Construction sphere affects problems of construction industry organization and creating conditions for its functioning on the basis of investment, social and functional adjustment. 4. Industry

20、? a separate area of the economic activity, of science or production. Industry ? a set of enterprises and organizations determined by labour division in society, by specific funds and products. “There is a branch of ma

21、terial production (manufacture, construction, agriculture, transport, commerce, etc.) and the sector of a non-material sphere (science, education, culture, health, housing and public services)“ [2]. The construction in

22、dustry includes structures that are directly involved in construction processes. Thus, the conceptual content of the construction complex corresponds to the system of existing levels of the complex. Theory, methodology

23、 and discussion of the research outcomes. There are 5 groups of enterprises within the construction complex: ? ongoing construction organizations and enterprises of the construction industry; ? enterprises which sup

24、ply the construction industry with objects of labor (enterprises of machinery manufacturing, metal and wood industry, etc.); ? enterprises which supply with means of labour (construction and road machinery, production

25、of equipment for enterprises of the construction industry etc.); ? infrastructure construction (enterprises on machinery repair, organization of logistics; specialized transportation companies; research and project co

26、nstruction organizations; staff training institutions, etc.); ? organizations responsible for the construction management (ministries, departments, etc.). If we consider the state management system of a market constr

27、uction complex, the system of control is represented as a single whole, where the subject of management is the government and the object of management is the construction complex. The interaction between subject and ob

28、ject in such system occurs implicitly. So the state on the basis of legislative changes and budget projects is building a system of influence on the activities of the construction complex, implementing the state policy

29、. The construction complex responds to government influence either accepting rules of a game or finding ways to avoid following established rules. Once the object of management finds ways to confront the subject of ma

30、nagement, the state is forced to develop new mechanisms and levers for the complex. In addition to the existence of the vertical connection in construction the horizontal connection is of great importance. The impor

31、tance of the horizontal connection is determined by the participation of a large number of companies in implementation of investment and construction projects, which perform various functional tasks required for the ef

32、fective implementation of the project. Theory and practice of investment and construction projects organization have developed different systems of division of functional responsibilities between project participants,

33、but anyway there is no horizontal connection. A sequence of management objects in the construction complex which is expressed in the framework of the contract relations is a management model when implementing construc

34、tion projects and it allows presenting contract relations in the construction from a project idea to an achievement of the goal (Fig. 2). The presence of enterprises in the construction complex under market conditio

35、ns is characterized by close economic, organizational and technological relations in order to support reproduction of fixed assets. In market conditions the horizontal connection in the construction complex is set by p


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