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1、Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oils (HDEO)重型柴油機(jī)機(jī)油,October, 2007,Topics題目,Engine Oil Fundamentals機(jī)油的基本概念 Current HDEO Specifications目前重型柴油機(jī)機(jī)油的規(guī)格OEM Recommendations 原始設(shè)備制造商推薦API CI-4PLUSAPI CJ-4,Engine Oil

2、Fundamentals機(jī)油的基本概念,Heavy-Duty Engine Oil Applications重型機(jī)油的用途,Engine Oil Functions機(jī)油的作用,Lubricate潤滑Reduce friction & wear減少摩擦和磨損Cool冷卻Carry away heat消除熱量Clean清潔Prevent deposit buildup防止污垢產(chǎn)生Seal密封Piston ring

3、s, valve guides, crankshaft seals活塞環(huán)、氣門導(dǎo)管、機(jī)軸密封Protect against rust and corrosion保護(hù)機(jī)器,防止銹蝕和腐蝕,Types of Engine Oils機(jī)油種類,Important Engine Oil Properties機(jī)油重要性質(zhì),Viscosity粘度Viscosity Index粘度指標(biāo)Oxidation Stability氧化穩(wěn)定性Disp

4、ersancy分散性Detergency去污力Antiwear防磨損能力TBN總堿值 Sulfated Ash硫酸化灰份,Viscosity粘度,“A measure of oil’s resistance to flow (oil’s most important characteristic).”油品抗流動(dòng)性的衡量指標(biāo)(油品最重要的特點(diǎn)),Viscosity Index (VI)粘度指數(shù),Since Higher VI

5、oils change viscosity less with changes in temperature, they can be used over a wider temperature range粘度指數(shù)越高,油品粘度隨溫度變化更小;粘度指數(shù)高的油品可以在比較大的溫度范圍內(nèi)正常使用.They do not thin out as much at high temperatures比較不會(huì)在高溫環(huán)境下變稀To a lesse

6、r extent, they do not thicken as much at low temperatures也比較不會(huì)在低溫環(huán)境下變稠Viscosity must be low enough to flow at low temperatures, but thick enough to prevent metal-to-metal contact at high temperatures粘度必須適中,在低溫環(huán)境下能夠流動(dòng),在高

7、溫環(huán)境下能有效降低金屬間摩擦,,“A measure of the rate of change in viscosity with the rate of change in temperature.”油品粘度根據(jù)溫度變化而變化的指標(biāo),Oxidation Stability氧化穩(wěn)定性,High quality base oils have inherent oxidation stability which may be enhan

8、ced with additives (oxidation inhibitors)高質(zhì)量基礎(chǔ)油具有天然氧化穩(wěn)定性,在添加添加劑后,穩(wěn)定性進(jìn)一步增強(qiáng).Oxidation stability minimizes 氧化穩(wěn)定性盡可能降低Viscosity increase粘度的增加Bearing corrosion軸瓦腐蝕 Varnish and lacquer deposits清漆沉淀,,,“An oil’s ability to r

9、esist oxidation in the presence of air at high temperatures.”暴露在高溫空氣中,油品抗氧化的能力,Despersancy/Detergency分散性和去污力,Contaminants are kept in suspension until the oil is drained分散污染物直至油品被排放Since additives are depleted over tim

10、e, over- extending oil drain intervals results in deposit formation 添加劑耗盡后,長久未能進(jìn)行油排放的將形成污垢。,“An oils ability to keep solid contaminants suspended thereby preventing sludge formation and varnish deposits on engine parts.”

11、油品保持固體污染物分散,避免在機(jī)器組件上形成污垢的能力,Antiwear防止磨損,Wear protection is 磨損保護(hù)Partly achieved by using oil with proper viscosity (one that provides adequate bearing oil film thickness at operating temperature)一方面,依靠使用適當(dāng)粘度的油品(在工作正常溫度

12、條件下,能夠在軸承間形成適當(dāng)厚度的油膜的)Enhanced by antiwear additives另一方面,利用防磨損添加劑Zinc dithiophosphate is the most common antiwear additive used in engine oils二硫代磷酸鋅是最常見的用于機(jī)油的防磨損添加劑Most important for valve train wear protection氣閥結(jié)構(gòu)最重要的

13、磨損保護(hù)措施,“An oil’s ability to minimize metal-to-metal contact.”油品降低金屬間摩擦的能力.,TBN總堿值,Diesel fuel contains sulfur that can combine with moisture to form corrosive acids in the crankcase. Alkalinity additives neutralize them

14、柴油包含硫,硫與水結(jié)合可在曲軸箱內(nèi)產(chǎn)生具有腐蝕性的酸.堿可以起中和的作用.Higher base number oils provide more alkaline reserve than lower base number oils總堿值越高的油含堿越多TBN comes from the alkalinity additive, but since detergent/dispersant packages can also

15、be alkaline, the more detergency/dispersancy the oil has, the higher the TBN may be總堿值來自堿性添加劑,但由于清潔劑/分散劑都具堿性;油品含清潔劑/分散劑越多,總堿值越高.,“TBN (Total Base Number) indicates alkalinity additive capacity to neutralize acids formed

16、during combustion and by oil oxidation.”總堿值是指示添加劑含堿量以中和燃燒、油氧化過程中形成的酸的能力的重要指標(biāo)。,Sulfated Ash硫酸化灰份,Oil is charred, residue treated with sulfuric acid. Metallic additive remains (mostly from detergent/ dispersant package) a

17、re weighed and reported as %油燃燒后,用硫酸處理剩余殘?jiān)?,測(cè)量出金屬添加劑殘?jiān)ù蠖鄟碜苑稚?清潔劑)的重量為 %?!癆shless” oils primarily used in lubricants for small 2-stroke engines (motorcycles, outboard motors, snowmobiles) and some industrial engines run

18、ning on natural gas“無灰”油做為潤滑劑主要用于2沖程發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)裝置,如摩托車、外置發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)、雪地機(jī)車的發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)上和由燃燒天燃?xì)庾鰟?dòng)力的工業(yè)用發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)上。Most lubricants for diesel engines contain ash大多柴油機(jī)機(jī)油都含有灰分Generally, higher detergency/dispersancy oil = higher ash一般來說,含分散劑/清潔劑越多的油品含灰分越

19、多Ash level is limited by some engine manufacturers一些發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)制造商限制油品的灰分含量,,“Sulfated Ash is a measurement of the amount of metal-containing additives in an unused oil.”硫酸化灰份是衡量未用油中含有金屬添加劑的指標(biāo),,,Engine Oil Additives機(jī)油添加劑,Anti-

20、wear agents防磨損制劑Rust and corrosion inhibitors銹蝕/腐蝕抑制劑Oxidation inhibitors氧化抑制劑Viscosity index improvers提高粘度指數(shù)的添加劑,Anti-foam agents防泡沫制劑Pour point depressants降凝劑Detergents清潔劑Dispersants分散劑Dyes染料,Engine Oil Additive

21、s機(jī)油添加劑,Antiwear agents form protective coating to minimize metal-to-metal contact and wear.防磨損制劑形成泡沫保護(hù)層,以減小金屬間的摩擦和磨損。,,有效的防磨損保護(hù),不良的防磨損保護(hù),Engine Oil Additives機(jī)油添加劑,Rust and corrosion inhibitors protect bearings and othe

22、r engine parts from rust and corrosion 銹蝕和腐蝕抑制劑保護(hù)軸承和其它發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)組件不產(chǎn)生銹蝕和腐蝕。Oxidation inhibitors control oxidation and minimize sludge, acids and viscosity increase. Keep oil in service longer氧化抑制劑控制氧化,盡可能防止淤泥、酸和粘度的增加,使油品的服務(wù)期增長

23、。,Severe Oil Oxidation嚴(yán)重的油氧化現(xiàn)象,Engine Oil Additives機(jī)油添加劑,VI improvers reduce viscosity change as temperature increases增加粘度指數(shù)的添加劑降低粘度隨氣溫變化而變化的程度Oils with VI improvers retain viscosity better at high temperatures在高溫條件下,

24、添加了粘度指數(shù)的添加劑的油品更能夠保持粘度的穩(wěn)定性VI improvers make multi-grade oils possible粘度指數(shù)添加劑的運(yùn)用可生產(chǎn)多等級(jí)油品,Multi-grade oils have VI improvers, single grades do not多等級(jí)油品添加了粘度指數(shù)添加劑,單等級(jí)油品沒有,動(dòng)粘度,溫度,Engine Oil Additives機(jī)油添加劑,Antifoam agents mi

25、nimize foam that interferes with proper lubrication causing wear and damage防泡沫制劑盡可能減少泡沫的出現(xiàn),影響潤滑的效果Pour Point Depressants lower the temperature, at which oil flows, for improved winter performance原油降凝劑能夠降低使油品流動(dòng)的溫度,提供油品在冬

26、季的使用效果,Engine Oil Additives機(jī)油添加劑,Detergents keep deposits from building up on internal engine parts清潔劑防止發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)內(nèi)部組件污垢的形成Dispersants keep contaminants suspended so they do not settle in the engine and are removed during an

27、oil change分散劑使油品污染物分散不聚集在發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)上,隨著油品的排放而排放Dyes are used for identification or marketing purposes only染料只用作識(shí)別油品或市場(chǎng)宣傳的作用,Example of excellent detergency/dispersancy:優(yōu)秀的清潔劑、分散劑添加案例 Oil pan from a CAT engine with over 850,00

28、0 mileson 30,000 mile drains with a ConocoPhillips HDEO使用ConocoPhillips重型柴油機(jī)機(jī)油的油盤,Summary小結(jié),Engine Oil Classification Systems機(jī)油種類系統(tǒng),SAE Viscosity Classification美國機(jī)動(dòng)工程師協(xié)會(huì)粘度劃分,Single-grade engine oils specified by:單級(jí)機(jī)油

29、:Kinematic viscosity at 100ºC and 100ºC動(dòng)粘度High Temperature High Shear viscosity (HTHS) at 150ºC 150ºC高溫高剪切粘度Multigrade engine oils are specified by: 多級(jí)機(jī)油Kinematic viscosity at 100ºC 100º

30、C動(dòng)粘度High Temperature High Shear viscosity (HTHS) at 150ºC 150ºC高溫高剪切粘度Low temperature 低溫條件下Cranking: Cold Cranking Simulator (CCS)曲軸:冷啟動(dòng)模擬器Pumping: Mini Rotary Viscometer (MRV)泵:微型旋轉(zhuǎn)粘度計(jì),,SAE Engine Oil Visc

31、osity Classification美國機(jī)動(dòng)工程師協(xié)會(huì)機(jī)油粘度分級(jí),,WinterGradesW級(jí),,StraightGrades普通級(jí),SAE Viscosity Classification美國機(jī)動(dòng)工程師協(xié)會(huì)粘度分級(jí),A 15W-40 engine oil must meet low temperature requirements for cranking and pumping….15-40W曲軸、泵低溫要求,a

32、s well as kinematic and high temperature high shear viscosity minimums.動(dòng)粘度、高溫高剪切粘度,,,The first test an oil must meet to qualify as a “Winter” grade is a test for cranking. Passing this test indicates the oil will have a

33、low enough viscosity at low temperature to allow the engine to crank fast enough to start.W油的測(cè)試是針對(duì)曲軸油的。通過該項(xiàng)測(cè)試表明油品在低溫條件下能夠快速啟動(dòng)曲軸的粘度A 15W would have to be below 7000 cP at - 20oC 15W等級(jí)的須在7000cP, 20℃以下The test is run in a

34、 device called a Cold Cranking Simulator (CCS)該項(xiàng)測(cè)試在冷啟動(dòng)模擬器中進(jìn)行,,SAE Viscosity Classification美國機(jī)動(dòng)工程師協(xié)會(huì)粘度分級(jí),The next test an oil must meet to qualify as a “Winter” grade is a test for pumping. Passing this test indicates th

35、e oil will have a low enough viscosity at low temperature to allow the oil pump to move it through the engine.該項(xiàng)檢測(cè)是測(cè)試泵郵費(fèi)的Winter級(jí)別的。通過該項(xiàng)測(cè)試表明在低溫環(huán)境下油品具有靈活移動(dòng)油泵的粘度A 15W would have to be below 60,000 cP at -25oC . The test is

36、 run in a device called a Mini-rotary Viscometer (MRV)15W等級(jí)的,須在60,000cP,25℃規(guī)定之下。該項(xiàng)測(cè)試在微型旋轉(zhuǎn)粘度計(jì)里進(jìn)行。,,SAE Viscosity Classification美國機(jī)動(dòng)工程師協(xié)會(huì)粘度分級(jí),SAE Viscosity Classification美國機(jī)動(dòng)工程師協(xié)會(huì)粘度分級(jí),Even in cold weather, the engine wil

37、l eventually warm up, so the oil has to also have a high enough viscosity at operating temperature to protect it.即使在冬季,發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)始終會(huì)發(fā)熱;機(jī)油須在工作溫度下具有足夠高的粘度保護(hù)發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)“Winter” oils also have to pass a minimum viscosity test at 100oC (ab

38、out 210oF)W油須在100℃通過最小粘度測(cè)試A 15W would have to be a minimum of 5.6 cSt (centistokes) at 100oC 15W等級(jí)的,須最小在5.6cSt(厘沱), 100℃規(guī)定之下。,,If an oil is to be a multi-grade, like 15W-40, two additional requirements need to be met: t

39、he oil must meet the viscosity requirements of an SAE 40 at 100oC and a High Temperature High Shear test run at 150oC如果油品為多級(jí)油品,另有兩項(xiàng)要求:油品須符合100oC美國機(jī)動(dòng)工程師協(xié)會(huì)40要求和150oC高溫高剪切實(shí)驗(yàn)A 15W-40 would have to be between 12.5 and 16.3 c

40、St at 100oC and also have a minimum viscosity in the High Temperature High Shear test of 2.9 cP at 150oC.15W-40等級(jí)的,須在12.5至16.3cSt,100℃的規(guī)定下;高溫高剪切粘度在2.9cP,150℃之上 The test is run in a device called a Tapered Bearing Simula

41、tor.該項(xiàng)測(cè)試在錐形承載模擬器 進(jìn)行,,SAE Viscosity Classification美國機(jī)動(dòng)工程師協(xié)會(huì)粘度分級(jí),API (American Petroleum Institute) establishes service classifications for engine oils 美國石油學(xué)會(huì)為機(jī)油建立不同種類服務(wù)The first letter of the classification indicates th

42、e type of service:第一個(gè)字母說明了服務(wù)種類的內(nèi)容“S” designations for Spark ignited engines (gasoline)S代表點(diǎn)燃式發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)(汽油)“C” designations for Compression ignited engines (Diesel)C代表壓縮點(diǎn)燃式發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)(柴油)Diesel oils will also carry a suffix designati

43、on: -2 for two-stroke engines, -4 for four stroke engines 柴油的硫含量在:-2(2沖程發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī));-4(4沖程發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)),API Service Categories美國石油學(xué)會(huì)服務(wù)種類,The second letter indicates how recent the classification is. Oils go from “SA” to the current “SM

44、”第二個(gè)字表表示分類的時(shí)間。從“SA”到“SM”是從過去到現(xiàn)在的順序Oils must pass a rigorous series of both laboratory and engine tests to qualify油品必須通過一系列的實(shí)驗(yàn)室和發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)實(shí)驗(yàn)These tests are conducted at independent testing laboratories這些實(shí)驗(yàn)都在獨(dú)立實(shí)驗(yàn)室里完成Oils of th

45、e correct service classification must be used to maintain Manufacturer’s warranty正確分級(jí)的油品服務(wù)須保證制造商承諾Newer service classification oils are back-serviceable and can be used in older engines新的服務(wù)分類可以用在舊式發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)上,API Service Categ

46、ories美國石油學(xué)會(huì)分類,API Service Classifications美國石油學(xué)會(huì)服務(wù)分類,Gasoline汽油SA Straight mineral oil普通礦物油SBInhibited oil抑制劑油SC1964 Warranty 1964年保證SD1968 Warranty 1968年保證SE1972 Warranty 1972年保證SF1980 Warranty 198

47、0年保證SG1989 Warranty 1989年保證SH1993 Warranty 1993年保證SJ1997 Warranty 1997年保證SL2001 Warranty 2001年保證SM2005 Warranty 2005年保證,Diesel柴油CA Light Duty (1940s-50s)輕型CB Moderate Duty (1949)中等CC Moderate/Severe D

48、uty 中等/重型(1961)CDSevere Duty (1965)重型CD-IISevere-Duty Two-Stroke重型CE1983 Diesel Service1983柴油服務(wù)CF-41990 Diesel Service1990柴油服務(wù)CFIndirect-Injected (1994)非直接注入CF-2Severe-Duty Two-Stroke (1994)重型CG-41994

49、Severe-Duty重型CH-41998 Severe-Duty重型CI-42002 Severe Duty重型CI-4PLUS2004 Revision of CI-4 CI-4油修改版CJ-42007 and newer engines with exhaust aftertreatment devices2007或更新的發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)裝有機(jī)外凈化裝置,API Service Classifications美國石油學(xué)

50、會(huì)服務(wù)分類,Oils must pass a combination of laboratory tests and engine tests to qualify for API classifications油品須通過實(shí)驗(yàn)室和發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)實(shí)驗(yàn)Since engine operating conditions are different, oils for 4-stroke cycle engines must pass several

51、different tests than oils for 2-stroke cycle engines.4沖程發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)操作條件不同,油品必須通過2沖程發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)測(cè)試API service classifications for 4-stroke engines carry a “4” suffix such as “CI-4” engine oils for 2-stroke engines carry a “2” such as “CF

52、-2”美國石油學(xué)會(huì)服務(wù)分類4沖程發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)有一個(gè)4做后綴,如”CI-4“2沖程發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)有一個(gè)2做后綴,如“CF-2”,API Service Classifications美國石油學(xué)會(huì)服務(wù)分類,2-stroke engines often use ports in cylinder liners to bring intake air into the engine. Oils with high sulfated ash can cont

53、ribute to port deposits2沖程發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)常在氣缸套上使用端口,使空氣進(jìn)入發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)。油品具有高硫酸化灰分含量可以歸結(jié)于端口污垢Oils with less than 1.00% sulfated ash are often required 常見要求是硫酸化灰分含量少于1.00%,,,Intake ports空氣進(jìn)入端口,,Diesel engines have different oil appetites—depe

54、nding on whether they are 2-stroke cycle or 4-stroke cycle engines.柴油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)需要不同的油品——取決于是2沖程還是4沖程,2-stroke engines run at higher speeds and higher cylinder liner temperatures that can contribute to piston and liner scuffing

55、and wear2沖程發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)高速運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)產(chǎn)生高熱Single-grade oils are preferred for better protection運(yùn)用單級(jí)石油,保護(hù)效果更好,API Service Classifications美國石油學(xué)會(huì)服務(wù)分類,Service classifications and viscosity are displayed on the oil container.服務(wù)種類和粘度在油品包裝上載明,AP

56、I Service Classification美國石油學(xué)會(huì)服務(wù)分類SAE grade美國機(jī)電工程師協(xié)會(huì)等級(jí)Energy conserving能耗for passenger cars,API Donut,Current API HDEO Specifications美國石油學(xué)會(huì)重型柴油機(jī)機(jī)油規(guī)格,Why New Specifications?新的規(guī)格為何產(chǎn)生,Historical Reasons歷史原因Solve fiel

57、d problems 解決現(xiàn)場(chǎng)問題Provide customer satisfaction為使客戶滿意Increase engine durability增加發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)使用壽命Advanced vehicle technology現(xiàn)金的技術(shù),Why New Specifications?新的規(guī)格為何產(chǎn)生,Historically engine oil specification changes were driven by pro

58、blems observed in the field機(jī)油規(guī)定的改變是為解決現(xiàn)場(chǎng)問題These specifications were long-lived and often included a new or modified test to address the problem這種規(guī)格長期有效,且需要經(jīng)過重新實(shí)驗(yàn)More recent reasons新的原因Desire for longer drain intervals

59、要達(dá)到更長時(shí)間的排放間隔Changes in engine components and operation to meet Federal emission standards發(fā)電機(jī)組件更換,以達(dá)到排放標(biāo)準(zhǔn)This is the single most important driving force in在以下方面這是最重要的力量Engine design evolution發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)設(shè)計(jì)發(fā)展Changes in oil form

60、ulation油品生產(chǎn)的變化API classification changes in recent years美國石油學(xué)會(huì)分類變化,Diesel Emissions柴油燃燒排放物,Complete combustion yields:完全燃燒產(chǎn)生H2O – Water水CO2 – Carbon Dioxide二氧化碳 N2 – Nitrogen氮,Intake mixture presentin combusti

61、on chambercontains:在燃燒間燃燒,消耗物質(zhì)包括Air空氣 =O2 – Oxygen氧: 21%N2 – Nitrogen氮: 78%Other gases其它氣體: 1%Fuel燃料 =HC:Hydrocarbons碳?xì)浠衔?Combustion chemistry,Complete combustion does occur, however, engine design and ope

62、rating conditions lead to some incomplete combustion.The emissions that result are:完全燃燒有可能發(fā)生,但發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)設(shè)計(jì)和操作條件通常致使燃燒不完全。排放物有:HC – Unburned fuel (a component of smog and ozone)未燃燒染料(煙和臭氧的混合體)CO – Carbon Monoxide (toxic)一氧化碳

63、(有毒)NOx – Oxides of Nitrogen; formed by high combustion temperatures (a component of smog and ozone)氧化氮;在高溫燃燒下(煙和臭氧的混合體)Particulates – visible combustion byproducts. This can be comprised of carbon or sulfur from the

64、hydrocarbon fuel, or the additives from burned engine oil, among other things.微粒-可見的燃燒副產(chǎn)品。由碳、硫組成。,Diesel Emissions柴油燃燒排放物,EPA Diesel Emission Limits排放限制,,,,,,P=0.1HC+NOx =2.5,,,,,,P=0.1NOx=4.0,P=0.1NOx=5.0,1994,P =

65、Particulates 微粒 (g/bhp-h)*NOx = Nitrogen Oxides 氮氧化物 (g/bhp-h)HC = Hydrocarbons 碳?xì)浠?(g/bhp-h)* grams per brake horsepower-hour,1998,2002,2007 (Proposed),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,P=0.01

66、NOx =0.2,,These emissions are regulated by the Federal Government through the EPA排放在聯(lián)邦政府的監(jiān)管之下:,Diesel Engine Combustion柴油機(jī)的燃燒,Compression ignition engines:壓縮式燃燒發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)Take more air into the cylinder than is needed to burn

67、the fuel 需要比燃燒燃料更多的空氣Have very high combustion temperatures燃燒溫度高,Diesels are “compression ignition” engines. Intake air is compressed to a very high pressure. This raises its temperature to the point that when the fuel

68、is injected, it is ignited by the hot air柴油機(jī)為壓縮式點(diǎn)燃發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)??諝獗桓叨葔嚎s。 燃料油注入時(shí)溫度升高。,Diesel Engine Combustion柴油機(jī)的燃燒,Excess air in the cylinder means that diesels produce very little CO (carbon monoxide) emissions氣缸內(nèi)額外的空氣意味著柴油機(jī)產(chǎn)生很

69、少的一氧化碳?xì)怏wHigh combustion temperatures assist in burning a very high percentage of the fuel, so HC (hydrocarbon) emissions are also quite low燃燒時(shí)的高溫幫助高比率燃燒燃料油,碳?xì)浠衔锏漠a(chǎn)生也較低However… 但Because diesel combustion temperatures a


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