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1、2600 英文單詞, 英文單詞,1.4 萬英文字符,中文 萬英文字符,中文 4600 字文獻(xiàn)出處: 文獻(xiàn)出處:Schultz D E, Block M P. Beyond brand loyalty: Brand sustainability[J]. Journal of Marketing Communications, 2015, 21(5):1-16.Beyond brand loyalty: Brand sustainabili

2、tyDon E. Schultz and Martin P. BlockAbstractHistorically, measures of brand value have focused on brand awareness, customer brand equity and measured brand loyalty. While useful, these generally provide little visibility

3、 for the future of the brand. A new measure, brand sustainability, is proposed, described and illustrated. Drawing on over 1 million responses to online customer questionnaires, over a 10-year period, covering brands in

4、73 FMCG product categories, we create, illustrate and demonstrate a brand sustainability measure. That measure consists of brand share of preference, a calculation of their average annual growth rate. That is then compar

5、ed to the consumer-stated no brand preference in that category. Net promoter scores are used to support those calculations. Findings show that manufacturer brands are challenged, not by private label, but by no brand pre

6、ference in the category. Research suggestions are made on how to develop and use brand sustainability and the impact of that measure on future brand growth and development.Keywords: brand loyalty; future brand value; net

7、 promoter scores; no brand preference; new brand measures1. IntroductionIn this paper, through the use of a substantial, longitudinal consumer database (over 1,100,000 individual responses gathered over a 10-year period

8、on hundreds of brands), we take the concept of brand loyalty to the next level, that of brand sustainability. Brand sustainability is not just the personal use and preference of the brand by the individual user, even mea

9、sured over relatively long periods of time. Instead, brand sustainability is more about growing the brand outside the current user base so that the brand continues to expand in terms of both volume and profitability over

10、 time in a potentially unlimited way.Simple brand loyalty does not necessarily create brand sustainability, but it is a necessary ingredient in its development. Unless the user substantially increases his or her brand us

11、age during future time periods, making the brand increasingly valuable to the owner, brand sustainability does not occur. For some brands, but not all, increased consumer use is a possibility, but it is not always possi

12、ble or practical (Aaker and Keller 1990). While ‘trading up’ or migrating through a brand portfolio is one method of growing current customer value, it does not necessarily create brand sustainability as we define it (Aa

13、ker 2004). For example, if the current brand user simply maintains purchases or usage, providing a continuing and perhaps even a constant financial return to the brand owner, it is quite possible that loyalty may create

14、a zero-sum game for the brand owner. That is, it may well be that the cost of the brand’s customer retention efforts may well offset the minimal increases in a loyal customer’s purchase/usage over longer periods of time

15、(Smith and Schultz 2005).Current customer retention, maintenance and brand loyalty can be easily measured through various forms of individual consumer data capture and various forms of analysis using such techniques as l

16、ifetime customer value (LTV) (Berry and Linoff 1997; Churchill 1991; Oliver 1997). Those measures, however, do not tell the full story of a brand’s potential. Other approaches organizational sustainability which is commo

17、nly achieved through resource husbandry, corporate social responsibility and the like. Second, we describe the database on which this paper is based. It is a longitudinal data source whereby consumers report their market

18、place activities, including whether or not they recommend their current brands to others. Third, we discuss the customer satisfaction methodology used in developing the net promoter score (NPS), which provides the basis

19、for our measures of customer satisfaction and brand promotion. That is the key element in determining potential brand sustainability. Fourth, we provide illustrations of the analysis conducted which might be used to dete

20、rmine and define brand sustainability going forward. Finally, we close with a discussion of conclusions and next steps that might be used to develop this concept further.2. What is brand sustainability?The dictionary def

21、inition of sustainability is ‘being a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged’ (Merriam-Webster 2012, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sustainable). T

22、hat seems quite clear, and it is the basic concept of what we mean by brand sustainability – the actions that can be taken which will help the organization increase the value of the brand to both the marketer and the con

23、sumer over time. Unfortunately, as a business term, sustainability has been taken to mean a wide and varying number of things. To assure clarity of what we mean, we briefly discuss sustainability in a business sense in t

24、he paragraphs below.Sustainability, in the business use of the term, first began to appear in the academic literature in the 1960s. That is when organizational managers began to realize that their decisions often involve

25、d social and environmental issues and if not properly resolved or dealt with could have a major impact on the organization’s long-term success (Salzmann, Ionescu-Somers, and Steger 2005). Starting initially with concerns

26、 about corporate social responsibility, that is, what the organization acquired, manipulated and then returned to various social groups (Montiel 2008) such as employees, communities and even countries, the concept develo

27、ped over time.Next, senior managers began to focus on how pragmatic approaches to managing those issues could help forestall or limit regulations which might be imposed by various government units (Watkins, Edwards, and

28、Thakrar 2001). Further, it was believed that the management of the firm’s corporate reputation might well assist in improving and enhancing employee recruitment and retention (Salzmann, Ionescu-Somers, and Steger 2005).

29、That, it was believed, would lower operating costs (Armstrong 2007). Thus, another form of sustainability developed.Since these types of organizational changes generally were expensive, the concept of a ‘financial payoff

30、’ began to appear in the literature in the 1980s (Freeman 1984). That evolved to the development of various types of solutions which the organization might employ to manage these financial issues. These approaches were o

31、ften referred to as ‘business case for sustainability’ approaches and measures (Steger 2004). Business case for sustainability was eventually defined as a strategic and profit-driven corporate response to environmental a

32、nd social issues caused through the organization’s primary and secondary activities’. (Salzmann, Ionescu-Somers, and Steger 2005, 27). Clearly, the idea of sustainability in the business sense was maintenance and well-be

33、ing of the firm, which would reward shareholders, in both the short and long terms.As various new initiatives and concerns emerged (Van Marrewijk 2003), a critical word surfaced in the literature which changed the corpor


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