1、<p><b> 英文文獻分析報告</b></p><p><b> 1,英文引用信息:</b></p><p> Kaur, Anupriya; Medury, Yajulu.(2013).SEM Approach to Teen Influence in Family Decision Making. Contemporary
2、 Management Research, 3(Sep), 323-342.</p><p> 論文標題:家庭決策中青少年影響的結構方程建模方法</p><p><b> 2,英文摘要及譯文</b></p><p> The primary purpose of this paper is to provide an empirical
3、design on teen influence and its predictors in the context of family decision making. Structure equation modeling (SEM) is employed to test the proposed conceptual model on teen influence and its predictors. The SEM appr
4、oach also provides for the construct validity of the key measures. Results indicate that teenage children in urban Indian households significantly influence purchase-related decisions in the family. The findings from th&
5、lt;/p><p> 3,Introduction及譯文</p><p> Wordsworth's immortal line "the child is the father of man" assumes new meaning in today’s consumption-driven society, where the younger family
6、members seem to influence, if not dominate, their elders. Children’s influence in family decision making (FDM) is increasingly recognized and acknowledged by marketers,academicians and researchers alike to such an extent
7、 that, over the years, marketers - especially those dealing with children - added another P to the list of the traditional 4 P’s: "peste</p><p> The objectives of this paper are threefold: (1) to provi
8、de a conceptual framework on teen influence and its association with traditional and contemporary socialization agents; (2) to provide the design, measurement and validation of the key constructs; and (3) to test empiric
9、ally the conceptual model via SEM analysis. Teenage children were specifically included, because, first, they are expected to have gained cognitive abilities and some competence as consumers (Ekstrom, 1995). Further, due
10、 to </p><p> 本次研究有三個目的:1)提供一個概念框架,對青少年的影響及其與傳統(tǒng)和當代社會化劑的關聯;(2)提供關鍵結構的設計、測量和驗證;(3)運用結構方程模型來檢驗這個概念模型。在后續(xù)的部分,第一,背景的研究和研究設置描述。其次是討論青少年的影響及其與社會化代理協(xié)會。接下來是實證研究設計。我們將以有關我們的發(fā)現以及實驗結果的討論來結束這篇研究。</p><p> 4,
11、Background以及譯文</p><p> According to the American Marketing Association, the youthfulness of many other countries – especially in Asia – far outstrips that of the US, where only 21% of the total population i
12、s aged 14 or younger, in contrast to India where 35% of the population is 14 or under (Stock and Tupot, 2006). With about 115.3 million teenagers, India has the largest teenage population in the world. In a decade, they
13、will represent the largest percentage of the population in India (NRIFinanceGuide.com, 2008). Chi</p><p> 5,Teen influence and its association with socialization agents及譯文</p><p> Influence us
14、ually indicates that an individual’s wishes are acted upon by someone else. Loudon and Bitta (1988) defined influence as “the effect or a change in a person’s attitude or behavior as a result of communication with others
15、”. This is similar to Wilke’s (1986) definition “that a consumer’s decision process has somehow been affected by outside forces”. Ekstrom (1995) applied the following definition in the context of the parent-child dyad: “
16、a change in a person’s dispositions as a result </p><p> In spite of the fact that ‘child influence’ in FDM has been a key construct across a number of studies (some of which are mentioned above), it remain
17、s an ill designed construct. The chief problem with the past empirical studies referred to above is that they measured the child’s influence contextual to certain products or services, rather than in a generic manner. Al
18、though these studies provide a broad spectrum for understanding children’s influence in family decision making, use of a particular</p><p> 之前關于孩子在家庭購買決策的影響方面的研究的局限性主要在于,他們的研究總是關于購買一個具體的東西或者服務,而不是抽象意義上的購買行為
19、。這種方式可能會影響研究結果,除非其他變量在試驗中得到有效控制。</p><p> As highlighted in the introduction, most studies have failed to define "influence" conceptually. A pertinent remark to this effect is by Ekstrom (1995): “F
20、uture research needs to further consider the many different meanings influence may involve; and explicitly define what is meant by influence. It will increase construct validity and hopefully eliminate the potential risk
21、 that the researcher and the respondents assign different meanings to the construct”. 之前的很多研究都錯誤的從概念上定義了”influence ”這個詞。</p><p> The authors in an earlier endeavor (Kaur and Medury, 2011a) made initial prog
22、ress in this direction. In their earlier research, the authors undertook to examine the impact of familial characteristics on the influence of a teenage child, and the generic measure for child influence was first concep
23、tualized. Using a step by step approach, the researchers initially conducted a semi-structured interview with eight families with teenage children with the aim to conceptualize correctly the construct of</p><p
24、> 5.1 Major Influences on Consumer Socialization消費社會化的主要影響因素</p><p> The consumer socialization of children, i.e. how children develop consumer skills, was a significant area of study that emerged from
25、 family consumption behavior around the 1980’s. Marketing literature describes socialization as the process of learning consumer-related skills, knowledge and attitudes. Bush and Simons (1981) describe socialization as &
26、quot;the ways in which individuals learn skills, knowledge, values, motives and roles appropriate to their position in a group or a society”. Extant lite</p><p> However, today, our societies, in the West a
27、nd the East, are witnessing several changes, such as imparting a liberal upbringing to our children coupled with high media invasion and other hi-tech digitalized communication platforms. A variety of influences and expe
28、riences shape the consumer habits of the young consumer all over the world. For instance, children today spend more time in commercial settings than ever, such as shopping in stores, and are surrounded by commercial mess
29、ages in a variet</p><p> In our earlier research, a conceptual and empirical framework was provided that established shopping and the Internet as contemporary socialization agents (Kaur and Medury, 2010, 20
30、11b). Based on the review of past literature and personal interaction with teenage children, constructs for measuring the influence of socialization agents (media, peers, shopping and the Internet) on teenage children we
31、re conceptualized on three major aspects: (1) the propensity to like and engage with the medium; (2</p><p> This study applied the consumer socialization perspective to explore the traditional and contempor
32、ary socialization influences on teenagers and the subsequent outcome on teen influence in family decision making. In our research framework, we propose that the role of these socialization agents is not restricted to dev
33、eloping consumer competence and skills in teenagers but transcends to impact the level of influence that the teenager wields in the family purchase decisions. Media influence, peer i</p><p> contemporary re
34、search, which aims to discern the role of a variety of factors that impact teen influence in the family. In the sections that follow, the research methodology and the model results are presented and the conclusions are d
35、iscussed.</p><p> 此前沒有研究全面的測量過媒體,同齡人,購物以及網絡這些因素對于青少年影響的作用。這個研究旨在辨別影響青少年在家庭中的影響的各種因素的作用。在后續(xù)的部分,我們將說明研究方法和模型結果,并討論結論。</p><p> 6,Research Methodology研究方法</p><p> 6.1 Data Sample數據樣本
36、</p><p> A structured two part questionnaire, one for teenager’s use and the other for parent’s use, was used in data collection. Pre-test statements designed on a Likert scale to measure the influence of s
37、ocialization agents were a part of each teenager’s questionnaire and statements assessing their influence on FDM were a part of each parent’s questionnaire. The questionnaire also included descriptive measures, including
38、 age, gender, monthly pocket allowances, household income, parents’ occupation, etc</p><p> 6.2 Questionnaire for Teenager給青少年的問卷</p><p> 6.3 Questionnaire for Parent給父母的問卷</p><p>
39、; 6.4 SEM Approach結構方程模型建模方法</p><p> Structural equation modeling (SEM) has been described as a combination of exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression (Ullman, 2001). SEM is an attempt to model
40、 causal relations between variables by including all variables that are known to have some involvement in the process of interest. 結構方程模型被描述為探索性因子分析和多元回歸的組合。</p><p> Among SEM’s strengths is its ability to
41、construct latent variables, which are not measured directly, but are estimated in the model from several measured variables, each of which is predicted to “tap into” the latent variables.它的優(yōu)點在于不用直接測量,而是可以根據模型中已知的幾個變量估計出來
42、 This allows the modeler to capture explicitly the unreliability of measurement in the model, which in theory allows the structural relations between latent variables to be accurately estimated. According to Schreiber et
43、 al. (2006), “SEM, i</p><p> 7. Model Development And Hypothesis模型開發(fā)與假設</p><p> This research examined the direct associations of media influence, peer influence, shopping influence, and Inter
44、net influence with teen influence in FDM。本次研究測量了媒體影響,同齡人影響,購物影響以及網絡影響與青少年在家庭購物決策中的影響的直接聯系,。四個假設如下:</p><p> H1 Media influence is positively associated with teen influence on FDM </p><p> H2 Pe
45、er influence is positively associated with teen influence on FDM</p><p> H3 Shopping influence is positively associated with teen influence on FDM </p><p> H4 Internet influence is positively
46、associated with teen influence on FDM </p><p> 既媒體影響,同齡人影響,購物影響以及網絡影響與青少年在家庭購物決策中的影響力均為正相關關系。</p><p> 8.Model Results And Discussion模型結果與討論</p><p> The model assessment in SEM a
47、nalysis involves two aspects – measurement model and structural model. It is suggested that the measurement model be assessed before the structural model is estimated (Anderson and Gerbing, 1988). The measurement model w
48、as assessed through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and then by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).結構方程模型涉及到兩方面:測量模型和結構模型。測量模型應在結構模型被估計以前評估。測量模型應該通過探索性因素分析和驗證性因素分析兩個方面被評估。</p><p> 8.1數據分析步驟:</p>&l
49、t;p> ?。?)To test the reliability of the instrument used in the final study, the coefficient alpha values were computed. At 0.89, 0.91, 0.90 and 0.90 for media influence, peer influence, shopping influence and Internet
50、 influence respectively, the values well exceed the 0.70 threshold and are therefore acceptable (Nunnally, 1978).為了測試在最后的研究中使用的儀器的可靠性,計算系數α值。在0.89,0.91,0.90和0.90的媒體影響、同伴影響、購物的影響和網絡的影響,價值超過0.70的門檻,因此可以接受。</p><p
51、> (2)In the second step, the measurement model data was subjected to CFA. The AMOS module of the SPSS software package was utilized to estimate the SEM in this study with estimations based on the maximum likelihood m
52、ethod. 第二步,測量模型的數據進行驗證,利用spss中的AMOS 來估計這個研究中的結構方程模型。</p><p> 8.2數據分析結果:</p><p> ?。?)The results from table 2 indicate that all items have significant loadings on the latent constructs, thus con
53、firming the construct validity (Bagozzi and Yi, 1988). All parameter estimates appear to be reasonable and statistically significant; all standard errors also appear to be in good order. Hence, it can be inferred that la
54、tent variable constructs are valid in the specific empirical setting shown in figure 1.從表格2中可以看出所有的項目都有顯著的作用的潛在結構,從而確定結構效度;所有的參數估計是合理的,有統(tǒng)計學意義,所有標準差也都是合理的。因此,可以推斷,潛在的變量構</p><p> ?。?)Table 3 provides the param
55、eter estimates for the structural model. The path coefficients are statistically significant for peer, Internet and shopping influence; hence hypotheses H2, H3 and H4 are strongly supported by the empirical data. The mos
56、t unexpected finding is the lack of the impact of media influence on teenager’s generic influence and that, therefore, H1 does not find support. 表3給出了結構模型的參數估計。因此H2,H3,H4被數據所支持,H1 沒有被驗證成功。</p><p> ?。?)In lig
57、ht of the lack of empirical support for media impact on teen influence, the SEM model was re-specified as model 2 (exogenous variable media influence deleted). The re-specification of the model led to better model fit re
58、sults as can be seen from table 3. The path coefficients too are positive and statistically significant suggesting that socialization agents like peer, shopping and Internet impact the teen influence in family decision m
59、aking. The impact of the Internet (coefficient 0.59</p><p> 9.Conclusions 結論</p><p><b> 9.1結論:</b></p><p> This study focuses on a “teen influence” construct in famil
60、y decision making and its predictors. The traditional socialization agents, such as media, peers and such contemporary agents as shopping and the Internet, were hypothesized as predictors of teen influence in family deci
61、sion making. The findings from the empirical data suggest that peer, shopping and the Internet are significant predictors of teen influence in family purchases. It can be concluded that a teenager’s engagement with these
62、 </p><p> 9.2 Some Limitations不足</p><p> This study is meaningful but does have some limitations. The specified SEM model is not completely exhaustive. Such factors of relevance as socio-econo
63、mic characteristics of teenager and parents were not included in the model. Additionally, the study sample was restricted to one geographical location, Delhi (and adjoining areas). Although Delhi is widely acknowledged a
64、s having a rich cultural milieu with a strong presence of immigrant population, future studies may include a broader geographical</p><p> 10.References(略)</p><p> Anderson, J. C. & Gerbing
65、, D. W. (1988). Structural equation modeling in practice: a review and recommended two-step approach. Psychological Bulletin, 103(3), 41123. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037%2F%2F0033-2909.103.3.411</p><p> Bagozz
66、i, R. & Yi, Y. (1988). On the evaluation of structural equation models. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16 (Spring), 74–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007%2FBF02723327</p><p> Belch, G., Belch,
67、M. A. & Ceresino, G. (1985). Parental and teenage influences in family decision making. Journal of Business Research, 13 (April),163–176. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016%2F0148-2963%2885%2990038-4</p><p> Bus
68、h, D. M. & Simmons, R. G. (1981). Socialization Processes Over the Life Course. In M.Rosenberg and R. H. Turner (eds.) Social Psychology: Sociological Perspectives. (pp. 133-164). New York: Basic Books.</p>&l
69、t;p> Chavda, H., Haley, M. & Dunn, C. (2005). Adolescents’ influence on family decision making, Young Consumers, 6 (3),68–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108%2F17473610510701223</p><p> Childers, T. L. &a
70、mp; Rao, A. R. (1992). The influence of familial and peer based children. Journal of Consumer Research, 12 (March), 962-967. </p><p> Hundal, B. S. (2001). Consumer Behaviour in Rural Market: A Study of Dur
71、ables. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. </p><p> Ekstrom, K. M. (1995). Children’s influence in family decision making. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University
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