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1、成人GM-CDS包皮環(huán)扎術(shù) 民勤縣濟(jì)民醫(yī)院,趙伯元,,,,,,,一、概述,陰莖包皮異常包括:包莖和包皮過長。 兩者在我國男性中所占的比例約80%左右。由于封建意識及性教育的缺乏和懼怕開刀手術(shù),給很多男性(成人、小孩)帶來很大的煩惱和危害,以至于造成陰莖癌。,起源于歐美,是一種無痛、安全、不出血去處包 皮的新方法。是對包皮環(huán)切術(shù)的簡化和改進(jìn),患者易于接受,滿意度高,是一種可供選擇的包皮環(huán)切新方法。


3、比分析,前者子宮頸癌發(fā)病率比后者高8倍(3) 孩童包莖(包皮過緊,不能上翻至冠壯溝,從而不能充分暴露尿道口或龜頭者)可使陰莖發(fā)育不良(陰莖短?。绨l(fā)生則導(dǎo)致陰莖血腫,壞死。,(4)包莖如未能及時(shí)治療,陰莖頭長期被包皮緊鎖,致使青春期后造成陰莖發(fā)育不良,還會影響性生活。包莖和包皮過長如強(qiáng)行上翻后而不能復(fù)位時(shí),可造成包皮嵌頓,嚴(yán)重時(shí)會引起龜頭壞死。(5)尖銳濕疣,皰疹等性傳播性病,珍珠樣陰莖丘疹的發(fā)生和復(fù)發(fā),也和包莖和包皮過長有直接的



6、縫合的 扎結(jié)手術(shù)用具。(2)操作簡單方便,手術(shù)時(shí)間短 ,在門診既可以完成,熟練后單人操作幾分鐘便可完成; (3)能準(zhǔn)確控制切除范圍,切緣整齊,美觀,瘢痕少小,手術(shù)后愈合時(shí)間短。(4)手術(shù)無出血,無結(jié)扎線頭,沒有拆線痛苦, 無術(shù)后血腫.感染等;(5)手術(shù)時(shí)幾乎沒有痛感,手術(shù)后可以自由活動,生活沒有不便,術(shù)后可以洗澡,不影響排尿,勃起時(shí)也無妨礙;(6)根據(jù)個(gè)體差異有不同型號環(huán)可供選擇。(7)本產(chǎn)品為殺菌消毒一次性產(chǎn)品

7、,可預(yù)防各種傳染(8)一次手術(shù),永無并發(fā)癥。,與傳統(tǒng)包皮切除手術(shù)相比,韓式包皮環(huán) 扎術(shù)具有四大優(yōu)勢:,[簡] 不開刀,不縫針,不需麻醉,不需住院,門診即可手術(shù)。 [快] 五分鐘即可完成,恢復(fù)時(shí)間僅需8天左右。 [好] 無痛苦,不出血,無感染,術(shù)后即可沖涼,不影響排尿及正常工作、生活。 [省] 不酸痛,不需麻醉。 ?。菏r(shí)、省力、省錢。,六、包皮環(huán)扎術(shù)的適應(yīng)癥:,所有包莖和包皮過長患者,六歲以上男性均適合該術(shù)治療。,七、GM-C

8、DS手術(shù)與傳統(tǒng)手術(shù)比較,GM-CDS - Surgical Operation,八、注意事項(xiàng),本產(chǎn)品為衛(wèi)生處理而真空包裝,必須一次性使用。如果重新使用時(shí)會傳染各種性病,艾滋病及其他細(xì)菌。千萬不要重新使用。真性包莖,嚴(yán)重皮膚炎,性病感染者,血友病患者,生殖器疾患者不宜使用本產(chǎn)品。糖尿病患者,藥物過多服用者及正在服用 藥物者不宜使用本產(chǎn)品。施術(shù)后8天之內(nèi)嚴(yán)禁飲酒。施術(shù)后8天之內(nèi)嚴(yán)禁攝取肉食類(牛肉類)及高蛋白魷魚,貝類等。※如果以上

9、述提及的東西攝取時(shí),可能會造成疼痛,浮腫嚴(yán)重等副作用。,,1. This product is per-sterilizing and vacuum packed for the single use only. The reuse of  it may cause the infection of venereal bacteria, AIDS and other bacteria.2. Patients with gen

10、uine phimosis, dermatitis, venereal disease, genital ailment and hemophiliacs should use the circular ring.3. Diabetics, drug addicts and drug user should not our product4. Alcohol must be controlled for 8 days.5. Do

11、not eat any meat (chicken.pork and beef), high protein food, squid(or dried sqid), sea shells etc.※ Keep the contents of 4 and 5 or you can suffer serious pain and swelling up.,,,,請注意?。。?綁線千萬不要中途解開。系好綁線后,有時(shí)候綁線從圓圈槽

12、兒的中央部位脫離,應(yīng)該檢查有無此現(xiàn)象。如果發(fā)現(xiàn)脫離時(shí),應(yīng)解開或切斷綁線后重新綁好。施術(shù)后一周內(nèi)服用消炎藥更好。綁線綁得要最大緊點(diǎn)兒,否則經(jīng)過一點(diǎn)兒時(shí)間后會發(fā)生疼痛,請注意!施術(shù)后3天內(nèi)嚴(yán)禁過度的活動或運(yùn)動。施術(shù)后要穿教寬松的內(nèi)褲,保持生殖器清潔干燥?;颊哂X得出現(xiàn)問題時(shí),要及時(shí)與施術(shù)的醫(yī)院聯(lián)系處理。,,1. Do not untighten the string in process. Oozing qill occur if

13、the string is loose.2. Confirm the escape of string from the V shape groove the ring. If so,untighten or cut the string and tighten it again.3. If required, oral and/or topical antibiotics may be used for the maintenan

14、ce or hygiene, and analgesics may be used for minor discomfort.4. Tighten the string strictly, otherwise  you can for feel pain later by swelling up 5. Avoid violent activities and exercise for 2 days.6. Wear a l

15、oose trunk and clean your testicle evening. Pls keep the cleanness of your penis without any moist.7. Any problem should be informed to the operation hospital.,九、禁忌癥,應(yīng)急性尿路感染。隱匿性包莖。尿道外口畸形,系帶過短的包皮過長患者。有出血性疾病病史者。糖尿病患者必

16、須臨床控制后方能手術(shù)。,手術(shù)操作方法,成人包皮除去環(huán)GM-CDS,1.打開包裝之前,洗干凈手和生殖器。將消毒液在包皮內(nèi)務(wù)部擦好,此時(shí)生殖器未勃起狀態(tài)下操作。No.1 Before unpacking the product and starting the procedure, wash the hands, the penis, and the foreskin thoroughly. Rub some alcohol as a

17、 disinfectant on the foreskin. Ensure that the penis is not erect.,2.按圖2把包皮完全后推,內(nèi)環(huán)的直徑夾的部位朝向生殖器根部。No.2 Retract the foreskin all the way.(Drawing No. 2)Put the solid plastic ring on the penis, with the larger diameter o

18、f the ring towards the glans,3.按圖3將內(nèi)環(huán)推到冠狀溝后邊。No.3 Ensure that the ring is past the glans, the head of the penis.(Drawing No.3),第 三 步,4.按圖4附著圓圈后,將后推的包皮向原位覆在圓圈上邊。此時(shí)應(yīng)注意將包皮內(nèi)面的肌肉一起拉下來。No.4 Pull the foreskin back to it

19、s original position, so that it entirely covers the plastic ring.(Drawing No.4)Rub some alcohol onto the outer prepuce again.,5.按圖4把已解開的輔助外環(huán)套在內(nèi)環(huán)槽的上部,擰緊螺絲固定輔助外環(huán)。No.5 Open the external locking ring with both hands. Ensur

20、e that the thumbscrew is on the left side of the male's body. Loosely close the external ring around the foreskin and the solid internal ring. Ensure that the foreskin is pulled up tight on solid internal ring and th

21、at the external ring is centered over the internal ring.(Drawing No.4),6.按圖5把綁線拉緊,在輔助外環(huán)的槽兒上使勁地旋轉(zhuǎn)兩三次,然后打個(gè)結(jié)。把綁線的余部剪掉。No.6 With the aid of an assistant, wind the string three or four revolution around the secured foreskin

22、 center it over the groove in the plastic ring. The amount of foreskin tissue to be removed will vary from person to person. Twist the string two or three times and tightly tie up the string. Trim the loose ends of the s

23、tring.(Drawing No.5),7.按圖6系綁線的過程完成后,再松開螺絲,把輔助外環(huán)打開,套在系好的綁線上邊,再將螺絲擰緊完成。No.7 Break off the string holder on the external ring just after the tie-up of the string. And you are through with the installation. (Drawing No.6)

24、,8.按圖7三天后把已枯死的包皮用手術(shù)刀或剪刀除掉。此時(shí)從傷處出來的液體是體液,這是自然現(xiàn)象,然后把打開的輔助外環(huán)除去。No.8 On the third day after the application of the device, the external locking ring can be removed,(Ref. generally 36 or 48 hours later from application, for

25、eskin becomes dead tissue as a scab.)if the patient experiences a lot of pain the constricted foreskin, or if urination is painful, you should cut throught the foreskin up to the ring and, if it is safe, completely aroun

26、d the penis, thus freeing the dead tissue. Do not worry about any sebum(waste) from the points tied up and seized, as this is normal.(Drawing No.7),9.第8天,包皮除掉的部位愈合好時(shí),把內(nèi)環(huán)及綁線輕輕地抽下來除去。No.9 The knotted string should be cut

27、 on the eighth day. After the tenth day, take a bath, and when the dead tissue of the foreskin has been sufficiently moistened, the inner ring and dead tissue can be removed during bath. The scabs will gradually be remov


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