1、BT Network TransformationPaul Reynolds,CEO BT Wholesale,Forward-looking statements - caution,Certain statements in this presentation are forward-looking and are made in reliance on the safe harbour provisions of the US
2、 Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include, without limitation, those concerning: expectations regarding customer growth, investment plans, strategy, and the benefits of new initiatives;
3、 the possible or assumed future results of operations of BT and/or its lines of business; expectations regarding product volume, revenue targets and/or growth, capital expenditure, network infrastructure and savings, cus
4、tomer satisfaction, free cash-flow, market share, cost reductions and cash savings, productivity improvements, and profitability.Although BT Group believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statem
5、ents are reasonable, it can give no assurance that these expectations will prove to have been correct. Because these statements involve risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed
6、or implied by these forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause differences between actual results and those implied by the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: material adverse changes
7、in economic conditions in the markets served by BT and its lines of business; future regulatory actions and conditions in BT’s operating areas, including competition from others in the UK and other international communic
8、ations markets; selection by BT and its lines of business of the appropriate trading and marketing models for its products and services; fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates; technological i
9、nnovations, including the cost of developing new products and the need to increase expenditures for improving the quality of service; prolonged adverse weather conditions resulting in a material increase in overtime, st
10、aff or other costs; developments in the convergence of technologies; the anticipated benefits and advantages of new technologies, products and services, including broadband and other new wave initiatives, not being real
11、ised; the timing of entry and profitability of BT and its lines of business in certain communication markets; significant changes in market shares for BT and its principal products and services; to the extent that BT cho
12、oses to sell assets or minority interests in its subsidiaries, prevailing market levels for such sales; general financial market conditions affecting BT’s performance; and the reintegration of Concert. BT Group undertake
13、s no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.,,7 Strategic Priorities,1. Customer satisfaction2. Financial discipline3. Broadband - at the
14、 heart of BT4. Value added solutions for multi-site organisations with European operations5. A clear Network strategy, with unified management of all UK networks6. A clear strategy for each customer group, including n
15、ew services and brand extension7. Diverse, skilled and motivated people,,BT Networks: Investment & Transformation Priorities in the UK and Abroad,Support BT’s push into Broadband and DataConstrain existing network
16、investment, while supporting growth in current productsProvide Network Infrastructure for each Line of BusinessFocus investment on New and Intermediate,BT Group Capital Investment 2002/03,Key Investment Principles,Opti
17、mise capex investment for operational cost reductionStringent Governance and investment review throughoutRe-use before new purchase wherever appropriateForecasts guide; capacity management delivers Positive impact on
18、 network Quality of Service Supporting Customer SatisfactionManage future directionReturn on Investment >> Weighted Average Cost of CapitalReview of actual benefits against Predicted outcome,,Current UK Network
19、s: Central Nervous System,,,Access &Aggregation,,Transport& Switch,IP & ATMPlatforms,‘Narrowband’ PSTN Switch,High bit rate Transmission Network (150Mbit/s),2Mbit/s Transmission N’wk,CoreFibres,NetworkIn
20、telligence,Product Applicationseg. Callminder,Network &Customer Mgt,CoreOLOs,MobileOLOs,ISPs,Access SDH,AccessFibre,SmallBusiness(DSL),DistributionFrame,Broadband,AccessCopper,,UBB,All UK Networks now under
21、unified management,Concentrator,,The Network Journey,Network Intelligence,Voice-orientedCentralisedClosed interfaces,Multi-media capableDistributedOpen interfaces,,Switching and Routing,Narrowband64kbit/sCircuit sw
22、itching,,Core Transmission,,2Mbit/s networkHands-onMix of old and new,Access & Aggregation,,Overlapping technologiesLimited integration,Aggressive DSL roll-outTransformation designMulti-service access,Focus has
23、decisively shifted towards New Technologies,Multi-serviceIPPacket switching622Mbit/s networkDirect fibreOptical networking,Greater Investment Focus on New Technology,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0%,10%,20%,30%,40%
24、,50%,60%,70%,80%,90%,100%,2000/01,2001/02,2002/03,2003/04,,,,,,,,,,,,New,,Intermediate,,Existing,,UK Networks’ Investment Profile,Domains,Switching & Routing,Network Intelligence,Core Transmission,Access & Aggreg
25、ation,EXISTING(Specific to existing servicesi.e. can’t be reused),Value Added Services Chargecard Advanced Services Unit,PSTN/ISDN switching System X AXE,Narrowband electronics PDH,INTERMEDIATE(Independent of exi
26、sting or new i.e. can be reused),Signalling Network Signal Transfer points,Advanced Packet, ATM Next Generation Switch DLE Consolidation,High bandwidth Fibre SDH MSHSDH Mesh,Infrastructure Copper E-node Access S
27、DH,NEW(Broadband & data),IP & ISP Billing Network Clearing House Open API,IP core & edge Routing Colossus MSIP,Ultra high bandwidth Ultra Broadband Dense WDM Optical,High bandwidth Access Digital Su
28、bscriber Loop Fibre Access SDH2 (ATM capability),Voice based electronics DACS Narrowband Radio,UK Network 2003/04 Capital,,Product volumes58%,Asset assurance8%,Security3%,,Businesssustaining15%,,Strategictransf
29、ormation16%,More product volume for less capex,Over past 3 years volumes have grown 5 – 8%paExpectations for next year are similarVolume related capex driven down each year,Reduction in product capex,£m,,,,,,,200
30、0/01,2001/02,2002/03,2003/04,0,500,1000,1500,,,,,,Investment in UK transformation,,,,,,0,50,100,150,200,250,300,Core Transmission,21CN Direct Capital,Access Network Development,Sector/Platform Initiatives,Systems & M
31、obility,£m,Safety, security and shared infrastructure,Safe Network for Public & Employees£150mTelegraph pole replacementLow wires rectificationCivil work - footway boxes & cabinetsDeep level tunnel
32、s,Secure and Resilient Network£60mNetwork & operational estate securityNetwork resilience,,Ensuring Efficient Common Infrastructure£300mNetwork Power & CoolingAccess RepairNetwork SignalingAccom
33、modation,Asset assurance8%,,Businesssustaining15%,Security3%,,Network utilisation & efficiency - March 2003,,,,,,,,,,International Benchmarks,BTMarch 2003,Line Cards,PSTN,ISDN,Met From Stock Provision,Access Cop
34、per Pairs,Access Fibre,Access SDH Electronics,Core SDH Capacity,PSTN Core Switches >5% Spare Capacity,ADSL Port Utilisation,94%,81%,89%,77%,37%,47%,64%,90%,74%,,Range of benchmarks,BT position,,,,,,20%,30%,40%,50%,60%
35、,70%,80%,90%,100%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10%,,,0%,BT Networks: Delivering more for less,Focus on new / intermediate technology Stringent governance in place Unified management of UK Networks Total capex has fall
36、en Optimise utilisation levels - maintain QoS,,Ready for the future...,Building the 21st Century Network,- Introduction & Vision- Network Architecture- Products and Services,Drivers for the 21st Century Network,S
37、peed to Market- innovative services,Power toCustomers –increased flexibility- greater reliability,Cost Transformation- significant reduction in operating costs,,,,Talent to deliver,,,Group CTO and 21CN Architect
38、Matt Bross,MD Network Design & ImplementationDale Register,MD Network OperationsSteve Robertson,,21st Century Network - A radically simplified network structure,Matthew BrossGroup CTO,The principles,From multi-ne
39、tworks to a multi-service networkFewer network elementsSimpler service managementRapid implementation,,,,21st Century Network structure vision,,,,,BeginFibre to thePCP,~30,000Multi-ServiceAccessDevices,~100Met
40、roRouters,~10CoreRouters,,,End Customer,,,,,,,InternetPeering,DataCentre,InternationalNetworks,,LogicalNodes,,,~80,000PCPsin the AccessNetwork,~100,000RemoteConcs,DLAMS& Data Muxes,~1000 +Voice Switc
41、hesand Data Cross Connects,~170 CoreSwitches(DMSU / NGS),DataCentre,LogicalNodes,Today,,,Aggregation,Service Edge,Core,,,,Future,,,Today's network has many access aggregation devices,Voice,,,,,MDF,PDH/PSTN,,M
42、SIP/MSH,,MESH/MSH,,PDH/MESH/MSH,Data Services,~6000 exchange sites,CWSSDPCN..,DWSSASDH…,RCU,DSLAMs,,Network Infrastructure,400,000 fibres,~30,000 boxes,~32,000 boxes,500,000 circuits,~25,000boxes,5mpairs,23 m p
43、airs,5m pairs,~9,000 boxes,For 5 million Broadband &23 million PSTN customers,40 m pairs,TOTAL ~73m pairs : 400,000 Fibres,TOTAL ~100,000 boxes,,Service Management,,Multiple service management organisations and
44、 systems,Narrow bandService mgt,Mid bandService mgt,Broad bandService mgt,Multiple copperData service mgt,Multiple fibreData service mgt,6+ service Mgt Organisations,,Copper,Fibre,Broadband,,,,,,400,000 fibres,50
45、0,000 circuits,,,,,MDF,,Transmissione.g.MSH,Multi-bandservice management,Integrated test &operations,The future will be based on a multi-service access node,Multi-serviceaccess aggregator,For 5 million Broadban
46、d & 23 million PSTN customers,40 m pairs,~ 63m pairs : 400,000 Fibres,~30,000 boxes,Up to 15 % reduction,Up to 70% reduction,Multi-service management organisation,Fewer devices, simpler service management,Data S
47、ervices,Copper,Fibre,Voice or Broadband,Narrow bandservice mgt,,,Network Infrastructure,,Service Management,Up to 23m pairs,MULTIMEDIA,Example financial impact of the simplified network – edge aggregation,,,Vo
48、ice and Broadband Consolidation£170m panetwork savings,Data Services Consolidation£30m panetwork savings,Bearer Layer Consolidation£50m pa network savings,Total aggregation savings c £250
49、m pa,,Multi-serviceaccess aggregator,The future will be based on a multi-service access node,The first release of this device will be deployed in the Network this year,,,Network Infrastructure,,Service Management,,,,,Tr
50、ansmissione.g.MSH,Copper,Fibre,Voice or Broadband,MULTIMEDIA,Today's service network edge is made up of many dedicated switches and routers,MSH & UBB,,,,,,,,,,,Metro,Equip,IPClear,Fusion,IPenabled,Surf
51、port,,,Narrow bandService mgt,Private cctService mgt,L2 data servicesService mgt,IpvpnData service mgt,InternetService mgt,SdhService mgt,multiple service management organisations and systems,,6+ service mgt org
52、anisations,Ethernet,MSH & UBB,BTnet,EtherStreamMetroStream,ATM & FR,KiloStream,PSTN,Webport,MESH,PDH,MESH & MSH,MSH,UBB,PDH,DPCN,MSIP,IPVPN,FixedInternet,Dial Internet,DLE,,Network Infrastructure,,Service
53、Management,,Multi-service management,VoiceKilostreamCellStreamFrameStreamEtherStreamMetroStreamBTnetRich Media Services,Target 21C metro node - multi-service design,,,SDH,Outer core,,UBB,TDM,ATM/FR,Ethernet,IP,IP
54、VPN,,,MULTIMEDIA,multi-service edge,Single service Management organisation,Fewer devices, simpler service management,,Network Infrastructure,,Service Management,,Webport,To/from aggregation nodes,Dial Internet
55、,,,,PDH,MESH,MSH,PSTN DMSUSwitch,Today's Multiple Core Networks mirror the individual Service Networks,MSH &UBB,WDM,UBB,WDM,UBB,IP service mgt,UBB service mgt,WDMservice mgt,PDH service mgt,4+ service mgt or
56、ganisations,Again - multiple service management org and systems,,,Network Infrastructure,,Service Management,ATM CoreSwitch,IP CoreRouter,PSTN DISCSwitch,PSTN NGNSwitch,WDM,The target is for a multi-service core, wi
57、th high capacity optical cross connects,WDM,Multi-serviceservice mgt,Single service Management organisation,Multi-service principle - fewer devices, simpler service management, lower cost to build and operate.,,,Networ
58、k Infrastructure,,Service Management,MPLS Core,Intelligent applications – today,,Today’s intelligence is built into each PSTN switch - limited central intelligence,Intelligent applications – 21CN,,,,,ISL,Release 1 of th
59、e intelligent service layer, with the first open application interfaces will be deployed this year,,,What does all this mean?,Less… Faults - fewer wires, boxes, touches, etc… Test access points Reduced footprint and
60、 power consumption Fewer, more common cardsIs more... Rapid, automated service activation Increased backhaul utilisation Enhanced test access More effective sparing and maintenance,Richer customer experience and o
61、perational savings,Paul ReynoldsCEO BT Wholesale,So much for the architectural principles…….,...when will it happen ?,…what will it cost ?,What will our customers see ?,…and what will theshareholder benefits be ?,How w
62、ill we deliver it ?,,,Simple and complete,Flexible,Personalised,Trusted,Straightforward,Infrastructure, Intelligence and SystemsCapability,21CN - customer experience vision,Access to new services quickly Services are a
63、vailable anytime anyplace I get the experience I pay for,My services are easy to useI get personal assistance“Hassle Free” self-service is available,I am Empowered to live and work as I choose.Who or what is importan
64、t to me is recognisedMy associates and I are able to operate in the way that we choose,My personal information is safe and secure Confidence in BT as a partnerReliable Services,Service independent capabilities,Today,
65、new services regularly develop their own components,,,,,,,,,Service programmes,Communicator,Content services,Corporate IP networking,IP mobility service,,,Mobile – fixed roaming,Future: capabilities built once, used many
66、 times,,Capability Set,Directory Enabled,Authentication,Presence,Messaging,Customer Portal,Application Driven QoS,Content Re-purposing,3rd Party App’s Support,Secure Connections,DRM,Home and Office Hubs,Individual Custom
67、er Care,Service programmes,Communicator,Content services,Corporate IP networking,IP mobility service,Mobile – fixed roaming,Focus for 21CN in 2003,,New Product driven capabilities,Cost Reduction,Proving a new Infrastruct
68、ure, to support…,Service,,AuthenticationPresenceCustomer PortalApplication Driven QoS…,,Multiband service managementFewer systemsEffective processes,,multi-service networkFewer networksFewer systemsMore reliable
69、copper access,£,21CN Near Term Improvement Projects,Hands Off Access NetworkStabilising network and managing churnPhysical Inventory Planning and e-RecordsAutomate routine line plant planningBearer Management Sy
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