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1、分 類(lèi) 編 號(hào) :密 級(jí) :單位 代 碼 : 10065號(hào) : 0 9 2 0 10 14研 究 生 學(xué)位 論文論 文 題 目: 上 博 簡(jiǎn) 楚 王 故 事 相 關(guān)竹 書(shū) 綜 考學(xué) 生 姓 名 : 王鑫 屮請(qǐng) 學(xué)位 級(jí)別 : 碩 上申請(qǐng)專(zhuān)業(yè)名稱 : 漢語(yǔ)言文字學(xué)研 究 方 向 : 古 文字指 導(dǎo)教 師 姓 名 : 周寶宏 專(zhuān) 業(yè)技 術(shù)職 稱 : 教授提 交 論 文 卜 丨 期 : 20 12 年 3 月S Y N T H

2、E S IZ E A N D IN T E R P R E T T H E C H U K IN G S ‘ S T O R Y O F S H A N G H A IM U S E U M B A M B O O S L IP S O F W A R R IN G S T A T E SA B S T R A C T“Sh angh aiM u seum B am boo S l i ps of W ar

3、ri ng States“i s a num ber o f preci ousdocum ents purchased fr om t he H ong K ong H eritage M ark etby Shan ghaiM useum ,w hichhas si gnif icance to research t he hi story and cu l t ure of C hu State.T h i s paper so

4、rtoutandresearch t h e C hu K i ngs'st ory i n Shangh aiM useum B am boo S l i ps (referred to as t h e ShangB o Jian).T h is p ap er rel ated to ni n e bam boo sli ps of Sh anghaiM u seum B am boo S l i ps,sep ara

5、tel y :“ Z hao K i ng dest roy t he palace, , , “ Z h ao K i n g and G ong Z hiShui “ , “ Ji an K i ngst op t he dry” , “ Z huang K i ng castt he bel l ” , “ Shen G ong subm i tt o L i ng K i ng“,“P i ng K i ngask Z hen

6、g Sh ou” , “ P i n g K i ng and P ri n ce M u ” , “ Z iJia i n Z h eng State die“,” K in g resid e“.T h e severalbam b oo book s are rel ated “ C h u K i n gs and t h ei r ch il dren an d o fficial “ i n content,t hus f

7、orm i ng a “t he C hu K i ngs“story“ of such a type of l i terat ure.T h e ni ne bam boo booksw ere publi shed successi vel y,and t he research of t he schol ars i s i rregul ar,so i tis verynecessary t o i n tegrate a

8、nd sortoutt h e b am boo b ooks.T he p ap er discu sses t he docum entw i t h t hree parts:t he fi rstp artis t o rev i ew the sev eralbam boo book s.I n cludi n g t he m erger o f t h e ch ap t er,story li nes,the

9、 b asic contentof t h eback ground story,versi on ,and story m ateri alsources.T he second parti s t esti nt erp retat i on .To t he new docum ent ,i nt erpret at i o n and cl eari ngt he contexti s pri ori ty.T h i s

10、part,on t he scholars’research ,from t h e C h i nese character sh ape,exegetical,h arm oni ous sounds,gram m ar,con sult ing the historicali nform ation sortoutandst u dy t h e di ffi cul tw ords and diffi cul tconten

11、tt h att he bam boo books rel ate t o .T h e paperapp ropriat el y quotes t h e p articul ar and i nnov ati v e i nterpret ati on o f t he scholars'research .Inth e ed i tor' s no te,elaborate t h e view o f m

12、 yself.T h e t hird partis th e value of t h e docum ent.In t his secti on,w e sum m arize the use andacti on of t he do cum enti n t he w hol e.T hen,apprai se t h e parti cul ar cont ento f t he docum ent.T h e core

13、 contentof t he partrel ated t o t he four m ai n poi nts:T he W ar i n B i,t he al lusi on of“S hang X i a Q iShou“,t he histori cali m age of t h e Z hao K i ng.C h u cu l ture i nheri ted S h an gcu l t ure.A nd a b


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