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1、分 類 編 號 :密 級 :單 位 代 碼 : 10065學(xué) 號 : 1022 70 19研 究 生 學(xué) 位 論 文論文題 目:高 中牛 完美 主 義、學(xué) 業(yè) 自我 妨 礙與 學(xué) 校 適 應(yīng) 的 關(guān) 系 研 究學(xué) 生 姓 名 : 黃潔婷 申請學(xué)位級別 : 教育碩士申請專 業(yè)名稱 : 心理健 康教育研 究 方 向: 心理健 康教 育A b str a c tP erfect i onism as on e ki nd of

2、 p ersonal i t y characterist ic and a t hi nki ng m ode h ascaused con cern of m ore and m ore sch olars.A cadem ic sel f- h andicappi n g refers to t h eacti on of creati ng i m pedi m ents t hatstudents take i n adva

3、n ce w hen faci ng academ icabi l i t y app rai salsi t uati on i n order t o p repare reasonable excu se for t h e p otenti alfail ure,w h ich en ables t h e st udent s to protectsel f-w ort h .S ch ooladaptat ion refl

4、 ects t h eadapt ive condit i on of st uden t s'schoo ll ife.P erfect i on ism and acad em ic self-h andicapp i ng m ay i m p actsch ooladaptat i on .T h e purpose of t h i s research is toi nvestigate t he feat ure

5、 and currentsi tuati on of perfect i onism ,academ ic self-h andicapp i ng an d sch ooladaptat i on ,and to m ov e forw ard a si ngle step to discu ss t h erel at ionshi p am ong t h em .W e can p utforw ard som e target

6、 -ori ent ed proposals toreduce t h e b ehav i or of acad em i c self-hand i cappi ng i n t h e pract ice of educati on so t h atw e can i m prove st udents'schoo lad aptabil i t y.T he st udy carried outw i th t

7、 h e m et h od of qu esti onnai re.42 1senior high sch oolst udent s com i ng from a m i ddl e schoolof T i anji n took parti n t his study.A ccordi ng toth e statistics o f th e d ata,th e m ain co n clu sion s ar

8、e as fo llo w s:1.  T h ere is significantdi fference on gend er i n sen ior h i gh schoolst u dents'perfect i onism ,academ ic sel f-h andicappin g an d schooladaptati on .A nd m ale st u dents'scores of p erf

9、ecti onism and academ i c sel f-h andicap pi n g are high er t h an fem alest udent s',butfem ale st udents'score of schooladaptat i on is higher t he m ale st udents'.2 .  T h ere is signifi cantdi

10、fference on grade i n senior high schoolst u dents'p erfect ionism ,academ ic self-h andicapping and sch ooladap tati on .A n d t h e scores o fp erfect i onism an d academ ic sel f-h andi cappi ng of grade 2 are

11、higher t h an grade 1,bu tt h e score of schooladaptation of grade 1ishi gher t h an grade 2.3.  T here is signifi cantdi fferen ce on parentalreari ng pat tern i n sen i or hi gh schoolstudents'p erfect i

12、on i sm ,academ ic sel f-handi capp i ng and schooladaptati on .4 .  T h ere is si gnif icantdi fferen ce on p ercepti on t o academ ic p erform an ce inseni or high sch oolst u dents'p erfecti onism and academ


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