1、分 類 編 兮:密單 位 代 碼 : 10065學 092 14 00 2研 究生 學位 論文論 文 題 目:教 師 因素 影 響下 的小 學 中年 級 學 生學 習適 應(yīng) 性 研 究學 生 姓 名 :王 紅 日申請 學位 級 別 :教育 學碩 士申請 專 業(yè) 名稱 :教育 學 原理研 究 方 向 :小 學 教 育指 導 教 師 姓 名 :王 雁 專 業(yè) 職 稱 : 教 授提 交 論 文 日期 : 20 12 年 3 月 19 日A
2、 b str a c tL earni ng adaptabi l i t y refers t o t he t endency t hatt he i ndi vi du al s t ry t o overcom ediff icul t ies to achieve bet ter l earni ng ef fect s,i n ot her w ords, l earni ng adapti ve abi l i ti e
3、s.T he m ai n fact ors i ncl ude seven aspect s l i ke l earni ng at ti t ude,l earni ng m et h ods,l earni ngt echn ol ogy,fam i l y envi ronm ent,schoolenvi ronm ent ,i ndependence and perseverance,physi caland
4、m ent alheal t h .G ood l earni ng adaptabi l i t y i s t he i m portant safeguard of l earni ng,so i thas becom et h e focus of at tenti on of t he peopl e i n t he f iel d of educati on i n recentyears.B utt hepre
5、sentst udi es m ostl y st ay on Pupi l s'l earni ng adapt abi l i t y i n t he descri pti on of t hepresentsi t uat i on,and basi s on i t ,i m provi ng pupi l s'l earni ng adapt abi l i t y st rat egy areem pt y
6、,l acki ng effects of si ngle fact ors f or st udy.T hi s t opic i n order t o rem edy t hi sshort age,sel ected t he i m port anti nf l uence fact ors teachers,t hrough em pi ricalst udy on t eacher fact ors i nf l
7、uence on pupi l s'l earni ng adaptabi l i t y.From t he perspecti veof t eachers,Igi ve som e m et hods and st rat egi es on how t o i m prove t he pup i l s'l earni ngadapt abi l i t y.A tt he sam e t i m e
8、, basi c on t he fi ndi ngs of previ ous research,m i ddl e-gradepupi l s'l earni ng adaptabi l i t y i s t he w orst ,so t he research f ocuses on m i ddle-grade pupi l s,t al ki ng aboutt he rel at i o
9、nshi p bet w een t eachers'i nf l uence fact ors and pri m ary pup i l s'l earni ng adapt abi l i t y.T he aut hor com prehensi vel y ut i l i zed t hree specif ic m et hods — — questi onnai re,classroom observ
10、ati on and i ntervi ew s on t hi s research ,anal yzed t he pupil s'learn i ngadaptabi l i t y of T i anji n and t he st at us of t eachers'qual i t y w hi ch af fect s pupi l s'l earn i ngadaptabi l i t y.
11、T hrough em pi ri calresearch,t he aut hor gott he f ol l ow i ng resul t s:F i rst l y,t h e overal ll evelof pupi l s'l earni ng adapt abi l i t y of T i anji n i s w orryi ng.Secondl y,on t heeval uat i on o
12、f teachers,qual i t y, t eachers and pupi l s have si gni f i cantdi fferences.T hi rdl y,teachers'qual i t y has greati nfl uence on Pupi ls'learni ng adapt abi l i t y .F ourt hl y,t each ers'know l edge,
13、t eachi ng st rategi es,occupat i on al lhave an i m port anteffecton pup i l s'learni ng adaptabi l i t y.A ccordi ng t o t he concl usi ons of t hi s research ,t he aut hor suggest s t hatt eachersshoul d i m prov
14、e t h e pupi ls'l earni ng adaptabi l i t y f rom t h e fol l ow ing severalaspects.F i rst l y,est abl i sh t h e correctconceptof t eachers.Secondl y,est abl i sh effecti ve t eachi ngst rat egi es.T hi rdl y,hav
15、e suf fi ci entcom m uni cat i on abi l i t i es.Fourt hl y,enhance t eachers'reflect i ve consci ou sness and abi l i t y;f ift hl y,teach ers should pl ay a l eadi ng rol e i n t h ehom e and schoolcooperati on;si
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