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1、<p><b>  中文3400字</b></p><p><b>  畢業(yè)論文外文翻譯</b></p><p>  所在學(xué)院: </p><p>  專 業(yè): </p><p>  班 級

2、: </p><p>  學(xué) 號: </p><p>  姓 名: </p><p>  指導(dǎo)教師: </p><p>  2014 年 11 月 3 日

3、</p><p><b>  譯文:</b></p><p>  題目: 上市公司股權(quán)激勵問題研究</p><p><b>  一、股權(quán)激勵概述</b></p><p>  (一)股權(quán)激勵的定義</p><p>  股權(quán)激勵是通過經(jīng)營者獲得公司股權(quán)形式給予企業(yè)經(jīng)營者一定的經(jīng)

4、濟權(quán)利,使他們能夠以股東的身份參與企業(yè)決策﹑承擔(dān)風(fēng)險、分享利潤,從而勤勉盡責(zé)地為公司長期發(fā)展服務(wù)的一種激勵方法。</p><p>  (二)股權(quán)激勵的作用</p><p><b>  1.激勵作用</b></p><p>  使被激勵者擁有企業(yè)的部份股權(quán),用股權(quán)這個紐帶將被激勵者的利益與企業(yè)的利益緊緊綁在一起,實現(xiàn)對經(jīng)營者的長期激勵,使其能積極

5、、自覺地按照實現(xiàn)企業(yè)既定目標的要求,為了實現(xiàn)企業(yè)利益和股東利益的最大化而努力工作,釋放出其人力資本的潛在價值,提高資本運營效率,提高生產(chǎn)率,增強企業(yè)凝聚力,并最大限度地降低監(jiān)督成本。</p><p><b>  2.約束效應(yīng)</b></p><p>  約束作用主要表現(xiàn)在兩方面,一是因為被激勵者與所有者已經(jīng)形成了“一榮俱榮、一損俱損”的利益共同體,如果經(jīng)營者因不努力工

6、作或其它原因?qū)е缕髽I(yè)利益受損,比如出現(xiàn)虧損,則經(jīng)營者會同其他股東一樣分擔(dān)企業(yè)的損失;二是通過一些限制條件(比如限制性股票) 使被激勵者不能輕意離職———若被激勵者在合同期滿前離職,則會損失一筆不小的既得經(jīng)濟利益。3.穩(wěn)定與共贏</p><p>  由于股權(quán)激勵工具都對激勵對象行權(quán)條件中都附帶有服務(wù)期的限制,使其不能輕易離職。特別是對于高管和技術(shù)骨干、銷售骨干等“關(guān)鍵員工”,股權(quán)激勵的力度往往較大,所以股權(quán)激勵對于

7、穩(wěn)定“關(guān)鍵員工”的作用也比較明顯。實現(xiàn)了企業(yè)與員工長期穩(wěn)定合作,結(jié)合利益共同體就形成個人與企業(yè)的共贏。</p><p>  二、上市公司實施股權(quán)激勵的問題及成因分析</p><p>  (一)上市公司實施股權(quán)激勵存在的問題</p><p>  1.股權(quán)激勵實施受限</p><p>  從 2007 年 12 月 20 日啟動的第二批股權(quán)激勵,

8、共有 26 家上市公司公布了股權(quán)激勵計劃,截止 2008 年底所有 26 家公司股價跌破行權(quán)價。但不同于2008 年,2009 年只有兩家公司取消和否定了股權(quán)激勵計劃。2008年間高比例的公司提出了終止股權(quán)激勵計劃導(dǎo)致實施受限,從另一個側(cè)面影射出股權(quán)激勵實施過程中必然存在一些問題。</p><p>  2.股權(quán)激勵對象考核方法單一</p><p>  從下表中發(fā)現(xiàn),目前對絕大多數(shù)上市公司的

9、激勵對象的考核是以會計指標為基礎(chǔ),且大部分公司采用了 2 到 3 個財務(wù)指標,即主要以凈利潤增長率、凈資產(chǎn)收益率為主要指標。激勵對象存在辭職套現(xiàn)行為。伴隨著上市公司高管股權(quán)激勵熱潮的是大批高管辭職套現(xiàn)。三花股份披露的2007年年報表明,2006年3月份辭職的該公司1名原副總裁、2名董事,2007年分別減持了所持有的全部三花股份 88.83 萬股和 50.10 萬股;該公司原董事長張亞波于2007年4月辭去董事長及董事職務(wù),其以“高管股份

10、”形式鎖定的565萬的股份在2007年11月9日也已自動解除鎖定,獲得上市流通權(quán)。雖然還不能斷言上市公司高管辭職的主要原因就是為了套現(xiàn),但是擁有大量上市公司股份卻又不具有控股權(quán)的高管所表現(xiàn)出的強烈減持套現(xiàn)的動機值得警醒。</p><p>  (二)上市公司股權(quán)激勵問題成因分析</p><p>  1.股票期權(quán)行權(quán)價設(shè)定不當(dāng)影響激勵效果</p><p>  股票期權(quán)計


12、過努力經(jīng)營,提高公司業(yè)績,企業(yè)價值上升后,而股票價格卻沒有完全反映出,這樣就會損害經(jīng)營者的期權(quán)利益,挫傷其積極性。因此在設(shè)定股票期權(quán)價格時應(yīng)剔除系統(tǒng)因素的影響,在整體經(jīng)濟波動時進行動態(tài)行權(quán)價格的確定,增強股票期權(quán)激勵的有效性。</p><p>  2.企業(yè)的業(yè)績評價體系不完善</p><p>  目前推出的股權(quán)激勵方案中,經(jīng)營者績效評價考慮的因素不全面,主要側(cè)重評價財務(wù)績效(僅運用了財務(wù)指

13、標),指標比較單一,幾乎均以ROE 和凈利潤增長率為評價指標。財務(wù)評價指標只反映結(jié)果,不反映過程,會造成企業(yè)管理層過分注重歷史,而缺少對未來業(yè)績的預(yù)測,片面追求暫時的盈利能力取得和維持短期的財務(wù)成果,助長其急功近利和短期投機的行為。使投資者不能全面了解企業(yè)的經(jīng)營狀況,不利于資本的優(yōu)化配置,一定程度上導(dǎo)致了企業(yè)過度注重財務(wù)績效,而忽視了影響企業(yè)長遠發(fā)展的有關(guān)事項。因此,在對激勵對象評價考核時還應(yīng)加入非財務(wù)指標。</p>&l

14、t;p>  3.股權(quán)激勵約束機制不健全</p><p>  上市公司內(nèi)部治理結(jié)構(gòu)比較混亂,所有權(quán)缺位導(dǎo)致產(chǎn)權(quán)制度混亂,有很多上市公司有執(zhí)行董事參與薪酬委員會決策,薪酬委員會主席由公司董事長或母公司領(lǐng)導(dǎo)兼任,就是說制定經(jīng)理層激勵計劃的“薪酬委員會”成員與享受激勵的高管層重疊,實質(zhì)上變成了自己給自己制定激勵標準。</p><p>  股權(quán)激勵計劃的制定者與激勵對象沒有分離,加上缺乏股東的

15、有效監(jiān)督,導(dǎo)致股權(quán)激勵門檻較低,高管普遍均享受到股權(quán)激勵,股權(quán)激勵變相的變成了一種股權(quán)分紅。在退出機制及相關(guān)限制條件的設(shè)計上較為寬松,股權(quán)激勵的有效期限也較短,高管在短期內(nèi)就能通過行權(quán)獲得大量收益,這種現(xiàn)象與股權(quán)激勵機制的長期性相違背,因此上市公司對股權(quán)激勵計劃的內(nèi)部約束形同虛設(shè)。</p><p>  三、解決上市公司股權(quán)激勵問題的對策</p><p>  (一)完善公司治理結(jié)構(gòu)</

16、p><p>  公司治理不完善,在“內(nèi)部人控制”的情況下引入股權(quán)激勵,必然出現(xiàn)經(jīng)營者為自己定薪定股,損害公司和股東利益的情況。健全的公司治理結(jié)構(gòu)是上市公司健康運行的重要制度基礎(chǔ),也是股權(quán)激勵機制發(fā)揮作用的必要條件,設(shè)立獨立董事制度,監(jiān)督董事會對人事、薪酬、戰(zhàn)略等重大問題的決策的合法性、公正性、獨立性;設(shè)立監(jiān)事會制度,保證公司內(nèi)部治理層面董事會相關(guān)決策有益于公司的整體利益,同時也確保監(jiān)督管理層執(zhí)行董事會決策更具有效性;

17、建立內(nèi)控制度,對企業(yè)內(nèi)部各項業(yè)務(wù)活動進行有效控制;建立審計委員會制度,對企業(yè)內(nèi)部財務(wù)運行機制有效地進行監(jiān)管。為了避免監(jiān)事會人員和董事會人員由于長期“磨合”,使約束失效,監(jiān)事會人員應(yīng)采用輪換制,每3 年或 5 年進行一次人員調(diào)整。</p><p>  (二)健全獨立董事制度</p><p>  上市公司基本均聘任了獨立董事,對上市公司的內(nèi)部業(yè)務(wù)起到一定的監(jiān)督作用,但是引入獨立董事制度的時間較


19、加董事會會議,造成獨立董事無法獲取充足的信息,致使獨立董事的知情權(quán)很難得到保證,難以發(fā)揮其作用。</p><p>  (三)實施企業(yè)文化理念激勵</p><p>  1.塑造企業(yè)文化進行精神激勵</p><p>  企業(yè)文化是企業(yè)的精神文化、制度文化和物質(zhì)文化的總和,是企業(yè)長期經(jīng)營發(fā)展過程中逐漸形成的適合本組織特點的經(jīng)營理念,由于優(yōu)秀的企業(yè)能帶給員工強烈的歸屬感、榮

20、譽感及積極的精神狀態(tài),因此企業(yè)文化的塑造已成為當(dāng)代企業(yè)精神激勵的重要手段。在員工進入企業(yè)后,定期對員工進行企業(yè)價值、理念的培訓(xùn),并經(jīng)常組織企業(yè)內(nèi)部團隊活動,增強企業(yè)榮譽感,使員工切實體會到個人與集體形成的共同體,這樣員工才有動力盡心盡力為企業(yè)貢獻自己的能力。</p><p>  2.運用企業(yè)貢獻值法增強員工歸屬感</p><p>  增強企業(yè)歸屬感可以通過建立員工企業(yè)累計貢獻值檔案的方式,

21、每一名進入企業(yè)的員工都會設(shè)置自己的企業(yè)貢獻值檔案,由人事部統(tǒng)一管理。企業(yè)必須有完整的評判系統(tǒng),基本思路是員工對企業(yè)的貢獻值通過累計貢獻值分體現(xiàn),每 1分為一個貢獻值。</p><p>  在評分體系中設(shè)立團隊加分和個人加分體系,二者不沖突,可以重復(fù)累加。每個車間或部門都可成為一個團隊,企業(yè)對每個團隊都有相對應(yīng)的考核指標,每個月對每個團隊都有最低分 10 分,即整體曠工率在正常范圍內(nèi)即可獲得;業(yè)績方面,若團隊能完成

22、每月任務(wù)可加分 50,高出目標的百分點也會體現(xiàn)在加分上,例如,若本月生產(chǎn)車間目標生產(chǎn)100件產(chǎn)品并且次品率在 2%以內(nèi),實際完成200 件產(chǎn)品且次品率均在 2%以內(nèi),則本月團隊中每個人會加分50+50×(200- 100)/100=100。</p><p>  每年年末人事部門對每個人和各部門當(dāng)年企業(yè)貢獻值進行核算,同時算出累計貢獻值,根據(jù)當(dāng)年企業(yè)貢獻值高低確定評出一定數(shù)量的年度優(yōu)秀員工和優(yōu)秀團隊,每個

23、部門由于工作性質(zhì)、員工人數(shù)等因素不同所分到得優(yōu)秀員工比例也不同,需要人事部門認真權(quán)衡。對于優(yōu)秀員工和優(yōu)秀團隊每年中會有貢獻值獎勵分,同時配以物質(zhì)激勵(如現(xiàn)金激勵、股權(quán)激勵等)。</p><p><b>  原文:</b></p><p>  Listed Companies Incentive Research</p><p>  1、Over

24、view of equity incentive </p><p>  1.1 The definition of equity incentive </p><p>  Equity incentive is obtained in the form of company shares by operators to give business owners a certain econ

25、omic rights, enabling them to participate in corporate decision-making capacity as shareholders ﹑ risk, profit-sharing, so that due diligence services for the company's long-term development of an incentive method .

26、</p><p>  1.2 The role of incentive stock options </p><p>  1.2.1 The incentives </p><p>  So be excited owned a minority share of enterprises with equity this link will be excited

27、with the interests of those companies closely tied together, to achieve long-term incentive for operators to enable them to actively and consciously in accordance with established enterprise requires that the target in o

28、rder to achieve corporate interests and maximize the interests of shareholders and work hard, releasing the potential value of their human capital, improve capital operational efficiency, in</p><p>  1.2.2 C

29、onfinement effect </p><p>  Constraints role is mainly manifested in two aspects, one is excited because the owner has been formed by "a prosperity, a loss for both sides," the interests of the com

30、munity, if the operators do not work hard or because of other reasons, to the detriment of the interests of enterprises, such as the emergence losses, the operators jointly with other shareholders share the same loss of

31、business; the second is through a number of constraints (such as restricted stock) so that those who can not li</p><p>  Since the equity incentive tools for incentive target vesting conditions are included

32、with limited service period, it can not easily leave. Especially for executives and technology backbone, the backbone of sales and other "key employees" equity incentive efforts tend to be larger, so the equity

33、 incentive for stability "key employees" role is relatively obvious. Enterprises and employees to achieve a long-term stable cooperation, combining to form a community of interests and win-win for individ</p

34、><p>  2、The problem and cause analysis of listed companies equity incentive </p><p>  2.1 A listed company equity incentive Problems </p><p>  2.1.1 The implementation of restricted s

35、tock incentive </p><p>  From December 20, 2007 start of the second batch of incentive, a total of 26 listed companies announced equity incentive plan, as of the end of 2008 all 26 company's share price

36、fell below the exercise price. But unlike 2008, in 2009 only two companies to cancel and deny the equity incentive plan. 2008 between a high proportion of the company proposed a termination causes the implementation of r

37、estricted stock incentive plan, mapping out from the other side, there are some issues of equity incen</p><p>  2.1.2 Assessment of equity incentive target single </p><p>  Found from the table

38、below, the vast majority of listed companies is currently the object of the assessment is based on incentive-based accounting indicators, and most of the company adopted the 2-3 financial indicators, ie mainly in the net

39、 profit growth, return on net assets was the main indicators. Presence resign cash incentive target behavior. Along with executives of listed companies is a large number of equity incentive boom executives to resign cash

40、. 2007 Annual Report of the shares of t</p><p>  2.2 Equity Incentive Cause Analysis of Listed Companies </p><p>  2.2.1 The stock option exercise price is set improperly influence the incentiv

41、e effect </p><p>  Stock option plan can achieve the incentive for operators as well as the degree of excitation depends on the development of the exercise price, the exercise price and the right line again

42、equity incentive is based on the company's stock price. When the market effectively, operators work hard to enable enterprises to enhance the performance, stock prices can reflect this change, the operator will be ab

43、le to profit through the exercise of stock options and therefore be able to achieve excitation f</p><p>  2.2.2. The enterprise performance evaluation system is imperfect </p><p>  Currently lau

44、nched equity incentive program, the factors considered by the operator performance evaluation is not comprehensive, focused primarily on the evaluation of financial performance (using only the financial indicators), indi

45、cator is relatively simple, almost are ROE and net profit growth for the evaluation. Financial evaluation reflect only the results do not reflect the process will result in an excessive focus on the history of corporate

46、management, and the lack of future performance </p><p>  2.2.3 Equity Incentive mechanism is not perfect </p><p>  Internal governance structure of listed companies is a bit confusing, ownership

47、 of the property rights system resulting in the absence of confusion, a lot of executive directors of listed companies to participate in the decision-making of the Remuneration Committee, the Chairman of the Remuneration

48、 Committee led by the chairman or part-time parent, that the development of Executive Incentive Plan members of the "remuneration Committee" overlap with senior executives enjoy incentives, in essence,</p>

49、;<p>  Makers with the incentive target equity incentive plan no separation, coupled with the lack of effective supervision of shareholders, resulting in a lower equity incentive threshold, executives were general

50、ly enjoy the incentive, equity incentive becomes a disguised equity dividends. In the design of the exit mechanism and associated restrictions on the more relaxed, equity incentive shorter validity period, executives in

51、the short term will be able to get a lot of benefits through exercise, a p</p><p>  3、The shares of listed companies the incentive problem solving strategies </p><p>  3.1 Improve the corporate

52、governance structure </p><p>  Corporate governance is imperfect, the introduction of equity incentive under "internal control", the operators set their own salary for a given situation stocks, dam

53、age to the company and shareholders interests inevitable. Sound corporate governance structure of listed companies is an important basis for the healthy operation of the system, but also the role of equity incentives nec

54、essary condition for the establishment of an independent director system, supervisory board on major issues of per</p><p>  3.2 Improve the independent director system </p><p>  China's list

55、ed companies are hired basically independent directors of listed company's internal business play a supervisory role, but the time of the introduction of the independent director system is short, various ancillary sy

56、stems and the external environment is not perfect, to a certain extent, restricted its full play. Many companies are major shareholders or management proposed by the independent director candidates to the Board, on behal

57、f of the board of directors nominated again, this me</p><p>  3.3 The implementation of the concept of corporate culture Incentive </p><p>  3.3.1 Shaping corporate culture inspired by the spiri

58、t.</p><p>  Corporate culture is the sum of the spirit of enterprise culture, institutional culture and material culture, is suitable for the characteristics of the philosophy of the organization long-term b

59、usiness development process gradually, due to the excellent corporate employees can bring a strong sense of belonging, pride and positive mental state, so the corporate culture has become an important means of shaping co

60、ntemporary entrepreneurship incentives. After the employee into the enterprise, regul</p><p>  3.3.2 The use of corporate contributions to enhance their sense of belonging value method </p><p> 

61、 Enhance their sense of belonging to the cumulative contribution value by establishing enterprise employees archives way, every employee will be set into the enterprise's contribution to the value of their corporate

62、archives, unified management by the Ministry of Personnel. Companies must have a complete evaluation system, the basic idea is the contribution of staff of the enterprise value divided by the cumulative contribution refl

63、ects the value of the contribution of each one into a value. </p><p>  In the scoring system set up team points and individual points system, the two do not conflict, you can repeat accumulate. Each workshop

64、 or department can become a team, business has a corresponding assessment indicators for each team, each team has a minimum monthly for 10 points, that overall absenteeism rate within the normal range can be obtained; fi

65、nancial performance, if the team can complete the task month plus 50 percentage points higher than the target will be reflected in the extra poi</p><p>  End of each year for accounting and personnel departm

66、ents and various departments each year for contributions to the value of the enterprise, while the cumulative contribution value is calculated according to the level of contribution to the value determined when the compa

67、nies named a number of excellent staff and excellent team of the year, due to the nature of each department, employee the number of different factors such as the proportion of outstanding employees have assigned differen


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