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1、<p><b>  中文3040字</b></p><p>  本科畢業(yè)論文外文翻譯</p><p>  外文題目: Japan's economic recovery and the relationship between the rapid growth of </p><p>  export

2、 </p><p>  出 處: The Economist </p><p>  作 者: Hirohisa Fujii

3、 </p><p><b>  原 文:</b></p><p><b>  ABSTRACT</b></p><p>  Market liberalization and economic growth in an increasingly close relationship. Post-war Japan

4、in the process of gradually opening the market to achieve rapid economic growth. But after the mid-80s, because of Japan's structural reform and market opening, and lags behind the international development of its ow

5、n economic strength requirements of the Japanese economy in the gradual accumulation of contradictions in the development process, leading the economy into long-term depression. Therefore,</p><p>  Keywords:

6、 economic growth, open markets in Japan</p><p>  Introduction</p><p>  June 2001, the Japanese government lowered its economic and financial advisory meeting growth target for the Japanese econo

7、my is forecast since the beginning of 2001 two or three years, gross domestic product (GDP) real growth rate of 0.5 percent, and with the non-performing loans processing and structural reforms, unemployment will increase

8、 by 15-20 million people, the Japanese economy is still difficult in the short term expectations of the people toward recovery. ① So, what exactly is the cru</p><p> ?、?market liberalization and economic gro

9、wth theory</p><p>  Market economy requires not only within a country to be open, but also for the world to achieve open. In the context of today's increasingly global economy, commodity, currency, and i

10、nformation across national boundaries, creating a worldwide market. So, today, they say, is the main market opening their economies with the world economy. When to open their markets, why open the form in which is open t

11、o what extent is the country with the formation of the formation of relations of production, and </p><p>  In a country opening up the market to international competition, the Government's role will be r

12、elatively lower, the market mechanism will be strengthened accordingly, from this perspective, market liberalization and market mechanism contains the theory of competition. Since the market economy since its inception,

13、people of the market mechanism, there is always a different view. ? Adam Smith in his classic "The Wealth of Nations", stressed the importance of free competition is the "invisible han</p><p>

14、  II. the post-war growth of the market opening on the role of the Japanese economy</p><p>  Practice has proved that if a country took the path of development of market economy, international trade has beco

15、me inevitable. Therefore, the foreign trade of a country opening up usually constitute the first level. With the expansion of foreign trade, international investment continues to increase, constitute the opening of the s

16、econd level. On this basis, and gradually formed a multi-level market opening pattern.</p><p>  Early postwar period, Japan's political, economic and social fields implemented a series of democratic refo

17、rms, started by the wartime control by the government-led economy to a market economic system changes. In 1949, Japan implemented a fixed exchange rate system, the development of civil direct trade, the Japanese economy

18、began to international markets. August 1952, Japan joined the International Monetary Fund (IM F) and the World Bank. September 1955, Japan joined the GATT (GA TT), gradually</p><p>  60 years later, the Japa

19、nese economy's external dependence on continuous improvement of its business strength has been greatly enhanced, this time showing the world trade liberalization tendencies of some countries started demanding that Ja

20、pan open its domestic market. In this situation, the Japanese have to bear their responsibilities to be performed, the implementation of liberalization. In 1960, the Japanese government promulgated the "Outline of t

21、rade and foreign exchange liberalization," cl</p><p>  Into 80 years later, the transnational flow of factors of production more and more frequent, international competition, many countries and regions

22、have carried out reforms to increase the scope and intensity of market opening. In this situation, and domestic and international pressure, Japan is also implemented in various fields and open markets, promote competitio

23、n reform measures, such as the national railway, telecommunications, aviation, electricity and other fields gradually introduce compe</p><p>  The open market policy measures in Japan, its a great role in ec

24、onomic development. First of all, to promote the post-war Japan's rapid economic growth. Take full advantage of open markets not only its own resources, but also greater use of global resources, on the basis of compa

25、rative advantage and improve resource allocation efficiency, promote the industry and the growth of overall economic strength. Growth in economic strength, and boosting their economies to withstand force and resilience,

26、</p><p><b>  譯 文:</b></p><p>  日本經濟恢復與出口的快速增長的關系</p><p><b>  摘 要</b></p><p>  市場的開放和經濟增長的關系越來越緊密。戰(zhàn)后日本市場在逐漸的開放中實現了快速的經濟增長。但80年代中期以后,因為日本結構上的一些改

27、革和市場開放落后于國際化和其自身經濟實力發(fā)展的要求,日本經濟在發(fā)展過程中逐漸積累矛盾,最終導致經濟陷入長期蕭條。因此,建立適應國際化的市場開放制度,將是日本經濟今后面臨的一個主要問題。</p><p><b>  引 言</b></p><p>  2001年6(都要新弱馬)月,日本政府在經濟財政咨詢會議上提出要降低日本經濟增長目標, 預測從2001年開始的兩三年里,

28、日本國內生產總值實際增長率會是0.5%。同時,處理不良債權和改革結構,失業(yè)人口將會增加15-20萬人, 日本經濟還是很難在短期內恢復到大家的期望。①那么,日本經濟的關鍵在于哪里呢?本文從市場開放理論出發(fā),通過分析戰(zhàn)后日本經濟增長,討論了90年代日本經濟長時間蕭條的原因,和市場開放與經濟增長的內在關系。</p><p>  一、市場開放與經濟增長的理論</p><p>  市場經濟不但要求一

29、個國家實行開放,同時要求在世界范圍內實現開放。在現在的經濟日趨全球化下,商品、貨幣、信息等跨越國界,形成了一個世界范圍的市場。所以 大家現在說的市場開放主要是講本國經濟與世界經濟接軌。什么時候開放本國市場、為什么開放、以什么樣的形式開放、開放到哪種程度,都是隨著這個國家生產關系的形成而形成的,并隨著這個關系的發(fā)展而變化。它不能脫離一個國家的經濟發(fā)展、歷史文化、政治制度、倫理道德等特征。所以,即使是市場開放得到成功的國家,也不一定是由同一

30、條道路走來的。</p><p>  在一個國家開放市場、參加國際性的競爭過程中,政府的作用會適當減小,市場機制也會相應的增加。從這個方面來看,市場開放包括競爭和市場機制的理論。從市場經濟成立到現在,人們對市場機制一直存在著很多不同的看法。亞當·斯密在他的《國富論》中,說明了自由競爭的重要性,它可以自由地調節(jié)經濟的運行。不斷增加國民財富的最好辦法就是給經濟活動一個完全自由的環(huán)境。國家干預經濟活動經常會來阻


32、占統治地位長達100多年,到20世紀30年代才被凱恩斯的經濟干預主義給替代。凱恩斯學派認為政府必須采取財政措施來擴大消費和增加投資來彌補自由市場需求的不足。這種理論在70年代以前一直處于主導</p><p>  二、戰(zhàn)后市場開放對日本經濟增長的作用</p><p>  實踐得出,一個國家能走上市場經濟的發(fā)展道路,就一定能開展國際貿易。所以對外貿易是構成一個國家對外開放的第一個層次。對外貿易

33、的展開,國際投資不斷的增加,是對外開放的第二個層次,從而逐步形成全方位、多層次的市場開放格局。</p><p>  戰(zhàn)后初期,日本在政治、經濟、社會等方面實施了一系列的民主改革,開始由戰(zhàn)時統制經濟向政府主導的市場經濟體制轉變。1949年,日本實行了固定的匯率制度,發(fā)展民間直接貿易,日本經濟開始走向國際市場。1952年8月,日本參加了國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)和世界銀行。1955年9月,日本加入關貿總協定(GATT

34、),與世界的聯系逐漸增多。因為那個時候日本產品的國際競爭力很弱,國際收支幾年下來都出現逆差,為保護國內經濟、換取外匯,政府采取了嚴格的保護貿易和積極的振興出口政策。在資本流動上, 1949年制定了《外匯及外貿管理法》,主要內容是控制資本外流,避免國際收支惡化。為了防止外國資本進入國內市場對本國企業(yè)形成控制,政府對外國資本進入也實行嚴格限制,規(guī)定必須由國際貿易和工業(yè)部來審查。這些政策措施保護了本國市場, 培育了主要產業(yè)的后續(xù)力量,保證了發(fā)

35、展國內經濟急需的原材料和技術設備進口, 擴大了主要產品的出口。但是,另外一方面它使日本片面擴大出口的貿易思想深深植根到日本經濟之中,為以后日本對外貿易和經濟的發(fā)展留下了隱患。</p><p>  60年代以后,日本經濟對外依賴不斷提高,本國企業(yè)實力大大增強,這個時候世界貿易呈現出自由化傾向,許多國家要求日本開放國內市場。在這種情況下,日本必須承擔其它應該履行的責任,推行自由化。1960年,日本政府頒布了《貿易和外

36、匯自由化計劃大綱》,明確了自由化的基本方針和推進進度等,開始慢慢地開放國內商品市場。日本進口自由化的速度很快。1960年它的進口自由化比率大約為40%,1962年增加到88% , 到1974年是94%。④關于資本市場的開放,日本在《貿易和外匯自由化計劃大綱》中規(guī)定,原則上兩年內實現交易自由化,資本交易自由化根據經常交易自由化的發(fā)展情況而定,來防止給國內經濟發(fā)展帶來不好的影響。1964 年,日本成為IMF第8條款的成員國。成員國必須承擔取

37、消外匯限制、實行本國貨幣的可兌換性等義務。日本加入經濟合作與發(fā)展組織(OECD),為它向自由經濟體制過渡提供了前提條件。但是,事實上日本將資本市場自由化的時間是在60年代后期。1967-1973年,日本政府公布實施了5次資本自由化計劃,慢慢地放寬了外資準入限制,增加外資準入行業(yè)和出資比率。因為這次的推動, 1970年,外國對日本的直接投資</p><p>  進入80年代以后,生產要素的跨國流動更加頻繁,國際競爭

38、加劇,許多國家和地區(qū)都進行了改革,增加市場開放的范圍和力度。在這種形勢和國內外的壓力下,日本也在各個領域實行促進競爭和開放市場等措施,如在國鐵、電信、航空、電力等領域逐步引入競爭機制,減少政府干預,提高市場自由度;在貿易、金融等領域調整政策,進一步開放市場。因為日本商品競爭力增強,出口迅速增長,對外貿易基本保持順差, 日本與歐美發(fā)達國家間的貿易摩擦經常發(fā)生,并且歐美經濟開始出現區(qū)域化傾向,日本不得不為對外貿易的發(fā)展尋求新的出路來改變它在

39、國際經濟社會中的地位。80年代中期,日本將對外貿易政策由原來的振興出口、自由進口,調整為有控制地擴大出口、鼓勵擴大進口,如采取減少限制進口商品種類、降低進口商品關稅、簡化進口手續(xù)、擴大進口額度等措施,加強國際協調。</p><p>  以上日本開放市場的政策措施,對它的經濟發(fā)展產生了巨大作用。首先,促進了戰(zhàn)后日本經濟高速增長。開放市場不僅可以充分利用本國資源,而且可以利用全球資源,在比較優(yōu)勢的基礎上提高資源配置效



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