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1、,頸椎病 Cervical spondylosis 頸椎管狹窄癥 Cervical canal stenosis 頸椎間盤突出癥 Cervical disc herniation頸椎后縱韌帶鈣化 Ossification of cervical posterior / ongitudina / ligament,頸椎病 Cervical s

2、pondylosis,頸椎間盤退變 壓迫或刺激脊髓、神經、血管、食管 癥狀和體征 Cervical disc degeneration compression of the spinal cord 、 nerve 、 vessels 、esophagus Sympton and sign,,,,,病理 Pathophysiology,頸椎間盤退變:a.蛋白多

3、糖、髓核水分減少 纖維環(huán) 裂隙 髓核突出 b.生物力學發(fā)生改變 繼發(fā)性病理變化 后果:刺激、壓迫神經、血管 產生相關癥狀,,,,臨床表現(xiàn) Clinical finding,1.神經根型 Cervical radiculopathy

4、 神經根性癥狀、體征 2.脊髓型 Cervical myelopathy 脊髓受壓或缺血 脊髓功能障礙,,臨床表現(xiàn) Clinical finding,3.椎動脈型 Vertebroarterial spondylosis 椎動脈受壓或刺激 椎-基底動脈供血不全4.交感型 Sympat

5、hetic spondylosis 頸交感神經受刺激,,影像學檢查 imaging examination,1. X-ray 顯示頸椎曲度,椎間隙變化2.?。茫浴 ★@示頸椎管徑,椎間盤突出及鈣化3. MRI 顯示椎間盤信號,硬膜束間隙變化,治療 Treatment,1.保守治療 conserative treatment  traction physical t

6、herapy2.手術治療 surgical treatment decompression fusion,頸椎管狹窄 cervical canal stenosis,頸椎管容積變小,壓迫頸髓 產生神經癥狀、體征,,病理?。衋thology,頸椎管狹窄: 1.原法性(Primary?。觮enosis):先天發(fā)育性 desplasia 2.繼發(fā)性(s

7、econdary stenosis):退變性 degeneration,臨床表現(xiàn) Clinical finding,1.癥狀 sympton : 四肢麻木,乏力,活動不靈2.檢查 examination: 感覺、運動障礙,反射異常,臨床表現(xiàn) Clinical finding,3. X-ray a:頸椎矢狀徑:臨界值?。保砿m       b:Pavlov 比值: 頸椎管矢狀徑                 頸椎體矢狀徑4.

8、?。茫浴ⅲ停遥?,治療?。詒eatment,Surgical treatment: 1. cervical canal decompression 2.cervical canaloplasty,頸椎間盤突出癥 cervical disc herniation,頸椎間盤退變 椎間盤突出

9、 脊髓、神經根受壓,,,病理?。衋thology,Cervical disc degenertion fibrosas annulus rupture nucleus pulposus: a. extrusion b. prolapse pinch、nerve c. sequestration,,,,臨床表現(xiàn) clinical finding,1.sympton: ne

10、cl pain should pain weakiness2.examination: movement、sensation、reflex3.imagin examination: CT、MRI,治療  treatment,conservative: traction,physical therapysurgical: discectomy,decompression intervert

11、ebral fusion,頸后縱韌帶骨化Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament,Opll compression of the spinal Cord fysfunction of the nerve,,,臨床表現(xiàn) clinical finding,1.sympton and sign: 頭頸痛,感覺,運動障礙,二便障礙

12、2.CT、MRI:連續(xù)型,節(jié)段型,局灶型,混合型,治療 treatment,1.conservative: traction physical therapy2.surgical: anterior decompression and fusion posterior canaloplasty,,腰椎退變性疾病Lumbar degenerative disease,腰椎間盤突出癥Lum

13、bar disc herniation,病因病理:Etiology pathology1.外傷 injury2.退變 degeneration,病理生理 pathophysiology,1.disc herniation compression of nerve low back pain leg pain2.mechanism of pain: a mechanical compression

14、 b chemical irritation c autoimmunization,,,類型 classification,1.膨出 bulge2.突出 extrusion3.脫突 prolapse4.游離 sequestration,臨床表現(xiàn) Clinical finding,1.癥狀 symptom

15、: a.下腰痛 low back pain, low back pain radiating into leg b. 坐骨神經痛 sciatica The lumbar nerve root syndrome C. 麻木 numbness, 癱瘓 paralysis d. 馬尾綜合征 cauda equina syndrome: 會陰麻木,雙下肢不全癱瘓,二便功能障礙,臨

16、床表現(xiàn) Clinical finding,2.體征 sign :a 脊柱畸形 spinal deformityb 壓痛 palpatometryc 腰痛,活動受限:restriction of lumbar movement, flexion, extension, lateral flexion , rotation,臨床表現(xiàn) Clinical finding,d. 感覺,運動,發(fā)射異?!ense test, musculo

17、tonic test, reflexe. 特殊體癥 special sign 直腿抬高試驗 lesegus test 健肢抬高實驗 fajerstajn test 直腿抬高加強試驗 bragard test,影像學檢查 image examination,1. X-ray2. CT、MRI,治療 treatment,1.保守治療 conservation: Bed test, traction, p

18、hysical therapy,3-4w2.手術治療 surgical,腰椎管狹窄癥The lumbar canal stenosis,病因 etiology:1.先天性腰椎管狹窄 congenital lumbar canal stenosis2.繼發(fā)性腰椎管狹窄 secondary lumbar canal stenosis degenerative,traumatic,病理 Pathology,椎管容積縮

19、小 → 椎管內壓力增加1.神經受壓、損傷性炎癥 compression tranmatic inflammation2.神經血運障礙:缺血、靜脈回流受阻 ischemia,分型 classification,1.中央型 central:絕對狹窄<10mm 相對狹窄10~13mm2.神經根管型 nerve root canal: a.盤黃間隙 disc fl

20、avum space b.側隱窩 laterral recess c.椎間孔 intervertebral faramer,臨床表現(xiàn) clinical finding,特點:癥狀重、體征輕、間隙性跛行1.癥狀 symptom: 下肢痛 leg pain 下肢麻木 leg numbness 乏力 weakness 排尿困難 bladder dysfunction 下腰痛 low

21、back pain,臨床表現(xiàn) clinical finding,2.體征 sign: 腰椎前凸減少 lordosis ↓ 前屈正常 flexion 后伸受限 extension 肌力減弱 myodynamia ↓,影像學檢查 imgain examination,1.X-ray: intervertebralspace↓,lordosis↓,osteophyte2.CT、MRI: a.間

22、盤突出 disc herniation b.側隱窩矢狀徑<3mm sagittal lateral recess c.椎管矢狀徑<10mm sagittal vertebral canal,治療 treatment,1.保守治療 consavertive bed rest,physical therapy2.手術治療 surgical a.減壓術 decompression 間盤切除


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