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1、T a b le o f C o n te n tsA ckn ow l edgm entsA b str a ct摘 要 翻 譯 評 論 一 、引言三 、理 論一 功 能對 等理論四、 《 芬 克勒 問題 》翻譯 中的風(fēng)格對等1. 對話翻譯 中的風(fēng)格對  等 2. 描 寫翻 譯 中的風(fēng)格 對  等 3. 敘 述翻 譯 中 的風(fēng) 格 對  等 五 、結(jié)  論 R e fe re n ce sA b str a

2、c t“The F i nkler Q uest i on w ri tt en by the B ri ti sh w ri t er H ow ard Jacobson has w onth e M a n B o o k e r P riz e in 2 0 10 .T h is n o v e lre v e a ls th e life o f Je w s in L o n d o n a n dd isc u

3、 sse s th e issu e s o f a n ti-S e m i tism .T h e n o v e lh a s b e e n co n si d e re d a s c o m ic fo r i tsfunny,hum orous and i roni c l anguage,how ever,w hatthe aut hor t ri es t o convey to t hereaders i s

4、 a seri ous probl em — Jew s and anti -Sem i ti sm i n now adays L ondon.T hi srequ i res t he tr ansl at or notonl y t o be honestand fai thfult o t he st yl e of t he ori gi nall anguage,but al so t o be exactl y

5、 show i ng t he t hem e of thi s novel .B ased on the transl ati on of C hapter 4 and E ugene N i da' s theory of functi onalequi val ence,t hi s paper di scusses how t o convey t he ori gi nalst yl e of t he n

6、oveli nt argetl anguage and achi eve st y l e equi val ence t hrough anal ysi s of transl ati ons ofconversati ons bet w een characters,descri pti ve and narrati ve w ords i n the novel.K ey W ords:The F i nkl er


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