1、<p> ERP項目實施成功因素和風險管理</p><p> 參考國外的一些文獻資料,一個成功的ERP項目,往往要花費數(shù)年時間,數(shù)千萬美元得以完成。再回頭看國內(nèi),隨著ERP懷疑論的抬頭,價格戰(zhàn)的興起,ERP作為一種軟件供應商的產(chǎn)品,卻有走下神壇趨勢。就連ERP界的首領SAP也推出了Business One產(chǎn)品,價格低于十萬。不過,即便ERP軟件能做到免費,或如IBM推崇的按需收費的境界,從整個企業(yè)實
2、施的角度,考慮到人員、培訓、維護、業(yè)務重組、二次開發(fā)、三次、n次開發(fā),其費用應該也在數(shù)百萬乃至千萬人民幣的規(guī)模。這對于國內(nèi)企業(yè)而言,已是不小的數(shù)目了。</p><p> 但是,還是有不少企業(yè)懷著美麗的夢想,踏上ERP實施的艱辛之旅。其中又有不少項目以失敗告終。而對于那些最后的幸存者,是否就可以還戟入倉,飲酒高歌呢?</p><p> 事實上,企業(yè)在成功實施ERP項目后,將面對較實施前更
3、大的風險。在未來的五到十年中,是否有一個扎實的ERP風險管理機制將決定了企業(yè)是否能在最初的ERP投資中真正獲益。</p><p> 1998年Thomas H.Davenport在哈佛商務評論發(fā)表了名為《將企業(yè)放入企業(yè)系統(tǒng)》的文章(Putting the entERPrise into the entERPrise system)。該文系統(tǒng)地提出了企業(yè)系統(tǒng),或稱ERP系統(tǒng)給企業(yè)運作帶來積極及消極的引響。同時也直
4、接提出了未來企業(yè)必須面對的一個風險:將整個企業(yè)放入企業(yè)系統(tǒng)中的風險。</p><p> 按照美國項目管理協(xié)會對風險的定義,“風險”是指對項目有利或不利的不確定因素。</p><p> 項目是“為完成某一獨特的產(chǎn)品或服務所做的一次性努力”,項目的“獨特性”決定了項目不可能是以與以前完全相同的方式、由與以前完全相同的人來完成的,同時,項目所要創(chuàng)造的產(chǎn)品或服務,以及項目可能涉及的范圍、時間及
5、成本都不可能在項目開始時完全確定,因此,在項目進行過程中也相應會出現(xiàn)大量的不確定性,即項目風險。本文以下所提到的“風險”是指對項目“不利”的不確定因素。</p><p> 對項目不利的風險存在于任何項目中,并往往會給項目的推進和項目的成功帶來負面影響。風險一旦發(fā)生,它的影響是多方面的,如導致項目產(chǎn)品/服務的功能無法滿足客戶的需要、項目費用超出預算、項目計劃拖延或被迫取消等,其最終體現(xiàn)為客戶滿意度的降低。因此,識
6、別風險、評估風險并采取措施應對風險即風險管理對項目管理具有十分重要的意義。 </p><p> 風險管理的具體內(nèi)容 </p><p> 項目風險管理主要分為以下幾個步驟:風險識別、定性/定量風險分析、風險應對計劃編制及風險監(jiān)控。</p><p><b> 1.風險識別 </b></p><p> 風險識別
7、,是指識別并記錄可能對項目造成不利影響的因素。由于項目處于不斷發(fā)展變化的過程中,因此風險識別也貫穿于整個項目實施的全過程,而不僅僅是項目的開始階段。風險識別不是一次性的工作,而需要更多系統(tǒng)的、橫向的思維。幾乎所有關于項目的計劃與信息都可能作為風險識別的依據(jù),如項目進度及成本計劃、工作分解結構、項目組織結構、項目范圍、類似項目的歷史信息等。 </p><p> 需要注意的是,并非所有的風險都可以通過風險識別來進
8、行管理。風險識別只能發(fā)現(xiàn)已知風險(如:已知項目組織中某一成員能力不能完全滿足要求)或已知未知風險(known-unknown,即“事件名稱已知”,如“客戶方人員參與力度不足”);而某些風險,由于項目的獨特性,不可能在其發(fā)生前預知(unknown-unknown,即未知未知風險)。 </p><p> 2.定性/定量風險分析 </p><p> 通過風險識別過程所識別出的潛在風險數(shù)量
9、很多,但這些潛在的風險對項目的影響是各不相同的?!帮L險分析”即通過分析、比較、評估等各種方式,對確定各風險的重要性,對風險排序并評估其對項目可能后果,從而使項目實施人員可以將主要精力集中于為數(shù)不多的主要風險上,從而使項目的整體風險得到有效的控制。 </p><p> 風險分析主要可采用的方法有:風險概率/影響評估矩陣、敏感性分析、模擬等。在進行上述分析時,主要關注以下幾個風險因素: </p>
10、<p> 風險概率:即風險事件發(fā)生的可能性的百分比表示。這個數(shù)字是通過主觀判斷而獲得的,如專家評估、訪談或根據(jù)以前類似項目的歷史信息。 </p><p> 風險影響:即風險發(fā)生可能對項目造成的影響大小。這種影響可能是時間上的,可能是成本上的,也可能是其他各方面的。 </p><p> 風險值(預期值EMV):風險值=風險概率×風險影響,是對風險對項目造成的影響
11、的最直接評估,它綜合考慮了概率與影響兩方面的因素。 </p><p> 3.風險應對計劃編制 </p><p> 風險應對計劃的目的在于通過制定相應的措施,來應對風險對項目可能造成的威脅。最常采用的應對威脅的幾種措施是:規(guī)避、減輕、轉(zhuǎn)移、接受。 </p><p> 規(guī)避,即通過消除風險的成因來消除該風險; </p><p>
12、減輕,即通過采取措施降低“風險概率”或“風險影響”,從而達到降低風險值的結果; </p><p> 轉(zhuǎn)移,即將風險轉(zhuǎn)移到另一方,如購買保險、分包等; </p><p> 接受,即對該風險不采取措施,接受其造成的結果,或在該風險發(fā)生后再采取應急計劃進行處理。 </p><p> 具體采用何種方式來應對某一風險,取決于該風險的風險值(EMV)、擬采取應對措施的
13、可能成本、項目管理人員對待風險的態(tài)度(效用函數(shù))類型等各方面,不可一概而論。 </p><p> 風險應對計劃是針對已識別的風險進行的;對于未知未知的風險,不可能預選制定相應的應對計劃或應急計劃,因此,可以利用管理儲備來應對。 </p><p><b> 4.風險監(jiān)控 </b></p><p> 風險監(jiān)控主要包括以下幾方面的任務:
14、 </p><p> 1)在項目進行過程中跟蹤已識別風險、監(jiān)控殘余風險并識別新風險:隨著項目的實施以及風險應對措施的執(zhí)行,各種對項目的影響因素處于不斷變化的過程中,因此,需要在整個項目過程中,時刻監(jiān)督風險的發(fā)展與變化情況,確定伴隨某些風險的消失而來的新的風險并制定相應的處理措施。 </p><p> 2)保證風險應對計劃的執(zhí)行并評估風險應對計劃執(zhí)行效果。評估的方法可以是項目周期(階
15、段)性回顧、績效評估等。 </p><p> 3)對突發(fā)的風險或“接受”的風險采取適當?shù)臋嘧兇胧?</p><p> 通過風險監(jiān)控過程,項目人員持續(xù)更新項目風險列表,并通過重復上述各步驟保證項目風險始終處于受控狀態(tài)。 </p><p> ERP項目實施的風險管理 </p><p> 不同類型的項目有不同類型的風險。ERP項目
16、實施的風險同樣有其特殊性。以下對ERP項目實施過程中的風險管理措施做一簡要說明,一家之言,僅供參考。 </p><p> 1.ERP項目實施中的主要風險及應對措施 </p><p> 如前所述,“幾乎所有關于項目的計劃與信息都可能作為風險識別的依據(jù),如項目進度及成本計劃、工作分解結構、項目組織結構、項目范圍、類似項目的歷史信息等?!痹贓RP項目的風險識別過程中,可以以項目計劃為線索
17、,識別項目在各方面的風險。 </p><p> 實施過程中,應特別關注以下幾方面的風險: </p><p> 1)項目范圍的風險 </p><p> 項目采購管理通常有三種合同方式,即:固定價或總價合同、成本報銷(加獎勵)合同、單價合同。通常不確定性越大、風險越大的項目,越趨向于采用靠后的合同方式。這也是國外及國內(nèi)部分ERP供應商在實施服務中采用按人天提
19、 </p><p> 因此,ERP項目合同中,應對項目的實施范圍做盡可能清晰的界定,切不可停留在“實施財務模塊”或是“實施應收、應付、總賬管理”之類的層面上。寧愿多花一些時間在項目實施前的范圍界定工作上,也不要在項目實施過程中,面對ERP繁多的功能,實施方與用戶方爭執(zhí)不下,或被迫讓步,投入更大的精力于項目中,而導致項目不能按時完成。 </p><p> 2)項目進度的風險 <
20、;/p><p> 關于ERP項目實施的周期,目前在宣傳上有強調(diào)“快速”的傾向。但ERP項目進度的控制絕非易事,不僅取決于顧問公司的能力,同時也在很大程度上受到客戶方對ERP期望值是否合理、對范圍控制是否有效、對項目投入(包括人員時間的投入和資金等的投入)是否足夠等方面的影響。 </p><p> 由神州數(shù)碼提供ERP系統(tǒng)并負責實施的昆山世同金屬,在較短時間內(nèi)上線成功,原因之一就是易飛ER
21、P實施小組完整成熟的導入機制及顧問人員卓越的素質(zhì),有效順利地協(xié)助了世同金屬的上線工作。從上線開始便有專業(yè)顧問負責整個導入實施的計劃,長期積累的行業(yè)知識及管理經(jīng)驗也提升了整個ERP的運作水平,妥善處理了上線工作中的問題。用戶對項目分階段實施有強烈的認同,在第一階段僅強調(diào)對基本功能的實現(xiàn),而將大量的工作留到上線后或持續(xù)改進過程中。 </p><p> 而實際操作中,并非所有用戶對ERP實施都有這種理解與認同,因此
22、,在項目進度計劃時,一味在項目進度計劃時求快,甚或是刻意追求某個具有特殊意義的日期作為項目里程碑,將對項目進度控制造成很大壓力。 </p><p> 事實上,很多項目的失敗,正是起因于項目進度出現(xiàn)拖延,而導致項目團隊士氣低落,效率低下。因此,ERP項目實施的時間管理,需要充分考慮各種潛在因素,適當留有余地;任務分解詳細度適中,便于考核;在執(zhí)行過程中,應強調(diào)項目按進度執(zhí)行的重要性,在考慮任何問題時,都要將保持進
23、度作為先決條件;同時,合理利用趕工及快速跟進等方法,充分利用資源。 </p><p> 3)項目人力資源的風險 </p><p> 人力資源是ERP項目實施過程中最為關鍵的資源。保證合適的人,以足夠的精力參與到項目中來,是項目成功實施的基本保證。 </p><p> ERP項目實施中存在各種角色,對各種角色應具備的素質(zhì),我們在此不再贅述。要降低項目的人力
25、把手工程”的思想,層層“一把手”,即各級負責人針對ERP實施向下行使全權、對上擔負全責,將一把手從個體概念延伸到有機結合的群體概念。 </p><p> 4)對ERP認識不正確的風險 </p><p> 有的企業(yè)把ERP視為企業(yè)管理的靈丹妙藥,認為既然ERP“功能強大”,只要上了ERP,企業(yè)的所有問題便迎刃而解,或者以為企業(yè)的所有流程都可以納入到ERP中來;還有的人簡單的將ERP視
26、為當前業(yè)務流程的電子化。 </p><p> 要防范或減輕這種風險,需要對用戶進行大量的培訓:ERP的由來,ERP的功能,實施ERP的目的與期望等等,盡可能在用戶產(chǎn)生“ERP不能滿足我的需求和期望”這種想法之前,讓用戶知道“現(xiàn)階段對ERP合理的需求期望是什么”。 </p><p> 2.ERP項目實施中的風險監(jiān)控 </p><p> 可以采取以下措施對E
27、RP項目實施中的風險進行監(jiān)控,以防止危及項目成敗的風險發(fā)生。 </p><p> 1)建立并及時更新項目風險列表及風險排序。項目管理人員應隨時關注與關鍵風險相關因素的變化情況,及時決定何時、采用何種風險應對措施。 </p><p> 2)風險應對審計:隨時關注風險應對措施(規(guī)避、減輕、轉(zhuǎn)移)實施的效果,對殘余風險進行評估。 </p><p> 3)建立報
28、告機制,及時將項目中存在的問題反映到項目經(jīng)理或項目管理層。 </p><p> 4)定期召集項目干系人召開項目會議,對風險狀況進行評估,并通過各方面對項目實施的反應來發(fā)現(xiàn)新風險。 </p><p> 5)更新相關數(shù)據(jù)庫如風險識別檢查表,以利于今后類似項目的實施。 </p><p> 6)引入第三方咨詢,定期對項目進行質(zhì)量檢查,以防范大的風險。 </p
29、><p> 總之,實施信息化,企業(yè)就要面對巨大風險,有時甚至是將自己的生死交到了信息化手上。但如果不實施信息化,企業(yè)就要被同行所超越,進而湮沒在全球化的浪潮中,這是每一家企業(yè)都不愿意看到的。可看看常見的資料,都是教你如何去規(guī)避信息化風險,而沒有人愿意直面風險,這不能不說是信息化的缺失。如果我們的企業(yè)、廠商能夠更加開明些,丟掉那所謂的面子問題,將他們面對風險時的經(jīng)驗與大眾共享,相信信息化的失敗率絕對要比現(xiàn)在少得多。&
30、lt;/p><p><b> 科技外文文獻</b></p><p> Discussing about the successful factors of</p><p> ERP projects implementation and the risk management</p><p> Refers to t
31、he overseas some literature material, a successful ERP project, often needs to spend several year times, number thousands of US dollars can complete. Again turns head looks at the home, along with ERP skepticisms gaining
32、 ground, price war starting, ERP took one kind of software supplier's product, has actually goes down the god world tendency. ERP leader SAP also promoted Business the One product, the price has been lower than 100,0
33、00.Even if the ERP software can achieve free, or like</p><p> But, some many enterprises harbor the beautiful dream, steps the ERP implementation the difficult travel. In which also has many projects to be
34、defeated comes to an end. But regarding these final survivors, whether can the halberd be also put in storage, drinks wine to sing loudly? In fact, the enterprise implements the ERP project after the success will face im
35、plements a bigger risk. In future five to ten years in, some solid ERP risk management mechanism had decided whether the enterprise can </p><p> The project is "for completes the disposable endeavor wh
36、ich some unique product or the service station do", the project "the distinctive quality" had decided the project not impossible was by with the before identical way, simultaneously, the project which comp
37、leted by and the before identical person must create the product or the service, as well as the project possibly involved the scope, the time and the cost all not impossible started when the project completely to determi
38、ne, therefore, carr</p><p> ?、?Risk management concrete content </p><p> The project risk management mainly divides into following several steps: The risk recognition, the qualitative/quota
39、 risk analysis, the risk should to plan the establishment and the risk monitoring. </p><p> 1.risk recognitions </p><p> The risk recognition, is refers distinguishes and records possibl
40、y has the adverse effect to the project the factor. Because the project is in develops in unceasingly the change process, therefore the risk recognition also passes through in the entire project implementation entire pro
41、cess, but is not merely the project initial stage. The risk recognition is not the disposable work, but need more systems, crosswise thought. Possesses nearly about the project plan and the information all possibly </
42、p><p> 2.qualitative/quota risk analysis </p><p> The latent risk quantity distinguishes which through the risk recognition process are very many, but these latent risks to the project the i
43、nfluence are various. "The risk analysis" namely through the analysis, the comparison, the appraisal and so on each way, to determined various risks the importance, sorts to the risk and appraises it to the pro
44、ject possible consequence, thus causes the project to implement the personnel to be possible to concentrate the main energy in the few in number main </p><p> The risk analysis mainly may use the method inc
45、ludes: Risk probability/influence appraisal matrix, sensitive analysis, simulation and so on. When carries on the above analysis, mainly pays attention to following several risk factor: </p><p> Risk pr
46、obability: Namely the risk event occurs possible percentage expression. This numeral is, like the expert who obtains through the subjective judgment appraises, the interview or the basis before similar project historical
47、 information. </p><p> Risk influence: Namely the risk has possibly the influence size which creates to the project. This kind of influence is possibly in the time, possibly is in the cost, also is poss
48、ibly other various aspects. </p><p> Risk value (required value EMV): The risk value = risk probability * risk influence, is to the risk the influence most direct appraisal which creates to the project,
49、 its overall evaluation probability with has affected two aspects the factors. </p><p> 3.risks should plan the establishment </p><p> The risk should lie in to the plan goal through
50、the formulation corresponding measure, comes to be supposed to the risk the threat which possibly creates to the project.Most often uses should to threat several measures be: The circumvention, reduces, the shift, accept
51、s. </p><p> The circumvention, namely eliminates this risk through the elimination risk origin; </p><p> Reduces, namely through takes the measure to reduce "the risk probability&
52、quot; or "the risk influence", thus achieved reduces the risk value the result; </p><p> The shift, soon the risk shifts to another side, like purchase insurance, sub package and so on; </p&
53、gt;<p> Accepts, namely does not take the measure to this risk, accepts result which it creates, or occurs after this risk uses the contingency plan to carry on processing again. Selects what method to come s
54、pecifically to be supposed to some risk, is decided in this risk value (EMV), plans to adopt should to the measure possible cost, the project management personnel treat the risk the manner (utility function) the type and
55、 so on various aspects, cannot be generally spoken. </p><p> The risk should be aims at the risk to the plan which distinguishes to carry on; Regarding the unknown risk, not impossible to choose in adva
56、nce the formulation corresponding to be supposed to plan or the contingency plan, therefore, may stockpile using the management should be right. </p><p> 4.risk monitoring </p><p> The
57、 risk monitoring mainly includes following several aspects the duty: </p><p> 1) Carrying on in the process in the project to track has distinguished the risk, the monitoring remaining risk and distin
58、guishes the new risk: Along with the project implementation as well as the risk should to the measure execution, each kind the influence factor be in the process to the project which changes unceasingly, therefore, needs
59、 in the entire project process, the time surveillance risk development and the change situation, determined follows the new risk which certain risks vanishin</p><p> 2) Guaranteed the risk should to the pl
60、an execution and appraised the risk should to plan carry out the effect. The appraisal method may be the project cycle (stage) the natural review, the achievements appraisal and so on. </p><p> 3) "
61、;accepts" to the sharp-edged risk the risk takes the suitable flexible measure. Through the risk monitoring process, the project personnel renews the project risk tabulation continually, and through the repetition a
62、bove various steps guaranteed the project risk is at the controlled condition throughout. </p><p> ?、?ERP project implementation risk management </p><p> The different type project has
63、the different type risk. The ERP project implementation risk has its particularity similarly. The following gives a briefing to in the ERP project implementation process risk management measure, the single opinion, only
64、supplies the reference. </p><p> 1.ERP project implementation main risk and should to the measure </p><p> As mentioned above, "possesses nearly about the project plan and the in
65、formation all possibly takes the risk recognition the basis, like project progress and cost plan, work decomposition structure, project organizational structure, project scope, similar project historical information and
66、so on." In the ERP project risk recognition process, may take the project plan as the clue, the recognition project in various aspects risk. In the implementation process, should pay attention to following sev</p
67、><p> 1)project scope risk </p><p> The project purchase management usually has three contract ways, namely: The solid fixed price or the total price contract, the cost reimburse (add reward
68、) the contract, the unit price contract. The usual uncertainty is bigger, a risk bigger project, more tends to in using depends on after the contract way. This also is overseas and the domestic part ERP supplier uses in
69、the implementation service according to the human day provides serves and charges the fee the reason. But selects this method,</p><p> Therefore, in the ERP project contract, should make as far as possible
70、the clear limits to the project implementation scope, cuts cannot pause in "the implementation finance module" perhaps "the implementation receivable, the manipulation, the general ledger management"
71、and so on in stratification plane.</p><p> Rather multi-flowered some time before in project implementation scope limits work, also do not have in the project implementation process, facing ERP many functio
72、ns, the implementation side and the user side is unyielding, or the forced concessions, invests a bigger energy in the project, but causes the project not to be able to complete on time. </p><p> 2)pro
73、ject progress risk </p><p> About the ERP project implementation cycle, at present has emphasizes "fast" the tendency in the propaganda. But ERP project progress control certainly not easy mat
74、ter, not only is decided by consultant firm's ability, simultaneously also to a great extent receives the customer side to the ERP expected value whether reasonable, to the scope controls whether effective, to projec
75、t investment (including personnel time investment and fund and so on investment) whether enough and so on aspect influen</p><p> Provides elder brother Shan Shitong by the divine land numerical code who the
76、 ERP system and is responsible to implement the metal, in a short time makes something a matter of political line successfully, one of reasons is easy to fly the ERP implementation group integrity mature to induct the me
77、chanism and consultant personnel's remarkable quality, smoothly has assisted the world effectively with the metal political line work. Starts from the political line then to have special consultant to be</p>&
78、lt;p> But in the actual operation, by no means all users all have this kind of understanding and the approval to the ERP implementation, therefore, in project progress plan time, constantly when project progress plan
79、 strives for quickly, even is pursues some to have the special significance date sedulously to take the project milestone, will create the very tremendous pressure to the project progress control. In fact, the very many
80、project defeat, is precisely is attributed to the project progress to </p><p> 3) project human resources risk </p><p> The human resources are in the ERP project implementation process th
81、e most essential resources. Guaranteed the appropriate person, participates in the project by the enough energy, is the project success implementation basic guarantee. </p><p> In the ERP project implem
82、entation has each kind of role, should have the quality to each kind of role, we no longer give unnecessary detail in this. Must reduce the project the human resources risk, must guarantee enters and undertakes role each
83、 kind of project to the project in to do is the human satisfies the project request. Therefore, implements both sides to be supposed to participate in the personnel carrying on the earnest appraisal, this kind of apprais
84、al should be the bilateral surface,</p><p> 4) The risk that people don't understand ERP correctly </p><p> Some enterprises regard as ERP the business management the panacea, thought si
85、nce ERP "the function is formidable", so long as on ERP, enterprise's all questions have then been easily solved, or thought enterprise's all flows all may integrate to ERP in; Also some people simple r
86、egard as ERP the current service flow the computerization. </p><p> Must guard against or reduce this kind of risk, needs to carry on massive training to the user: The ERP origin, the ERP function, impl
87、ements ERP goal and expectation and so on, "ERP cannot meet my need in the user productions and expect" as far as possible in front of this idea, lets the user know "the present stage to the ERP reasonable
88、 demand expectation is any". </p><p> 2.ERP project implementation risk monitoring </p><p> May take following measure to carry on the monitoring to in the ERP project implementa
89、tion risk, prevented endangers the project success or failure the risk occurrence. </p><p> 1) Establishes and the prompt renewal project risk tabulation and risk sorting. The project management personn
90、el should as necessary pay attention to and the essential risk correlation factor change situation, decided promptly when, uses what kind of risk to be supposed to the measure. </p><p> 2) the risk shou
91、ld to audit: Pays attention to the risk to be supposed as necessary to the measure (circumvention, to reduce the effect which, shift) implements, carries on the appraisal to the remaining risk. </p><p>
92、 3) establishes the report mechanism, the question which has the project in reflects promptly to project manager or the project management level. </p><p> 4) convenes the project to do is regularly the
93、human holds the project conference, carries on the appraisal to the risk condition, and discovers the new risk through all quarters facing the project implementation response. </p><p> 5) renews the cor
94、relation database like risk recognition check table, will favor the next similar project the implementation. </p><p> 6) Introduces the third party consultation, regularly carries on the quality testing
95、to the project, guards against the big risk. </p><p> The implementation informational, the enterprise needs to face the huge risk, sometimes even has handed over own life and death in the informationa
96、l. But if does not implement the informational, the enterprise needs to travel together surmounted, then annihilation in globalization tide, this is each enterprise all is not willing to see.</p><p> All in
97、 all, ERP's best hope for demonstrating value is as a sort of battering ram for improving the way your company takes a customer order and processes it into an invoice and revenue-otherwise known as the order fulfillm
98、ent process. That is why ERP is often referred to as back-office software. It doesn't handle the up-front selling process (although most ERP vendors have recently developed CRM software to do this); rather, ERP takes
99、 a customer order and provides a software road map for automat</p><p> If our enterprise, the manufacturer can more enlightened, discard that so-called point of honor, shares them facing the risk time exper
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