

1、<p><b> 外文資料翻譯譯文</b></p><p> 顧客滿意策略與顧客滿意營銷 </p><p> 自20世紀八十年代末以來,顧客滿意戰(zhàn)略已日益成為各國企業(yè)占有更多的顧客份額,獲得競爭優(yōu)勢的整體經營手段。</p><p> 顧客滿意策略是現(xiàn)代企業(yè)獲得顧客“貨幣選票”的法寶</p><p>
3、保、清潔、愉快、有趣等,消費者日益關注的是產品能否為自己的生活帶來活力、充實、舒適、美感和精神文化品位,以及超越消費者期望值的售前、售中、售后服務和咨詢。也就是說,今天人們所追求的是具有“心的滿足感和充實感”的商品,是高附加值的商品和服務,追求價值觀和意識多元化、個性化和無形的滿足感的時代已經來臨。</p><p> 與消費者價值追求變化相適應的企業(yè)間的競爭,也由產品競爭、價格競爭、技術競爭、廣告競爭、品牌競爭
6、望值,且遠遠高于其他同行,</p><p> 于是,企業(yè)紛紛通過廣泛細致的市場調研、與消費者直接接觸、顧客信息反饋等方式來了解顧客在各方面的現(xiàn)實需求和潛在需求。依靠對企業(yè)滿意忠誠的銷售、服務人員,定期、定量地對顧客滿意度進行綜合測定,以便準確地把握企業(yè)經營中與“顧客滿意目標的差距及其重點領域,從而進一步改善企業(yè)的經營活動。依靠高親和力的企業(yè)文化、高效率的人文管理和全員共同努力,不斷地向顧客提供高附加值的產品,高
8、顧客想要的還要好的產品,同時形成全球化銷售的規(guī)模經濟,把價格降到最低。而這正是微軟20年來成功的秘決。</p><p> 綜上所述,情感消費時代,決定生產經營何種產品和提供什么樣服務的權力已不再屬于企業(yè),而是屬于消費者,衡量企業(yè)效率以及存在價值的決定權轉移到了顧客手中,企業(yè)應盡量迎合顧客,超值滿足顧客,以盡可能地從顧客那里獲得“貨幣選票”。而CS策略正是獲取這種選票的制勝法寶。</p><p
9、> 顧客滿意營銷策略的主要步驟</p><p> 1.在企業(yè)文化層面上確立以顧客為中心,顧客利益至上,以顧客滿意為目標的經營理念。</p><p> CS理論中的顧客指的是內部員工和外部顧客(包括經銷商、批發(fā)商、代理商、最終消費者和原材料供應商、合作者等),顧客滿意包括員工和外部顧客的滿意,顧客忠誠亦然。企業(yè)成功的機制在于顧客滿意與忠誠,員工是顧客滿意和忠誠的關鍵人員。員工對企
11、達95%,且企業(yè)的利潤也就十分樂觀。在這里員工的態(tài)度決定著一切。</p><p> 因此,企業(yè)必須將顧客滿意的經營理念滲透于員工的頭腦中,體現(xiàn)在管理中,對員工忠誠,以他們研發(fā)產品、制造產品、提供營銷服務令顧客滿意。如九頭鳥”,員工得到的教育是一切以顧客為中心是企業(yè)經營的最高原則。顧客是恩人,是朋友,是老師,是顧客給了我們工作的機會,工作的價值,工作的樂趣和工作的意義。我們應該發(fā)自內心地真誠地感謝顧客,顧客的滿意
13、品和服務。有如此經營理念及其指導下的令顧客滿意營銷,“九頭鳥”紅火于京城就不難理解了。</p><p> 2.讓顧客參與產品設計與研發(fā)。</p><p> 企業(yè)以顧客為中心,經過市場細分,廣泛的調研了解目標公眾的需求和價值,站在顧客的角度考慮產品開發(fā)、設計,提供個性化、人性化的高附加值的產品和服務,是正確的,但必須讓用戶一起參與產品設計。利用互聯(lián)網和CAD技術與顧客建立有效的溝通和信息
15、公司生產的汽車令經營商和用戶非常滿意,就是因為讓用戶一起參與了產品的設計。而海爾無論是為四川農民生產的能洗地瓜的洗衣機,為上海用戶生產的“小王子冰箱”,還是換臺不晃眼的彩電,海爾的“智慧眼”變頻空調,星級一條龍售后服務等,都是依據用戶的需要,吸收了顧客參與產品設計的建議,而設計開發(fā)的令顧客滿意的富有人性化的超值商品和服務,自然</p><p> 3.提供令顧客滿意的全程服務和個性服務。</p>&
16、lt;p> 全程服務是針對顧客的購物與消費每一環(huán)節(jié)所進行的細致而又深入的服務,心的服務。全程服務就是消費者從產生消費欲望那一刻起到商品使用價值耗盡為止的整個過程,對消費者的細心呵護,使消費者與自己的品牌緊密相連,讓消費者享受文化、享受服務、感受理念、感到受益,心甘情愿地消費你的產品或服務,令消費者在每一個層面都感到完全滿意,并能贏得客戶的忠誠。銷售階段———保證顧客得到必須及時優(yōu)質的服務,售前咨詢培訓參與,傳遞知識信息,創(chuàng)造購物
18、期望值的滿意。</p><p> 在如今情感消費時代,人們追求“心的滿足感和充實感”的商品,是高附加值極富個性化價值的商品,追求價值觀和意識多元化、個性化和無形的滿足感。因此,企業(yè)不再將注意力投入于全體消費者的一般需求差異上,應針對追求各異的個性消費者,量體裁衣,設計并開發(fā)企業(yè)的產品及服務項目,以適應當今個性化和多樣化的消費趨勢。面對越來越復雜的消費傾向,企業(yè)要駕馭顧客需求,進行個性化營銷,關鍵在于建立顧客資料
19、庫與顧客信息反饋系統(tǒng),進行客戶關系管理,不斷收集了解消費者的要求和偏好的變化,以及對企業(yè)新的期望,以便更好地為顧客提供個性化服務。</p><p><b> 4.培育顧客忠誠。</b></p><p> 在餐飲業(yè),滿意顧客中品牌轉換者的比例竟高達60%到80%。這說明滿意的顧客并不一定能成為忠誠顧客。而一個企業(yè)80%的利潤來自20%的忠誠顧客,營銷顧客集Araca
20、ture Corp.的總裁Larry Light在Advertising Age雜志上說,從忠誠顧客身上得到的收益是非忠誠顧客的9倍。沃爾瑪之所以能夠持續(xù)增長成為500強的老大,根本原因在于它吸引客戶忠誠的經營能力。</p><p> 顧客忠誠是來自顧客感受到的、通過雙向溝通所傳遞的價值和相互關系,是通過企業(yè)不懈地提供超值產品或服務而取得的。要使顧客忠誠,企業(yè)最高管理層必須有長期不懈的決心和資金支持,對企業(yè)的忠
21、誠顧客進行界定,了解顧客的需求是怎樣形成的,他們離去的原因是什么,買了誰的產品,為什么?認識并創(chuàng)建顧客忠誠的激勵因素。培育忠誠顧客的營銷方法有兩種:</p><p> 一是要妥善解決顧客的抱怨。只要妥善地處理顧客報怨,82%的顧客會再度購買商品。妥善處理顧客報怨,要求企業(yè)確立一套良好的人性化的“報怨管理”制度。第一,樹立“顧客的報怨,是給企業(yè)最好的禮物,對改善企業(yè)的經營管理有好處”的觀念;第二,企業(yè)必須確立有效
22、的報怨處理政策和制度,并訓練員工,正確對待顧客報怨,站在顧客的角度處理顧客報怨的問題;第三,處理顧客的部門要輪換,以便各業(yè)務單位都能及時了解顧客的滿意度,并獲得處理顧客報怨的經驗;第四,建立所有顧客報怨資料庫,以便及時處理并防止公關危機的發(fā)生。</p><p> 二是建立忠誠顧客數(shù)據庫。只有通過數(shù)據庫進行跟蹤調查分析,才能確切知道企業(yè)擁有的顧客份額會增加多少,達到某一份額需要多久。忠誠顧客數(shù)據庫的核心是關聯(lián)數(shù)據
23、庫,它由一系列記錄營銷項目不同側面的子庫組成。忠誠顧客數(shù)據庫,可以為員工及時提供超值服務所需的資料;為收集所有與顧客有關的細節(jié)資料創(chuàng)造條件;強化同顧客的快捷聯(lián)系;為開發(fā)新產品和提供新的服務創(chuàng)造條件;與顧客進行長期互動的雙向溝通,以便為其提供潛在需求的、似曾想到又非想到的滿足其期望價值的產品或服務。</p><p><b> 外文原文</b></p><p> Ma
24、rketing Customer Satisfaction</p><p> Since the 20th century, since the late eighties, the customer satisfaction strategy is increasingly becoming business has more customers share the overall business comp
25、etitive advantage means.</p><p> Customer satisfaction strategy is to get a modern enterprise customers, "money votes" magic weapon</p><p> With the changing times, the great abundan
26、ce of material wealth of society, customers in the main --- consumer demand across the material has a lack of time, the number of times the pursuit, the pursuit of quality time to the eighties of the 20th century entered
27、 the era of the end consumer sentiment. In China, with rapid economic development, we have rapidly beyond the physical absence of the times, the pursuit of the number of times and even the pursuit of quality and age of e
28、motions today grad</p><p> As a result, enterprises have been through an extensive and detailed market research, direct contact with consumers, customer feedback, etc. to understand the reality in all aspec
29、ts of customer needs and potential needs. Rely on the loyalty business sales satisfaction, service personnel, regular, comprehensive quantitative determination of customer satisfaction in order to accurately grasp the bu
30、siness with "customer satisfaction" the gap between objectives and priority areas, to further improve</p><p> Such as Haier always put customer needs first, stand in the customer point of view of
31、product development, design, personalized, humanized useful products, from the pull-screen TVs to the latest release of "Taiwan does not blink of an eye for color TV", small hand rub a small child prodigy washi
32、ng machine washing machines, small refrigerators Prince to "wisdom eye" inverter air conditioner, the system 17 hours from a "Mike freezer" to after-sale-stop star service to meet customer needs and b
33、oth </p><p> In summary, emotional consumer era, decided what kind of products and production management services to provide what the powers are not part of a business, it is consumers, measuring the value
34、of enterprise efficiency and the existence of the decision shifts to the hands of customers, the enterprise should cater to the customer, value to satisfy customers in order to get as much as possible from the customer &
35、quot;money votes." The CS strategy is the magic weapon for winning such a vote.</p><p> Customer satisfaction, the main steps in marketing strategy</p><p> 1.to establish the level of cor
36、porate culture customer-centric, customer interests first, and customer satisfaction as the goal of philosophy.</p><p> CS theory in the customer refers to internal staff and external customers (including d
37、istributors, wholesalers, agents, the final consumer and raw material suppliers, partners, etc.), customer satisfaction, including staff and external customer satisfaction, customer loyalty is also However. Mechanism for
38、 business success is customer satisfaction with loyalty, employee satisfaction and customer loyalty are key personnel. Employees of the company's satisfaction and loyalty are products and servic</p><p>
39、 Therefore, companies must be customer satisfaction of business philosophy permeates the minds of staff, reflected in the management of employee loyalty to their R & D products, manufacture products, provide marketin
40、g services to satisfied customers. If nine birds, "the education of all employees receive customer-centric is the highest business principles. Customers are benefactor, a friend, a teacher, a customer gave us the op
41、portunity to work, the value of work, fun and work significance of the</p><p> 2.customers participate in product design and development.</p><p> Customer-centric company, through market segme
42、ntation, target a wide range of research to understand the public's needs and values, standing customer point of view of product development, design, personalized, personalized value-added products and services, is c
43、orrect , but must allow users to join product design. Use of the Internet and CAD technology with customers to establish effective communication and information exchange, needs to grasp the customer information and custo
44、mer value, to enco</p><p> 3.to provide a full service customer satisfaction and personalized service. </p><p> Full service is for customers shopping and consumption carried out by every aspe
45、ct of the services detailed and deep, the heart of the service. Full service is the consumer desire for consumption from the moment of production value of goods run out of play until the whole process, with care to consu
46、mers, so consumers are closely linked with their brands so that consumers enjoy the culture, enjoy the service experience concept was to benefit consumers willingly your products or services, consumer</p><p>
47、; In today's era of emotional consumption, the pursuit of "Heart of satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment" of goods, is highly personalized value-added value goods, the pursuit of values and awareness of
48、 diversity, individuality, and intangible satisfaction. Therefore, enterprises will no longer put attention to all the general needs of different consumers, we should pursue different personality for consumers, tailor, d
49、esign and development of enterprise products and services to meet the individ</p><p> 4.foster customer loyalty. </p><p> In the restaurant industry, customer satisfaction in the brand switchi
50、ng, the proportion is as high as 60% to 80%. This indicates that satisfied customers become loyal customers do not necessarily. 80% of the profits of an enterprise from 20% of customer loyalty, marketing, customer Aracat
51、ure Corp.'s President, Larry Light said in Advertising Age magazine, from the loyal customers who return a non-loyal customers are 9 times. Wal-Mart has been able to continue to grow as 500 Boss, simply because</p
52、><p> Customer loyalty is perceived from the customer, delivered through the two-way communication between the value and the relationship is hard to provide value through business products or services obtained
53、. For customer loyalty, companies must have top management commitment and unremitting financial support to enterprises to define customer loyalty, understand customer needs is what formed what are the reasons they leave,
54、 who bought the product, Why? awareness and create customer loyalty incentive</p><p> First, we should properly solve customer complaints. As long as the proper handling of customer complaints, the 82% of t
55、he customers will buy products again. Proper handling of customer complaints, the requirement to establish a good business humanized "complained management" system. First, establish a "customer complained,
56、 is the best gift for business, enterprise management to improve good" concept; Second, enterprises must establish effective policies and institutions dealing with grievances </p><p> Second, build up
57、customer loyalty database. Tracked only through the analysis of the database in order to know exactly what enterprise customers have a share of increase in number, how long a certain share. Customer loyalty is the core o
58、f the database relational database, which consists of a series of records of marketing programs composed of different aspects of sub-libraries. Loyal customer database, you can offer premium services for staff in a timel
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- 外文翻譯---顧客滿意策略與顧客滿意營銷
- 外文翻譯---顧客滿意策略與顧客滿意營銷
- 外文文獻及翻譯---顧客滿意策略與顧客滿意營銷
- 畢業(yè)論文外文文獻翻譯--顧客滿意策略與顧客滿意營銷
- 英文文獻及翻譯顧客滿意策略與顧客滿意
- 營銷畢業(yè)論文外文翻譯---顧客滿意營銷策略
- 外文翻譯-- 連鎖超市顧客滿意策略
- 營銷策略中的顧客滿意度研究【外文翻譯】
- 顧客滿意戰(zhàn)略
- 顧客滿意還是員工滿意
- 劍南春公司顧客滿意營銷策略分析.pdf
- 營銷畢業(yè)論文--淺議顧客滿意與顧客忠誠
- 顧客滿意和忠誠度【外文翻譯】
- 顧客滿意,經營顧客的心
- 從顧客滿意到顧客信任
- 顧客滿意案例剖析
- “顧客滿意”研究.pdf
- “顧客滿意”案例剖析
- 全面顧客滿意服務
- 服務營銷教案9——顧客滿意管理