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1、<p><b>  中文3827字</b></p><p>  本科畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)</p><p><b>  外文翻譯</b></p><p>  外文出處 Personnel Review, 2008(3):300-316 </p>&l

2、t;p>  外文作者 Kuen-Hung Tsai,Christine Chou,Ming-Yi Chen </p><p><b>  原文</b></p><p>  Does matching pay policy with innovation strategy really

3、improve firm performance?</p><p>  Introduction</p><p>  In a fast-moving and globalized world, a firm must maintain its competitive advantage to constantly improve its performance and compete w

4、ith its competitors. The competitive advantage concept includes the capabilities, resources, relationships, and decisions that permit a firm to capitalize on opportunities and avoid threats within its industry (Hofer and

5、 Schendel, 1978). Porter (1985) argued that human resourcemanagement (HRM) helps a firm obtain a competitive advantage by lowering costs, incre</p><p>  Previous authors have described SHRM as the process of

6、 linking HR practices to business strategy (Ulrich and Lake, 1991). Human resource managers have long regarded compensation as a crucial lever to move employees toward the desired goals of an organization (McLagan and Ne

7、l, 1995). Examining the effects of pay policy on an enterprise has become a very important issue in the HRM field as managers</p><p>  increasingly emphasize SHRM. Prior research has contributed, at the indi

8、vidual level, to the nexus between pay policy and several important constructs by examining issues such as satisfaction (Dyer and Theriault, 1976; Rice et al., 1990), retention (Holzer, 1990;Barber and Bretz, 2000), and

9、performance (Neal, 1993; Levine, 1993; Trevor et al., 1997).At the firm level, several studies argue that matching pay policy with business strategy may increase organizational performance (Miles and Snow, 19</p>

10、<p>  Although previous studies address the strategic perspective of pay policy, only a few empirical investigations were conducted (e.g. Balkin and Gomez-Mejia, 1990;Montemayor, 1996). These studies provide a solid

11、 foundation for subsequent research , but challenges must still be addressed in terms of their methodology and interpretation of results. For example, previous analyses were grounded in small sample sizes and scarcely co

12、ntrolled for extraneous factor effects such as firm size and industry c</p><p>  This study draws on a large data-set to support a developed conceptual framework, and examines the notion of whether matching

13、a pay policy with a business strategy conclusively supports better firm performance. This paper concentrates on Taiwan’s three technology-based service sectors – the integrated circuit (IC) design service industry, the s

14、ystem integrated service industry, and the software service industry.Several factors influenced the selection of these three industries. First, acquiring </p><p>  In view of the importance of innovation in

15、technology-based service firms, this study focuses on one specific but important aspect of business strategy: innovation strategy. This area is worthy of study because no researchers have investigated the effect which pa

16、y policy combined with innovation strategy has on firm performance.This study uses secondary data rather than the primary data derived from questionnaires in previous studies. This approach limits the effect caused by th

17、e qualitative or </p><p>  Framework and hypotheses</p><p>  Figure 1 displays the conceptual framework investigated in this study. The framework indicates that pay policy and innovation strateg

18、y combined affect the performance achieved in a technology-based service firm. The conceptual framework further proposes that the industry type moderates this relationship. Specific hypotheses concerning these relationsh

19、ips are detailed below, together with their underlying rationale.</p><p>  H1. Matching pay policy with innovation strategy is positively related to firm performance</p><p>  H2. The effect whic

20、h pay level combined with innovation strategy has on firm performance is stronger in the IC design service industry than in software and system integration service industries. </p><p>  Research methods</

21、p><p>  Variable definitions and measures</p><p>  Firm performance. Firms pursue different objectives, and there is probably no single measure that fully captures firm performance (Venkatraman and

22、 Ramanujam, 1986).The ultimate success of a firm is not solely measured by its capacity to increase its sales, produce profits, or generate cash from its operations, but whether the firm’s activities are creating value f

23、or its owners (Fletcher and Smith, 2004). In addition, R&D investments usually allow a firm to benefit from efficiency improvement or </p><p>  Pay policy. An organization often formally or informally es

24、tablishes a pay policy that determines whether it will be a pay leader, a pay follower, or merely hold an average position in the labor market (Klaas and McClendon, 1996). This study measures the pay policy of a firm by

25、its pay levels, comparing a firm’s pay with that of other firms in the same labor market. The firm’s pay level is operationalized by the ratio of each employee’s pay to the average pay of each employee in the same indust

26、r</p><p>  Innovation strategy. In the knowledge-creating view, innovation refers to a firm’s efforts to explore or exploit technological knowledge for new product or process developments (Cohen and Levintha

27、l, 1990). A firm’s R&D expenditures can enhance its level of knowledge application, thereby increasing its competitive advantage (Songet al., 2005). Previous studies have deemed R&D efforts as the most important

28、aspect of innovation (Griliches, 1979, 1986; Cohen and Levinthal, 1990; Henderson and Cockbu</p><p>  Discussions and implications</p><p>  Using secondary data, this study uses empirical eviden

29、ce to determine whether or not matching pay policy and business strategy really improves firm performance. The examination focuses on business strategy and innovation strategy; and the analyses are based on a large sampl

30、e of three technology-based service sectors. The results indicate that IC design services firms exhibit the positive effect of innovation strategy combined with high pay, but software services firms and information syste

31、m inte</p><p>  The industry characteristics of the three sectors considered in this study are quite similar. These industries are predominantly composed of SMEs (see the labor statistics in Table I) and are

32、 labor but knowledge-intensive (see the labor estimates in Tables III-V). In addition, the advantage of competition for a firm within these industries is based mainly on technologies, which are primarily embedded in qual

33、ified employees (Wang et al., 2007). Furthermore, innovation is an important method of ga</p><p>  These findings have several implications for academic research and commercial practice. First, previous rese

34、arch argues for the effect which pay policy combined with business strategy has on firm performance, and suggests this perspective could be applied in all industries (Montemayor, 1996; Balkin and Gomez-Mejia, 1990; Milko

35、vich and Newman, 2004). However, in terms of innovation strategy, the results of this study provide a less positive view. This study suggests that the hypothesized positive</p><p>  This study highlights the

36、 moderating role of industry characteristic in the relationship between the combination of pay and innovation strategy with firm performance. However, this finding is only generated from three technology-based service se

37、ctors. In the future, and the validity of this result should be further examined in other contexts. Nevertheless, this study contributes to the field of human resources management in service sectors.</p><p>

38、  Kuen-Hung Tsai,Christine Chou,Ming-Yi Chen. Does matching pay policy with innovation strategy really improve firm performance? An examination of technology-based service firms [J] Personnel Review, 2008(3):300-316</

39、p><p><b>  譯文</b></p><p>  與薪酬策略相匹配的創(chuàng)新戰(zhàn)略能提高企業(yè)績效嗎?</p><p><b>  簡介 </b></p><p>  在一個快速發(fā)展和全球化的世界中,公司必須保持其競爭優(yōu)勢,不斷提高其績效與競爭對手進行競爭。競爭優(yōu)勢的觀念包括能力,資源,關(guān)系和決定,允許

40、一家公司利用機遇,避免在其行業(yè)的威脅(霍夫和斯科特,1978)。波特(1985)認為,人力資源管理(HRM)幫助一家公司通過降低成本,增加產(chǎn)品采購的來源和服務差異化,或三者兼而有之來獲得競爭優(yōu)勢。然而,要想通過人力資源獲得競爭優(yōu)勢,需要戰(zhàn)略管理觀念(杰克遜和舒勒,1995)。這是基本合理的戰(zhàn)略人力資源管理(SHRM)。最近的研究探討出戰(zhàn)略人力資源管理作為一種提高組織競爭優(yōu)勢的手段,能改善企業(yè)整體績效(亞瑟,1994; 豪斯里德,1995

41、;邁克杜菲,1995)。</p><p>  前人所描述的戰(zhàn)略人力資源管理是把人力資源實踐活動與企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略聯(lián)系起來的方法(烏利齊和雷克,1991年)。人力資源管理者一直視薪酬為一個使員工朝著組織期望的目標前行的重要杠桿(麥克拉根和內(nèi)爾,1995年)。檢查薪酬策略對企業(yè)的效果已經(jīng)成為人力資源管理領(lǐng)域的一個非常重要的問題,因為經(jīng)理越來越重視戰(zhàn)略人力資源管理。以前的研究,在個人層面上,對薪酬策略和一些正檢驗的如滿意度(戴

42、爾和里爾,1976;賴斯等人,1990),保留機制(霍爾澤,1990;巴伯和布雷茨,2000),及績效(尼爾,1993;列文,1993;特雷弗等人,1997)這些問題之間的聯(lián)系有所收獲。在企業(yè)層面,一些研究認為,與經(jīng)營戰(zhàn)略相匹配的薪酬策略可能會提高組織績效(米爾斯和斯諾,1984;卡羅爾,1987年)。此外,最近的一些研究探討經(jīng)營策略上對薪酬的影響(辛加和阿加瓦爾,1999;;Yanadori和馬勒,2006年)。 </p>

43、<p>  盡管以前的研究報告強調(diào)了薪酬策略的戰(zhàn)略角度,然而只有少數(shù)進行了實證調(diào)查(如巴爾金和戈麥斯-希亞,1990;蒙特馬約爾,1996)。這些研究為后續(xù)研究提供了堅實的基礎(chǔ),但就其方法和結(jié)果的解釋來看挑戰(zhàn)仍然存在。例如,以前的分析僅停留在小樣本量和如企業(yè)規(guī)模和行業(yè)特點等外在因素的影響的上。因此,與經(jīng)營戰(zhàn)略相結(jié)合的薪酬策略對企業(yè)績效產(chǎn)生的效果有待充分研究。盡管薪酬策略被視為影響員工行為和提高公司績效至關(guān)重要的人力資源杠桿

44、(麥克拉根和內(nèi)爾,1995年;宋等人,2005),但一些學者爭辯道,薪酬策略可能會在招聘和留住員工上有一定作用,但通常與生產(chǎn)力無關(guān)(羅森布魯姆和哈爾曼,1981;希爾斯,1987)。其他作者指出,個人激勵工資可能會破壞團隊精神,鼓勵短期團隊合作,這往往會降低組織績效(皮拉弗,2001)。加薪也可能導致公司成本上升(貝克和格哈特,1996)。對戰(zhàn)略薪酬觀點的爭議促使對它的檢測成為必要。</p><p>  本研究集

45、中于利用一個大型數(shù)據(jù)集來支持開發(fā)的概念框架,并研究是否與經(jīng)營戰(zhàn)略匹配的的薪酬策略更好的企業(yè)績效。本文著重對臺灣的三大技術(shù)型服務部門-集成電路(IC)設(shè)計服務業(yè),系統(tǒng)集成服務業(yè),軟件服務業(yè)進行研究. 幾個因素影響對這三個行業(yè)的選擇。首先,獲得有技能的勞動力,是一個服務公司努力提高其競爭優(yōu)勢的重要組成部分。由于技術(shù)型服務公司以提供先進技術(shù)來獲取利潤,他們應該強調(diào)一個適當?shù)男匠旰图钫?,以招聘高素質(zhì)人才。第二,就與戰(zhàn)略薪酬策略觀點觀點有關(guān)的


47、據(jù)庫。這個大樣本數(shù)據(jù)集為本研究分析提供了一個更完整和適當?shù)淖兞棵枋?。因此,這項結(jié)果是這一領(lǐng)域令人感興趣的調(diào)查。</p><p>  鑒于在技術(shù)型服務企業(yè)中技術(shù)創(chuàng)新的重要性,本研究針對一個具體但又重要的經(jīng)營策略:創(chuàng)新戰(zhàn)略。這一領(lǐng)域是值得研究,因為研究人員沒有調(diào)查出薪酬策略與企業(yè)創(chuàng)新戰(zhàn)略相結(jié)合對企業(yè)績效的影響效果.這項研究使用第二手數(shù)據(jù)而沒有使用通過問卷調(diào)查所得的原始數(shù)據(jù)。這種做法限制了受訪者的定性或態(tài)度傾向造成的影

48、響。因此,本研究探討的戰(zhàn)略薪酬觀點更加客觀。之前的研究并沒有在框架中把工業(yè)類型的企業(yè)看做是變化的。即使不同的行業(yè)可能因不同的勞動力市場情況和有關(guān)的競爭條件而擁有不同的勞動條件。這項研究提供了結(jié)合不同行業(yè)的影響更全面的調(diào)查。這項研究的結(jié)果將讓大部分人力資源專家和臺灣人力資源研究人員,特別是人力資源經(jīng)理感興趣。</p><p><b>  框架和假設(shè)</b></p><p&g

49、t;  圖1顯示研究中調(diào)查的概念框架。該框架表明,薪酬策略和創(chuàng)新戰(zhàn)略相結(jié)合影響了技術(shù)型服務公司的績效。概念框架進一步闡述道,產(chǎn)業(yè)類型調(diào)和了這種關(guān)系。關(guān)于這些關(guān)系的特定假設(shè)連同它們的基本原理在下面詳細列出。</p><p>  假設(shè)1。與創(chuàng)新戰(zhàn)略匹配的薪酬策略與公司業(yè)績是正相關(guān)的</p><p>  假設(shè)2。與創(chuàng)新戰(zhàn)略相結(jié)合薪酬水平對集成電路設(shè)計服務產(chǎn)業(yè)公司業(yè)績的影響強于軟件和系統(tǒng)集成服務行

50、業(yè)。</p><p><b>  研究方法</b></p><p><b>  變量定義和措施</b></p><p>  企業(yè)績效。不同企業(yè)追求不同的目標,并有沒有僅用單一措施,就能贏得企業(yè)績效的可能(溫卡特曼和拉曼紐杰明,1986)。一個企業(yè)的最終成功,并不僅僅取決于增加銷售能力,獲利能力,或集資的能力,而是取決于能否


52、投入成本之間的差異,由美元衡量(新臺幣,百萬元)。</p><p>  薪酬策略。一個組織正式或非正式地建立了一套薪酬策略,這個策略決定了它是工資的領(lǐng)導者,追隨者,或者僅僅是在勞動力市場的平均水平(克拉斯和麥克倫登,1996)。本研究通過與在同一勞動力市場上的其他企業(yè)相比的薪酬水平來判定企業(yè)薪酬策略。該公司的薪酬水平是由企業(yè)中每個員工的薪酬與相同行業(yè)中人均薪酬的比得到的。</p><p>

53、  創(chuàng)新戰(zhàn)略。在創(chuàng)新知識的觀點中,創(chuàng)新是指一個企業(yè)探索或利用技術(shù)知識開發(fā)新產(chǎn)品或工藝(科恩和列文托,1990)。一個企業(yè)的研究開發(fā)支出可以提高其知識應用水平,從而增加其競爭優(yōu)勢(宋先生等人,2005)。以前的研究已經(jīng)把研究與開發(fā)視為創(chuàng)新的最重要方面(格魯齊斯,1979,1986;科恩和列文托,1990; 亨德森和科伯恩,1996)。本研究永研究開發(fā)支出作為企業(yè)追求創(chuàng)新戰(zhàn)略的代理衡量標準。</p><p><

54、b>  討論和影響</b></p><p>  本研究采用實證證據(jù),使用輔助數(shù)據(jù),以確定是否匹配的薪酬策略和經(jīng)營策略能真正提高企業(yè)績效。檢測側(cè)重于經(jīng)營戰(zhàn)略和創(chuàng)新戰(zhàn)略,分析是以大量的技術(shù)型服務行業(yè)的樣本為基礎(chǔ)。結(jié)果表明,集成電路設(shè)計服務公司展示了高薪與創(chuàng)新戰(zhàn)略相結(jié)合的積極作用,但軟件服務公司和信息系統(tǒng)集成服務公司并沒有顯示這種積極作用。</p><p>  在這項研究中考慮

55、了三個行業(yè)的特點是近似的。這些企業(yè)主要是由勞動力密集(見表三至表四數(shù)據(jù))而且是知識密集中小型企業(yè)組成(見表一的勞動力統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù))。此外,這個行業(yè)公司的競爭優(yōu)勢主要是技術(shù),這主要是引入了符合條件的員工(王先生等人,2007)。而且,創(chuàng)新是在這個行業(yè)獲得了競爭優(yōu)勢一個重要的方法。既然三個行業(yè)是相似的,一個值得進一步討論的問題就產(chǎn)生了:為什么薪酬策略與創(chuàng)新戰(zhàn)略相結(jié)合在集成電路服務業(yè)起作用,而在其他兩個行業(yè)就不起作用了呢? 三個行業(yè)所面臨的技術(shù)動


57、經(jīng)濟回報。前面研究報告中提到,集成電路設(shè)計服務產(chǎn)業(yè)在臺灣已被列為高科技行業(yè)技術(shù)創(chuàng)新的典型代表。因此,這可</p><p>  這些發(fā)現(xiàn)對于學術(shù)研究和商業(yè)實踐可能有影響。第一,過去的研究對薪酬策略與企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略對公司業(yè)績的影響效果有爭論,并提出這一觀點可以應用到所有的行業(yè)(蒙特馬約爾,1996;巴爾金和戈麥斯-希亞,1990年; 米科維奇和紐曼,2004)。然而,在創(chuàng)新戰(zhàn)略方面,本研究結(jié)果提供了一個不太積極的看法。這項


59、許多學者爭論關(guān)于薪酬策略與經(jīng)營戰(zhàn)略相匹配的效果,但這項研究的結(jié)果并不能完全證實這一點就在創(chuàng)新策略上正確。因此,對產(chǎn)業(yè)管理人員而言,這項研究結(jié)果表明,相匹配的薪酬策略和經(jīng)營戰(zhàn)略不能作為一種提高績效的靈丹妙藥。</p><p>  這項研究強調(diào)了薪酬和創(chuàng)新戰(zhàn)略之間關(guān)系對企業(yè)績效的調(diào)節(jié)作用。然而,這一發(fā)現(xiàn)僅來自三個技術(shù)型服務行業(yè)。在未來,這個結(jié)果的有效性應有待在其他情況下作進一步研究。不過,這項研究對服務行業(yè)的人力資源


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