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1、<p><b>  中文5136字</b></p><p>  出處:The Journal for MultiMedia History Volume 3一2000</p><p>  為歷史教學而開發(fā)多媒體課件之英倫展望</p><p>  Ian G. Anderson </p><p><

2、;b>  引言:</b></p><p>  英國和美國在歷史學研究上對計算機的應用雖已大相徑庭,然而,基于網絡的教學材料的研發(fā)卻又使大西洋兩岸的人們走到了一起。這篇文章提供了一次英國格拉斯哥大學的“歷史課件組”為本科生歷史教學開發(fā)多媒體材料的經驗。這個組織由英國高等教育基金委員會的“教學技術項目”于1993年出資建立。其開發(fā)課件的目標為:創(chuàng)造一個基于高等教育標準的基本教學法,使教學材料靈活易用

3、,并為使用該課件的廣大師生提供必要的支持。</p><p>  一個教學模型的開發(fā):</p><p>  格拉斯哥大學的另一個項目——在“問題解決中心”的歷史教學中計算機的應用,收集了關于計算機在歷史教學中應用的數據?;诖舜谓涷?,我們發(fā)現許多教學者缺乏一個概念化的框架,用以將基于計算機的教學材料包含到他們的教學當中。同樣,學生們也需要一個教學的背景材料來指導他們使用課件。于是,由此組織開

4、發(fā)的“充實化授課”的想法應運而生,在一個熟悉的教學框架里使用了富有創(chuàng)新性的教學材料。</p><p>  既然英國的本科生歷史教學項目中不存在核心課程,而其跨度又從近代史到現代史,從政治軍事史到經濟社會史,此組織便著眼于創(chuàng)造出一個靈活的核心資源集,以用于和現存的教學項目配合使用。在充實化授課中,為一二年級同學設計的核心文章提供了一個對主題的大致概括,并勾勒了編史學中的爭論及查詢中的主題行。內容表提供了核心文章中各

5、部分的鏈接,作者信息,及其他的一些出處,學生們可以通過它來使用核心文章,及文章的索引、參考書目和術語表。例如,在講授新教徒改革的指導課上,馬克和斯科特就寫了一篇核心文章,并結合了一個詳盡的案例和一些練習。盡管核心文章的數量和風格在不同的指導課上,以及在他們的功能、外觀及結構上都千差萬別,有的作者仍樂于在他們的文章中體現更加線性的思路,有的則更偏愛于多角度的主題。</p><p>  鑒于在電腦屏幕上閱讀大量文本的

6、不便,我們要求作者為他們的文章明確劃分主題,以得到有限的重點主題,并且像在說話時一樣使用短句、口語,及縮略式。這種將文章的分解使材料更加容易消化,并且更易于學生接受。</p><p>  從這種文章中學生們可以品味到原始材料的結構及來龍去脈;他們也能夠得到對具體的實例、案例學習、爭論、概念及出處而進行的測試。下面這個有關新教徒改革指導課的示意圖展示了如何將充實化授課體現為課件的結構:</p><

7、;p><b>  圖1 指導課示意圖</b></p><p>  在傳統(tǒng)的授課或研討會中,超文本和多媒體是不可能將迥然不同的出版物及它們的出處類別統(tǒng)一在一起的。學術注釋及其相關背景的有機結合,加上主要的及從屬的原始資料和無窮無盡的練習,使學生們的知識面從深度和廣度上得到了擴充。在掌握了一些主要的基本材料而進行的研究的基礎上,以原始材料為背景的學術注釋和史鑒學上的爭論在史鑒爭論的推動下結

8、合起來,促進了傳統(tǒng)歷史技能的教學,并強調了歷史是一門解說性的學科。</p><p><b>  實用性及質量:</b></p><p>  這個組織尋求于開發(fā)一種具備最高標準,具有最廣泛應用的課件。通過我們的分析,現存的課件往往技術上成熟,但質量不足,抑或所編排的內容不適合高校學生的學習程度。我們創(chuàng)造的這個教學模型,將英國的歷史教學分為四個廣泛的主題:女性的歷史,工業(yè)


10、00多幅圖像、地圖、設計圖、電影剪輯、表格及圖表,以及40個可操作的數據集。</p><p><b>  容易得到:</b></p><p>  鑒于許多授課者在教學中不情愿使用基于計算機的材料,我們想說明的一個原因就是掌握這些軟件的技術方面需要花費時間。因此,我們致力于開發(fā)人性化的軟件,以最大限度地減少學生們在學習如何使用上所花費的時間。我們在超文本項目Microc

11、osm中開發(fā)了我們原型指導課。然而,網絡的出現和超文本標記語言的崛起,雄辯地說明了超文本標記語言有許多功能上和教學上的優(yōu)勢。盡管Microcosm易于使用,但實驗證明它不易于安裝且容易癱瘓;學生們發(fā)現Microcosm的多窗口給導航帶來了不便。</p><p>  用超文本標記語言做課件使人們可以通過許多熟悉的瀏覽器,如Netscape和IE,來訪問我們的材料,這些瀏覽器是最人性化的軟件,并且對使用人員的技術要求

12、很低。超文本標記語言的超文本鏈接提供了一個更加透明的結構,并且仍允許學生們跟隨某些特定的主線來進行學習。在瀏覽器里配置幫助的功能使此組織可以使用數據句柄工具來幫助可操作數據集和位圖瀏覽器的載入。這樣,利用指導課所需的技術培訓被減至最少,使教師和學生有更多的時間投身于歷史學的學習中。</p><p><b>  靈活性:</b></p><p>  這種使用了超文本標記

13、語言和瀏覽器的充實化授課的形式,使指導課成為了靈活的學習工具。最終,任何超媒體系統(tǒng)都代表了一個有限的知識集和一組有限的觀點,但作者選擇和組織他們材料的方式并不會把學生們引到事先下好的結論中。學生們和教師可以以自己的方式挖掘材料;在指導課上有足夠的資源來滿足各種問題及解說。</p><p>  另一個主要的特色是教師可以個性化他們的指導課,比如說通過加入他們自己的材料、原始資料及理論依據,包括新鏈接、路徑、傳記、參


15、課。</p><p>  這個組織的最終目標之一是為這個課件的用戶提供信息,培訓,及技術建議上的支持。我們生產了印刷的和電子的手冊,還有分別給師生們提供的向導,包括介紹安裝,數據句柄,和個性化信息的內容。我們還建立了一個會員制的“用戶俱樂部”,提供入門的和高級的培訓,還有關于教學及個性化的案例學習,并通過答疑和網站提供支持和建議。我們的培訓旨在為員工提供關于指導課教學設計、教學利用、材料的范圍,和必要的HTML技

16、能。我們還作了兩份簡訊分發(fā)給所有英國大學及學院里的歷史教員,以促進此組織的活動并提高大家指導課的意識。</p><p><b>  結果:</b></p><p>  我們并不想讓指導課代替正常授課;早期的評估和專家組的研究顯示,師生們并沒有以這種方式來理解和使用指導課,而是用以支持或代替了個人的研討會。這種充實化授課的形式已被證實為一種很適合作者的模型,它提供了一個

17、靈活的框架以發(fā)展現存的授課形式,并汲取了HTML語言的優(yōu)勢。令我們興奮的是,主體和類別間的交叉引用及理論與實踐間的相互作用,使得大量的信息、文檔和原始材料可以被人們利用。</p><p>  盡管作者們發(fā)現以合適的格式和風格制作核心文檔要相對簡單,然而“充實化”材料所需花費的時間仍然比我們想象的要長。尤其是原始材料的鑒別、收集、交叉引用和版權結算需要花費大量的時間和金錢。平均來講,僅完成一個帶有相關原始材料和學習

18、材料的核心文檔就需要兩年的時間。由于大多數的指導課都需要不止一個文檔且通常涉及了很多作者,我們完成這個課件比預期晚了一年。</p><p>  材料的質量和范圍已被證實為本課件最突出的特點。作者們成功地避免了核心文章的主觀性;原始材料的質量和范圍使得指導課可廣泛應用于英國的歷史教學,其中很多材料是在別處找不到的。事實上,在投入發(fā)行后兩年間英國教授歷史的高等院校中有百分之七十五的學校都訂購了本課件。涉及到如此多的教

19、育機構,尤其在評估階段,加強了分享材料的意識。</p><p>  教師通常大多在研討會上使用此課件,而學生們則可能在實驗室里上機的時候使用,或獨立使用它來準備課堂討論,或為他們要寫的論文查找閱讀資料清單。我們預先進行的評估顯示,教師們先是用兩三個課時測試性地使用這個課件,然后才把它和課程作為一個整體而包含到課程中。有的系把指導課作為網絡資源使用,而不把其正式地包含到某一門課程中。其他的系則將所有的課程都基于指導


21、;p>  來自教師和學生們的主要意見是它在定位一個特定資源時所花費的大量時間,比如包含某一單詞或短語的文檔:當前瀏覽器的查找功能只局限于被瀏覽的頁內。從Microcosm到HTML的轉化使我們失去了一項極好的特色,就是索引和搜索工具。為了克服這個問題,此組織許可了另外一個叫做LIKSE的瀏覽器,其具備全面的脫機搜索工具。這個瀏覽器可以從這個組織的用戶俱樂部里得到。</p><p>  在英國的計算機輔助教學


23、技術上的服務。如果沒有具備必要的時間和技能來實現課件的教師的話,文科及人文資源方面的工作人員就愈顯重要。這些人能夠為教師個性化課件,并充當可提供信息技術服務的媒介。然而,擁有敬業(yè)的文科資源方面的工作人員的機構非常少,而肯投身于歷史學的人更是如此。</p><p><b>  結論:</b></p><p>  個性化課件的問題使是否我們的充實化授課模型能夠最佳地促進英


25、容:利物浦希望大學學院的“Hope Live”系統(tǒng)就是一個很優(yōu)秀的例子。</p><p>  版權的結算仍在阻礙這個課件更廣泛的應用,導致了此項工程的最大花銷(除了薪水)。它也阻礙了我們的材料通過網絡傳播。繼而此課件只能通過光盤來傳播,然后再安裝到教研機構的內部網絡上。對于教研機構或出版商來說,從經濟上來講為了一個具體的課件而投入大量的花銷是行不通的:該組織只能通過重要的公共資金來支持開發(fā)課間的花銷。為一個將被更

26、廣泛應用于教學的數字化募捐整理結算(即使一些約束仍然存在)將是一個更為有效的手段。</p><p>  在我們工程的最后幾個階段里,我們嘗試將此課件的市場擴展到英國的高等院校之外,尤其是英國的高中和美國的大學。在英國的高中市場,我們發(fā)現許多指導課在A-Level(16-18歲)的歷史課程里刪去了年代學或地理學,而沒有將它們補充進去。這一點削弱了我們課件的可用性,并可能使系里不會購買我們的課件。我們還發(fā)現盡管該課件

27、有些時候對于高校的學習水平來講不夠靈活,它對高中的學習水平的來說在結構化方面也存在不足。有些情況下材料的語言對于高中生來講過于復雜。在美國,盡管指導課的學習水平和結構都適合,但為了加強世界史而對以歐洲、英國為中心的歷史課程的削減限制了該課件潛在的可用性。</p><p>  盡管我們的課件和其他一些推動計算機輔助學習在歷史教學中應用的課件取得了一些進展,但我們面前的路仍然很長。1998年關于CTI和TLTSN——


29、說明所作的嘗試處理了上述問題中的一二兩點。當前,我們正和CHIC工程合作,以不同方式研究實現計算機輔助學習技術的有效性,包括我們的課件,這將有助于解決上述問題中的第三點。通過在全國及國際范圍內鼓勵討論和分享經驗,我們希望戰(zhàn)勝面前的所有挑戰(zhàn)。</p><p>  Developing Multimedia Courseware forTeaching History: A UK Perspective</p

30、><p>  Ian G. Anderson </p><p>  INTRODUCTION</p><p>  The use of computers in historical research has followed divergent paths in the UK and US.[1]  The development of Web-b

31、ased materials for teaching, however, may provide a common ground for historians on both sides of the Atlantic.[2] This paper outlines one experience of developing multimedia materials for undergraduate history teaching

32、in the UK by the History Courseware Consortium at the University of Glasgow. Established in 1993, the Consortium was funded through the Teaching and Learning Tec</p><p>  DEVELOPING A PEDAGOGICAL MODEL</p

33、><p>  Building on the experience of another program at the University of Glasgow—the Computers in Teaching Initiative Centre for History (CTICH), which gathered data about the use of computers in history teach

34、ing—we determined that many educators did not have a conceptual framework in which to incorporate computer-based materials into their teaching.[4] Similarly, students required a pedagogical context to guide them through

35、the courseware. Thus the Consortium developed the idea of the "enriched lectu</p><p>  Since there are no core courses in undergraduate history programs in the UK, but rather ones ranging from the pre-m

36、odern to the modern period and from political and military to economic and social history, the Consortium aimed to produce a flexible set of "core resources" that could be incorporated into existing teaching pr

37、ograms. In the enriched lecture, "core essays" designed for first- and second-year students provide an overview of the topic and outline historiographical debates and thematic</p><p>  In order to

38、address the difficulty of reading the large amounts of text on screen, we asked authors to outline their essays clearly with headings, to address a limited number of themes with clear points, and to use short sentences,

39、colloquialisms, and contractions, as in speech. The breaking down of each core essay into sections makes the material more digestible and allows students to dip in and out with greater ease. </p><p>  From t

40、he core essay students gain access to structured and contextualized source material: they can follow detailed examinations of particular examples, case studies, debates, concepts or sources. The schematic diagram below o

41、f the Protestant Reformation tutorial illustrates how the enriched lecture was translated into a structure for the courseware </p><p>  Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of Tutorial </p><p>  The abil

42、ity of hypertext and multimedia to integrate disparate publications and source genres is not possible in a traditional lecture or seminar format. The combination of academic commentary and context, as well as the range o

43、f primary and secondary sources and open-ended exercises, increases students' depth and breadth of knowledge. The integration of academic commentary and historiographic debates with source material enhances the teach

44、ing of traditional historical skills and underscores the</p><p>  APPLICABILITY AND QUALITY</p><p>  The Consortium sought to develop courseware of the highest standards that would have the broa

45、dest application. Existing courseware that we analyzed, while often technically adept, lacked quality, or attempted to adapt content from a level of study not appropriate for students in higher education. As we created t

46、he pedagogical model, we divided the teaching of British history into four broad themes: women's history, the industrial revolution and post-industrialization, mass politics, and the pre-</p><p>  ACCESS

47、IBILITY</p><p>  One reason we identified for instructors' reluctance to use computer-based material in teaching is the time it takes to grasp the technical aspects of the software. Thus we sought to cre

48、ate software that was intuitive and to minimize the amount of time students would have to spend learning to use it. We developed our prototype tutorials in the hypertext program Microcosm. The advent of the Web and the b

49、urgeoning HyperText Mark-up Language (HTML) clearly indicated to us, however, that HTML has a </p><p>  Producing the courseware in HTML has permitted the materials to be viewed through a variety of familiar

50、 Web browsers, such as Netscape and Internet Explorer, which are among the most intuitive and least technically demanding software available. HTML's hypertext links provide a more transparent structure and still allo

51、w students to follow particular threads. The ability to configure helper applications in Web browsers allowed the Consortium to use its Data Handler tool for the automatic loading o</p><p>  FLEXIBILITY</

52、p><p>  The enriched-lecture format, using HTML and Web browsers, makes the tutorials flexible learning tools. Ultimately, any hypermedia system represents a finite body of knowledge and a limited range of view

53、points but the authors have selected and organized their material in such a way as not to lead students towards predetermined conclusions. Students and instructors are able to explore the material outside the set pathway

54、s; a sufficient range and type of resources appear in the tutorials to allow f</p><p>  Another key feature is that instructors can customize tutorials by, for example, adding their own materials, sources, a

55、nd evidence, including new links, paths, biographies, bibliographies, and instructions. They can even add new "core essays." In this way tutorials can grow and develop according to the instructor's requirem

56、ents. Each tutorial comes with a Local Information File that provides a template for lecturers to add their own instructions, links or questions. In addition to the simple ins</p><p>  A final objective of t

57、he Consortium was to support users of the courseware with information, training, and technical advice. We produced both printed and electronic manuals, as well as separate guides for students and instructors, including t

58、hose on installation, the Data Handler, and customization. We also established a subscription-based "User Club" to provide introductory and advanced training, produce case studies on teaching and customization,

59、 as well as support and advice through a help de</p><p><b>  RESULTS</b></p><p>  It was not our intention that the tutorials should replace lectures; early evaluations and focus-gro

60、up studies indicated that instructors and students did not perceive or use them in this way, but rather to support or replace individual seminars. The enriched-lecture format proved to be a suitable model for authors, pr

61、oviding a flexible framework to develop existing lectures and to take advantage of the opportunities HTML offers. We were excited by the amount of information, documentation, and s</p><p>  While authors fou

62、nd it relatively easy to produce core documents in the appropriate format and style, the "enriching" material took far longer to produce than we anticipated. In particular the identification, collection, cross-

63、referencing and copyright clearance of sources was expensive and time-consuming. On average, it took two years to complete a single core document with its associated sources and study materials. As most of the tutorials

64、have more than one core document and often multiple a</p><p>  The quality and range of materials has proved to be the strongest feature of the courseware. Authors successfully avoided writing deterministic

65、core essays; the quantity and range of sources, some of which are not available elsewhere, have made the tutorials broadly applicable to history teaching in the UK. In fact, 75 percent of British higher education college

66、s and universities that teach history ordered the courseware within two years of its release. The involvement of so many educational ins</p><p>  Instructors most often use the courseware to support seminars

67、, while students may use it in a computer lab sessions or independently to prepare for classroom discussion or to find reading lists for essays they must write. The preliminary evaluations we have undertaken indicate tha

68、t instructors use the courseware in trial runs of two or three class sessions before incorporating it into the course as a whole. Some departments use the tutorials as a networked resource, without incorporating them fo&

69、lt;/p><p>  The main criticism from instructors and students is the amount of time it takes to locate a specific resource, for example documents containing a certain word or phrase: the find function of current

70、 Web browsers is limited to the page being viewed. The one feature we lost by transferring from Microcosm to HTML was an excellent indexing and search facility. In order to overcome this problem, the Consortium licensed

71、an alternative browser called LIKSE, with comprehensive off-line search facilities</p><p>  A number of challenges remain in the development of computer-assisted teaching in the UK. Although the tutorials ha

72、ve proven to be broadly applicable and flexible tools, they have not been flexible enough. Instructors have not been able to tailor courseware to fit their individual needs. Although a number of institutions have receive

73、d training on HTML and how to customize the material for particular courses, even when instructors have the required technical skills, with increased teaching, resea</p><p>  CONCLUSION</p><p> 

74、 The problems of customizing courseware raises the question of whether our enriched-lecture model best promotes the use of computer-assisted learning resources in the UK. With the amount of material currently being digit

75、ized, instructors my be able to choose and develop existing resources more effectively, and in a way that reflects their specific needs. It is easier now for people to locate appropriate existing digitized resources than

76、 to create them from scratch, as the Consortium did. There ar</p><p>  Copyright clearance remains an impediment to a more widespread application of the Consortium's courseware, incurring the largest exp

77、ense (apart from salaries) in the project. It has also prevented our material being distributed via the Web. Instead the courseware is distributed on CD-ROM and then installed on the institution's intranet. A large e

78、xpenditure for a specific piece of courseware is not economically viable for either institutions or commercial publishers: the Consortium could only aff</p><p>  In the final stages of our project, we explor

79、ed possibilities for distributing the courseware outside the market of UK colleges and universities, in particular UK high schools and US universities.[7]  In the British high-schools market we found that many of th

80、e tutorials cut across the chronology or geography covered in the A-Level history curriculum (16-18 year olds) rather than complemented it. This reduced the usefulness of the courseware and made it less likely that depar

81、tments could justify</p><p>  Despite the progress made by our courseware and others' in advancing the use of computer-assisted learning in history instruction, much remains to be done. The 1998 Atkins R

82、eport on the Computers in Teaching Initiative (CTI) and the Teaching and Learning with Technology Support Network (TLTSN)—both national initiatives aimed at enhancing the use of information and communication technology (


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