1、1,第十五章 綜述和論文的撰寫,一、怎樣寫科學論文1、科學論文的寫作程序2、科學論文的結構 二、論文的發(fā)表程序1、論文遞交(Submission)2、給編緝的信3、修回4、接受、校稿、發(fā)表,2,,科學論文的寫作程序立題 查閱相關文獻:圖書館,INTENET 獲得資料和整理素材 文章寫作 修改和發(fā)表,3,研究型科學論文的結構,題目(Title):概括全文,引起讀者注意的一句話作者(Authors):聯(lián)系方法
2、,通訊作者用“*” 標記在右上角。依托單位(Organization),地區(qū)(郵編),國家摘要(Abstract): 50-200字,全文內容的高度濃縮關鍵詞(Key Words) :3-5個詞,可作為內容的索引正文:致謝(Acknowledgements) :1、各類基金的資助 2、其他相關人員的幫助參考文獻(References):在文末寫上,4,正文的結構和注明前言:本文工作的原因、意義、和其他人工作的關系/聯(lián)系(為什
3、么寫此文) 內容包括:(1)圖表:圖表名、坐標軸標明、符號說明、圖表解釋 (2)引用:注明來源和出處 討論:這些結果說明了什么結論:,5,,文獻課本 參考書: 科技雜志學位論文,6,網(wǎng)絡普通搜索引擎,7,8,9,10,11,參考文獻的引述方法正文: ...................某些銅藍蛋白極度缺乏的威爾遜病患者則由于鐵攝取不足,發(fā)生貧血癥[20]。................. 參考文獻: ﹕
4、Askwith, C. and Kaplan, P. J. Trends Biochem. Sci., 1998, 23: 135-138.,(作者)Arunlakshana, O.; Schild, H.O. (題目)Some quantitative uses of drug antagonists. (雜志名稱)British Journal of Pharmacology. (年份)1959. (卷,期, Volume,issu
5、e)14 (1), (頁) 48– 58.,12,綜述型文章 1、介紹文獻中的研究方法和結果 2、對介紹的方法或結果作評論,,,13,14,15,16,,17,中文論文題目: 3-取代-6β-乙酰氧基莨菪烷的合成及其生物活性研究鈕因堯,楊麗敏,崔永耀,朱亮,馮菊妹,陳紅專,陸陽*(上海第二醫(yī)科大學 藥物研究所, 上海 200025)摘要(中文):整個論文內容的高度濃縮(以3α-羥基-6β-乙酰氧基莨菪烷(5)為起始原料,合
6、成4個新3-取代-6β-乙酰氧基莨菪烷。藥理篩選結果表明6d對大鼠回腸肌具有強激動活性;經(jīng)M受體阻斷劑阿托品的拮抗試驗,提示6d是潛在的M膽堿能受體激動劑。)關鍵詞(中文) :包甲素類似物;M膽堿能激動劑;合成,18,Synthesis and Bioactivities of 3αSubstituted 6β-acetoxytropane DerivativesNIU Yin-Yao,YANG Li-Min,CUI Yong-Y
7、ao,ZHU Liang,LU Yang*(Institute of Materia Medica, Shanghai Second Medical University,Shanghai 200025)ABSTRACT:Four new 3αsubstituted 6β-acetoxytropane derivatives were synthesized from 3α-hydroxy-6β-acetoxytropane. T
8、he results of preliminary pharmacological tests showed that 6d had strong agonistic effect on ileal muscle of Guinea-pigs. With this agonistic effect being blocked by atropine, an exclusive muscarinic-receptor antagonist
9、, we definitely believed that it was a potential muscarinic cholinergic agonist.Key Words:Analogs of Baogongteng A;muscarinic cholinergic agonist;synthesis,19,正文內容:1.前言(Introduction)包公藤甲素(Baogongteng A,1,簡稱包甲素),化學名為2β
10、-羥基-6β-乙酰氧基去甲莨菪烷[1, 2],是上世紀70年代末從旋花科(Convolvulaceae)植物丁公藤(Erycibe obtusifolia Benth)中提取得到第一個具膽堿能活性的天然莨菪烷類生物堿(2),在臨床上可用于治療青光眼。通過兔虹膜、豚鼠回腸縱長肌M膽堿能受體動力學研究,發(fā)現(xiàn)它是特異性M膽堿受體激動劑,具有深入研發(fā)的廣闊前景。1的類似物3無明顯縮瞳活性[3],而4具有比1強的縮瞳活性,表明1中2β-羥基對膽堿
11、能活性影響很小,而6β-乙酰氧基是活性必需基團[4]。天然1來源有限,而全合成1步驟多、總收率僅5%[5],因此有必要制備1的類似物用以篩選新藥。 …,,20,2.實驗部分(不同雜志格式不同)1.合成實驗1.1 儀器與試劑紅外光譜用Nicolet-Magna IR750型儀測定;核磁共振氫譜用Bruck AM-400 NMR儀、Varian-EM360L型儀測定;質譜用美國HP-5988 GC/MS儀測定;紫外254nm下檢測包
12、甲素類似物。柱層析用硅膠H(顆粒度100-200 mesh)(上海杜園精細化工有限公司);薄層層析用HSG(F254)硅膠板(青島海洋化工廠); 1.2 合成方法…,21,3.結果和討論(Results and Discussion)3.1 合成6d反應條件的探討3.1.1 反應溫度對產物得率的影響,22,4.結論(Conclusions) 6a~6c不能激動M膽堿能受體,而 6d對M受體的強激動作用與對照品
13、卡巴膽堿相近,表明3α位上的磺酰氧基對激動活性的產生影響很大。這為深入研究藥物與M受體的構效關系,進一步測試其對各M亞型代表性標本的藥理活性,最終定向合成高效低毒的縮瞳新藥提供實驗依據(jù)。致謝:本項目由上海市教委學科建設專項基金部分資助(JY2001)。,23,參考文獻:[1] 姚天榮,陳澤乃,等. 包公藤的化學研究I,縮瞳有效成分包公藤甲素的分離和初步研究[J]. 藥學學報,1979,14:731-735.[2] 姚天榮,陳澤乃
14、,易大年,等. 包公藤的化學研究II,新縮瞳藥─包公藤甲素的結構[J]. 藥學學報,1981,16:582-588. …,國際藥學研究雜志,24,英文論文,25,26,27,28,29,AcknowledgmentsThis study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30070860); the Key Project o
15、f Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission (No. 03JC14064 and No 34319230) and the Project of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (No. 02BZ30).,We wish to present our grateful thanks to Municipal Science
16、Emphasis Item (No. 34319230), MOST Item (No. 2002AA231011) for financial support. We also thank Dr. Xiao-Jun YAO and Dr. Xiao-Yun ZHANG of department of chemistry in Lanzhou University and Dr. Florent Barbault in Univers
17、ité Paris 7 for their helps in CoMFA study.,30,二、論文的發(fā)表程序1、論文遞交(1)中文論文:郵寄手稿(2)英文論文一般網(wǎng)上遞交(Submission on line):Menuscript(原稿)Graphic Abstract(帶圖摘要)2、給編緝(Editor)的信(cover letter)(1)中文論文:單位介紹信(蓋公章)(2)英文論文:通訊作者給編緝的
18、信,31,2.給編緝(Editor)的信(cover letter)格式:寫信人地址、收信人地址、日期,Dept. of ChemistryShanghai Second Medical University280 South Chongqing RoadShanghai 200025, P. R. China.Fax: 86-021-53065329E-mail: huaxue@shsmu.edu.cn,Prof. Mas
19、akatsu ShibasakiGraduate School of Pharmaceutical SciencesThe University of Tokyo7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-kuTokyo 113-0033, Japan Fax: +81 3 5684 5206E-mail: bmclasia@mol.f.u-tokyo.ac.jp,July 8, 2005,32,Dear Prof. Masak
20、atsu Shibasaki:I wish to submit the enclosed manuscript “Activity and QSAR Study of Baogongteng A and Its Derivatives as Muscarinic Agonists” for consideration and publication in the journal of “Bioorganic and Medicinal
21、 Chemistry Letters”. We promise that the work described has not been published and if this article is accepted and it will not be published elsewhere. Also, the manuscript has been explicitly approved by all authors and
22、by the responsible authority (Institute of Materia Medica, Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai 200025, China). An early response will be very appreciated.
23、 Sincerely yours, Yang Lu,
24、 ProfessorEncl. four copies of manuscript and illustration,33,According to the requirement of the journal of “Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
25、 Letters”, we suggest following specialists as the referees of our article:Prof. Zhide HuDepartment of Chemistry, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, P.R. ChinaTel.: +86-931-891-2578;fax: +86-931-891-2582.E-mail addr
26、ess: huzd@lzu.edu.cn Prof. Paola CratteriDepartment of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Florence, via U. Schiff 6, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Firenze, ItalyFax: 39-055-4573671; E-mail: paola.gratteri@unifi.it,34
27、,3、論文的修回格式 寫信人地址收信人地址 日期Dear Prof. Masakatsu Shibasaki:I am very thankful to the referees of “Bioorgani
28、c and Medicinal Chemistry Letters” for their helpful suggestions about our article “Activity and QSAR Study of Baogongteng A and Its Derivatives as Muscarinic Agonists”.,35,According to their opinions, we made some revis
29、ion as follows: 1. Three more compounds (22-24) which were recently prepared and tested biologically in our laboratory were added into the test set to improve the validation of the CoMFA model. Their structures, observe
30、d and predicted agonistic activities were added into Table 1 and 3 respectively. The predicted results were also satisfactory.2. We have explained about the applying of cross-validated values in the CoMFA study, and the
31、 method of alignment in more details in Figure 2. Although calculating cross-validated values for predicted pEC50 of each compound in Table 3 and Figure 3 is really an effective way for the model’s validation as it makes
32、 the model being more accurate, we applied q2 of the training set for the validation following general understanding of CoMFA method.At last, Although CoMSIA is an alternative method which is also helpful in constructin
33、g the SAR model, I want to explain that some interesting results have been derived by our preliminary CoMFA study which followed general procedures of this method. In fact, we still go on the synthesis of BGT-A derivativ
34、es for the screening of muscarinic agonists. Further CoMFA and CoMSIA studies with more activity data are under our consideration to develop our theoretical model. Sincerely yo
35、urs Yang Lu Professor,36,4、文章被接受(Accepted)、校稿、發(fā)表Author Query Form關于校對、印刷事宜,37,附上給網(wǎng)站的回信Dear Sir:We have carefully examined t
36、he proof of our article named “Quantitative Structure-Selectivity Relationship for M2 Selectivity between M1 and M2 of Piperidinyl Piperidine Derivatives as Muscarinic Antagonists” (BMCL_11240) which will be published in
37、 BIOORGANIC AND MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, and listed some minor corrections in the “Query Form”. Please find the “Query Form” as an attachment.Kind regards.Professor Yang LuSchool of Medicine Shanghai Jiao Tong Un
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