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1、分類編號 :?? 單位代碼 :10065密 級 :?? 學 號:09208028研 究生 學位 論文論 文題 目:大 都 市 區(qū) 縣 生態(tài) 城 鎮(zhèn) 規(guī) 劃 理 論 與實 踐 — — 以天 津 市 津 南 區(qū) 為例學 生 姓 名 : 于 曉 曼 申請 學位 級 別 : 理 學 碩 士申請專業(yè)名稱 :? 環(huán)境科 學?研 究 方 向:區(qū)域 環(huán)境 評 價 與 規(guī) 劃指 導教師 姓 名 : 王袓 偉 專業(yè) 技 術 職 稱 : 教授提 交

2、論 文 日期 : 20 12 年 3 月 20 日A b str a ctSi nce t he begi nni ng of t he 2 1stcent ury, t he act i vi t i es of hum an i ndust ri al i zat i onand ur b ani zat i on i s bei ng i ncreasi ngl y fr equent ,w i t h t he

3、 i nt ensi ve grow t h of t he ci t ycent er popul at i on,som e i ndust rialenterpri ses began t o m i grat e t o suburban,i ndu st ri alact i vi t i es began t o gat her i n t ow n.From t he perspect i ves of c

4、l i m ate change,envi ronm ent alpol l ut i on,ur b an dev el opm ent ,bi odi versi t y,i tcan b e found t hatecol ogi calenvi ronm enthas suf fered seri ous dam age i n count y and t ow n.T hi s t hesi sby anal yzi ng

5、t he dom est i c an d i nt ernat i onaleco- t ow n researches and pl anni ngt heori es,i t can be found t hat necessi t y for urb an const ructi on i n C hi na' s suburbandi st ri cts near m et ropol i tan and p

6、robl em s duri ng pl anni ng eco-t ow n process.B ased onecol ogy and eco-t ow n planni ng as a case of Ji nnan D i st ri ct,t he ext ensi ve col l ect i on ofl i t erat ures and exam pl es,anal yzi ng rese

7、arch deepl y,and bui l di ng a researchfram ew o rk .St ruct ural l y,t hi s t hesi s is di vi ded i nt o si x chapt ers:t he f i rstchapter i s ani nt roduct ion m ai nl y l ooki ng for t he argum entbasis of t h

8、is st udy and an anal ysi s of t heresearch b ackground,determ i nat i on t he research contents and m et hods.T he secondchapter i s aboutresearch advances dom est i c and overseas,i ncl udi ng t he pre- peri od,t h

9、e expl orat i on peri od, t he form at i on peri od and t he m at ure peri od.T h e achievem entof dom esti c eco-t ow ns devel opm entand t he gap bet w een C hi na and forei gn count ri es.T he t hi rd cha

10、pt er di scusses t he ecol ogi calt heori es of urban regi onalpl anni ng,i ncl udi ng eco- t ow ns concept,m eani ng,and devel opm entt rends,t he scope of ecol ogyt heoret icalfoundati on,regionalplanni ng and resea

11、rch t rends,t he research cont entsand m et hods of t he servi ce and supportf unct i on provi di ng by count i es t ow ards ci t y i neco-tow n pl anni ng, show i ng t he di fferentpoi nts of eco-t ow n pl a

12、nni ng for di f ferenteco- t ow ns,provi di ng a t heoret icalb asis for ecol ogi calpl anni ng f or t he m et ropol i tansurroundi ng count i es.T he si xt h chapt er w as sel ect ed Ji nnan D i st ri ctas a st udy case

13、,and bui l di ng t he overal lpl an on Ji nn an eco-t ow n pl anni ng.T he fi ft h chapter pl annedt w o tow ns w i t h di fferentf uncti ons for m et ropol i tan and surroundi ng counties toprovi de st rong t echni


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