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1、Food Poisoning Emergency plan 食物中毒應(yīng)急預(yù)案,1、Ensure the safety of the employees and guests.保障廣大賓客和員工的生命安全。 2、Ensure that once accident, be able to take effective measures in time and lower the risk.確保一

2、旦發(fā)生事故,能及時采取有效措施,將風(fēng)險降到最低。,Training Target 本次培訓(xùn)的目標(biāo),1. Any employee find that in areas of the hotel guests/staffs have food poisoning incidents happened or received complaints related content, should be immediately call:任何

3、員工發(fā)現(xiàn)在酒店區(qū)域內(nèi)的賓客∕員工有食物中毒事件發(fā)生或接到相關(guān)內(nèi)容的投訴,均應(yīng)立即致電: The hotel operator “0”or 0335-3430888 service centre 總機(jī)“0”或0335—3430888服務(wù)中心1.1If staffs in the scene, he should offer help and emergency measures for guests. including :員工若

4、在事發(fā)現(xiàn)場,則應(yīng)為客人提供力所能及的服務(wù)和緊急處理措施,包括:1.1.1Please keep the scene intact and suspicious food. Don't throw the rest of the food away and don't wash the tableware. 保護(hù)好現(xiàn)場和可疑食物,病人吃剩下的食物,不要急于倒悼,食品用工具、容器、餐具等不要急于沖洗 1.1.2In o

5、rder to health department sampling and testing, keep the guest's excrement. 病人的排泄物(嘔吐物、大便)要予以保留,以便衛(wèi)生部門采樣檢驗,Staff 酒店員工,,,Staff 酒店員工,1.1.3Appease poisoning person, relatives and friends, avoid rioting or panicking.安撫

6、中毒人員及其親屬∕朋友,盡量避免引起騷亂或恐慌。1.1.4 In the hands of enough, can help patients to quiet, ventilation, facilitate rescue area, and at the same time to pay attention to the crash site designated personnel for protection, isolati

7、on, the whole process of self pay attention to safety, avoid secondary infection.在人手充足的情況下,可將病人攙扶到安靜、通風(fēng),便于救護(hù)的區(qū)域內(nèi),同時要注意指定人員對事發(fā)現(xiàn)場進(jìn)行保護(hù)、隔離,整個過程注意做好自我安全防護(hù),避免二次傳染1.1.5 To do the above until the arrival of the team hotel ERT.完

8、成上述工作直至酒店ERT小組的到來。,,1. As soon as you get the relevant contents of the alarm or distress call:一旦接到相關(guān)內(nèi)容的報警或求救電話:1.1Sure poisoning personnel identity (guests or staffs)、number、place、Major clinical manifestations. etc.確定

9、中毒人員身份(客人或員工)、數(shù)量、地點、主要臨床表現(xiàn)等。 1. Immediately notify the following people to the scene:立即通知下列人員趕赴現(xiàn)場:A、Duty Manager 當(dāng)班大堂副理B、Duty Security Supervisor當(dāng)班保安主管C、Duty engineer當(dāng)班值班工程師D、Hotel Doctor酒店人力資源部醫(yī)生∕護(hù)士,The hotel oper

10、ator 酒店總機(jī),,E、Food inspector 餐飲部食品檢驗人員F、Director of F&B 餐飲部負(fù)責(zé)人G、Western-style food executive chef 中、西餐行政總廚H、 Director of HR 人力資源部負(fù)責(zé)人(若中毒∕疑似中毒人員為酒店員工)The above personnel receive notice in the hotel, should be the

11、 firstrush to the scene.上述人員在接到酒店通知后,均應(yīng)第一時間趕至酒店事發(fā)現(xiàn)場,The hotel operator 酒店總機(jī),Service center staff should contact with the following:如有需要,總機(jī)在DM的通知下,還將負(fù)責(zé)聯(lián)系以下人員: 職務(wù)Title Extension分機(jī)

12、 Mobile手機(jī)A、 GM總經(jīng)理樂中成先生 2088 13933661701B、 FC財務(wù)經(jīng)理 2188 18630300106C、 EH行政管家 2588 1863030016

13、9D、 FOM前廳部經(jīng)理 2388 18630300176E、 DOS銷售總監(jiān) 2788 18630300110F、 EGD工程部總監(jiān) 2888 18630300109G、 SM保安部經(jīng)理

14、 2988 15076008728H、秦皇島港交通衛(wèi)生監(jiān)督所(電話3092717/3093917 夜間:3094117) Record in emergency report for reference.在緊急事件記錄上做記錄,作為參考,,1.After DM receive the notice of operator or others:

15、酒店值班經(jīng)理在接到總機(jī)或其它人員的通知后:1.1 Take a picture On the scene.攜帶照相機(jī)到場1.2到場后組織、協(xié)調(diào)ERT成員和事發(fā)部門當(dāng)班員工對病人進(jìn)行必要的救助,情況危急時可請示酒店GM撥打“120”急救電話求救和衛(wèi)生局電話報告案情,同時建議GM啟動酒店危機(jī)管理程序。1.3Learn about the event of the parties of the specific process and

16、 the relevant information and put on record, including:了解事件的具體經(jīng)過及當(dāng)事人的相關(guān)信息并記錄在案,包括:The patient identity information, Ifthere is need and is responsible for the contact病人身份信息及其家屬信息,如有需要并負(fù)責(zé)聯(lián)系。1.3.2What patients eat food

17、 and dining after病人所食食物種類及就餐經(jīng)過,,DM 酒店值班經(jīng)理,,DM 酒店值班經(jīng)理,1.3.3Identify where else food/drink was consumed by guests other than in the hotel.病人來酒店就餐前的相關(guān)進(jìn)食情況1.3.4Collect and record the guests Clinical manifestations who e

18、at the same food with the patient. And the detailed record of relevant identity information and the necessary contact way.收集記錄酒店也曾食用病人所食食物的酒店其他客人∕員工(即共同飲食史人員)的臨床表現(xiàn),并詳細(xì)記錄相關(guān)身份信息和必要的聯(lián)系方式1.3.5Collect the duty service perso

19、nnel, the cook, the record related identity information and the necessary contact way.收集記錄當(dāng)值服務(wù)人員、廚師等相關(guān)身份信息和必要的聯(lián)系方式1.3.6 Approved by GM, Coordinate with the financial department prepare relevant treatment costs請示GM同意后,協(xié)調(diào)

20、財務(wù)部門準(zhǔn)備相關(guān)治療費(fèi)用1.3.7Take the patient to the hospital and look after him until his relatives coming.安排、協(xié)調(diào)相關(guān)人員對病人入院進(jìn)行護(hù)理和所必要的工具(擔(dān)架、輪椅等),直至其親屬的到來1.3.8Follow up the event and contact with GM or Crisis management team members

21、in time.密切跟進(jìn)事態(tài)進(jìn)展,隨時與酒店GM或酒店危機(jī)管理小組成員進(jìn)行溝通1.3.9The whole thing record in detail.詳細(xì)記錄整個事件處理經(jīng)過,,Duty Security Supervisor 當(dāng)班保安主管,1.1Received alarm, with emergency bag rush to the scene.接到報警信息后立即攜帶應(yīng)急包趕赴現(xiàn)場1.2When arrive, keep

22、the scene intact.到達(dá)現(xiàn)場后安排人員對相關(guān)區(qū)域進(jìn)行封鎖、隔離,可采用警戒線或屏風(fēng)等方式進(jìn)行,驅(qū)散圍觀閑雜人員,保護(hù)好現(xiàn)場1.3Participate in the initial rescue person do well relative protection measures. Prevent the poisoning or pollution.提醒參與初期救護(hù)的人員做好相關(guān)防護(hù)措施(佩帶口罩、一次性手套等),防

23、止二次中毒∕污染1.4Assist DM work, including video、photo、record, etc.協(xié)助DM相關(guān)取證工作,包括攝像、照相、錄音等工作,,,Duty Security Supervisor 當(dāng)班保安主管,1.5Appease the patient and family, friends, prevent things further.安撫病人及其家屬、朋友,防止事態(tài)進(jìn)一步擴(kuò)大1.6Dredge

24、related lanes, so that the ambulance enter into hotel easily.必要時安排外圍保安員疏通相關(guān)車道,方便救護(hù)車輛進(jìn)入1.7Cooperate with the hotel food inspector, health bureau to what patients eat food sources, cook processing program and record the r

25、elated personnel information, call the above person when necessary to specified place with investigation of evidence.配合酒店食品檢驗員、衛(wèi)生局對病人所食食物來源、加工程序等進(jìn)行跟蹤并記錄相關(guān)人員信息,必要時可召集上述人員到指定地點進(jìn)行配合調(diào)查取證。1.8Assist DM deal with the whole eve

26、nt.協(xié)助DM處理好整個事件的善后工作1.9The detailed record of the event and send Loss and incident report to IHG.詳細(xì)記錄整個事件處理經(jīng)過并出事件報告至集團(tuán)總部,Duty Engineer 值班工程師,1.1Receiv alarm information and rush to the scene immediately 接到報警信息后立即趕

27、赴現(xiàn)場1.2Assist DM dispose the whole event and rehabilitation related work 協(xié)助DM和其他同事處理整個事件和相關(guān)善后工作,Hotel Doctor/Nurse 酒店醫(yī)生∕護(hù)士,1.1After receiving the report, Carrying related first-aid medicine rush to the scene .接到電話報

28、告后,立即攜帶相關(guān)急救藥品趕赴事發(fā)現(xiàn)場1.2Arrive on the scene, check the patient's life characteristics, and provide professional advice and treatment to ERT.到現(xiàn)場后,對病人進(jìn)行必要的生命特征檢查,并及時給出專業(yè)性建議和治療方案至ERT小組成員1.3According to the situation, to

29、 ensure safety on the premise of implementing emergency care to patients , when necessary, use chopsticks or fingers excite pharyngeal throw up the poisonous food. 根據(jù)檢查情況,在確保安全的前提下對病人實施緊急救護(hù),必要時可使用筷子或手指刺激病人咽部,幫助催吐排出毒物1

30、.4Speed up the toxin clear of the patient's body, Professional conditions allow, you can take symptomatic treatment and special treatment methods treatment help the patient.除加速體內(nèi)毒物清除外,專業(yè)條件允許的情況下,可采取對癥治療和特殊治療等方法積極救治

31、病人1.5If you need medicine in the treatment of patients should be before collecting blood, urine, TuXie content specimens for inspection如需用藥治療,在治療前應(yīng)采集病人血液、尿液、吐瀉物標(biāo)本以備送檢 1.6上述工作直至將病人送入醫(yī)院后或“120”醫(yī)護(hù)人員的到來時結(jié)束,Food poisoning ba

32、sic symptoms食物中毒基本癥狀,The most common symptoms are severe vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. For diarrhea and vomiting and occurrence dehydrate symptoms, such as dry mouth, orbital subsidence, the elasticity of the sk

33、in to disappear, body cold, pulse, blood pressure, thin, finally can cause shock. So must give patients added moisture, conditional input saline. Light symptoms person need have a rest in bed. If only the stomach uncomfo

34、rtable, drink boiled water or dilute salt water, and then to help the pharyngeal spits. If you discover that severely shock symptoms (such as brothers hair is cool, blue in the face, blood pressure drops, etc), should im

35、mediately recumbent, try to drive up of lower limbs and please the doctor for treatment.食物中毒者最常見的癥狀是劇烈的嘔吐、腹瀉,同時伴有中上腹部疼痛。食物中毒者常會因上吐下瀉而出現(xiàn)脫水癥狀,如口干、眼窩下陷、皮膚彈性消失、肢體冰涼、脈搏細(xì)弱、血壓降低等,最后可致休克。故必須給患者補(bǔ)充水分,有條件的可輸入生理鹽水。癥狀輕者讓其臥床休息。 如果

36、僅有胃部不適,多飲溫開水或稀釋的鹽水,然后幫助其咽部催吐。 如果發(fā)覺中毒者有休克癥狀(如手足發(fā)涼、面色發(fā)青、血壓下降等),就應(yīng)立即平臥,雙下肢盡量抬高并速請醫(yī)生進(jìn)行治療。,Food Inspector 酒店食品檢疫員,食物中毒前期處理措施:1.1After receiving the notice, immediately carry professional tools to the scene接到報告電話通知后,立即攜帶專

37、業(yè)工具趕赴現(xiàn)場1.2Immediately seal poisoning food or suspicious poisoning food and retention samples, provide them for the health department laboratory investigation立即封存中毒食品或可疑中毒食品與留樣食品一并提供給衛(wèi)生部門進(jìn)行化驗調(diào)查 1.3Seal contaminated foo

38、d utensils and equipment.封存被污染的食品用具和設(shè)備1.4Recover the sold poisoning food or suspicious poisoning food 追回已售出的中毒食品或可疑中毒食品 1.5If foreign pollutants, should also find out the pollutants and its source, quantity, to etc, an

39、d the scene ERT team take advice temporary measures如有外來污染物,應(yīng)同時查清污染物及其來源、數(shù)量、去向等 ,并現(xiàn)場建議ERT小組采取臨時措施1.6If the poisoning food or suspicious poisoning food also supply for other guests, we should follow up also led to food p

40、oisoning如中毒食品或可疑中毒食品已同時供應(yīng)給其他客人,應(yīng)跟進(jìn)是否同樣導(dǎo)致了食物中毒 1.7When you find that poisoning is expanding, you should be immediately suggest ERT team members report to the relevant local health department.當(dāng)發(fā)現(xiàn)中毒范圍仍在擴(kuò)展時,應(yīng)立即向ERT小組成員建議立

41、即上報當(dāng)?shù)叵嚓P(guān)衛(wèi)生部門,Food Inspector 酒店食品檢疫員,1.8Collect the patient's excrement, to prepare for inspection.采集病人排泄物(嘔吐物、大、小便)等標(biāo)本,以備檢查 1.9If you doubt someone poisoning, you can suggest ERT call 110 before approved by GM.若懷疑認(rèn)為投

42、毒,建議ERT小組請示GM后撥打“110”報警 Warning: The rest food of the patient, don‘t pour out! Don’t clean the tableware of the food! Collect the patient‘s excrement, to prepare for inspection. For sure the food in a reliable basis

43、for poisoning. 警告:病人吃剩下的食物,不要急于倒悼,食品用的工具、容器、餐具等不要急于沖洗,病人的排泄物(嘔吐物、大便)要保留,以便衛(wèi)生部門采樣檢驗,為確定食物中毒品提供可靠的依據(jù);,Food Inspector 酒店食品檢驗員,Food Poisoning Processing Measures食物中毒后期的處理措施:2.0In determining the cause of poisoning food,

44、we can deal with the poisoning food. 在確定了引起中毒的食物種類后,即可對引起中毒的食物及時進(jìn)行處理2.1The patient's excrement can available 20% or 5% of the lime milk LaiSu solution disinfection病人的排泄物可用20%石灰乳或5%的來蘇溶液進(jìn)行消毒2.2Places of poisoning di

45、sinfection安排人員對中毒場所采取相應(yīng)的消毒處理:2.2.1Seal contaminated food and equipment, and cleaning and disinfection封存被污染的食物及用具,并進(jìn)行清洗消毒 2.2.2Food poisoning of microorganisms, thorough cleaning and disinfection contact with food poiso

46、ning the tableware, containers, utensils and storage of food in the refrigerator, Food poisoning of microorganisms, thorough cleaning and disinfection contact with food poisoning the tableware, containers, utensils and s

47、torage of food in the refrigerator, personnel's hand disinfected .對微生物性食品中毒,要徹底清潔,消毒接觸過中毒食物的餐具、容器、用具以及貯存食品的冰箱、設(shè)備,加工人員的手也要進(jìn)行消毒處理 2.2.3For chemical food poisoning, want to use hot buck thoroughly clean contact with fo

48、od poisoning or may have come in contact with the vessel, tableware, appliances, etc, and on more than a suspicious food thoroughly clean up, put an end to poisoning hidden trouble對化學(xué)性食物中毒,要用熱堿水徹底清潔接觸過中毒食品或可能接觸過的容器、餐具、用具

49、等,并對乘余的可疑食物徹底清理,杜絕中毒隱患,F&B Manager 餐飲部經(jīng)理/餐廳經(jīng)理,1.0Arrive the scene, survey and understand the situation.立即趕赴現(xiàn)場,調(diào)查、了解事件進(jìn)過1.1For safety, stop immediately before the patient eat all the food sold, unless in the officia

50、l formal notice to get health bureau rear can go on sale.為安全起見,立即停止之前病人所食用的所有食物的出售,除非在得到衛(wèi)生局的官方正式通知后方可繼續(xù)出售1.2Recover the poisoning food sold or suspicious poisoning food 追回已售出的中毒食品或可疑中毒食品 1.3Survey poisoning food or sus

51、picious poisoning food quality, storage conditions, cooking method, and heating temperature, time, etc and write report調(diào)查中毒食品或可疑中毒食品質(zhì)量、存放條件,加工烹調(diào)的方法和加熱的溫度、時間等情況并寫出書面報告1.4Arrange the cashier keep the patient's point

52、for menu.安排收銀員妥善保管病人的點菜單以備查1.5Collect the department contact suspicious food the employees of the relevant information and, when necessary, to call for department of health survey, obtain evidence收集本部門凡接觸可疑食品的從業(yè)人員相關(guān)信息,

53、必要時負(fù)責(zé)召集以備衛(wèi)生部門調(diào)查、取證,Head chef/Executive chef 各廚師長∕行政總廚,1. Stop all suspected food processing and seal for future reference立即停止所有疑似食品的加工并封存?zhèn)洳?. Cooperate with food and beverage manager and food inspector for suspected of

54、 poisoning food quality, storage conditions, processing, cooking method, and heating temperature, time and other study investigation, analysis, and form a written report to the food and beverage manager配合餐飲部負(fù)責(zé)人和食品檢疫員對可疑中

55、毒食品質(zhì)量、存放條件,加工烹調(diào)的方法和加熱的溫度、時間等情況進(jìn)行認(rèn)真調(diào)查、分析,并形成書面報告至餐飲部經(jīng)理3. Keep suspicious of receiving food poisoning checklist to for reference保留可疑中毒食品的收貨清單以備查4. On that day the kitchen called processing suspicious food poisoning the o

56、fficer on duty, at any time with the department of health related survey召集當(dāng)日廚房加工可疑中毒食品值班人員,隨時配合衛(wèi)生部門的相關(guān)調(diào)查,Steward Manager 管事部經(jīng)理,1. Confirm the tableware of suspicious food models.確認(rèn)盛裝可疑食品的餐具型號2. Follow up related cleani

57、ng and disinfection program whether accord with the standard, serious investigation and analysis , finally write report to the F&B Manager.跟進(jìn)相關(guān)清潔、消毒程序是否符合標(biāo)準(zhǔn)要求,認(rèn)真調(diào)查分析并形成書面報告至餐飲部經(jīng)理3. Called the steward employees who r

58、esponsible for cleaning and disinfection tableware.召集負(fù)責(zé)當(dāng)批次餐具清洗、消毒的管事部員工,隨時配合衛(wèi)生部門的相關(guān)調(diào)查4.After health department investigate and gathering for evidence,衛(wèi)生部門調(diào)查取證結(jié)束后,負(fù)責(zé)對相關(guān)餐具進(jìn)行徹底消毒,Purchasing Manager 采購部經(jīng)理,1. Provide the re

59、levant suspicious food purchase documents. 提供相關(guān)可疑食品的采購單據(jù)2. Provide vendor Information Detail List提供供貨商的相關(guān)資料3. Before the Health bureau has not in formal notice, stop from the relevant suppliers continue to purchase sus

60、picious food, consider to temporarily replace suppliers to purchase food.在未得到衛(wèi)生局的官方正式通知前,暫停從相關(guān)供貨商繼續(xù)采購可疑食品,可考慮暫時更換供貨商進(jìn)行采購,Receiving Department 收貨部,1. Keep the suspicious of receiving material of food for inspection.保存相

61、關(guān)可疑食品的收貨資料以備查2. Cooperate with the kitchen staff, food inspector, intensify the suspicious food receiving acceptance strength.配合廚房工作人員、食品檢疫人員,加大對可疑食品的收貨驗收力度,FIN 財務(wù)部,1. Approve by GM, ensure the on time fund supply.在獲得

62、酒店GM同意后,保障相關(guān)資金到位2. Responsible for contacting with insurance company for related claim.負(fù)責(zé)與保險公司聯(lián)系相關(guān)索賠事宜,PR Manager 公關(guān)經(jīng)理,Approved by the hotel GM, be responsible for the whole event outward media response and various inte

63、rpretation work.在酒店GM的授權(quán)下,全程負(fù)責(zé)整個事件引發(fā)的對外媒體應(yīng)答和各項解釋工作Warning: Not approved by the hotel GM, prohibit anyone from publishing any comments or information to media. 警告:酒店任何人員在為得到酒店GM的授權(quán)下,不得擅自對媒體發(fā)表與此事有關(guān)的任何言論或信息

64、 HR人力資源部 Responsible for collecting related people Health certificate to prepare for inspection. 1、 負(fù)責(zé)搜集涉及此次相關(guān)人員的健康證明以備衛(wèi)生部門檢查 If severely for hotel staff, will be responsible for


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