1、腹 瀉 (Diarrhea),定 義Definition,排便次數(shù)增多、糞質(zhì)稀薄,或帶有粘液、膿血,或未消化的食物。如解液狀便,每日3次以上,或每日排便量超過200克,含水量>80%。Diarrhea is commonly used to denote an increase in stool frequency or volume and an increase in the looseness of stool, or w
2、ith mucus, pus and blood or undigested food, such as discharging loose stools more than three times per day, or weight of stools above 200g with containing water above 80%.,分類Classify,急性腹瀉 ( acute diarrhea ) 慢性腹瀉 ( ch
3、ronic diarrhea ) 超過2個月 more than 2 month,急性腹瀉的病因Etiology of acute diarrhea,(1)腸道疾病:感染性腸炎、急性出血壞死性腸炎(1)Intestinal diseases: infectious enteritis, acute hemorrhagic enteritis(2)急性中毒 (2) Acute poisoning(3)全
4、身性感染: 敗血癥,傷寒 (3) Systemic infection: sepsis, typhoid(4)其他:變態(tài)反應性腸炎;內(nèi)分泌疾病 (4) Others,慢性腹瀉的病因(1)Etiology of chronic diarrhea (1),(1)消化系統(tǒng)疾病 digestive system diseases: 胃部疾病 stomach disorder 腸道感染 intestinal infecti
5、on:腸結(jié)核、慢性菌痢、血吸蟲病 腸道非感染性疾病 Non-infectious intestinal diseases: 潰瘍性結(jié)腸炎 腸道腫瘤 intestinal tumor:小腸結(jié)腸惡性腫瘤 胰腺疾病 pancreatic diseases:慢性胰腺炎、胰腺癌 肝膽疾病 hepato-biliary diseases:肝硬化 (cirrhosis)、慢性膽囊炎、膽石癥,慢性腹瀉的病因(2),(
6、2)全身性疾病 systemic diseases 內(nèi)分泌及代謝障礙疾病 Endocrine and metabolic disorders:甲亢、糖尿病性腸病、血管活性腸肽瘤、類癌綜合征 其他系統(tǒng)疾病 other systemic diseases:尿毒癥 (uremia)、放射性腸炎 藥物副作用 adverse effects:利血平、甲狀腺素、洋地黃類 神經(jīng)功能紊亂 nervous dysfunction:腸易激綜
7、合征 ( irritable bowel syndrome, IBS),發(fā)病機制Mechanism,1 分 泌 性 腹 瀉1 Secretory diarrhea,腸粘膜分泌過多的液體超過腸粘膜吸收能力所引起腸道非感染或感染性炎癥:霍亂 (cholera) 阿米巴、細菌性、潰瘍性結(jié)腸炎腸道內(nèi)分泌腫瘤:胃泌
8、素瘤 (gastrinoma),2 滲出性腹瀉,滲出大量粘液、膿血,如炎癥性腸病、感染性腸炎、放射性腸炎,3 滲透性腹瀉3 Osmotic diarrhea,腸內(nèi)容物滲透壓增高,阻礙腸內(nèi)水分與 電解質(zhì)的吸收而引起, 常見于高滲性(hyperosmotic) 藥物、高滲性食物 、胰腺病變、肝膽疾病,4 動力性腹瀉4 Dynamic diarrhea,腸蠕動亢進致腸內(nèi)食糜停留時間縮短,未被充分吸收;常見于腸炎,甲狀腺功能亢進、
9、糖尿病、胃腸功能紊亂hyperactive peristalsis result in short residence time of chyme without fully absorbed; it can be seen in enteritis, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, gastrointestinal dysfunction,5 吸收不良性腹瀉5 Malabsorption diarrhea,由
10、腸粘膜的吸收面積減少或吸收障礙所引起,如小腸大部切除術,吸收不良綜合征Intestinal absorption area declined or absorption dysfunction, such as small Intestine resection, malabsorption syndrome,臨床表現(xiàn)Clinical manifestation,1 起病與病程 Onset and course 起病急、病程短
11、 rash onset, short course: 感染或中毒 infection, poisoning 起病緩慢、病程長 slow oncet, long course: 慢性感染、非特異性炎癥、吸收不良、腸道腫瘤、神經(jīng)功能紊亂 chronic infection, nonspecific inflammation, malabsorption, intestinal tumor, nervo
12、us dysfunction,臨床表現(xiàn),2 腹瀉次數(shù)與糞便性質(zhì)2 Diarrhea times and stool properties急性感染性腹瀉 acute infectious diarrhea: several times or even dozens of times per day; paste or watery stools慢性腹瀉 chronic diarrhea: several times per day;
13、 loose stools阿米巴痢疾 amoebic dysentery: dark red or like jam 腸易激綜合征 irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): stools with mucus and without pathological changes,臨床表現(xiàn),3 腹瀉與腹痛的關系 relationship with abdomen pain急性腹瀉常有腹痛,以感染性腹瀉為明顯Ac
14、ute diarrhea usually has abdomen pain, and infective diarrhea is the most obvious.小腸疾病的腹瀉疼痛常在臍周,便后腹痛緩解不明顯The pain of intestinal disease diarrhea is always around navel, and it relieves un-obviously after defecate.結(jié)腸疾病
15、疼痛多在下腹,且便后疼痛常可緩解The pain of colon lesions diarrhea is always in the lower abdomen, and it relieves obviously after defecate.分泌性腹瀉往往無明顯腹痛The pain of secretory diarrhea is not obvious.,伴隨癥狀 Accompanied symptom,1 發(fā)熱 fev
16、er:痢疾(dysentery)、傷寒(typhoid)、腸結(jié)核(intestinal tuberculosis)2 里急后重 tenesmus:colonic diseases, rectal diseases 提示直腸和乙狀結(jié)腸病變3 消瘦 thin:小腸病變 intestine diseases4 皮疹、皮下出血 skin rash, subcutaneous hemorrhage:敗血癥(sepsis)、傷寒(typho
17、id),伴隨癥狀,5 腹部包塊 abdominal mass:胃腸道腫瘤Gastric or intestinal carcinoma 6 重度失水 severe dehydration:霍亂 cholera 7 關節(jié)痛、關節(jié)腫脹 joint pain, joint swelling: Crohn diseases, ulcerative colitis 見于Crohn病、潰瘍性結(jié)腸炎、腸結(jié)核、SLE等。,問診要點,腹瀉的起病
18、大便的性狀及臭味同食者群集發(fā)病的歷史地區(qū)和家族中的發(fā)病情況腹瀉加重、緩解的因素病后一般情況變化,,,20,黃 疸 (Jaundice),21,定 義Definition,血清中膽紅素(bilirubin)升高致使皮膚、粘膜和鞏膜發(fā)黃的癥狀和體征。Jaundice is both symptom and sign of becoming yellow in the skin, mucosa and sclera due
19、 to increase of bilirubin in serum.正常值 normal value:總膽紅素 ( total bilirubin, TB ) 1.7 ~ 17.1 μmol/L結(jié)合膽紅素 ( conjugated bilirubin, CB ) 0 ~ 3.42 μmol/L非結(jié)合膽紅素 ( unconjugated bilirubin, UCB )
20、 1.7 ~ 13.68 μmol/L,22,,膽紅素升高 increase of bilirubin隱性黃疸 No visible jaundice: bilirubin 17.1 ~ 34.2 umol/L可見黃疸 Visible jaundice: bilirubin > 34.2 umol/L,23,24,膽紅素的正常代謝(1),體內(nèi)膽紅素的代謝: 血循環(huán)中衰老的紅細胞單核巨噬細胞系統(tǒng) ↓血紅蛋白
21、血紅素 血紅素加氧酶 ↓膽綠素 膽綠素還原酶 ↓非結(jié)合膽紅素(UCB),紅細胞生成的血紅蛋白:7.5g/d生成膽紅素 250 mg /d占總膽紅素的 80~85%,組織蛋白酶,25,膽紅素的正常代謝(2),骨髓幼稚紅細胞的血紅蛋白 肝內(nèi)含亞鐵血紅素的蛋白質(zhì)(過氧化氫酶、過氧化物酶、細胞色素氧化酶、肌紅蛋白)↓旁路膽紅素(bypass bilirubin)
22、10 ~ 30 mg / d 占15~20%,26,27,分 類Classification,Based on etilolgy(病因)溶血性黃疸 Hemolytic Jaudice肝細胞性黃疸 Hepatic Jaudice膽汁淤積性黃疸 Cholestasis Jaudice先天性非溶血性黃疸 Congenital unhemolytic Jaudice,Based on
23、quality of bilirubin(膽紅素性質(zhì))以UCB增高為主的黃疸Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia以CB增高為主的黃疸Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia,28,病因、發(fā)生機制和臨床表現(xiàn)Etiology, pathogenesis and clinical occurrence,29,溶血性黃疸 Hemolytic Juandice,定義 凡能引起紅細胞大量破
24、壞而產(chǎn)生溶血的疾病都可產(chǎn)生溶血性黃疸Definition Hemolytic juandice is caused by hemolysis with too much erythrocytes destroyed.,30,常見疾病,先天性 Congenital: 遺傳性球形紅細胞增多癥 hereditary spherocytosis 后天性 Acquired: 自身免疫性溶血autoimmune hemolysis, 新生兒
25、溶血 newborn hemolysis, 異型輸血后的溶血 hemolysis after blood transfusion due to different blood groups,31,溶血性黃疸代謝圖,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,破壞↑↑↑,32,,大量RBC破壞 ? Hb ? ? UCB ?,超過肝細胞的攝取、結(jié)合能力? UCB ? ;This is usually caused by hemolysis
26、 producing UCB at a rate exceeding the maximal rate of liver uptake, conjugation and excretion.缺氧和紅細胞破壞產(chǎn)物對肝細胞的毒性作用 ? 肝細胞受損 ? 處理膽紅素能力下降? UCB ? 。Hypoxia and erythrocyte destruction product have toxic effect to liver c
27、ell ? The liver cell suffers injury ?Processing bilirubin ability drops.,溶血性黃疸發(fā)生機制Pathogenesis of hemolytic juandice,33,溶血性黃疸 Hemolytic Juandice,臨床表現(xiàn) clinical occurrence:黃疸較輕,呈淺檸檬色,不伴皮膚搔癢,其它癥狀為原發(fā)病的表現(xiàn) The jaundice i
28、s light, appears the shallow citrine, not accompanied by skin titillation, other symptoms are primary disease's performance. 急性溶血時:發(fā)熱、寒戰(zhàn)、腰痛、頭痛 嘔吐、Hb尿 急性腎
29、功能衰竭 慢性溶血:多為先天性,貧血,脾腫大,34,溶血性黃疸 Hemolytic Juandice,實驗室檢查: 血TB ? 以UCB ? 為主,CB基本正常,CB/TB<20% 尿膽原和糞膽原 ? 、尿中無膽紅素,35,肝細胞性黃疸 Hepatocellular Juandice,定義 各種肝臟疾病使肝細胞發(fā)生彌漫性 損害而引起黃疸。,36,肝細胞性黃疸代謝圖,,,,,,,
30、,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,受損,,,,,,,,,,37,肝細胞性黃疸,肝細胞受損 → 肝細胞處理膽紅素的能力下降 → 血中UCB增加;未受損的肝細胞仍能將UCB → CB,部分CB經(jīng)受損細胞或壞死細胞反流入血、膽汁排泄受阻使CB返流入血 → 血中CB增加。,38,常見疾病,病因 病毒性肝炎、肝硬化 中毒性肝炎、敗血癥,39,肝細胞性黃疸 Hepatocellular Juandice,臨床表現(xiàn)
31、 皮膚、粘膜淺黃至深黃色 可伴有輕度皮膚搔癢 肝臟原發(fā)病的表現(xiàn):乏力、食欲減退 嚴重者可有出血傾向,40,肝細胞性黃疸 Hepatocellular Juandice,實驗室檢查 血中CB與UCB均增加,CB/TB 20-50% 黃疸型肝炎時,CB增加幅度高于UCB 不同程度的肝功能異常,41,膽汁淤積性黃疸Cholestasis
32、 Juandice,分類 肝內(nèi)性 肝內(nèi)阻塞性膽汁淤積:肝內(nèi)泥沙樣結(jié)石、癌栓 肝內(nèi)膽汁淤積:毛細膽管型病毒性肝炎 原發(fā)性膽汁性肝硬化 藥物性膽汁淤積 肝外性 膽總管結(jié)石、
33、狹窄、炎性水腫、 腫瘤等阻塞所引起,42,膽汁淤積性黃疸代謝圖,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43,膽汁淤積性黃疸 Cholestasis Juandice,發(fā)病機制膽道阻塞↓其上方的壓力升高↓小膽管與毛細膽管破裂↓膽汁中的膽紅素反流入血 肝內(nèi)膽汁淤積有些并非是機械因素引起,而是由于膽汁分泌功能障礙,毛細膽管通透性增加,膽汁濃縮而流量減少,導致膽道內(nèi)膽鹽沉淀
34、和膽栓形成。,44,膽汁淤積性黃疸 Cholestasis Juandice,臨床表現(xiàn) 皮膚呈暗黃色、黃綠色 伴有皮膚搔癢 尿色深 大便顏色變淺或呈白陶土色,45,膽汁淤積性黃疸Cholestasis Juandice,實驗室檢查 血清CB增加 尿膽原和糞膽素減少或缺如 血清堿性磷酸酶和總膽固醇增高,46,三種黃疸實驗室檢查的區(qū)別,,項目 溶血性
35、 肝細胞性 膽汁淤積性TB ? ? ?CB 正常 ? ? ?CB/TB
36、?20% 20~50% ? 50%尿膽紅素 ? ? ? ?尿膽原 ? 輕度? ?或消失ALT、
37、AST 正常 ? ? ? ALP 正常 ? ? ? r-GT 正常 ?
38、 ? ? PT 正常 延長 延長,,,47,先天性非溶血性黃疸Congenital Unhemolytic JuandiceInherent Jaundice,Gilbert Syndrom Dubin-Johnson SyndromCrigle-Najjar
39、 Syndrom Rotor Syndrom,48,Gilbert 綜合征:病因: 肝細胞攝取UCB障礙 葡萄糖醛酸轉(zhuǎn)移酶不足 肝細胞攝取UCB障礙 UCB轉(zhuǎn)化成CB障礙 血中UCB升高 肝活組織檢查無異常,,49,Dubin-Johnson綜合征病因: 肝細胞排泄CB障礙 CB向毛細膽管排泄障礙
40、 血中CB增高 肝臟外觀呈綠黑色,活檢見肝細胞內(nèi)有特異的棕褐色素顆粒,,50,Crigler-Najjar 綜合征病因: 葡萄糖醛酸轉(zhuǎn)移酶缺乏肝細胞不能將UCB轉(zhuǎn)化成CB 血中UCB明顯升高 核黃疸的產(chǎn)生,,,51,Roter 綜合征,肝細胞攝取非結(jié)合膽紅素障礙肝細胞排泄結(jié)合膽紅素障礙非結(jié)合、結(jié)合膽紅素均增高肝活組織檢查正常,52,輔助檢查,B超 觀察肝膽脾胰的大小、形態(tài)
41、,及有無占位, 有無結(jié)石X線檢查 腹部平片可發(fā)現(xiàn)膽道鈣化結(jié)石 膽道造影可發(fā)現(xiàn)膽道結(jié)石影 并可判斷膽囊收縮功能及膽管有無擴張ERCP(經(jīng)十二指腸鏡逆行胰膽管造影) 區(qū)分肝內(nèi)或肝外膽管阻塞部位 直接觀察壺腹部、乳頭部、胰腺有無病變,53,54,輔助檢查,PTC(經(jīng)皮
42、肝穿刺膽管造影) 區(qū)分肝外膽管阻塞與肝內(nèi)膽汁淤積性黃疸, 對膽管阻塞部位、程度及范圍有所了解放射性核素檢查 198金,99锝,131碘-玫瑰紅上腹部CT掃描 鑒別肝、膽、胰等疾病引起的黃疸MRI(磁共振成像) 對良性腫瘤的鑒別比CT為優(yōu)肝穿刺活檢及腹腔鏡 對疑難黃疸病例的診斷,55,黃疸伴隨癥狀,伴發(fā)熱→急性膽管炎、肝膿腫;病毒性肝炎或急性溶血可先有發(fā)熱、后出現(xiàn)黃疸伴上腹劇烈疼痛
43、→膽道結(jié)石、膽道蛔蟲病;右上腹劇痛、寒戰(zhàn)高熱、黃疸為夏科(Charcot)三聯(lián)征,急性化膿性膽管炎伴肝腫大,持續(xù)性鈍痛或脹痛→ 病毒性肝炎、原發(fā)性肝癌伴膽囊腫大→膽總管梗阻,胰頭壺腹癌、膽總管癌等伴脾大、腹水→肝硬化失代償期、肝癌等,56,小 結(jié),1. 黃疸的概念。2. 溶血性、肝細胞性、膽汁淤積性黃疸的 特點。3. 三大黃疸的鑒別。,57,,,意識障礙Disturbance of consciousn
44、ess,定義Definition,意識障礙:是指人對周圍環(huán)境及自身狀態(tài)的識別和覺察能力出現(xiàn)障礙。Disturbance of consciousness is dysfunction of the ability that allow an individual to perceive, comprehend and act on the internal and external environments.,病因Etiology
45、,1 重癥急性感染:敗血癥,肺炎,痢疾、傷寒、顱腦感染1 Severe acute infection: sepsis, pneumonia, dysentery, typhoid, brain infection2 顱腦非感染性疾?。耗X血管病,腦占位性疾病,顱腦損傷,癲癇2 Brain non-infectious diseases: cerebrovascular diseases, brain tumor diseases
46、, brain injury, epilepsy 3 內(nèi)分泌與代謝障礙:尿毒癥,肝性腦病,肺性腦病,糖尿病性昏迷3 Endocrine and metabolic disorders: uremia, hepatic encephalopathy, pulmonary encephalopathy, diabetic coma 4 心血管疾?。褐囟刃菘?,重度心律失常,阿-斯綜合征4 Cardiovascular diseases
47、: Severe shock, severe arrythmia, Adams-Stokes syndrome,病因Etiology,5 水電解質(zhì)平衡紊亂 water factor and electrolyte imbalance: 水中毒,低鈉血癥 water intoxication, hyponatremia 6 外源性中毒 Exogenous poisoning: 酒精中毒alcoholic intoxication7
48、 物理性及缺氧性損害 physical and anoxic damages:中暑,觸電 heat shock, electric shock,發(fā)生機制,意識內(nèi)容:大腦皮質(zhì)功能活動“開關”系統(tǒng):特異性上行投射系統(tǒng)(經(jīng)典感覺傳導路徑)非特異性上行投射系統(tǒng)(腦干網(wǎng)狀結(jié)構)由于腦部缺氧、缺血、葡萄糖供給不足、酶代謝異常等因素致腦代謝紊亂,Consciousness refers to a set of neural process
49、es that allow an individual to perceive, comprehend, and act on the internal and external environments. It consists of two components: awareness and arousal.Awareness refers to the higher-level integration of multiple s
50、ensory inputs that permit meaningful understanding self and environment, residing in the cerebral cortex.Arousal refers to an “on-off switch” for the cortical awareness system by ascending reticular activating system (A
51、RAS), residing in the brainstem.Any injuries involving both bilateral diffuse cerebral cortex and/or brainstem can cause disturbance of consciousness.,發(fā)生機制Pathophysiology,臨床表現(xiàn)Clinical manifestation,Disturbances of con
52、sciousness can be classified according to degree, from minor to severe:1 嗜睡 somnolence: 最輕的意識障礙,病理性倦睡,可喚醒,正確回答和反應,停止刺激則入睡 It’s the lightest disturbances of consciousness, pathology tired sleep, can be awaken, can give t
53、he correct reply and response, but go to sleep after stoping the stimulation,臨床表現(xiàn)Clinical manifestation,2 意識模糊 confusion: 患者保持簡單的精神活動,但對時間,地點,人物的定向力發(fā)生障礙。 The patient maintains the simple spiritual activity, but has the
54、disturbances to the orientation of time, place and person.3 昏睡 stupor: 患者處于熟睡狀態(tài),不易喚醒,雖在強烈刺激下可被喚醒,但很快又在入睡。醒時答話含糊或答非所問。The patient is at deep sleep condition, not easy to be awaken, although awaken under the intense stimu
55、lation and with ambiguous or irrelevantly replies, but going to sleep very quickly.,4 昏迷 coma:嚴重的意識障礙,意識持續(xù)的中斷或完全喪失 It’s the serious disturbances of consciousness, consciousness retains interrupted or even loses complete
56、ly. (1) 輕度昏迷 mild coma:無自主活動,對聲光刺激無反應,對疼痛刺激有痛苦表情或肢體退縮等防御性反應;生理反射可存在。 It’s no spontaneous activity, no response to the sound-optic stimulation, having the defensive responses (painful expression or withdrawal limbs
57、) to the ache stimulation, the physiological reflection may exist.,(2) 中度昏迷 moderate coma :對周圍事物及各種刺激均無反應,對于劇烈刺激或可出現(xiàn)防御性反射,各種生理反射減弱或遲鈍,眼球無轉(zhuǎn)動。 It has no response to the surroundings and all kinds of stimulation, or may pre
58、sent the defensive reflex regarding the fierce stimulation, each physiological reflection is weaken or slow, the eyeball does not have the rotation. (3) 深度昏迷 deep coma:全身肌肉松弛,刺激無反應,深淺反射均消失The whole body muscle is
59、relaxation, no response to any stimulation, nor shallow reflection and deep reflection.,譫妄 delirium: 意識模糊,定向力喪失,感覺錯亂,躁動不安,言語雜亂 a speical disturbance of consciousness with increased excitability. For the patient, awarene
60、ss is fuzzy, the orientation ability loses, feeling is confused, move is restless, spoken words is disorderly.,伴隨癥狀Accompanying symptoms,發(fā)熱 fever 先發(fā)熱后意識障礙、先意識障礙后發(fā)熱呼吸緩慢 bradypnea 藥物中毒瞳孔散大 mydriasis 顛茄類、酒精、氰化物瞳孔縮
61、小 myosis 嗎啡、巴比妥類、有機磷心動過緩 bradycardia 顱內(nèi)高壓、心臟病高血壓 hypertension 高血壓腦病、腦血管意外、尿毒癥低血壓 hypotension 休克皮膚粘膜改變 mucocutaneous changes 嚴重感染、CO腦膜刺激征 meningeal irritation 腦膜炎
62、 蛛網(wǎng)膜下腔出血,,中年以上,有高血壓病史,活動時發(fā)病,突感頭痛、嘔吐、昏迷、鼾聲呼吸,偏癱。,頭顱MR,腦出血,突感 劇 烈頭痛,嘔吐,即之昏迷,頸有抵 抗,克尼格氏征 陽 性,,,腰穿,頭顱MR、腦血管造影,蛛網(wǎng)膜下腔出血,,,既往有心臟病史,特別是風心病心房纖顫著,突然抽搐、偏癱、昏迷,頭顱MR心電圖,腦栓塞,昏 迷不 醒,有似 深 睡 狀 態(tài),四 肢松軟、瞳孔縮小深入了解 病人有無心理 障 礙
63、,尋找藥 瓶,遺書.,,,安眠藥中毒,急性起病,高熱、劇烈頭痛、嘔吐、昏迷、頸項強直,血常規(guī),腦脊液檢查,化膿性腦膜炎,急 性 起 病 的 昏 迷,,,,,,,,,,冬季發(fā)病,有一氧化碳中毒的可能環(huán)境,晨起被發(fā)現(xiàn),昏迷、口唇成櫻桃紅色,面色潮紅,血清碳氧血紅蛋白測定,一氧化碳中毒,用胰島素治療的 糖尿病人,在飲食不當、胰島素用量過大,出現(xiàn)心悸、出汗、無力、面色蒼白、血壓下降,尿常規(guī)、血糖測定,低血糖昏迷,中年以上,有動脈硬化史,安靜狀態(tài)
64、下發(fā)病,現(xiàn)有肢體活動不利,逐漸癱瘓或有一過性黑蒙,惡心、嘔吐、昏迷,頭顱MR,腦血栓形成,青年、兒童,有結(jié)核病史,發(fā)熱、頭痛、惡心、嘔吐、逐漸昏迷、頸項強直,克尼格氏征陽性,胸片、腦脊液檢查,結(jié)核性腦膜炎,糖尿病病史,飲食控制不當,飲酒、感染后出現(xiàn)惡心、嘔吐、呼吸深大,呼氣有爛蘋果味,血糖、酮體測定,尿糖、尿酮體,血氣分析,糖尿病昏迷,亞 急 性 起 病 的 昏 迷,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,有慢性腎炎或高血壓病史,食欲減退,惡心
65、、嘔吐,表情談膜或煩躁,逐漸昏迷,皮膚蒼白,呼氣有氨味,尿常規(guī)、腎功能測定,尿毒癥,慢性肝病史,因感染、消化道大出血,大量放腹水后出現(xiàn)昏迷、黃疸、肝臭,肝大,肝功能、血氨測定,肝昏迷,慢性咳喘史,肺氣腫體征,發(fā)紺,呼吸困難,浮腫,X光胸片,血氣分析,肺性腦病,甲亢病史,高熱、出汗、腹瀉、煩躁不安、心動過速,逐漸出現(xiàn)昏迷,血清甲狀腺素測定,甲亢危象,慢 性 起 病 的 昏 迷,,,,,,,,,,,,,小 結(jié),意識障礙的定義意識
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