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1、分 類 編 ' v : 屮 不/ : 代 碼 : 100 6 5密 級(jí) : 空 ‘ ; : 10227033研 究 生 學(xué) 位 論 文論 文 題 目: 高中生自 我、 職業(yè)探索與職業(yè)成熟度的關(guān)系及 干 預(yù) 技 術(shù) 設(shè) 計(jì)學(xué) 生 姓 名 : 鄧 艷 慧 申請(qǐng) 學(xué) 位 級(jí) 別 : 碩 士專 業(yè) 名 稱 : 心理健康教育 研 究 方 向: 心理健康教育 指 導(dǎo) 教師 姓 名 : 王 曉 莊 專 業(yè) 技 術(shù) 職 稱 :副 教 授

2、提交 論文 日期 :2012 年 5 月A b stra c tW i t h the rapid developm entof econom y,the research of career d evel opm entandplanning h as aroused w idespread at ten ti on i n society.S uper' s theory ab ou tthe cho i ceof care

3、er d evelopm entand m ental -p hysicaldevel opm entst age i nd i cate th athighschoolst udents shoul d begi n t o consi d er t hei r occupat i ons and prep are t o appl y forcol leg e in t h ei r later stages of grow th

4、and in thei r expl orati on o f earl y st age ofoccupat i ons.H i gh schoolti m e i s a si gnifi cantperi od for hi gh schoolst udents'm ajorcho i ces and career prep arati on .In thi s study,the survey of high sch

5、oolst u dents ab outt hei r ego,career exp l orat i on,career m aturi t y ai m to understand t he devel opm entstat us and gi ve career devel opm entaland pl anni ng advi ses for hi gh schoolst udents.I n ord er t o

6、 i nvest i gate hi gh schoolst u dents'ego,career expl orati on,career m at uri t ydevel opm entstat us and t he rel at i onshi p am ong t he ab ove t hree vari ab l es,w e adoptquest i onnai res,i ncl udi ng M ent a

7、lH eal t h- rel at ed Sel f Q uest i onnai re of A dol escent ,C areer E xpl orati on Q uest i onnai re for M i ddle SchoolSt udents (C E S)and C areerM aturity Q uesti onnai re for M iddle S ch oo lS tudents.T he sam p

8、l e i n th is study iscom po sed of hi gh schoolst udent s i n T i anji n .T he num b er of t his sam p l e i s 32 8.W ei nvest igate t he relat i onshi p am ong hi gh schoolst udents'ego ,career exp l orat i on an

9、dcareer m at uri ty.T h e resul ts are as fo l l ow s. (l)H i gh schoolst udent s show a l ow car eer devel opm entl evel . T heego,career expl orati on and career m aturi t y devel opm entof hi gh schoolstudents i nt

10、 h e di m ensi ons of gender and soci alp racti ce act i vi t i es have no di fference.(2).T hecorrelation am ong ego , career exp l orat ion and vocati onalm aturi ty o f h i gh sch oo lst udents i s si gni fi cant. (3)

11、.T he ego and career expl orati on of hi gh schoolst udent s candi rectl y predi ctt hei r career m at uri t y.C oncl usi on : (l)H i gh schoolst udent sshow a l ow careerdevel opm entl evel . T here exists nosi gni

12、 fi cantdi fference i n gender,am ong ego,career exp l orati on and vocat i onalm at uri ty,addi ti onal l y,soci alpracti ce act i vi t ies t o enhance t he l evelof t hei r careerdevel op m enthas no rem arkabl e di ff

13、erence. (2)T he rel ati onshi p betw een hi gh schoolst udents'ego,career expl orat i on and career m at uri t y are cl ose. (3)E go and careerexplorati on posi ti vel y predi ctcareer m at uri ty.T he hi gher l evel

14、of ego and careerexpl orati on devel opm entof hi gh schoolst udent s,m eans t he hi gher career m at uri t y.T he resul t s show t hathi gh schoolst udent s'ego,career expl orat i on and career m at uri t y a

15、re i n al ow er-m i ddl e l evel,needi ng for upgradi ng and devel opm ent.T he rel at i onshi p bet w een ego , careerexpl orat ion and t he devel opm entof vocat i onalm at urit y are cl ose,good ego and career expl

16、orat i oncan pred i ctcareer m at uri t y.T herefore,t he t echni caldesi gn of career devel opm entcan i m prove t hel evelof hi gh schoolst udent s'career devel opm ent ,and prom ot e t hei r professi onalm at ur


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