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1、分類編號: 單位代碼: 10065密 級: ' T-號:09306100]教 育碩 士學(xué)位 論文論 文 題 目:以 自制 教 具促 進 物 理 探 究 實驗 的發(fā) 展學(xué) 生 姓 名 :李 明 申請學(xué)位級別 :教育碩 士申請專業(yè)名稱 : 學(xué)科教學(xué) ( 物理 )研 究 方 向: 物理教學(xué) 指導(dǎo)教師姓名 : 孫佩雄 專業(yè)技術(shù)職稱 :教授提 交 論 文 日期 : 2 0 12 年 3 月A b str a c tE xperi

2、m entalt eachi ng i s an i m port antpar tof physi cs t eachi ng,si nce, due to t het radi t i onalexam i nati on-ori ent ed educati on eff ect,i n physi cs t eachi ng,of t en onl y payat t ent i on t o t he t eacher&#

3、39; s t eachi ng,and negl ect ed t he st udent' s m ai n body st at us.A ndt hi s ki nd of t eachi ng m ode i s notonl y unabl e t o achi eve com prehensi ve devel opm entt he goalof qual i ty educat i on,but

4、al so can cul ti vat e i nnovat i ve t al ent s.T he newcurri cul um reform advocat es sci ent i fi c i nqui ry t eachi ng i deas,t o prom ot e al l - rounddevel opm entof physi cs i nqui ry experi m ent.T hi s pape

5、r i s di rected pri m ari l y t o prom ot e research experi m entof physi cssel f- m ade t eachi ng ai ds research,m ai nl y di vi ded i nt o fi ve chapt ers :t he fi rstchapt eri s t he i nt roducti on part,fi rstel abo

6、rat ed t he research necessi t y and pur pose,and t hencom bi ned w i t h the physi calexperi m entt eachi ng presentsi tuat i on,once agai nexpounded the research t he t heoret i calbasi s and a bri ef expl anat i on of

7、 severalcom m on physi cs teachi ng m odelm et hod ;t he second chapter i s t he sel f- m ade t eachi ngconnotati on,el aborated i n the round of sel f-m ade teachi ng ai ds st at us,defi ni ti on,characteristi

8、cs,function, signi fi cance and pri nci pl e of sel f-m ade t eachi ng ai ds, and t hespeci f i c st ep s i n t he process of m aki ng t he not e;t hi rd chapt er t o sel f-m ade t eachi ngai ds t o prom ot e t he

9、 i m port ance of physi calexperi m ent,enum erat es som e si m pl epri nci pl e,dem onst rati on ef fects obvi ousl y,very usefult eachi ng ai ds,separat el y fromt he dem onstrat i on experi m ent,t he st udents experi

10、 m entand physi cs experi m entandproduct i on of t hese t hree aspects,usi ng a vari et y of exam pl es are expounded,adetai l ed descri pti on of the sel f-m ade t eachi ng ai ds i n physi calexperi m entt eachi ng.T

11、he fourt h chapt er l i sts t he sel f- m ade teachi ng ai ds i n physi cs experi m ents of speci fi ccases,practi ce has proved t hatt he sel f- m ade real i a i n i nqui ry physi cs pl ays ani m port antrol e i n

12、 t he.T he fi ft h chapt er i st he concl usi on of t he st udy and refl ect i on.C om bi ned w i th t he research of the act ualsi t uat i on,i n order to prom ote t he researchexperi m entof physi cssel f- m ade t e

13、achi ng can st i m ul at e st udent s'l earni ng i ni t i at i ve,enhance t he st udents'practi calabi l i t y and i nnovati ve abi l i t y,broaden t he st udents'di vergentt hi nki ng and reverse t hi nki ng

14、,i m prove st udent s'i nqui ry ski l l s, t rai ni ngst udent s t he physi call ove,i m prove st udents'abi l i t y t o sol ve pract i calprobl em s,pr om ot e st udent s t o form t he cor rectw or l d out l oo

15、k,out l ook on l i f e and val ues,t oenabl e st udent s t o devel op a passi on for l i fe and charact er,devel op st udenti nt el l i gence,t he cul t i vat i on of st udent s'cr eat i vi t y.A l so l i st ed m ay

16、r est ri ctt hesel f- m ade t eachi ng ai dsand t he physi cs i nqui ry experi m ents fact ors,and on how t osol ve t hese probl em s and put s forw ard som e opi ni ons.keyw ords:sel f - m ade t eachi ng ai ds


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