1、論文中文題目 1 內容摘要 實行行為著手是刑法的基礎理論問題, 但是如何理解和具體認定實行行為著手,因中外刑法學者所持立場的迥異,素來是學說林立,歧見紛呈,至今尚未達成完全統一的理論見解。 就目前的理論研究現狀而言, 主觀說理論雖有一定的合理性, 但是單純的主觀說理論幾乎成為過時的理論, 已經鮮有學者對此觀點固守;而客觀說和折中說則至今活躍于刑法理論界, 尤其是在大陸法系, 關于此的學說見解異彩紛呈, 理論研究成果也頗為豐盛, 但并沒有
2、哪一種理論能夠占據絕對的上風; 而在我國雖然客觀說理論占據絕對的統治地位, 但隨著新興實質客觀說理論的興起, 傳統的一路暢通無阻的通說理論已然受到挑戰(zhàn), 見解分歧亦逐漸明朗化。 故而可以說實行行為著手認定的標準最終要達成統一的理論意見仍然任重而道遠。 然而理論的研究總是以指導具體的實踐為最終目的, 刑法理論研究存在的諸多分歧異見必然加劇司法實踐操作的難度, 故而加深對這一困擾刑法界多年的刑法基石理論——實行行為著手的研究實屬理論必然。
3、為此, 筆者試圖對實行行為著手問題進行粗淺的探討, 并通過研習借鑒中外刑法理論的研究成果, 在此基礎上提出認定實行行為的著手所應當堅持的標準和應注意的問題。 具體的內容主要包括以下三個部分: 第一部分, 實行行為及其著手概述。 該部分主要是對實行行為及其著手的基本問題進行闡述,并通過對實行行為著手概念的初步界定和對其性質意義的探討, 彰顯實行行為著手在刑法理論中的重要性, 進而為下文探討實行行為著手的認定標準作理論鋪墊。 第二部分, 實
4、行行為著手認定標準之理論分析。 該部分在探討評述大陸法系、英美法系和我國刑法理論關于實行行為著手認定標準的基礎上, 提出筆者認為認定實行行為著手應當遵循的更為合理的標準, 即實行行為著手的判斷應當堅持雙重層次的判斷標準: 首先對具體行為進行規(guī)范的定型性分析, 然后在此基礎上對具體行為進行實質的法益侵害緊迫危險判讀, 符合該雙層判斷標準的行為方能認定為實行行為著手。 論文中文題目 1 Abstract Abstract Perpetrat
5、ing act implementation is the essential theoretical issue of criminal law, and there are always various theories and viewpoints from scholars of criminal law in China and foreign countries. Up to now, a completely unifie
6、d theoretical insight is in absence. in accordance with the current theoretical research, on one hand, the pure Subjective Theory in criminal law has almost become outdated, together with few scholars insisting on it, ev
7、en though there is some certain reasonability in the theory. On the other hand, the Objective Theory and Compromise Theory are still active in criminal theories, especially in civil law system. In general, there are rela
8、ted theories and theoretical research achievements blossoming with on one taking absolute authority. In China, the Objective Theory takes a dominant position. However, followed with the new Essential Objective Theories’
9、developing, the common theory which traditionally was all way unimpeded has been challenged. As time goes by, divergence in theories is gradually clear. Hence, there is still a long way to reach a unified theory in ident
10、ifying the perpetrating act proceeding. The theoretical research finally aims to guide the specific practice. However, various divergences in the theoretical research in criminal law would absolutely increase the difficu
11、lty in juridical practice. therefore, it is essential to take a research in perpetrating act proceeding, which has been a unsolved basic problem in criminal law. For this purpose, this paper has made a discussion about t
12、his question by taking the theoretical research results both in Chinese and foreign criminal law. Finally, this paper would come up with a conclusion about the standard and question involved in proceeding perpetrating ac
13、t. Details of the content mainly consist of the following three sections. Section one, the overview of perpetrating act and its proceeding. This part mainly talks about the basic questions about the perpetrating act and
14、its proceeding. Based on this, there will be primary definition about relevant concepts and discussion about its characteristics and significance to highlight the importance of this theory. In general, this section would
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