1、分 類 編 兮 :密 級 :單 位 代 碼 : 10065' 7 -號 :0928602 1硏 究 生 學(xué)位 論 文論 文 題 目 : 人教版高中語文教材與 《 美國語文》練 習 設(shè) 計 比較 研 究學(xué) 生 姓 名 : 唐 小 玲 中請 學(xué) 位 級 別 : 碩 士申請 專 業(yè) 名 稱 : 課 程 與教 學(xué) 論研 究 方 向 : 語 文教 學(xué) 論指 導(dǎo)教師 姓 名 : 熊成鋼 專 業(yè)技術(shù)職稱 : 副教授提 交
2、論文 曰期 : 20 12 年 4 月 A B S T R A C TI n general,l angu age teachi ng m ateri al s can be di vi ded i nto severalaspects of t h etextsyst em s,practi ce desi gn system s,operati ng system s and know l edge syst em s.O p
3、erati ng syst em or exerci se desi gned em bodi es t he t ext book w ri t i ng characteri sti csand i ts v al u e and i t s i m p ortantposi t i on i n teachi ng books has gotm ore and m orea tte n tio n .In t h e A nt
4、h ology lan guage text books,t h e exercise syst em notonl y sh ow s t h ew ri ter' s ow n i ntent ions,an d deci des t he est ab l i shm entof t he text book syst em ,t h eposi ti oni ng of t he teachi ng objecti v
5、es,t he choi ce of teachi n g content ,teachi n gacti v i t ies,gu ideli nes and i nterp ret ati on po i nto f view of th e tex t,etc.w h i ch can b esai d t hati thas a st rong i m pacton t he cont entand form of org
6、an i zati on of l an guageteach i ng .T each i ng books i s t he m edi um t o acti ve t he l angu age course,practi ce desi gn i nC h i nese teach i ng b ook s putt h e course cont enti nt o dom i nance and form s t
7、 h e propellero f t h e teach i n g content.E x ercises design ed for specific selected text,w illexh um edt h e texti m p l i es stat i c l angu age courses and determ i ne t h e t eachi ng objecti ves of a t extw h
8、 ic h w illb e th e a c tu a lc o u rse c o n ten t.T h erefore,i n-dept h st u dy of exerci ses desi gned to bet t er pl ay i t s due rol e i n t h esyst em of l anguage t eachi ng m at eri al s i s necessary.T he
9、 st ruct ure of t h i s paper i s from t he begi nni ng of t h e discussi on of f u nct i on oflangu age t each i ng practi ce,and putt h e exerci ses desi gned t o t he syst em form ed w i t ht hree i nt errel
10、 ated and i nteracti on fact or,l anguage courses,l anguage teachi ng,langu age l earni ng to exam i n ed,accordi ng t o t h e t heori es of textbooks,t o determ i net h e fUnct ion of t he exerci ses desi gned w h i
11、 ch sh oul d h ave i n determ i ni ng t eachi ngcontentand st udents'l angu age l i t eracy t rai ni ng from t h e poi ntof vi ew of langu agecourse.T h e si t uati on of C orresp ondi ng funct i onalop
12、erat i on of Si no-U S t ext booksw i l lbe t he f ram ew ork of com parati ve anal ysi s of t he t w o sets of t ext books.S t ri v e t o l ooki ng for t h e p otent i ali m pactas w el las w ri ti ng ru l es of
13、 t h e practi cedesi gn of t ext books by the com pare and t hen proposed st rategi es t o i m prove exerci sepract ice design .M ostof t h e st udi es w i l ltake the t yp i calexam pl e of t he t extas a case,t hen
14、t hrough t he com parison of t he Si no-U S l anguage t each i ng practi ce system tosum m ari ze t he advantages and di sadvantages,and t hen putforw ard reform proposal s:to i n crease t h e k now l ed ge contentof
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